protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     parent::execute($input, $output);
     $force = $input->getOption('force');
      * @var QuestionHelper $helper
     $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
     $question = new Question('Please enter your manage token: ');
     $manageToken = $helper->ask($input, $output, $question);
     $manageClient = new \Keboola\ManageApi\Client(["token" => $manageToken]);
     $this->client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => '', 'headers' => ['X-KBC-ManageApiToken' => $manageToken, 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip', 'User-Agent' => $this->getUserAgent()]]);
     $this->dbOrchestrationManager = $this->getContainer()->get('orchestrator.doctrine.orchestration_manager');
     foreach ($manageClient->listMaintainers() as $maintainer) {
         $maintainerPrinted = false;
         foreach ($this->loadOrganizations($maintainer) as $organization) {
             $organizationPrinted = false;
             foreach ($manageClient->listOrganizationProjects($organization['id']) as $project) {
                 if ($project['isDisabled']) {
                 if (!$this->loadProjectOrchestrations($project['id']) && !$this->loadProjectDeletedOrchestrations($project['id'])) {
                 // delete orchestrator bucket if exists
                 if (!$maintainerPrinted) {
                     $maintainerPrinted = true;
                     $output->writeln("\t" . $maintainer['name']);
                 if (!$organizationPrinted) {
                     $organizationPrinted = true;
                     $output->writeln("\t\t" . $organization['name']);
                 $output->writeln("\t\t\t" . $project['name'] . " (" . $project['id'] . ")");
                 $projectToken = $manageClient->createProjectStorageToken($project['id'], ["description" => "Orchestrator old table deletion", "canManageBuckets" => true, "canReadAllFileUploads" => true, "expiresIn" => 1800]);
                 $client = new Client(["token" => $projectToken["token"]]);
                 foreach ($client->listBuckets() as $bucket) {
                     $bucketId = 'sys.c-orchestrator';
                     if ($bucket['id'] != $bucketId) {
                     // bucket delete
                     if ($force) {
                         try {
                             $client->dropBucket($bucketId, array('force' => true));
                             $output->writeln("\t\t\t\tOrchestrator bucket deleted");
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             $output->writeln("\t\t\t\t" . $e->getMessage());
                         $manageClient->addNotification(array('type' => 'common', 'projectId' => $project['id'], 'title' => sprintf(' Orchestrator bucket %s was removed from your project -- %s', 'sys.c-orchestrator', $project['name']), 'message' => 'As we announced on our [blog](, ' . 'we have deleted the unused orchestrator bucket from your KBC storage. ' . 'This message is just for your information and has no effect on your existing orchestrations.'));
                         $output->writeln("\t\t\t\tNotification created");
                     } else {
                         $output->writeln("\t\t\t\tOrchestrator bucket will be deleted");