Exemple #1
 $evicteeDB = array();
 // Show instances where a corp recovered from a POS loss
 foreach ($aKillboard->corp as $eCorp) {
     if ($eCorp->isNPCCorporation()) {
     // Max evicters to show, changes depending on how many POSes have been lost
     $evicterMaxCnt = sizeof($eCorp->residency["evicted"]["losses"] > 1) ? EVEKILL_MAX_EVICTERS_FOR_MULTIPOS_LOSS : EVEKILL_MAX_EVICTERS_TO_REPORT;
     if (!is_null($eCorp->residency["evicted"]) && ($eCorp->residency["evicted"]["ppl_score"] >= SCORE_RES_STILL_RES_THRESHOLD_SCORE || strtotime("+" . EVEKILL_RECENT_EVICTION_IN_DAYS . " days", strtotime($eCorp->getNewestEvictionPOSKill()->timestamp)) - time() >= 0)) {
         $aryKillers = array();
         $killDB = array();
         $pkCnt = 0;
         // Corp suffered a POS loss, but they recovered
         foreach ($eCorp->residency["evicted"]["losses"] as $aPOSKill) {
             $aryKillers = array_merge($aryKillers, $aKillboard->getInvolvedCorpsOnKill($aPOSKill));
         // Remove duplicate corps from combined evicter array
         //$aryKillers = $aKillboard->filterUniqueCorps($aryKillers);
         $aryKillers = $aKillboard->beautifyCorps($aryKillers);
         $aryKillAry = array();
         if (sizeof($aryKillers) > 0) {
             foreach ($aryKillers as $allianceID => $allyData) {
                 $evtCnt = 0;
                 if ($allianceID !== NO_ALLIANCE_ALLIANCE_ID) {
                     if (sizeof($allyData["corps"]) == 1) {
                         // Only one corp recorded in the alliance, so just show them normally
                         $corpData = current($allyData["corps"]);
                         $aryKillAry[] = sprintf('<a href="javascript:void(0)" rel="gCorp;%d" title="Corporation info">%s</a>%s', $corpData["corporationID"], $corpData["corporationName"], sprintf(' [<span class="h5"><a href="javascript:void(0)" rel="gAlliance;%d" title="Alliance info">%s</a></span>]', $allyData["allianceID"], $allyData["allianceName"]));
                     } else {
                         $corpKillAry = array();