$customers = $DB->GetALL("SELECT * FROM customerassignments WHERE customergroupid=" . $groups[0]['id']); foreach ($customers as $customer) { $name = $LMS->GetCustomerName($customer['customerid']); printf("%4d: %s\n", $customer['customerid'], $name); } } else { $customers = $DB->GetAll('SELECT * FROM customers WHERE status=3 and deleted=0'); if (count($customers) and !$test) { $msgid = create_message($tmpl['name'], $tmpl['message']); } $razem = 0; $ilosc = 0; $tresc = ''; foreach ($customers as $customer) { $id = $customer['id']; $balance = $LMS->GetCustomerBalance($id); $covenant = 0; $oplata = 0; $assignments = $LMS->GetCustomerAssignments($id, true); #if ($customer['id']==2) print_r($assignments); if (is_array($assignments)) { foreach ($assignments as $assignment) { if ($assignment['liabilityid']) { #print $assignment['period']."\n"; if ($assignment['period'] == 'rocznie' and $assignment['at'] == $yearday or $assignment['period'] == 'jednorazowo' and $assignment['at'] == $mday) { $covenant += $assignment['discounted_value']; } #else echo "Poza zakresem!: '".$assignment['at']."'/'".$yearday."'\n"; } elseif ($assignment['datefrom'] == 0 or $assignment['datefrom'] < time()) { if ($assignment['period'] == 'rocznie') { $covenant += 11 * $assignment['discounted_value'];
die("Fatal error: Can't init curl library!\n"); } $query = "SELECT d.id, d.number, d.cdate, c.email, d.name, d.customerid, n.template \n\t\tFROM documents d \n\t\tLEFT JOIN customers c ON c.id = d.customerid \n\t\tLEFT JOIN numberplans n ON n.id = d.numberplanid \n\t\tWHERE c.deleted = 0 AND d.type IN (1,3) AND c.email <> '' AND c.invoicenotice = 1 " . (!empty($invoiceid) ? "AND d.id = " . $invoiceid : "AND d.cdate >= {$daystart} AND d.cdate <= {$dayend}") . (!empty($groupnames) ? $customergroups : "") . " ORDER BY d.number"; $docs = $DB->GetAll($query); if (!empty($docs)) { foreach ($docs as $doc) { curl_setopt_array($ch, array(CURLOPT_URL => $lms_url . '/?m=invoice&override=1&original=1&id=' . $doc['id'] . '&loginform[login]=' . $lms_user . '&loginform[pwd]=' . $lms_password, CURLOPT_HTTPGET => TRUE, CURLOPT_POST => FALSE, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR => COOKIE_FILE, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE => COOKIE_FILE, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION => 3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => FALSE, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => USER_AGENT)); $res = curl_exec($ch); if (!empty($res)) { $custemail = !empty($debug_email) ? $debug_email : $doc['email']; $invoice_number = !empty($doc['template']) ? $doc['template'] : '%N/LMS/%Y'; $body = $mail_body; $subject = $mail_subject; $invoice_number = docnumber($doc['number'], $invoice_number, $doc['cdate'] + date('Z')); $body = preg_replace('/%invoice/', $invoice_number, $body); $body = preg_replace('/%balance/', $LMS->GetCustomerBalance($doc['customerid']), $body); $day = sprintf("%02d", $day); $month = sprintf("%02d", $month); $year = sprintf("%04d", $year); $body = preg_replace('/%today/', $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day, $body); $body = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $body); $subject = preg_replace('/%invoice/', $invoice_number, $subject); $filename = preg_replace('/%docid/', $doc['id'], $invoice_filename); if (!$quiet || $test) { printf("Invoice No. {$invoice_number} for " . $doc['name'] . " <{$custemail}>\n"); } if (!$test) { $headers = array('From' => $from, 'To' => qp_encode($doc['name']) . ' <' . $custemail . '>', 'Subject' => $subject); if (!empty($notify_email)) { $headers['Cc'] = $notify_email; }