public function GetById($id) { $cat = new Kategorie(); $catsdata = file('storage/category.txt'); foreach ($catsdata as $catdata) { $catarray = explode(':', $catdata); if ($id == $catdata['0']) { $cat->setId($catdata['0']); $cat->setName($catdata['1']); return $cat; } } return false; }
function produktAction() { $oRequest = $this->getRequest(); $iProdukty = $oRequest->getParam('pro_id'); $kategorie = new Kategorie(); $this->view->kategorie = $kategorie->fetchAll(); $iProdukty = $oRequest->getParam('pro_id'); $oProdukty = new Produkty(); $this->view->oProdukty = $oProdukty->find($iProdukty)->current(); $strony = new Strony(); $this->view->strony = $strony->fetchAll(); $wtyczka = new Wtyczka(); $this->view->wtyczka = $wtyczka->pobierzGalerie(); $a = $this->view->wtyczka[0]['online']; $this->view->online = $a; $b = $this->view->wtyczka[0]['odnosnik']; $this->view->odnosnik = $b; }
/** * Swaps the position of two categories * * @param String $id0 Id of the category to be swapped * @param String $id1 Id of the other category to be swapped */ public function swap_action($id0, $id1) { $category0 = Kategorie::find($id0); $category1 = Kategorie::find($id1); $priorities = $category0->priority + $category1->priority; $category0->priority = $priorities - $category0->priority; $category1->priority = $priorities - $category1->priority; if ($category0->store() && $category1->store()) { $this->reportSuccess(_('Kategorien wurden neu geordnet')); } else { $this->reportError(_('Kategorien konnten nicht neu geordnet werden.')); } $this->redirect('settings/categories'); }
<? use Studip\Button, Studip\LinkButton; ?> <? if ($verify && $verify['action'] === 'delete'): ?> <?php echo $controller->verifyDialog(sprintf(_('Möchten Sie wirklich die Kategorie "%s" löschen?'), Kategorie::find($verify['id'])->name), array('settings/categories/delete', $verify['id'], true), array('settings/categories')); ?> <? endif; ?> <? if (count($categories) === 0): ?> <p class="info"><?php echo _('Es existieren zur Zeit keine eigenen Kategorien.'); ?> </p> <? else: ?> <form action="<?php echo $controller->url_for('settings/categories/store'); ?> " method="post" name="main_content"> <?php echo CSRFProtection::tokenTag(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="studipticket" value="<?php echo get_ticket(); ?> "> <table class="default nohover"> <colgroup> <col width="100px"> <col> <col width="200px"> <col width="100px">
public function produktykategoriesubmitAction() { $oRequest = $this->getRequest(); $oKategorie = new Kategorie(); $oKategorie->dopiszDoKategorii($oRequest->getParam('kategorie'), $oRequest->getParam('id')); $this->_redirect('administrator/produkty'); }
/** * Entry point of the controller that displays all the information of the selected or current user * @return void */ public function index_action() { // Template Index_Box for render-partials $layout = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('shared/content_box'); $this->shared_box = $layout; // if he has not yet stored into user_info, he comes in with no values if ($this->current_user->mkdate === null) { $this->current_user->store(); } if (get_config('NEWS_RSS_EXPORT_ENABLE')) { $news_author_id = StudipNews::GetRssIdFromUserId($this->current_user->user_id); if ($news_author_id) { PageLayout::addHeadElement('link', array('rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'application/rss+xml', 'title' => 'RSS', 'href' => 'rss.php?id=' . $news_author_id)); } } // Get Avatar $this->avatar = Avatar::getAvatar($this->current_user->user_id)->getImageTag(Avatar::NORMAL); // GetScroreList if (get_config('SCORE_ENABLE')) { if ($this->current_user->user_id === $GLOBALS['user']->id || $this->current_user->score) { $this->score = Score::GetMyScore($this->current_user); $this->score_title = Score::getTitel($this->score, $this->current_user->geschlecht); } } // Additional user information $this->public_email = get_visible_email($this->current_user->user_id); $this->motto = $this->profile->getVisibilityValue('motto'); $this->private_nr = $this->profile->getVisibilityValue('privatnr', 'private_phone'); $this->private_cell = $this->profile->getVisibilityValue('privatcell', 'private_cell'); $this->privadr = $this->profile->getVisibilityValue('privadr', 'privadr'); $this->homepage = $this->profile->getVisibilityValue('Home', 'homepage'); // skype informations if (get_config('ENABLE_SKYPE_INFO') && $this->profile->checkVisibility('skype_name')) { $this->skype_name = UserConfig::get($this->current_user->user_id)->SKYPE_NAME; $this->skype_status = UserConfig::get($this->current_user->user_id)->SKYPE_ONLINE_STATUS && $this->profile->checkVisibility('skype_online_status'); } // get generic datafield entries $this->shortDatafields = $this->profile->getShortDatafields(); $this->longDatafields = $this->profile->getLongDatafields(); // get working station of an user (institutes) $this->institutes = $this->profile->getInstitutInformations(); // get studying informations of an user if ($this->current_user->perms != 'dozent') { $study_institutes = UserModel::getUserInstitute($this->current_user->user_id, true); if (count($study_institutes) > 0 && $this->profile->checkVisibility('studying')) { $this->study_institutes = $study_institutes; } } if ($this->current_user->user_id == $this->user->user_id && $GLOBALS['has_denoted_fields']) { $this->has_denoted_fields = true; } // get kings informations if (Config::Get()->SCORE_ENABLE) { if ($this->current_user->user_id === $GLOBALS['user']->id || $this->current_user->score) { $kings = $this->profile->getKingsInformations(); if ($kings != null) { $this->kings = $kings; } } } $show_admin = $this->perm->have_perm('autor') && $this->user->user_id == $this->current_user->user_id || isDeputyEditAboutActivated() && isDeputy($this->user->user_id, $this->current_user->user_id, true); if ($this->profile->checkVisibility('news') or $show_admin === true) { $response = $this->relay('news/display/' . $this->current_user->user_id); $this->news = $response->body; } // calendar if (get_config('CALENDAR_ENABLE')) { if (!in_array($this->current_user->perms, words('admin root'))) { if ($this->profile->checkVisibility('termine')) { $response = $this->relay('calendar/contentbox/display/' . $this->current_user->user_id); $this->dates = $response->body; } } } // include and show votes and tests if (get_config('VOTE_ENABLE') && $this->profile->checkVisibility('votes')) { $response = $this->relay('questionnaire/widget/' . $this->current_user->user_id . "/user"); $this->votes = $response->body; } // Hier werden Lebenslauf, Hobbys, Publikationen und Arbeitsschwerpunkte ausgegeben: $ausgabe_felder = array('lebenslauf' => _('Lebenslauf'), 'hobby' => _('Hobbys'), 'publi' => _('Publikationen'), 'schwerp' => _('Arbeitsschwerpunkte')); $ausgabe_inhalt = array(); foreach ($ausgabe_felder as $key => $value) { if ($this->profile->checkVisibility($key)) { $ausgabe_inhalt[$value] = $this->current_user[$key]; } } $this->ausgabe_inhalt = array_filter($ausgabe_inhalt); // Anzeige der Seminare, falls User = dozent if ($this->current_user['perms'] == 'dozent') { $this->seminare = array_filter($this->profile->getDozentSeminars()); } // Hompageplugins $homepageplugins = PluginEngine::getPlugins('HomepagePlugin'); foreach ($homepageplugins as $homepageplugin) { if ($homepageplugin->isActivated($this->current_user->user_id, 'user')) { // get homepageplugin tempaltes $template = $homepageplugin->getHomepageTemplate($this->current_user->user_id); // create output of the plugins if (!empty($template)) { $render .= $template->render(null, $layout); } $layout->clear_attributes(); } } $this->hompage_plugin = $render; // show literature info if (get_config('LITERATURE_ENABLE')) { $lit_list = StudipLitList::GetFormattedListsByRange($this->current_user->user_id); if ($this->current_user->user_id == $this->user->user_id) { $this->admin_url = 'dispatch.php/literature/edit_list.php?_range_id=self'; $this->admin_title = _('Literaturlisten bearbeiten'); } if ($this->profile->checkVisibility('literature')) { $this->show_lit = true; $this->lit_list = $lit_list; } } // get categories $category = Kategorie::findByUserId($this->current_user->user_id); foreach ($category as $cat) { $head = $cat->name; $body = $cat->content; unset($vis_text); if ($this->user->user_id == $this->current_user->user_id) { $vis_text .= ' ( ' . Visibility::getStateDescription('kat_' . $cat->kategorie_id) . ' )'; } if ($this->profile->checkVisibility('kat_' . $cat->kategorie_id)) { $categories[$cat->kategorie_id]['head'] = $head; $categories[$cat->kategorie_id]['zusatz'] = $vis_text; $categories[$cat->kategorie_id]['content'] = $body; } } if (!empty($categories)) { $this->categories = array_filter($categories, function ($item) { return !empty($item['content']); }); } }
public static function DGParser($w, $l, $p = null) { if ($w == 0) { return "-"; } $k = new Kategorie($w); return $k->getA() != null ? $k->getA()->name : "Kategorie unbekannt"; }