Exemple #1
  *  Build the summary table showing all kills and losses for this corporation.
 function summaryTable()
     if ($this->view != '' && $this->view != 'kills' && $this->view != 'losses') {
         return '';
     return $this->kill_summary->generate();
  * adds meta tags for Twitter Summary Card and OpenGraph tags
  * to the HTML header
 function metaTags()
     $referenceSystem = SolarSystem::getByID(reset($this->systems));
     // meta tag: title
     $metaTagTitle = $referenceSystem->getName() . " | " . $referenceSystem->getRegionName() . " | Battle Report";
     $this->page->addHeader('<meta name="og:title" content="' . $metaTagTitle . '">');
     $this->page->addHeader('<meta name="twitter:title" content="' . $metaTagTitle . '">');
     // build description
     $date = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime($this->firstts));
     $startTime = gmdate("H:i", strtotime($this->firstts));
     $endTime = gmdate("H:i", strtotime($this->lastts));
     $totalIskDestroyedM = round(($this->summaryTable->getTotalKillISK() + $this->summaryTable->getTotalLossISK()) / 1000000, 2);
     $metaTagDescription = "Battle Report for " . $referenceSystem->getName() . " (" . $referenceSystem->getRegionName() . ") from " . $date . " (" . $startTime . " - " . $endTime . "): ";
     $metaTagDescription .= "Involved Pilots: " . (count($this->pilots['a']) + count($this->pilots['e'])) . ", Total ISK destroyed: " . $totalIskDestroyedM . "M ISK";
     $this->page->addHeader('<meta name="description" content="' . $metaTagDescription . '">');
     $this->page->addHeader('<meta name="og:description" content="' . $metaTagDescription . '">');
     // meta tag: image
     $this->page->addHeader('<meta name="og:image" content="' . imageURL::getURL('Type', 3802, 64) . '">');
     $this->page->addHeader('<meta name="twitter:image" content="' . imageURL::getURL('Type', 3802, 64) . '">');
     $this->page->addHeader('<meta name="og:site_name" content="EDK - ' . config::get('cfg_kbtitle') . '">');
     // meta tag: URL
     $this->page->addHeader('<meta name="og:url" content="' . edkURI::build(array('kll_id', $this->kll_id, true)) . '">');
     // meta tag: Twitter summary
     $this->page->addHeader('<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">');
Exemple #3
  *  Show the overall statistics for this corporation.
 function stats()
     global $smarty;
     // The summary table is also used by the stats. Whichever is called
     // first generates the table.
     $this->page->setTitle('Corporation details - ' . $this->corp->getName() . " [" . $this->corp->getShortName() . "]");
     $smarty->registerObject('Corp', $this->corp);
     $smarty->assign('portrait_url', $this->corp->getPortraitURL(128));
     if ($this->alliance->getName() == "None") {
         $smarty->assign('alliance_url', false);
     } else {
         if ($this->alliance->getExternalID()) {
             $smarty->assign('alliance_url', edkURI::build(array('a', 'alliance_detail', true), array('all_ext_id', $this->alliance->getExternalID(), true)));
         } else {
             $smarty->assign('alliance_url', edkURI::build(array('a', 'alliance_detail', true), array('all_id', $this->alliance->getID(), true)));
     $smarty->assign('alliance_name', $this->alliance->getName());
     $smarty->assign('kill_count', $this->kill_summary->getTotalKills());
     $smarty->assign('loss_count', $this->kill_summary->getTotalLosses());
     $smarty->assign('damage_done', number_format($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK() / 1000000000, 2));
     $smarty->assign('damage_received', number_format($this->kill_summary->getTotalLossISK() / 1000000000, 2));
     if ($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK()) {
         $smarty->assign('efficiency', number_format(100 * $this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK() / ($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK() + $this->kill_summary->getTotalLossISK()), 2));
     } else {
         $smarty->assign('efficiency', 0);
     $smarty->assign('ceo_url', edkURI::build(array('a', 'pilot_detail', true), array('plt_ext_id', $this->corp->getCeoID(), true)));
     $pilot = new Pilot(0, $this->corp->getCeoID());
     $smarty->assign('ceo_name', $pilot->getName());
     return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('corp_detail_stats'));
  *  Display the summary table showing all kills and losses for this alliance.
  * @return string
 function summaryTable()
     if ($this->view != '' && $this->view != 'recent_activity' && $this->view != 'kills' && $this->view != 'losses') {
         return '';
     // The summary table is also used by the stats. Whichever is called
     // first generates the table.
     return $this->kill_summary->generate();
Exemple #5
  *  Build the killlists that are needed for the options selected.
 function killList()
     if (isset($this->viewList[$this->view])) {
         return call_user_func_array($this->viewList[$this->view], array(&$this));
     $scl_id = (int) edkURI::getArg('scl_id');
     global $smarty;
     $html = '';
     $smarty->assign('view', $this->view);
     switch ($this->view) {
         case "":
             $targets = array();
             $curtarget = array();
             while ($target =& $this->contract->getContractTarget()) {
                 $kl =& $target->getKillList();
                 $ll =& $target->getLossList();
                 $summary = new KillSummaryTable($kl, $ll);
                 $curtargets['type'] = $target->getType();
                 $curtargets['id'] = $target->getID();
                 $curtargets['name'] = $target->getName();
                 $curtargets['summary'] = $summary->generate();
                 if ($summary->getTotalKillISK()) {
                     $curtargets['efficiency'] = round($summary->getTotalKillISK() / ($summary->getTotalKillISK() + $summary->getTotalLossISK()) * 100, 2);
                 } else {
                     $curtargets['efficiency'] = 0;
                 $curtargets['total_kills'] = $summary->getTotalKills();
                 $curtargets['total_losses'] = $summary->getTotalLosses();
                 $curtargets['total_kill_isk'] = round($summary->getTotalKillISK() / 1000000000, 2);
                 $curtargets['total_loss_isk'] = round($summary->getTotalLossISK() / 1000000000, 2);
                 $bar = new BarGraph($curtargets['efficiency'], 100, 120);
                 $curtargets['bar'] = $bar->generate();
                 $targets[] = $curtargets;
             $smarty->assignByRef('targets', $targets);
             $smarty->assign('akey', session::isAdmin() ? session::makeKey() : false);
             $html .= $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('cc_detail_lists'));
         case "recent_activity":
             $this->contract = new Contract($this->ctr_id);
             $klist = $this->contract->getKillList();
             if ($scl_id) {
             } else {
             $table = new KillListTable($klist);
             $smarty->assign('killtable', $table->generate());
             $llist = $this->contract->getLossList();
             if ($scl_id) {
             } else {
             $table = new KillListTable($llist);
             $smarty->assign('losstable', $table->generate());
             $smarty->assign('akey', session::isAdmin() ? session::makeKey() : false);
             $html .= $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('cc_detail_lists'));
         case "kills":
             $this->contract = new Contract($this->ctr_id);
             $list = $this->contract->getKillList();
             if ($scl_id) {
             } else {
             $pagesplitter = new PageSplitter($list->getCount(), config::get('killcount'));
             $table = new KillListTable($list);
             $smarty->assign('killtable', $table->generate());
             $smarty->assign('splitter', $pagesplitter->generate());
             $smarty->assign('akey', session::isAdmin() ? session::makeKey() : false);
             $html .= $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('cc_detail_lists'));
         case "losses":
             $this->contract = new Contract($this->ctr_id);
             $llist = $this->contract->getLossList();
             if ($scl_id) {
             } else {
             $pagesplitter = new PageSplitter($llist->getCount(), config::get('killcount'));
             $table = new KillListTable($llist);
             $smarty->assign('losstable', $table->generate());
             $smarty->assign('splitter', $pagesplitter->generate());
             $smarty->assign('akey', session::isAdmin() ? session::makeKey() : false);
             $html .= $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('cc_detail_lists'));
     return $html;
Exemple #6
    // we got 2 resulting timestamps
    $firstts = array_shift($times);
    $lastts = array_pop($times);
    $kslist = new KillList();
    involved::load($kslist, 'kill');
    $lslist = new KillList();
    involved::load($lslist, 'loss');
    $killsummary = new KillSummaryTable($kslist, $lslist);
    $name = $system->getName() . " " . substr($firstts, 0, 16) . " " . substr($lastts, -8, 5);
<table class="popup-table" height="100%" width="355px">
	<td align="center"><strong>Forum Post</strong></td>
	<td align="center"><input type="button" value="Close" onClick="ReverseContentDisplay('popup');"></td>
<td valign="top" align="center">
<textarea class="killmail" name="killmail" cols="100" rows="30" readonly="readonly">
Exemple #7
  * @return string HTML for the summary table.
 public function summaryTable()
     $summarytable = new KillSummaryTable($this->kslist, $this->lslist);
     return $summarytable->generate();