public function ScheduleNowForm() { $db =& $this->db; $user =& $this->user; $response = new ResponseManager(); $date = time(); $dateText = date("d/m/Y", $date); // We might have a layout id, or a display id $campaignId = Kit::GetParam('CampaignID', _GET, _INT, 0); $displayGroupIds = Kit::GetParam('displayGroupId', _GET, _ARRAY); // Layout list $layouts = $user->CampaignList(); $layoutList = Kit::SelectList('CampaignID', $layouts, 'campaignid', 'campaign', $campaignId); $outputForm = false; $displayList = $this->UnorderedListofDisplays($outputForm, $displayGroupIds); $token = Kit::Token(); $form = <<<END <form id="ScheduleNowForm" class="XiboForm" action="index.php?p=schedule&q=ScheduleNow" method="post"> {$token} <table style="width:100%;"> <tr> <td><label for="duration" title="How long should this event be scheduled for">Duration<span class="required">*</span></label></td> <td>H: <input type="text" name="hours" id="hours" size="2" class="number span1"> M: <input type="text" name="minutes" id="minutes" size="2" class="number span1"> S: <input type="text" name="seconds" id="seconds" size="2" class="number span1"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="CampaignID" title="Select which layout this event will show.">Campaign/Layout<span class="required">*</span></label></td> <td>{$layoutList}</td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="DisplayOrder" title="Select the Order for this Event">Display Order</label></td> <td><input type=text" name="DisplayOrder" value="0" /> </tr> <tr> <td><label title="Sets whether or not this event has priority. If set the event will be show in preference to other events." for="cb_is_priority">Priority</label></td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="cb_is_priority" name="is_priority" value="1" title="Sets whether or not this event has priority. If set the event will be show in preference to other events."></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="FormDisplayList"> {$displayList} </div> </td> </tr> </table> </form> END; $response->SetFormRequestResponse($form, __('Schedule Now'), '700px', '400px'); $response->AddButton(__('Help'), "XiboHelpRender('index.php?p=help&q=Display&Topic=Schedule&Category=ScheduleNow')"); $response->AddButton(__('Cancel'), 'XiboDialogClose()'); $response->AddButton(__('Save'), '$("#ScheduleNowForm").submit()'); $response->Respond(); }
/** * Form to Edit a transition */ public function TransitionEditForm() { if (!$this->auth->edit) { $this->response->SetError('You do not have permission to edit this media.'); $this->response->keepOpen = false; return $this->response; } // Are we dealing with an IN or an OUT $type = Kit::GetParam('type', _REQUEST, _WORD); switch ($type) { case 'in': $transition = $this->GetOption('transIn'); $duration = $this->GetOption('transInDuration', 0); $direction = $this->GetOption('transInDirection'); break; case 'out': $transition = $this->GetOption('transOut'); $duration = $this->GetOption('transOutDuration', 0); $direction = $this->GetOption('transOutDirection'); break; default: trigger_error(_('Unknown transition type'), E_USER_ERROR); } // Add none to the list $transitions = $this->user->TransitionAuth($type); $transitions[] = array('code' => '', 'transition' => 'None', 'class' => ''); // Prepare a list of options $transitionDropdown = Kit::SelectList('transitionType', $transitions, 'code', 'transition', $transition, '', 'class'); // Compass points for direction $compassPoints = array(array('id' => 'N', 'name' => __('North')), array('id' => 'NE', 'name' => __('North East')), array('id' => 'E', 'name' => __('East')), array('id' => 'SE', 'name' => __('South East')), array('id' => 'S', 'name' => __('South')), array('id' => 'SW', 'name' => __('South West')), array('id' => 'W', 'name' => __('West')), array('id' => 'NW', 'name' => __('North West'))); // Prepare a list of compass points $directionDropdown = Kit::SelectList('transitionDirection', $compassPoints, 'id', 'name', $direction); // Some messages for the form $msgTransition = __('What transition should be applied to this media item?'); $msgDuration = __('The duration for this transition, in milliseconds.'); $msgDirection = __('The direction for this transition.'); // Construct the form $form = <<<END <form id="TransitionForm" class="XiboTextForm" method="post" action="index.php?p=module&mod={$this->type}&q=Exec&method=TransitionEdit"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="{$type}"> <input type="hidden" name="layoutid" value="{$this->layoutid}"> <input type="hidden" name="mediaid" value="{$this->mediaid}"> <input type="hidden" name="lkid" value="{$this->lkid}"> <input type="hidden" id="iRegionId" name="regionid" value="{$this->regionid}"> <input type="hidden" name="showRegionOptions" value="{$this->showRegionOptions}" /> <table> <tr> <td><label for="tranisitionType" title="{$msgTransition}">{$msgTransition}</label></td> <td>{$transitionDropdown}</td> </tr> <tr class="transitionDuration"> <td><label for="transitionDuration">{$msgDuration}</label></td> <td><input type="text" class="numeric" name="transitionDuration" id="transitionDuration" value="{$duration}" /></td> </tr> <tr class="transitionDirection"> <td><label for="transitionDirection">{$msgDirection}</label></td> <td>{$directionDropdown}</td> </tr> </table> </form> END; // Decide where the cancel button will take us if ($this->showRegionOptions) { $this->response->AddButton(__('Cancel'), 'XiboSwapDialog("index.php?p=timeline&layoutid=' . $this->layoutid . '®ionid=' . $this->regionid . '&q=RegionOptions")'); } else { $this->response->AddButton(__('Cancel'), 'XiboDialogClose()'); } // Always include the save button $this->response->AddButton(__('Save'), '$("#TransitionForm").submit()'); // Output the form and dialog $this->response->html = $form; $this->response->callBack = 'transitionFormLoad'; $this->response->dialogTitle = 'Edit ' . $type . ' Transition for ' . $this->displayType; $this->response->dialogSize = true; $this->response->dialogWidth = '450px'; $this->response->dialogHeight = '280px'; return $this->response; }