Exemple #1
  * @param string Url as generated by Kwf_Assets_Package::getPackageUrls
  * @param string Kwf_Media_Output::ENCODING_*
 public static function getOutputForUrl($url, $encoding)
     if (substr($url, 0, 21) != '/assets/dependencies/') {
         throw new Kwf_Exception("invalid url: '{$url}'");
     $url = substr($url, 21);
     if (strpos($url, '?') !== false) {
         $url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '?'));
     if (substr($url, -4) == '.map' && !self::allowSourceAccess()) {
         throw new Kwf_Exception_AccessDenied();
     if ($encoding != 'none') {
         //own cache for encoded contents, not using Kwf_Assets_Cache as we don't need to in two-level cache
         $cacheId = 'as_' . self::_getCacheIdByUrl($url) . '_' . $encoding;
         $ret = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId);
         if ($ret === false) {
             $ret = self::_getOutputForUrlNoEncoding($url);
             $ret['contents'] = Kwf_Media_Output::encode($ret['contents'], $encoding);
             $ret['encoding'] = $encoding;
             Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $ret);
         return $ret;
     } else {
         return self::_getOutputForUrlNoEncoding($url);
Exemple #2
 public static function getVendorProviders()
     $cacheId = 'assets-vendor-providers';
     $cachedProviders = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId);
     if ($cachedProviders === false) {
         $cachedProviders = array();
         foreach (glob(VENDOR_PATH . "/*/*") as $i) {
             if (is_dir($i) && file_exists($i . '/dependencies.ini')) {
                 $config = new Zend_Config_Ini($i . '/dependencies.ini', 'config');
                 if ($config->provider) {
                     $provider = $config->provider;
                     if (is_string($provider)) {
                         $provider = array($provider);
                     foreach ($provider as $p) {
                         $cachedProviders[] = array('cls' => $p, 'file' => $i . '/dependencies.ini');
         foreach (glob(VENDOR_PATH . '/bower_components/*') as $i) {
             $cachedProviders[] = array('cls' => 'Kwf_Assets_Provider_BowerBuiltFile', 'file' => $i);
         Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $cachedProviders);
     $providers = array();
     foreach ($cachedProviders as $p) {
         $cls = $p['cls'];
         $providers[] = new $cls($p['file']);
     if (VENDOR_PATH == '../vendor') {
         $providers[] = new Kwf_Assets_Provider_Ini('../dependencies.ini');
     return $providers;
 public function tearDown()
 public function remove($cacheId)
     Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::_delete('asb-' . $cacheId);
     $fileName = self::$_buildDir . '/' . $cacheId;
     if (file_exists($fileName)) {
         return true;
 public function remove($cacheIds)
     if (!is_array($cacheIds)) {
         $cacheIds = array($cacheIds);
     $staticIds = array();
     foreach ($cacheIds as $cacheId) {
         self::_getFileCacheInstance()->remove(str_replace('-', '_', $cacheId));
         $staticIds[] = 'as-' . $cacheId;
 protected function _getUseComponentId()
     if (!isset($this->_useComponentId)) {
         $cacheId = 'useCmpId-' . $this->_class . '-' . $this->_settings['generator'];
         //cache to delay model creation
         $this->_useComponentId = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId, $success);
         if (!$success) {
             $this->_useComponentId = $this->_getModel()->hasColumn('component_id');
             Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $this->_useComponentId);
     return $this->_useComponentId;
 public static function getMasterStyles()
     $cacheId = 'textMasterSyles';
     $ret = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId);
     if ($ret !== false) {
         return $ret;
     $package = Kwf_Assets_Package_Default::getInstance('Frontend');
     $ret = array();
     foreach ($package->getDependency()->getFilteredUniqueDependencies('text/css') as $dep) {
         $ret = array_merge($ret, self::parseMasterStyles($dep->getContentsSourceString()));
     Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $ret);
     return $ret;
 public static function getPrivatePart()
     $salt = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch('hashpp-');
     if (!$salt) {
         if ($salt = Kwf_Config::getValue('hashPrivatePart')) {
             //defined in config, required if multiple webservers should share the same salt
         } else {
             $hashFile = 'cache/hashprivatepart';
             if (!file_exists($hashFile)) {
                 file_put_contents($hashFile, time() . rand(100000, 1000000));
             $salt = file_get_contents($hashFile);
             Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add('hashpp-', $salt);
     return $salt;
 public static function reload()
     $configClass = Kwf_Setup::$configClass;
     $config = new $configClass(Kwf_Setup::getConfigSection());
     $cacheId = 'config_' . str_replace(array('-', '.'), '_', Kwf_Setup::getConfigSection());
     Kwf_Config_Cache::getInstance()->save($config, $cacheId);
     if (extension_loaded('apc')) {
         $apcCacheId = $cacheId . getcwd();
         apc_delete($apcCacheId . 'mtime');
         if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') {
             Kwf_Util_Apc::callClearCacheByCli(array(array('cacheIds' => $apcCacheId . ',' . $apcCacheId . 'mtime')));
     Kwf_Registry::set('config', $config);
 protected function _getConfig()
     $ret = parent::_getConfig();
     $cacheId = 'extConfig_multiFileUpload_' . $this->_class;
     $multiFileUpload = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId, $success);
     if (!$success) {
         $multiFileUpload = false;
         $form = Kwc_Abstract_Form::createChildComponentForm($this->_class, 'child');
         if ($form && ($field = $this->_getFileUploadField($form))) {
             $multiFileUpload = array('allowOnlyImages' => $field->getAllowOnlyImages(), 'maxResolution' => $field->getMaxResolution(), 'maxResolution' => $field->getMaxResolution(), 'fileSizeLimit' => $field->getFileSizeLimit());
         Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $multiFileUpload);
     $ret['list']['multiFileUpload'] = $multiFileUpload;
     $ret['list']['maxEntries'] = Kwc_Abstract::getSetting($this->_class, 'maxEntries');
     $ret['list']['maxEntriesErrorMessage'] = trlKwf("Can't create more than {0} entries.", $ret['list']['maxEntries']);
     return $ret;
Exemple #11
 protected static function _getAllPaths()
     static $paths;
     if (!isset($paths)) {
         $cacheId = 'assets-file-paths';
         $paths = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId);
         if ($paths === false) {
             $paths = array('webComponents' => 'components', 'webThemes' => 'themes');
             $vendors[] = KWF_PATH;
             //required for kwf tests, in web kwf is twice in $vendors but that's not a problem
             $vendors[] = '.';
             $vendors = array_merge($vendors, glob(VENDOR_PATH . "/*/*"));
             foreach ($vendors as $i) {
                 if (is_dir($i) && file_exists($i . '/dependencies.ini')) {
                     $c = new Zend_Config_Ini($i . '/dependencies.ini');
                     if ($c->config) {
                         $dep = new Zend_Config_Ini($i . '/dependencies.ini', 'config');
                         $pathType = (string) $dep->pathType;
                         if ($pathType) {
                             $paths[$pathType] = $i;
             foreach (glob(VENDOR_PATH . '/bower_components/*') as $i) {
                 $type = substr($i, strlen(VENDOR_PATH . '/bower_components/'));
                 if (substr($type, -3) == '.js') {
                     $type = substr($type, 0, -3);
                 if (substr($type, -2) == 'js') {
                     $paths[$type] = $i;
                     $type = substr($type, 0, -2);
                 $paths[$type] = $i;
             $paths['web'] = '.';
             Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $paths);
     return $paths;
 public function getCartComponentClass()
     if ($this->_cartComponentClass) {
         return $this->_cartComponentClass;
     $cacheId = 'kwc-shop-cart-default-cc';
     if (!($ret = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId))) {
         $classes = array();
         foreach (Kwc_Abstract::getComponentClasses() as $c) {
             if (is_instance_of($c, 'Kwc_Shop_Cart_Component')) {
                 $classes[] = $c;
         if (count($classes) != 1) {
             throw new Kwf_Exception("Not exactly one Kwc_Shop_Cart_Component found, set _cartComponentClass manually");
         $ret = $classes[0];
         Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $ret);
         $this->_cartComponentClass = $ret;
     return $ret;
 private function _fireTagEvent($event, $directory, $itemId = null)
     $cacheId = 'kwc-dirlistview-isdata-' . $this->_class;
     $dirIs = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId);
     if ($dirIs === false) {
         $dirIs = array('data' => false, 'string' => false);
         foreach (Kwc_Abstract::getComponentClasses() as $class) {
             if (in_array('Kwc_Directories_List_Component', Kwc_Abstract::getParentClasses($class)) || in_array('Kwc_Directories_List_Trl_Component', Kwc_Abstract::getParentClasses($class))) {
                 if (Kwc_Abstract::hasChildComponentClass($class, 'child', 'view') && $this->_class == Kwc_Abstract::getChildComponentClass($class, 'child', 'view')) {
                     $isData = call_user_func(array(strpos($class, '.') ? substr($class, 0, strpos($class, '.')) : $class, 'getItemDirectoryIsData'), $class);
                     if ($isData) {
                         $dirIs['data'] = true;
                     } else {
                         $dirIs['string'] = true;
         Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $dirIs);
     $event = "Kwf_Component_Event_ComponentClass_Tag_{$event}";
     if ($itemId) {
         if ($dirIs['data']) {
             $this->fireEvent(new $event($this->_class, $directory->componentId, $itemId));
         if ($dirIs['string']) {
             $this->fireEvent(new $event($this->_class, $directory->componentClass, $itemId));
     } else {
         if ($dirIs['data']) {
             $this->fireEvent(new $event($this->_class, $directory->componentId));
         if ($dirIs['string']) {
             $this->fireEvent(new $event($this->_class, $directory->componentClass));
Exemple #14
 public static function dispatchUtils()
     if ($_POST['password'] != self::_getHttpPassword()) {
         throw new Kwf_Exception_AccessDenied();
     $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $baseUrl = Kwf_Setup::getBaseUrl();
     if ($baseUrl && substr($uri, 0, strlen($baseUrl)) == $baseUrl) {
         $uri = substr($uri, strlen($baseUrl));
     if (substr($uri, 0, 25) == '/kwf/util/apc/clear-cache') {
         $s = microtime(true);
         if (isset($_REQUEST['deleteCacheSimple'])) {
             foreach (explode(',', $_REQUEST['deleteCacheSimple']) as $id) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['clearCacheSimpleStatic'])) {
             foreach (explode(',', $_REQUEST['clearCacheSimpleStatic']) as $id) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['deleteCacheSimpleStatic'])) {
             foreach (explode(',', $_REQUEST['deleteCacheSimpleStatic']) as $id) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['cacheIds'])) {
             foreach (explode(',', $_REQUEST['cacheIds']) as $cacheId) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['files']) && function_exists('apc_delete_file')) {
             foreach (explode(',', $_REQUEST['files']) as $file) {
         } else {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] == 'user') {
                 if (extension_loaded('apcu')) {
                 } else {
             } else {
                 if (!extension_loaded('apcu')) {
         echo 'OK ' . round((microtime(true) - $s) * 1000) . ' ms';
     } else {
         if (substr($uri, 0, 24) == '/kwf/util/apc/save-cache') {
             $data = unserialize($_REQUEST['data']);
             if (apc_store($_REQUEST['id'], $data)) {
                 echo 'OK';
             } else {
                 echo 'ERROR';
         } else {
             if (substr($uri, 0, 31) == '/kwf/util/apc/get-counter-value') {
                 $prefix = Kwf_Cache::getUniquePrefix() . 'bench-';
                 echo apc_fetch($prefix . $_GET['name']);
             } else {
                 if ($uri == '/kwf/util/apc/stats') {
                 } else {
                     if ($uri == '/kwf/util/apc/iterate') {
                     } else {
                         if ($uri == '/kwf/util/apc/is-loaded') {
                             if (extension_loaded('apc')) {
                                 echo 'OK1';
                             } else {
                                 echo 'OK0';
                         } else {
                             if ($uri == '/kwf/util/apc/get-hostname') {
                                 echo php_uname('n');
     throw new Kwf_Exception_NotFound();
Exemple #15
 private static function _clearAssetsAll($fileType = null)
     if (!$fileType) {
     $fileNames = array('cache/assets/output-cache-ids-' . $fileType, 'build/assets/output-cache-ids-' . $fileType);
     foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) {
         if (file_exists($fileName)) {
             $cacheIds = file($fileName);
             foreach ($cacheIds as $cacheId) {
                 $cacheId = trim($cacheId);
                 echo $cacheId;
                 if (Kwf_Assets_Cache::getInstance()->remove($cacheId)) {
                     echo " [DELETED]";
                 if (Kwf_Assets_BuildCache::getInstance()->remove($cacheId)) {
                     echo " [build DELETED]";
                 if (Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::_delete(array('as_' . $cacheId . '_gzip', 'as_' . $cacheId . '_deflate'))) {
                     echo " [gzip DELETED]";
                 if (Kwf_Assets_Cache::getInstance()->remove($cacheId . '_map')) {
                     echo " [map DELETED]";
                 if (Kwf_Assets_BuildCache::getInstance()->remove($cacheId . '_map')) {
                     echo " [build map DELETED]";
                 if (Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::_delete(array('as_' . $cacheId . '_map_gzip', 'as_' . $cacheId . '_map_deflate'))) {
                     echo " [map_gzip DELETED]";
                 echo "\n";
     $fileName = 'build/assets/package-max-mtime-' . $fileType;
     if (file_exists($fileName)) {
         $cacheIds = file($fileName);
         foreach ($cacheIds as $cacheId) {
             $cacheId = trim($cacheId);
             echo $cacheId;
             if (Kwf_Assets_BuildCache::getInstance()->remove($cacheId)) {
                 echo " [DELETED]";
             echo "\n";
     $a = new Kwf_Util_Build_Types_Assets();
 public function getPathTypes()
     if (isset($this->_pathTypesCache)) {
         return $this->_pathTypesCache;
     if (isset($this->_pathTypesCacheId)) {
         $ret = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($this->_pathTypesCacheId);
         if ($ret !== false) {
             $this->_pathTypesCache = $ret;
             return $ret;
     $ret = array('webComponents' => 'components', 'webThemes' => 'themes');
     $vendors[] = KWF_PATH;
     //required for kwf tests, in web kwf is twice in $vendors but that's not a problem
     $vendors[] = '.';
     $vendors = array_merge($vendors, glob(VENDOR_PATH . "/*/*"));
     foreach ($vendors as $i) {
         if (is_dir($i) && file_exists($i . '/dependencies.ini')) {
             $c = new Zend_Config_Ini($i . '/dependencies.ini');
             if ($c->config) {
                 $dep = new Zend_Config_Ini($i . '/dependencies.ini', 'config');
                 $pathType = (string) $dep->pathType;
                 if ($pathType) {
                     $ret[$pathType] = $i;
     foreach ($this->_providers as $p) {
         $ret = array_merge($ret, $p->getPathTypes());
     $ret['web'] = '.';
     Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($this->_pathTypesCacheId, $ret);
     $this->_pathTypesCache = $ret;
     return $ret;
 public static function getComponentTemplate($componentClass, $type = 'Component')
     $cacheId = 'twig-cmp-' . $componentClass . '-' . $type;
     $ret = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId);
     if ($ret !== false) {
         return $ret;
     $file = null;
     if ($type == 'Master' && Kwc_Abstract::hasSetting($componentClass, 'masterTemplate') && Kwc_Abstract::getSetting($componentClass, 'masterTemplate')) {
         $relativeToIncludePath = Kwc_Abstract::getSetting($componentClass, 'masterTemplate');
     } else {
         static $namespaces;
         if (!isset($namespaces)) {
             $namespaces = (include VENDOR_PATH . '/composer/autoload_namespaces.php');
         $pos = strpos($componentClass, '_');
         $ns1 = substr($componentClass, 0, $pos + 1);
         $pos = strpos($componentClass, '_', $pos + 1);
         if ($pos !== false) {
             $ns2 = substr($componentClass, 0, $pos + 1);
         } else {
             $ns2 = $componentClass;
         $relativeToIncludePath = $componentClass;
         if (substr($relativeToIncludePath, -10) == '_Component') {
             $relativeToIncludePath = substr($relativeToIncludePath, 0, -10);
         $relativeToIncludePath .= '_' . $type;
         $relativeToIncludePath = str_replace('_', '/', $relativeToIncludePath) . '.twig';
         $dirs = false;
         if (isset($namespaces[$ns2])) {
             $dirs = $namespaces[$ns2];
         } else {
             if (isset($namespaces[$ns1])) {
                 $dirs = $namespaces[$ns1];
         if ($dirs !== false) {
             if (count($dirs) == 1) {
                 $file = $dirs[0] . '/' . $relativeToIncludePath;
             } else {
                 foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
                     if (file_exists($dir . '/' . $relativeToIncludePath)) {
                         $dir = rtrim($dir, '/');
                         if (VENDOR_PATH == '../vendor') {
                             //hack for tests. proper solution would be not to change cwd into /tests
                             if ($dir == KWF_PATH) {
                                 $dir = '..';
                         $file = $dir . '/' . $relativeToIncludePath;
     if ($file) {
         $ret = $file;
     } else {
         $ret = null;
         foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path()) as $ip) {
             $file = $ip . '/' . $relativeToIncludePath;
             if (file_exists(getcwd() . '/' . $file)) {
                 $ret = getcwd() . '/' . $file;
         if (!$ret) {
             throw new Kwf_Exception("Can't find {$type} template for {$componentClass} {$relativeToIncludePath}");
     if (VENDOR_PATH == '../vendor') {
         $cwd = getcwd();
         $cwd = substr($cwd, 0, strrpos($cwd, '/'));
         if (substr($ret, 0, strlen($cwd)) != $cwd) {
             throw new Kwf_Exception("'{$ret}' not in cwd");
         $ret = '../' . substr($ret, strlen($cwd) + 1);
     } else {
         if (substr($ret, 0, strlen(getcwd())) != getcwd()) {
             throw new Kwf_Exception("'{$ret}' not in cwd");
         $ret = substr($ret, strlen(getcwd()) + 1);
     Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $ret);
     return $ret;
Exemple #18
 public static function fireEvent($event)
     $logger = Kwf_Events_Log::getInstance();
     if ($logger && $logger->indent == 0) {
     $class = $event->class;
     $eventClass = get_class($event);
     $cacheId = '-ev-lst-' . Kwf_Component_Data_Root::getComponentClass() . '-' . $eventClass . '-' . $class;
     $callbacks = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId);
     if ($callbacks === false) {
         $listeners = self::getAllListeners();
         $callbacks = array();
         if ($class && isset($listeners[$eventClass][$class])) {
             $callbacks = $listeners[$eventClass][$class];
         if (isset($listeners[$eventClass]['all'])) {
             $callbacks = array_merge($callbacks, $listeners[$eventClass]['all']);
         Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $callbacks);
     if ($logger) {
         $logger->info($event->__toString() . ':');
     static $callbackBenchmark = array();
     foreach ($callbacks as $callback) {
         $ev = call_user_func(array($callback['class'], 'getInstance'), $callback['class'], $callback['config']);
         if ($logger) {
             $msg = '-> ' . $callback['class'] . '::' . $callback['method'] . '(' . Kwf_Debug::_btArgsString($callback['config']) . ')';
             $logger->info($msg . ':');
             $start = microtime(true);
         if ($logger) {
             if (!isset($callbackBenchmark[$callback['class'] . '::' . $callback['method']])) {
                 $callbackBenchmark[$callback['class'] . '::' . $callback['method']] = array('calls' => 0, 'time' => 0);
             $callbackBenchmark[$callback['class'] . '::' . $callback['method']]['calls']++;
             $callbackBenchmark[$callback['class'] . '::' . $callback['method']]['time'] += (microtime(true) - $start) * 1000;
             //ATM includes everything which is missleading
     if ($logger) {
         if ($logger->indent == 0) {
             foreach ($callbackBenchmark as $cb => $i) {
                 $logger->info(sprintf("% 3d", $i['calls']) . "x " . sprintf("%3d", round($i['time'], 0)) . " ms: {$cb}");
             $callbackBenchmark = array();
  * Returns child components recursively
  * This method usually is very efficient and tries to create as less data objects as possible.
  * It is still a complex operation thus should not get called too often.
  * @param Kwf_Component_Select|array what to search for
  * @param Kwf_Component_Select|array how deep to search
  * @return array(Kwf_Component_Data)
 public function getRecursiveChildComponents($select = array(), $childSelect = array('page' => false))
     if (is_array($select)) {
         $select = new Kwf_Component_Select($select);
     } else {
         $select = clone $select;
     if (is_array($childSelect)) {
         $childSelect = new Kwf_Component_Select($childSelect);
     $ret = $this->getChildComponents($select);
     if ($select->hasPart('limitCount') && $select->getPart('limitCount') <= count($ret)) {
         return $ret;
     $genSelect = new Kwf_Component_Select();
     $genSelect->copyParts(array(Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_HOME, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_PAGE, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_PSEUDO_PAGE, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_FLAGS, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_BOX, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_MULTI_BOX, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_SHOW_IN_MENU, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_COMPONENT_CLASSES, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_PAGE_GENERATOR, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_GENERATOR, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_HAS_EDIT_COMPONENTS, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_INHERIT, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_UNIQUE, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_GENERATOR_CLASS, Kwf_Component_Select::WHERE_COMPONENT_KEY), $select);
     $selectHash = md5($genSelect->getHash() . $childSelect->getHash());
     $cacheId = 'recCCGen-' . $selectHash . $this->componentClass . implode('__', $this->inheritClasses);
     $generators = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId, $success);
     if (!$success) {
         //get (statically=fast and cached) all generators that could create the component we are looking for
         $generators = $this->_getRecursiveGenerators(Kwc_Abstract::getChildComponentClasses($this, $childSelect), $genSelect, $childSelect, $selectHash);
         Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $generators);
     $noSubPages = $childSelect->hasPart('wherePage') && !$childSelect->getPart('wherePage') || $childSelect->hasPart('wherePseudoPage') && !$childSelect->getPart('wherePseudoPage');
     if ($noSubPages) {
     } else {
     foreach ($generators as $g) {
         if ($g['type'] == 'notStatic') {
             $gen = Kwf_Component_Generator_Abstract::getInstance($g['class'], $g['key']);
             $s = clone $select;
             if (!$noSubPages) {
                 //unset limit as we may have filter away results
             foreach ($gen->getChildData(null, $s) as $d) {
                 $add = true;
                 if (!$noSubPages) {
                     // sucht über unterseiten hinweg, wird hier erst im Nachhinein gehandelt, langsam
                     $add = false;
                     $c = $d;
                     while (!$add && $c) {
                         if ($c->componentId == $this->componentId) {
                             $add = true;
                         $c = $c->parent;
                 if ($add && !in_array($d, $ret, true)) {
                     $ret[] = $d;
                     if ($select->hasPart('limitCount') && $select->getPart('limitCount') <= count($ret)) {
                         return $ret;
     foreach ($generators as $k => $g) {
         if ($g['type'] == 'cards') {
             $lookingForDefault = true;
             if ($select->hasPart('whereComponentClasses')) {
                 $gen = Kwf_Component_Generator_Abstract::getInstance($g['class'], $g['key'], array(), $g['pluginBaseComponentClass']);
                 $classes = array_values($gen->getChildComponentClasses());
                 $defaultCardClass = $classes[0];
                 if (!in_array($defaultCardClass, $select->getPart('whereComponentClasses'))) {
                     $lookingForDefault = false;
             if ($lookingForDefault) {
                 //we have to look for it like for a static component because it's the default value that might not be in the table
                 //this is not so efficient
                 $generators[$k]['type'] = 'static';
                 //(kind of hackish to change the type here but works for now)
             } else {
                 $gen = Kwf_Component_Generator_Abstract::getInstance($g['class'], $g['key'], array(), $g['pluginBaseComponentClass']);
                 foreach ($gen->getChildData(null, clone $select) as $d) {
                     $ret[] = $d;
                     if ($select->hasPart('limitCount') && $select->getPart('limitCount') <= count($ret)) {
                         return $ret;
     $staticGeneratorComponentClasses = array();
     foreach ($generators as $k => $g) {
         if ($g['type'] == 'static') {
             if ($g['pluginBaseComponentClass']) {
                 $staticGeneratorComponentClasses[] = $g['pluginBaseComponentClass'];
             } else {
                 $staticGeneratorComponentClasses[] = $g['class'];
     if ($staticGeneratorComponentClasses) {
         $pdSelect = clone $childSelect;
         $pdSelect->copyParts(array('ignoreVisible'), $select);
         $pd = $this->getRecursiveChildComponents($pdSelect, $childSelect);
         foreach ($generators as $k => $g) {
             if ($g['type'] == 'static') {
                 $parentDatas = array();
                 foreach ($pd as $d) {
                     if ($d->componentClass == $g['class'] || $d->componentClass == $g['pluginBaseComponentClass']) {
                         $parentDatas[] = $d;
                 if ($parentDatas) {
                     $gen = Kwf_Component_Generator_Abstract::getInstance($g['class'], $g['key'], array(), $g['pluginBaseComponentClass']);
                     foreach ($gen->getChildData($parentDatas, $select) as $d) {
                         if (!in_array($d, $ret, true)) {
                             $ret[] = $d;
                             if ($select->hasPart('limitCount') && $select->getPart('limitCount') <= count($ret)) {
                                 return $ret;
     return $ret;
 public static function getFlag($class, $flag)
     $cacheId = 'flag-' . $class . '-' . $flag;
     $ret = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId, $success);
     if ($success) {
         return $ret;
     $flags = self::getSetting($class, 'flags');
     if (!isset($flags[$flag])) {
         $ret = false;
     } else {
         $ret = $flags[$flag];
     Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $ret);
     return $ret;
  * @param array possible options: types(=all), output(=false), excludeTypes
 public final function build(array $options)
     $typeNames = $options['types'];
     $output = isset($options['output']) ? $options['output'] : false;
     $excludeTypes = isset($options['excludeTypes']) ? $options['excludeTypes'] : array();
     Kwf_Util_MemoryLimit::set(1024 * 2);
     Kwf_Registry::set('db', false);
     if ($typeNames == 'all') {
         $types = $this->getTypes();
     } else {
         if (!is_array($typeNames)) {
             $typeNames = explode(',', $typeNames);
         $types = array();
         foreach ($this->getTypes() as $t) {
             if (in_array($t->getTypeName(), $typeNames)) {
                 $types[] = $t;
     if (is_string($excludeTypes)) {
         $excludeTypes = explode(',', $excludeTypes);
     foreach ($types as $k => $i) {
         if (in_array($i->getTypeName(), $excludeTypes)) {
     $maxTypeNameLength = 0;
     $countSteps = 0;
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         $type->setVerbosity($output ? Kwf_Util_Build_Types_Abstract::VERBOSE : Kwf_Util_Build_Types_Abstract::SILENT);
         $maxTypeNameLength = max($maxTypeNameLength, strlen($type->getTypeName()));
     $progress = null;
     if (isset($options['progressAdapter'])) {
         $progress = new Zend_ProgressBar($options['progressAdapter'], 0, $countSteps);
     if (!file_exists('build')) {
     $currentStep = 0;
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         if ($progress) {
             $progress->next(1, "building " . $type->getTypeName());
         if ($output) {
             echo "[" . str_repeat(' ', 2 - strlen($currentStep)) . "{$currentStep}/{$countSteps}] ";
             echo "building " . $type->getTypeName() . "..." . str_repeat('.', $maxTypeNameLength - strlen($type->getTypeName())) . " ";
         $t = microtime(true);
         if ($output) {
             if ($type->getSuccess()) {
                 echo "OK";
             } else {
                 echo " [ERROR]";
                 return false;
             echo " (" . round((microtime(true) - $t) * 1000) . "ms)";
             echo "\n";
     return $types;
 private function _getGeneratorsForClasses($lookingForClasses)
     $cacheId = 'genForCls' . $this->getComponentClass() . str_replace('.', '_', implode('', $lookingForClasses));
     if (isset($this->_generatorsForClassesCache[$cacheId])) {
     } else {
         if (($generators = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId)) !== false) {
             $ret = array();
             foreach ($generators as $g) {
                 $ret[] = Kwf_Component_Generator_Abstract::getInstance($g[0], $g[1]);
             $this->_generatorsForClassesCache[$cacheId] = $ret;
         } else {
             $generators = array();
             foreach (Kwc_Abstract::getComponentClasses() as $c) {
                 foreach (Kwc_Abstract::getSetting($c, 'generators') as $key => $generator) {
                     foreach ($generator['component'] as $childClass) {
                         if (in_array($childClass, $lookingForClasses)) {
                             $generators[$c . $key] = array($c, $key);
             $generators = array_values($generators);
             Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $generators);
             $ret = array();
             foreach ($generators as $g) {
                 $ret[] = Kwf_Component_Generator_Abstract::getInstance($g[0], $g[1]);
             $this->_generatorsForClassesCache[$cacheId] = $ret;
     return $this->_generatorsForClassesCache[$cacheId];
 public function remove($cacheId)
     Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::_delete('as-' . $cacheId);
     return self::_getSlowCache()->remove(str_replace('-', '_', $cacheId));
Exemple #24
 private function _getIconAndType()
     $icon = $this->_icon;
     $type = $this->_type;
     if (!$type) {
         static $paths;
         if (!isset($paths)) {
             $cacheId = 'asset-paths';
             $paths = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId);
             if ($paths === false) {
                 $paths = array('web' => '.');
                 $vendors = glob(VENDOR_PATH . "/*/*");
                 $vendors[] = KWF_PATH;
                 //required for kwf tests, in web kwf is twice in $vendors but that's not a problem
                 foreach ($vendors as $i) {
                     if (is_dir($i) && file_exists($i . '/dependencies.ini')) {
                         $dep = new Zend_Config_Ini($i . '/dependencies.ini', 'config');
                         $paths[$dep->pathType] = $i;
                 Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $paths);
         if (file_exists($paths['silkicons'] . '/' . $icon)) {
             $filename = $paths['silkicons'] . '/' . $icon;
             $type = 'silkicons';
         } else {
             if (file_exists($paths['silkicons'] . '/' . $icon . '.png')) {
                 $filename = $paths['silkicons'] . '/' . $icon . '.png';
                 $type = 'silkicons';
                 $icon .= '.png';
             } else {
                 if (file_exists($paths['kwf'] . '/images/' . $icon . '.png')) {
                     $filename = $paths['kwf'] . '/images/' . $icon . '.png';
                     $type = 'kwf/images';
                     $icon .= '.png';
                 } else {
                     if (file_exists($paths['kwf'] . '/images/' . $icon . '.gif')) {
                         $filename = $paths['kwf'] . '/images/' . $icon . '.gif';
                         $type = 'kwf/images';
                         $icon .= '.gif';
                     } else {
                         if (file_exists($paths['kwf'] . '/images/' . $icon . '.jpg')) {
                             $filename = $paths['kwf'] . '/images/' . $icon . '.jpg';
                             $type = 'kwf/images';
                             $icon .= '.jpg';
                         } else {
                             if (file_exists($paths['kwf'] . '/images/fileicons/' . $icon . '.png')) {
                                 $filename = $paths['kwf'] . '/images/fileicons/' . $icon . '.png';
                                 $type = 'kwf/images/fileicons';
                                 $icon .= '.png';
                             } else {
                                 if (file_exists($paths['kwf'] . '/images/fileicons/' . $icon . '.jpg')) {
                                     $filename = $paths['kwf'] . '/images/fileicons/' . $icon . '.jpg';
                                     $type = 'kwf/images/fileicons';
                                     $icon .= '.jpg';
                                 } else {
                                     if (file_exists($paths['web'] . '/images/icons/' . $icon)) {
                                         $filename = $paths['web'] . '/images/icons/' . $icon;
                                         $type = 'web/images/icons/';
                                     } else {
                                         if (file_exists($paths['web'] . '/images/icons/' . $icon . '.png')) {
                                             $filename = $paths['web'] . '/images/icons/' . $icon;
                                             $type = 'web/images/icons/';
                                             $icon .= '.png';
                                         } else {
                                             throw new Kwf_Exception("Asset '{$icon}' not found");
     return array('type' => $type, 'icon' => $icon);
  * Returns componentClasses that match a given class in their inheritance chain
  * Fast, as the result is static and will be cached
  * @param string
  * @return string[]
 public static function getComponentClassesByParentClass($class)
     if (!is_array($class)) {
         $class = array($class);
     static $prefix;
     $cacheId = 'cclsbpc-' . implode('-', $class);
     $ret = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId, $success);
     if ($success) {
         return $ret;
     $ret = array();
     foreach (Kwc_Abstract::getComponentClasses() as $c) {
         if (in_array($c, $class) || in_array(strpos($c, '.') ? substr($c, 0, strpos($c, '.')) : $c, $class)) {
             $ret[] = $c;
         foreach (Kwc_Abstract::getParentClasses($c) as $p) {
             if (in_array($p, $class)) {
                 $ret[] = $c;
     Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $ret);
     return $ret;
 private static function _clearAssetsAll($fileType = null)
     if (!$fileType) {
     $fileNames = array('cache/assets/output-cache-ids-' . $fileType, 'build/assets/output-cache-ids-' . $fileType);
     $assetsCacheIds = array();
     $assetsBuildCacheIds = array();
     $simpleStaticCacheIds = array();
     foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) {
         if (file_exists($fileName)) {
             $cacheIds = file($fileName);
             foreach ($cacheIds as $cacheId) {
                 $cacheId = trim($cacheId);
                 echo $cacheId . "\n";
                 $assetsCacheIds[] = $cacheId;
                 $assetsBuildCacheIds[] = $cacheId;
                 $simpleStaticCacheIds[] = 'as_' . $cacheId . '_gzip';
                 $simpleStaticCacheIds[] = 'as_' . $cacheId . '_deflate';
                 $assetsCacheIds[] = $cacheId . '_map';
                 $assetsBuildCacheIds[] = $cacheId . '_map';
                 $simpleStaticCacheIds[] = 'as_' . $cacheId . '_map_gzip';
                 $simpleStaticCacheIds[] = 'as_' . $cacheId . '_map_deflate';
     if ($assetsCacheIds) {
     if ($assetsBuildCacheIds) {
     if ($simpleStaticCacheIds) {
     $a = new Kwf_Util_Build_Types_Assets();
     if ($fileType == 'css') {
     if ($fileType == 'js') {
Exemple #27
 public function getTemplateVars()
     $ret = Kwc_Abstract::getTemplateVars();
     $ret['isPosted'] = $this->_posted;
     $ret['showSuccess'] = false;
     $ret['errors'] = Kwf_Form::formatValidationErrors($this->getErrors());
     if ($this->isSaved()) {
         if (!$ret['errors'] && $this->getSuccessComponent()) {
             $ret['showSuccess'] = true;
     if ($ret['showSuccess']) {
         $ret['success'] = $this->getSuccessComponent();
     } else {
         foreach ($this->getData()->getChildComponents(array('generator' => 'child')) as $c) {
             if ($c->id != 'success') {
                 $ret[$c->id] = $c;
     if (!$ret['showSuccess']) {
         $values = $this->getForm()->load(null, $this->_postData);
         $ret['form'] = $this->getForm()->getTemplateVars($values, '', $this->getData()->componentId . '_');
         $dec = $this->_getSetting('decorator');
         if ($dec && is_string($dec)) {
             $dec = new $dec();
             $ret['form'] = $dec->processItem($ret['form'], $this->getErrors());
         $ret['formName'] = $this->getData()->componentId;
         $ret['buttonClass'] = $this->_getSetting('buttonClass');
         $ret['formId'] = $this->getForm()->getId();
         if ($ret['formId']) {
             $ret['formIdHash'] = Kwf_Util_Hash::hash($ret['formId']);
         $page = $this->getData()->getPage();
         if (!$page) {
             throw new Kwf_Exception('Form must have an url so it must be on a page but is on "' . $this->getData()->componentId . '". (If component is a box it must not be unique)');
         $cachedContent = Kwf_Component_Cache::getInstance()->load($page->componentId, 'componentLink');
         if ($cachedContent) {
             $targetPage = unserialize($cachedContent);
             $ret['action'] = $targetPage[0];
         } else {
             $ret['action'] = $this->getData()->url;
         if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) {
             $ret['action'] .= '?' . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
         $ret['method'] = $this->_getSetting('method');
     $ret['isUpload'] = false;
     foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new Kwf_Collection_Iterator_RecursiveFormFields($this->getForm()->fields)) as $f) {
         if ($f instanceof Kwf_Form_Field_File) {
             $ret['isUpload'] = true;
     $ret['message'] = null;
     $cacheId = 'kwcFormCu-' . get_class($this);
     $controllerUrl = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId);
     if (!$controllerUrl) {
         $controllerUrl = Kwc_Admin::getInstance(get_class($this))->getControllerUrl('FrontendForm');
         Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $controllerUrl);
     $hideForValue = array();
     foreach ($this->_form->getHideForValue() as $v) {
         $hideForValue[] = array('field' => $v['field']->getFieldName(), 'value' => $v['value'], 'hide' => $v['hide']->getFieldName());
     $baseParams = $this->_getBaseParams();
     $baseParams['componentId'] = $this->getData()->componentId;
     $fieldConfig = array();
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new Kwf_Collection_Iterator_RecursiveFormFields($this->_form->fields), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     foreach ($iterator as $field) {
         if ($field->getFieldName()) {
             $fieldConfig[$field->getFieldName()] = (object) $field->getFrontendMetaData();
     $errorStyle = $this->_getSetting('errorStyle');
     if (!$errorStyle) {
         $errorStyle = Kwf_Config::getValue('kwc.form.errorStyle');
     $ret['config'] = array('controllerUrl' => $controllerUrl, 'useAjaxRequest' => $this->_getSetting('useAjaxRequest'), 'hideFormOnSuccess' => $this->_getSetting('hideFormOnSuccess'), 'componentId' => $this->getData()->componentId, 'hideForValue' => $hideForValue, 'fieldConfig' => (object) $fieldConfig, 'errorStyle' => $errorStyle, 'baseParams' => $baseParams);
     $ret['uniquePrefix'] = Kwf_Config::getValue('application.uniquePrefix');
     if ($ret['uniquePrefix']) {
         $ret['uniquePrefix'] .= '-';
     return $ret;
  * @internal
  * Delete the config cache for one variable. Needed for some tests.
 public static function deleteValueCache($var)
     Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::_delete('config-' . $var);
     Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::_delete('configAr-' . $var);
  * Helper function that returns the dbIdShortcuts that can be used below a componentClass (only across page)
  * Static, fast and cached.
 protected function _getPossibleIndirectDbIdShortcuts($class)
     $cacheId = '-poss-dbid-sc-' . $this->_class . '-' . $this->getGeneratorKey() . '-' . $class;
     $ret = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId, $success);
     if (!$success) {
         $ret = $this->_getPossibleIndirectDbIdShortcutsImpl($class);
         $ret = array_unique($ret);
         Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $ret);
     return $ret;
Exemple #30
 public static final function getDependsOnRowInstances()
     $ret = array();
     $cacheId = 'componentsWithDependsOnRow';
     if (!($componentsWithDependsOnRow = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId))) {
         $componentsWithDependsOnRow = array();
         foreach (Kwc_Abstract::getComponentClasses() as $c) {
             $a = Kwc_Admin::getInstance($c);
             if ($a instanceof Kwf_Component_Abstract_Admin_Interface_DependsOnRow) {
                 $componentsWithDependsOnRow[] = $c;
         Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $componentsWithDependsOnRow);
     foreach ($componentsWithDependsOnRow as $c) {
         $ret[] = Kwc_Admin::getInstance($c);
     return $ret;