Exemple #1
  * Loads the configured driver and validates it.
  * @param   array|string  custom configuration or config group name
  * @return  void
 public function __construct($config = FALSE)
     if (is_string($config)) {
         $name = $config;
         // Test the config group name
         if (($config = Ko::config('cache')->{$config}) === NULL) {
             throw new KoException('Cache: Undefined group :name.', array(':name' => $name));
     if (!is_array($config)) {
         // Load the default group
         $config = Ko::config('cache')->default;
     // Cache the config in the object
     $this->_config = $config;
     // Set driver name
     $driver = 'Cache_' . ucfirst($this->_config['driver']);
     // Load the driver
     if (!Ko::autoload($driver)) {
         throw new KoException('Class :name not found.', array(':name' => $driver));
     // Initialize the driver
     $this->_driver = new $driver($this->_config);
     // Validate the driver
     if (!$this->_driver instanceof Cache_Driver) {
         throw new KoException('Cache: Not valid driver ' . $this->_config['driver']);
  * Sets up the database configuration, loads the Database_Driver.
  * @throws  KoException
 public function __construct($config = array())
     if (empty($config)) {
         $config = Ko::config('database.default');
     } elseif (is_string($config)) {
         $name = $config;
         if (($config = Ko::config('database.' . $config)) === NULL) {
             throw new KoException('database.undefined_group :group', array(':group' => $name));
     // Merge the default config with the passed config
     $this->_config = array_merge($this->_config, $config);
     $driver = 'Database_' . ucfirst($this->_config['type']);
     if (!Ko::autoload($driver)) {
         throw new KoException('core.driver_not_found :error', array(':error' => $this->_config['type'] . get_class($this)));
     $this->_driver = new $driver($this->_config);
     if (!$this->_driver instanceof Database_Driver) {
         throw new KoException('core.driver_implements :error', array(':error' => $this->_config['type'] . get_class($this) . 'Database_Driver'));
  * Constructs a new Captcha object.
  * @throws  KoException
  * @param   string  config group name
  * @return  void
 public function __construct($config = NULL)
     if (empty($config)) {
         $config = Ko::config('captcha.default');
     } elseif (is_string($config)) {
         if (($config = Ko::config('captcha.' . $config)) === NULL) {
             throw new KoException('captcha.undefined_group :group', array(':group' => $config));
     $config_default = Ko::config('captcha.default');
     // Merge the default config with the passed config
     self::$config = array_merge($config_default, $config);
     // If using a background image, check if it exists
     if (!empty($config['background'])) {
         self::$config['background'] = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($config['background']));
         if (!is_file(self::$config['background'])) {
             throw new KoException('captcha.file_not_found :background', array(':background' => self::$config['background']));
     // If using any fonts, check if they exist
     if (!empty($config['fonts'])) {
         self::$config['fontpath'] = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($config['fontpath'])) . '/';
         foreach ($config['fonts'] as $font) {
             if (!is_file(self::$config['fontpath'] . $font)) {
                 throw new KoException('captcha.file_not_found :font', array(':font' => self::$config['fontpath'] . $font));
     // Set driver name
     $driver = 'Captcha_' . ucfirst($config['style']);
     // Load the driver
     if (!Ko::autoload($driver)) {
         throw new KoException('core.driver_not_found :style', array(':style' => $driver));
     $this->driver = new $driver();
     // Validate the driver
     if (!$this->driver instanceof Captcha_Driver) {
         throw new KoException('core.driver_implements :driver', array(':driver' => $config['style']));
  * Create a new session.
  * @return  void
 public function create()
     // Validate the session name
     if (!preg_match('~^(?=.*[a-z])[a-z0-9_]++$~iD', self::$config['name'])) {
         throw new KoException('The session_name, :session:, is invalid. It must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Also at least one letter must be present.', array(':session:' => self::$config['name']));
     // Destroy any current sessions
     if (self::$config['driver'] !== 'native') {
         $driver = 'Session_' . ucfirst(self::$config['driver']);
         if (!Ko::autoload($driver)) {
             throw new KoException('The :driver: driver for the :library: library could not be found', array(':driver:' => self::$config['driver'], ':library:' => get_class($this)));
         self::$driver = new $driver();
         if (!self::$driver instanceof Session_Driver) {
             throw new KoException('The :driver: driver for the :library: library must implement the :interface: interface', array(':driver:' => self::$config['driver'], ':library:' => get_class($this), ':interface:' => 'Session_Driver'));
         session_set_save_handler(array(self::$driver, 'open'), array(self::$driver, 'close'), array(self::$driver, 'read'), array(self::$driver, 'write'), array(self::$driver, 'destroy'), array(self::$driver, 'gc'));
     // Name the session, this will also be the name of the cookie
     // Set the session cookie parameters
     // session_set_cookie_params(self::$config['lifetime']);
     // Start the session!
     // Put session_id in the session variable
     $_SESSION['session_id'] = session_id();
     // Update last activity
     $_SESSION['last_activity'] = time();
 public function result_array($object = NULL, $type = MYSQLI_ASSOC)
     $rows = array();
     if (is_string($object)) {
         $fetch = $object;
     } elseif (is_bool($object)) {
         if ($object === TRUE) {
             $fetch = 'fetch_object';
             // NOTE - The class set by $type must be defined before fetching the result,
             // autoloading is disabled to save a lot of stupid overhead.
             $type = (is_string($type) and Ko::autoload($type)) ? $type : 'stdClass';
         } else {
             $fetch = 'fetch_array';
     } else {
         // Use the default config values
         $fetch = $this->fetch_type;
         if ($fetch == 'fetch_object') {
             $type = (is_string($type) and Ko::autoload($type)) ? $type : 'stdClass';
     if ($this->result->num_rows) {
         // Reset the pointer location to make sure things work properly
         while ($row = $this->result->{$fetch}($type)) {
             $rows[] = $row;
     return isset($rows) ? $rows : array();