public function flag() { $key = new Key($this->key_id); $key->flag(); }
/** * Constructs a view of this form and returns it in a string. * * This function will construct a view of this form whether in edit mode * or submission mode and return it in a string for display. * * @param boolean $edit Whether the view is in edit mode or not. * @return mixed A templated string on success, or a FALSE on failure. * @access public */ function view($edit = FALSE, $error = null) { if ($this->isHidden() && !$edit || !$this->isSaved() && !Current_User::allow('phatform', 'edit_forms')) { return dgettext('phatform', 'This form is not available for viewing at this time.'); } $GLOBALS['CNT_phatform']['title'] = $this->getLabel(); /* Do some basic checks if we're not in edit mode */ if (!$edit) { /* If this form is not anonymous and the user is not logged in, print message and bail */ if (($this->_editData || !$this->_anonymous) && !Current_User::isLogged()) { return dgettext('phatform', 'You must be logged in to view this form!'); } /* If this form is not multi submit and the user has filled out this for before, print message and bail */ if (!$this->_editData && !$this->_multiSubmit && $this->hasSubmission()) { return dgettext('phatform', 'You have already filled out this form!'); } if (!Current_User::isDeity() && Current_User::allow('phatform', 'user_forms_only')) { if (Current_User::getUsername() != $this->getOwner()) { return dgettext('phatform', 'You only have permission to edit your own forms!'); } } } /* Assume the PHAT position :) */ if (!isset($this->_position)) { $this->_position = 0; } /* Setup limit for loop */ if ($this->_position + $this->_pageLimit > sizeof($this->_elements)) { $limit = $this->_position + (sizeof($this->_elements) - $this->_position); } else { $limit = $this->_position + $this->_pageLimit; } /* Begin view template array */ if ($this->currentPage() == 1) { $viewTags['BLURB0'] = PHPWS_Text::parseOutput($this->_blurb0, ENCODE_PARSED_TEXT, false, true); if (!$this->_saved) { $viewTags['WARNING'] = dgettext('phatform', 'The form must be saved before it is available to the public.'); } } $formTags = array(); /* If this form has elements, loop and add them to the form template array */ if (is_array($this->_elements) && sizeof($this->_elements) > 0) { for ($i = $this->_position; $i < $limit; $i++) { $sectionTags = array(); $elementInfo = explode(':', $this->_elements[$i]); $this->element = new $elementInfo[0]($elementInfo[1]); /* If user can edit data, populate for element with it */ if (!$edit && $this->_editData && is_array($this->_userData)) { if (isset($this->_userData[$this->element->getLabel()]) && $this->isSerialized($this->_userData[$this->element->getLabel()])) { $value = unserialize(stripslashes($this->_userData[$this->element->getLabel()])); $this->element->setValue($value); } else { $this->element->setValue($this->_userData[$this->element->getLabel()]); } } /* Setup color for alternating rows in the section template */ if (isset($flag) && $flag) { $flag = FALSE; } else { $sectionTags['BGCOLOR'] = ' class="bgcolor1" '; $flag = TRUE; } /* Get view of the current element */ $sectionTags['ELEMENT'] = $this->element->view(); if ($this->_showElementNumbers) { $sectionTags['ELEMENT'] = $i + 1 . '. ' . $sectionTags['ELEMENT']; } /* If in edit mode, show the element editor for the current element */ if ($edit) { $sectionTags['ELEMENT_NAME'] = PHPWS_Text::parseOutput($this->element->getLabel(), ENCODE_PARSED_TEXT, false, true); $sectionTags['ELEMENT_EDITOR'] = $this->_elementEditor($i); } if (!isset($formTags['ELEMENTS'])) { $formTags['ELEMENTS'] = PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($sectionTags, 'phatform', 'form/section.tpl'); } else { $formTags['ELEMENTS'] .= PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($sectionTags, 'phatform', 'form/section.tpl'); } } /* If we are on last the submit button */ if (!$edit) { if ($this->currentPage() == $this->numPages()) { if ($this->_editData && $this->currentPage() > 1) { $formTags['BACK_BUTTON'] = PHPWS_Form::formSubmit(dgettext('phatform', 'Back'), 'PHAT_Back'); } if (PHATFORM_CAPTCHA && $this->_anonymous && !Current_User::isLogged()) { PHPWS_Core::initCoreClass('Captcha.php'); $formTags['CAPTCHA'] = Captcha::get(); } $formTags['SUBMIT_BUTTON'] = PHPWS_Form::formSubmit(dgettext('phatform', 'Finish'), 'PHAT_Submit'); } else { if ($this->_editData && $this->currentPage() > 1) { $formTags['BACK_BUTTON'] = PHPWS_Form::formSubmit(dgettext('phatform', 'Back'), 'PHAT_Back'); } $formTags['NEXT_BUTTON'] = PHPWS_Form::formSubmit(dgettext('phatform', 'Next'), 'PHAT_Next'); } } /* Check if we're in edit mode and set the phat man accordingly */ if ($edit) { $hiddens['PHAT_FORM_OP'] = 'EditAction'; } else { $hiddens['PHAT_FORM_OP'] = 'Action'; } /* Actually load hidden variables into the elements array */ $hiddens['module'] = 'phatform'; foreach ($hiddens as $key => $value) { $eles[] = PHPWS_Form::formHidden($key, $value); } $elements[] = implode("\n", $eles); $elements[0] .= PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($formTags, 'phatform', 'form/form.tpl'); $viewTags['FORM'] = PHPWS_Form::makeForm('PHAT_Form', 'index.php', $elements); } /* Check to see if we should show page numbers or not */ if ($this->_showPageNumbers) { $viewTags['PAGE_NUMBER'] = sprintf(dgettext('phatform', 'Page %1$s of %2$s'), $this->currentPage(), $this->numPages()); } /* If in edit mode, display the toolbar */ if ($edit) { $viewTags['TOOLBAR'] = $this->_toolbar(); } $key = new Key($this->_key_id); $key->flag(); if ($error) { $viewTags['WARNING'] = $error->getMessage(); } return PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($viewTags, 'phatform', 'form/view.tpl'); }
/** * Displays the blog entry * * @param boolean edit If true, show edit link * @param boolean summarized If true, this is a summarized entry */ public function view($edit = true, $summarized = true) { if (!$this->id) { PHPWS_Core::errorPage(404); } $key = new Key($this->key_id); if (!$key->allowView() || !Blog_User::allowView()) { Current_User::requireLogin(); return dgettext('blog', 'You do not have permission to view this entry.'); } $template['TITLE'] = sprintf('<a href="%s" rel="bookmark">%s</a>', $this->getViewLink(true), $this->title); $template['TITLE_NO_LINK'] = $this->title; if ($this->publish_date > time()) { $template['UNPUBLISHED'] = dgettext('blog', 'Unpublished'); } elseif ($this->expire_date && $this->expire_date < time()) { $template['UNPUBLISHED'] = dgettext('blog', 'Expired'); } $template['LOCAL_DATE'] = $this->getPublishDate(); $summary = $this->getSummary(true); $entry = $this->getEntry(true); if ($summarized) { if (empty($summary)) { $template['SUMMARY'] = PHPWS_Text::parseTag($entry); } else { if (!empty($entry)) { $template['READ_MORE'] = PHPWS_Text::rewriteLink(Icon::get('chevron-circle-down') . ' ' . dgettext('blog', 'Read more'), 'blog', array('id' => $this->id), null, 'Read more of this entry', 'btn btn-default'); } $template['SUMMARY'] = PHPWS_Text::parseTag($summary); } } else { $template['SUMMARY'] = PHPWS_Text::parseTag($summary); $template['ENTRY'] = PHPWS_Text::parseTag($entry); } $template['IMAGE'] = $this->getFile($this->thumbnail && $summarized); if ($edit && (Current_User::allow('blog', 'edit_blog', $this->id, 'entry') || Current_User::allow('blog', 'edit_blog') && $this->author_id == Current_User::getId())) { $vars['blog_id'] = $this->id; $vars['action'] = 'admin'; $vars['command'] = 'edit'; $template['EDIT_LINK'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('blog', 'Edit'), 'blog', $vars); $template['EDIT_URI'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('blog', $vars, true); if (!$summarized) { MiniAdmin::add('blog', array(PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('blog', 'Edit blog'), 'blog', $vars))); } } // Check setting for showing when the entry was posted if (PHPWS_Settings::get('blog', 'show_posted_by')) { $template['POSTED_BY'] = dgettext('blog', 'By'); $template['AUTHOR'] = $this->author; } // Check settings for showing the author of the entry if (PHPWS_Settings::get('blog', 'show_posted_date')) { $template['PUBLISHED'] = dgettext('blog', 'Published'); $template['POSTED_ON'] = dgettext('blog', 'Posted on'); $template['PUBLISHED_DATE'] = $this->getPublishDateShort(); } if ($summarized) { $view_tpl = 'view_list.tpl'; } else { $template['COMMENT_SCRIPT'] = PHPWS_Settings::get('blog', 'comment_script'); $key->flag(); $view_tpl = 'view_full.tpl'; } return PHPWS_Template::process($template, 'blog', $view_tpl); }