Exemple #1

require_once __DIR__ . '/onedrive/onedrive-config.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// If we don't have a code in the query string (meaning that the user did not
// log in successfully or did not grant privileges requested), we cannot proceed
// in obtaining an access token
if (!array_key_exists('code', $_GET)) {
    throw new Exception('code undefined in $_GET');
// Attempt to load the OneDrive client' state persisted from the previous
// request
if (!array_key_exists('onedrive.client.state', $_SESSION)) {
    throw new Exception('onedrive.client.state undefined in $_SESSION');
$onedrive = new \Krizalys\Onedrive\Client(array('client_id' => ONEDRIVE_CLIENT_ID, 'state' => $_SESSION['onedrive.client.state']));
// Obtain the token using the code received by the OneDrive API
$onedrive->obtainAccessToken(ONEDRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET, $_GET['code']);
// Persist the OneDrive client' state for next API requests
$_SESSION['onedrive.client.state'] = $onedrive->getState();
if (!is_null($onedrive->getAccessToken())) {
    $_SESSION['onedriveToken'] = $onedrive->getAccessToken();
    //echo $_SESSION['onedriveToken'];
header("Location: http://localhost/gtc/index.php");