public function run($jobs = null)
     KalturaLog::info("Validating live media servers");
     $filter = new KalturaLiveStreamEntryFilter();
     $filter->isLive = KalturaNullableBoolean::TRUE_VALUE;
     $filter->orderBy = KalturaLiveStreamEntryOrderBy::CREATED_AT_ASC;
     $filter->moderationStatusIn = KalturaEntryModerationStatus::PENDING_MODERATION . ',' . KalturaEntryModerationStatus::APPROVED . ',' . KalturaEntryModerationStatus::REJECTED . ',' . KalturaEntryModerationStatus::FLAGGED_FOR_REVIEW . ',' . KalturaEntryModerationStatus::AUTO_APPROVED;
     $pager = new KalturaFilterPager();
     $pager->pageSize = 500;
     $pager->pageIndex = 1;
     $entries = self::$kClient->liveStream->listAction($filter, $pager);
     while (count($entries->objects)) {
         foreach ($entries->objects as $entry) {
             try {
                 /* @var $entry KalturaLiveEntry */
                 $filter->createdAtGreaterThanOrEqual = $entry->createdAt;
             } catch (KalturaException $e) {
                 KalturaLog::err("Caught exception with message [" . $e->getMessage() . "]");
         $entries = self::$kClient->liveStream->listAction($filter, $pager);
  * Starts the bulk upload
  * @param KalturaBatchJob $job
 private function startBulkUpload(KalturaBatchJob $job)
     KalturaLog::info("Start bulk upload ({$job->id})");
     //Gets the right Engine instance
     $engine = KBulkUploadEngine::getEngine($job->jobSubType, $job);
     if (is_null($engine)) {
         throw new KalturaException("Unable to find bulk upload engine", KalturaBatchJobAppErrors::ENGINE_NOT_FOUND);
     $job = $this->updateJob($job, 'Parsing file [' . $engine->getName() . ']', KalturaBatchJobStatus::QUEUED, $engine->getData());
     $job = $engine->getJob();
     $data = $engine->getData();
     $countObjects = $this->countCreatedObjects($job->id, $job->data->bulkUploadObjectType);
     $countHandledObjects = $countObjects[0];
     $countErrorObjects = $countObjects[1];
     if (!$countHandledObjects && !$engine->shouldRetry() && $countErrorObjects) {
         throw new KalturaBatchException("None of the uploaded items were processed succsessfuly", KalturaBatchJobAppErrors::BULK_NO_ENTRIES_HANDLED, $engine->getData());
     if ($engine->shouldRetry()) {
         self::$kClient->batch->resetJobExecutionAttempts($job->id, $this->getExclusiveLockKey(), $job->jobType);
         return $this->closeJob($job, null, null, "Retrying: " . $countHandledObjects . " " . $engine->getObjectTypeTitle() . " objects were handled untill now", KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
     return $this->closeJob($job, null, null, 'Waiting for objects closure', KalturaBatchJobStatus::ALMOST_DONE, $data);
 public function run($jobs = null)
     if (KBatchBase::$taskConfig->isInitOnly()) {
         return $this->init();
     if (is_null($jobs)) {
         $jobs = KBatchBase::$kClient->batch->getExclusiveAlmostDone($this->getExclusiveLockKey(), KBatchBase::$taskConfig->maximumExecutionTime, $this->getMaxJobsEachRun(), $this->getFilter(), static::getType());
     KalturaLog::info(count($jobs) . " jobs to close");
     if (!count($jobs) > 0) {
         KalturaLog::info("Queue size: 0 sent to scheduler");
         return null;
     foreach ($jobs as &$job) {
         try {
             $job = $this->exec($job);
         } catch (KalturaException $kex) {
             $job = $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::KALTURA_API, $kex->getCode(), "Error: " . $kex->getMessage(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
         } catch (KalturaClientException $kcex) {
             $job = $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::KALTURA_CLIENT, $kcex->getCode(), "Error: " . $kcex->getMessage(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             $job = $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::RUNTIME, $ex->getCode(), "Error: " . $ex->getMessage(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
     return $jobs;
 protected function deleteFilesPHP($searchPath, $minutesOld, $simulateOnly)
     $secondsOld = $minutesOld * 60;
     $files = glob($searchPath);
     KalturaLog::info("Found [" . count($files) . "] to scan");
     $now = time();
     KalturaLog::info("Deleting files that are " . $secondsOld . " seconds old (modified before " . date('c', $now - $secondsOld) . ")");
     $deletedCount = 0;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $filemtime = filemtime($file);
         if ($filemtime > $now - $secondsOld) {
         if ($simulateOnly) {
             KalturaLog::info("Simulating: Deleting file [{$file}], it's last modification time was " . date('c', $filemtime));
         KalturaLog::info("Deleting file [{$file}], it's last modification time was " . date('c', $filemtime));
         $res = @unlink($file);
         if (!$res) {
             KalturaLog::err("Error: problem while deleting [{$file}]");
 protected function parseCreatedFiles()
     $xmlPath = $this->outDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->destFileName . '.ism';
     KalturaLog::info("Parse created files from ism[{$xmlPath}]");
     // in case of wma
     if (!file_exists($xmlPath)) {
         KalturaLog::info("ism file[{$xmlPath}] doesn't exist");
         $wmaPath = $this->outDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->destFileName . '.wma';
         if (file_exists($wmaPath)) {
             KalturaLog::info("wma file[{$wmaPath}] found");
             $this->outFilesPath[0] = $wmaPath;
     $xml = file_get_contents($xmlPath);
     $xml = mb_convert_encoding($xml, 'ASCII', 'UTF-16');
     KalturaLog::debug("ism content:\n{$xml}");
     $arr = null;
     if (preg_match('/(<smil[\\s\\w\\W]+<\\/smil>)/', $xml, $arr)) {
         $xml = $arr[1];
     file_put_contents($xmlPath, $xml);
     //echo $xml;
     $doc = new DOMDocument();
     $videoEntities = $doc->getElementsByTagName('video');
     foreach ($videoEntities as $videoEntity) {
         $src = $this->outDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $videoEntity->getAttribute("src");
         $bitrate = $videoEntity->getAttribute("systemBitrate") / 1000;
         KalturaLog::info("Media found in ism bitrate[{$bitrate}] source[{$src}]");
         $this->outFilesPath[$bitrate] = $src;
 public function doFromObject($dbObject, KalturaDetachedResponseProfile $responseProfile = null)
     parent::doFromObject($dbObject, $responseProfile);
     /* @var $dbObject kEmailNotificationCategoryRecipientProvider */
     $categoryIdFieldType = get_class($dbObject->getCategoryId());
     KalturaLog::info("Retrieving API object for categoryId fild of type [{$categoryIdFieldType}]");
     switch ($categoryIdFieldType) {
         case 'kObjectIdField':
             $this->categoryId = new KalturaObjectIdField();
         case 'kEvalStringField':
             $this->categoryId = new KalturaEvalStringField();
         case 'kStringValue':
             $this->categoryId = new KalturaStringValue();
             $this->categoryId = KalturaPluginManager::loadObject('KalturaStringValue', $categoryIdFieldType);
     if ($this->categoryId) {
     if ($dbObject->getCategoryUserFilter()) {
         $this->categoryUserFilter = new KalturaCategoryUserProviderFilter();
Exemple #7
 private function call($method, $args = array())
     KalturaLog::info("Call [{$method}] args [" . print_r($args, true) . "]");
     $result = $this->api->call($method, $args);
     KalturaLog::info("Result [" . print_r($result, true) . "]");
     return $result;
 public function configure(KalturaConvartableJobData $data, KalturaBatchJob $job)
     $this->data = $data;
     $this->job = $job;
     KalturaLog::info("taskConfig-->" . print_r(KBatchBase::$taskConfig, true) . "\ndata->" . print_r($data, true));
Exemple #9
 protected function getFieldValue(kScope $scope = null)
     if (!$scope) {
         KalturaLog::info('No scope specified');
         return null;
     if (!$scope instanceof kEventScope) {
         KalturaLog::info('Scope must be of type kEventScope, [' . get_class($scope) . '] given');
     if (!$scope->getEvent()) {
         KalturaLog::info('$scope->getEvent() must return a value');
     if ($scope->getEvent() && !$scope->getEvent() instanceof IKalturaObjectRelatedEvent) {
         KalturaLog::info('Scope event must realize interface IKalturaObjectRelatedEvent');
     if ($scope->getEvent() && !$scope->getEvent()->getObject()) {
         KalturaLog::info('Object not found on scope event');
     if (!method_exists($scope->getEvent()->getObject(), 'getId')) {
         KalturaLog::info('Getter method for object id not found');
     return $scope->getEvent()->getObject()->getId();
  * Will return the first virus scan profile of the entry's partner, that defines an entry filter suitable for the given entry.
  * @param int $entryId
  * @return VirusScanProfile the suitable profile object, or null if none found
 public static function getSuitableProfile($entryId)
     $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($entryId);
     if (!$entry) {
         KalturaLog::err('Cannot find entry with id [' . $entryId . ']');
         return null;
     if ($entry->getSource() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_SOURCE_WEBCAM) {
         return null;
     $cProfile = new Criteria();
     $cProfile->addAnd(VirusScanProfilePeer::PARTNER_ID, $entry->getPartnerId());
     $cProfile->addAnd(VirusScanProfilePeer::STATUS, VirusScanProfileStatus::ENABLED, Criteria::EQUAL);
     $profiles = VirusScanProfilePeer::doSelect($cProfile);
     if (!$profiles) {
         KalturaLog::info('No virus scan profiles found for partner [' . $entry->getPartnerId() . ']');
         return null;
     foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
         $virusEntryFilter = $profile->getEntryFilterObject();
         if ($virusEntryFilter->matches($entry)) {
             KalturaLog::info('Returning profile with id [' . $profile->getId() . ']');
             return $profile;
     return null;
Exemple #11
 public static function dumpApiRequest($host, $onlyIfAvailable = false)
     if ($onlyIfAvailable) {
         //validate that the other DC is available before dumping the request
         if (kConf::hasParam('disable_dump_api_request') && kConf::get('disable_dump_api_request')) {
             KalturaLog::info('dumpApiRequest is disabled');
     if (kCurrentContext::$multiRequest_index > 1) {
     // prevent loop back of the proxied request by detecting the "X-Kaltura-Proxy header
     if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_KALTURA_PROXY"])) {
     $get_params = $post_params = array();
     // pass uploaded files by adding them as post data with curl @ prefix
     // signifying a file. the $_FILES[xxx][tmp_name] points to the location
     // of the uploaded file.
     // we preserve the original file name by passing the extra ;filename=$_FILES[xxx][name]
     foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value) {
         $post_params[$key] = "@" . $value['tmp_name'] . ";filename=" . $value['name'];
         if (!is_uploaded_file($value['tmp_name'])) {
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
         $post_params[$key] = $value;
     $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' && kConf::hasParam('https_param_salt')) {
         $post_params['apiProtocol'] = 'https_' . kConf::get('https_param_salt');
     $httpHeader = array("X-Kaltura-Proxy: dumpApiRequest");
     $ipHeader = infraRequestUtils::getSignedIpAddressHeader();
     if ($ipHeader) {
         list($headerName, $headerValue) = $ipHeader;
         $httpHeader[] = $headerName . ": " . $headerValue;
     $ch = curl_init();
     // set URL and other appropriate options
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $host . $url);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $httpHeader);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "curl/7.11.1");
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_params);
     // Set callback function for body
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, 'kFileUtils::read_body');
     // Set callback function for headers
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, 'kFileUtils::read_header');
     header("X-Kaltura:dumpApiRequest " . kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId());
     // grab URL and pass it to the browser
     $content = curl_exec($ch);
     // close curl resource, and free up system resources
 protected function closeStorageExport(KalturaBatchJob $job)
     KalturaLog::info("Attempting to close the job");
     $storageExportEngine = KExportEngine::getInstance($job->jobSubType, $job->partnerId, $job->data);
     $closeResult = $storageExportEngine->verifyExportedResource();
     $this->closeJob($job, null, null, null, $closeResult ? KalturaBatchJobStatus::FINISHED : KalturaBatchJobStatus::ALMOST_DONE);
  * @param KalturaBaseEntry $object
 function processObject($object)
     $client = $this->getClient();
     $entryId = $object->id;
     KalturaLog::info('Deleting entry ' . $entryId);
  * @param Partner $fromPartner
  * @param Partner $toPartner
 protected function copyEventNotificationTemplates(Partner $fromPartner, Partner $toPartner, $permissionRequiredOnly = false)
     $fromPartnerId = $fromPartner->getId();
     $toPartnerId = $toPartner->getId();
     KalturaLog::info("Copy event-notification templates from [{$fromPartnerId}] to [{$toPartnerId}]");
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(EventNotificationTemplatePeer::PARTNER_ID, $fromPartnerId);
     $systemNameCriteria = new Criteria();
     $systemNameCriteria->add(EventNotificationTemplatePeer::PARTNER_ID, $toPartnerId);
     $systemNameCriteria->add(EventNotificationTemplatePeer::STATUS, EventNotificationTemplateStatus::ACTIVE);
     $eventNotificationTemplates = EventNotificationTemplatePeer::doSelect($c);
     foreach ($eventNotificationTemplates as $eventNotificationTemplate) {
         /* @var $eventNotificationTemplate EventNotificationTemplate */
         if ($permissionRequiredOnly && !count($eventNotificationTemplate->getRequiredCopyTemplatePermissions())) {
         if (!myPartnerUtils::isPartnerPermittedForCopy($toPartner, $eventNotificationTemplate->getRequiredCopyTemplatePermissions())) {
         if ($eventNotificationTemplate->getSystemName()) {
             $c = clone $systemNameCriteria;
             $c->add(EventNotificationTemplatePeer::SYSTEM_NAME, $eventNotificationTemplate->getSystemName());
             if (EventNotificationTemplatePeer::doCount($c)) {
         $newEventNotificationTemplate = $eventNotificationTemplate->copy();
Exemple #15
  * Action goes over all tags with instanceCount==0 and checks whether they need to be removed from the DB. Returns number of removed tags.
  * @action deletePending
  * @return int
 public function deletePendingAction()
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(TagPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $filter = new TagFilter();
     $filter->set('_eq_instance_count', 0);
     $count = $c->getRecordsCount();
     if (!$count) {
         KalturaLog::info('No tags pending for deletion.');
         return 0;
     $deletedTags = 0;
     $tagsForDelete = TagPeer::doSelect($c);
     foreach ($tagsForDelete as $tag) {
         /* @var $tag Tag */
         switch ($tag->getObjectType()) {
             case taggedObjectType::ENTRY:
                 $deletedTags += $this->resolveEntryTag($tag);
             case taggedObjectType::CATEGORY:
                 $deletedTags += $this->resolveCategoryTag($tag);
     return $deletedTags;
 protected function handleResults(array $results, array $items)
     //Added to support cases where the resource is entry resource
     $conversionProfileId = null;
     try {
         $entry = KBatchBase::$kClient->baseEntry->get($this->entryId);
         if ($entry && $entry->conversionProfileId) {
             $conversionProfileId = $entry->conversionProfileId;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         KalturaLog::info("Entry ID [" . $this->entryId . "] not found, continuing with no conversion profile");
     foreach ($results as $index => $cuePoint) {
         if ($cuePoint instanceof KalturaThumbCuePoint) {
             if (!isset($items[$index]->slide) || empty($items[$index]->slide)) {
             $timedThumbResource = $this->xmlBulkUploadEngine->getResource($items[$index]->slide, $conversionProfileId);
             $thumbAsset = new KalturaTimedThumbAsset();
             $thumbAsset->cuePointId = $cuePoint->id;
             KBatchBase::$kClient->thumbAsset->add($cuePoint->entryId, $thumbAsset);
             KBatchBase::$kClient->thumbAsset->setContent(KBatchBase::$kClient->getMultiRequestResult()->id, $timedThumbResource);
     return parent::handleResults($results, $items);
Exemple #17
 public function callNodeApi($service, $params)
     $url = $this->getNodeApiBaseUrl($service, $params);
     $curl = curl_init($url);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($params));
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
     $responseStr = curl_exec($curl);
     KalturaLog::info('Raw response from aspera node api: ' . $responseStr);
     $error = curl_error($curl);
     if ($error) {
         throw new kCoreException('Failed to call node api server: ' . $error);
     $response = json_decode($responseStr);
     if (is_null($response)) {
         // the json response from the node api could be wrapped in an extra '{' and '}', which doesn't decode well in php
         // small hack to remove it and try decoding again
         if (strlen($responseStr) > 2) {
             $responseStr = substr($responseStr, 1);
             $responseStr = substr($responseStr, 0, strlen($responseStr) - 1);
         $response = json_decode($responseStr);
     if (is_null($response)) {
         throw new kCoreException('Aspera node api response could not be decoded');
     return $response;
 public function objectReplaced(BaseObject $object, BaseObject $replacingObject, BatchJob $raisedJob = null)
     try {
         $replacingDrmKey = $this->getDrmKey($replacingObject);
         if ($replacingDrmKey) {
             $newKeyId = $replacingDrmKey->getDrmKey();
             KalturaLog::info("replacing drm key with: " . $newKeyId);
             $entryDrmKey = $this->getDrmKey($object);
             if (!$entryDrmKey) {
                 $entryDrmKey = new DrmKey();
             $object->putInCustomData(PlayReadyPlugin::ENTRY_CUSTOM_DATA_PLAY_READY_KEY_ID, $newKeyId);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         KalturaLog::err("Failed to update drm key for entry " . $object->getId());
     return true;
 protected function createDirDescriber($outDir, $fileName)
     $fileList = kFile::dirList($outDir, false);
     $fileListXml = $this->createImagesListXML($fileList);
     kFile::setFileContent($outDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName, $fileListXml->asXML());
     KalturaLog::info('file list xml [' . $outDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName . '] created');
  * @param entry $object
  * @return bool true if should continue to the next consumer
 public function entryCreated(entry $object)
     $mediaType = null;
     if ($object->getType() == entryType::AUTOMATIC) {
         $mediaType = $object->getMediaType();
         if (isset(self::$fileExtensions[$mediaType])) {
         } elseif (is_null($mediaType) || $mediaType == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_ANY || $mediaType == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_AUTOMATIC) {
     if ($object->getType() != entryType::DOCUMENT) {
         KalturaLog::info("entry id [" . $object->getId() . "] type [" . $object->getType() . "]");
         return true;
     if (is_null($mediaType) || $mediaType == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_ANY || $mediaType == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_AUTOMATIC) {
     if ($object instanceof DocumentEntry) {
         KalturaLog::info("entry id [" . $object->getId() . "] already handled");
         return true;
     if ($object->getConversionProfileId()) {
     return true;
  * Add bulk upload job
  * @param DropFolder $folder
  * @param DropFolderFile $leadDropFolderFile
  * @throws Exception
 private function addXMLBulkUploadJob(DropFolder $folder, DropFolderFile $leadDropFolderFile)
     /* @var $leadDropFolderFile FeedDropFolderFile */
     KalturaLog::info('Adding BulkUpload job');
     try {
         $coreBulkUploadType = BulkUploadXmlPlugin::getBulkUploadTypeCoreValue(BulkUploadXmlType::XML);
         $objectId = $leadDropFolderFile->getId();
         $objectType = DropFolderXmlBulkUploadPlugin::getBatchJobObjectTypeCoreValue(DropFolderBatchJobObjectType::DROP_FOLDER_FILE);
         $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($folder->getPartnerId());
         $data = KalturaPluginManager::loadObject('kBulkUploadJobData', $coreBulkUploadType);
         /* @var $data kBulkUploadJobData */
         KalturaLog::info("Feed XML path: " . $leadDropFolderFile->getFeedXmlPath());
         $data->setFileName(basename($data->getFilePath()) . '.xml');
         $objectData = new kBulkUploadEntryData();
         KalturaLog::info('Conversion profile id: ' . $folder->getConversionProfileId());
         $job = kJobsManager::addBulkUploadJob($partner, $data, $coreBulkUploadType, $objectId, $objectType);
         return $job;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         KalturaLog::err("Error adding BulkUpload job -" . $e->getMessage());
         throw new Exception(DropFolderXmlBulkUploadPlugin::ERROR_ADDING_BULK_UPLOAD_MESSAGE, DropFolderXmlBulkUploadPlugin::getErrorCodeCoreValue(DropFolderXmlBulkUploadErrorCode::ERROR_ADDING_BULK_UPLOAD));
 public function run($jobs = null)
     KalturaLog::info("Directory Cleanup is running");
     $path = $this->getAdditionalParams("path");
     $pattern = $this->getAdditionalParams("pattern");
     $simulateOnly = $this->getAdditionalParams("simulateOnly");
     $minutesOld = $this->getAdditionalParams("minutesOld");
     $secondsOld = $minutesOld * 60;
     $path_to_search = $path . $pattern;
     KalturaLog::debug("Searching [{$path_to_search}]");
     $files = glob($path_to_search);
     KalturaLog::debug("Found [" . count($files) . "] to scan");
     $now = time();
     KalturaLog::debug("The time now is: " . date('c', $now));
     KalturaLog::debug("Deleting files that are " . $secondsOld . " seconds old (modified before " . date('c', $now - $secondsOld) . ")");
     $deletedCount = 0;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $filemtime = filemtime($file);
         if ($filemtime > $now - $secondsOld) {
         if ($simulateOnly) {
             KalturaLog::debug("Simulating: Deleting file [{$file}], it's last modification time was " . date('c', $filemtime));
         KalturaLog::debug("Deleting file [{$file}], it's last modification time was " . date('c', $filemtime));
         $res = @unlink($file);
         if (!$res) {
             KalturaLog::debug("Error: problem while deleting [{$file}]");
     KalturaLog::debug("Deleted {$deletedCount} files");
  * @return array
 protected function getSecureHdUrl()
     $params = array();
     if ($this->getSupportClipping()) {
         $seekStart = $this->params->getSeekFromTime();
         $seekEnd = $this->params->getClipTo();
         if ($seekStart != -1) {
             $params['start'] = floor($this->params->getSeekFromTime() / 1000);
         } else {
             if ($seekEnd) {
                 $params['start'] = 0;
         if ($seekEnd) {
             $params['end'] = ceil($this->params->getClipTo() / 1000);
     $flavors = $this->buildHttpFlavorsArray();
     $flavors = $this->sortFlavors($flavors);
     $flavor = AkamaiDeliveryUtils::getHDN2ManifestUrl($flavors, $this->params->getMediaProtocol(), $this->getUrl(), '/master.m3u8', '/i', $params);
     if (!$flavor) {
         KalturaLog::info(get_class() . ' failed to find flavor');
         return null;
     return $flavor;
 public function run()
     KalturaLog::info("Directory Cleanup is running");
     $path = $this->getAdditionalParams("path");
     $pattern = $this->getAdditionalParams("pattern");
     $simulateOnly = $this->getAdditionalParams("simulateOnly");
     $minutesOld = $this->getAdditionalParams("minutesOld");
     $secondsOld = $minutesOld * 60;
     $path_to_search = $path . $pattern;
     KalturaLog::debug("Searching [{$path_to_search}]");
     $files = glob($path_to_search);
     KalturaLog::debug("Found [" . count($files) . "] to scan");
     $now = time();
     $deletedCount = 0;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (filemtime($file) > $now - $secondsOld) {
         if ($simulateOnly) {
             KalturaLog::debug("Simulating: Deleting file [{$file}]");
         KalturaLog::debug("Deleting file [{$file}]");
         $res = @unlink($file);
         if (!$res) {
             KalturaLog::debug("Error: problem while deleting [{$file}]");
     KalturaLog::debug("Deleted {$deletedCount} files");
 public function checkIsLive($url)
     KalturaLog::info('url to check:' . $url);
     $parts = parse_url($url);
     parse_str($parts['query'], $query);
     $token = $query[$this->getParamName()];
     $data = $this->urlExists($url, array($this->getHdsManifestContentType()));
     if (!$data) {
         KalturaLog::Info("URL [{$url}] returned no valid data. Exiting.");
         return false;
     KalturaLog::info('Velocix HDS manifest data:' . $data);
     $dom = new KDOMDocument();
     $element = $dom->getElementsByTagName('baseURL')->item(0);
     if (!$element) {
         KalturaLog::Info("No base url was given");
         return false;
     $baseUrl = $element->nodeValue;
     foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('media') as $media) {
         $href = $media->getAttribute('href');
         $streamUrl = $baseUrl . $href;
         $streamUrl .= $token ? '?' . $this->getParamName() . "={$token}" : '';
         if ($this->urlExists($streamUrl, array(), '0-0') !== false) {
             KalturaLog::info('is live:' . $streamUrl);
             return true;
     return false;
 public function apply(KalturaRelatedFilter $filter, KalturaObject $parentObject)
     $filterProperty = $this->filterProperty;
     $parentProperty = $this->parentProperty;
     KalturaLog::info("Mapping XPath {$parentProperty} to " . get_class($filter) . "::{$filterProperty}");
     if (!$parentObject instanceof KalturaMetadata) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE, get_class($parentObject));
     if (!property_exists($filter, $filterProperty)) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PROPERTY_IS_NOT_DEFINED, $filterProperty, get_class($filter));
     $xml = $parentObject->xml;
     $doc = new KDOMDocument();
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
     $metadataElements = $xpath->query($parentProperty);
     if ($metadataElements->length == 1) {
         $filter->{$filterProperty} = $metadataElements->item(0)->nodeValue;
     } elseif ($metadataElements->length > 1) {
         $values = array();
         foreach ($metadataElements as $element) {
             $values[] = $element->nodeValue;
         $filter->{$filterProperty} = implode(',', $values);
     } elseif (!$this->allowNull) {
         return false;
     return true;
      * getAccessAction
      * input: flavor ids, drmProvider
      * Get Access Action
      * @action getAccess
      * @param string $entryId
      * @param string $flavorIds
      * @param string $referrer
 * @return KalturaDrmLicenseAccessDetails
 public function getAccessAction($entryId, $flavorIds, $referrer)
     $response = new KalturaDrmLicenseAccessDetails();
     $response->policy = "";
     $response->duration = 0;
     $response->absolute_duration = 0;
     $flavorIdsArr = explode(",", $flavorIds);
     $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($entryId);
     if (isset($entry)) {
         try {
             $drmLU = new DrmLicenseUtils($entry, $referrer);
             if ($this->validateFlavorAssetssAllowed($drmLU, $flavorIdsArr) == true) {
                 $policyId = $drmLU->getPolicyId();
                 KalturaLog::info("policy_id is '{$policyId}'");
                 $dbPolicy = DrmPolicyPeer::retrieveByPK($policyId);
                 if (isset($dbPolicy)) {
                     $expirationDate = DrmLicenseUtils::calculateExpirationDate($dbPolicy, $entry);
                     $response->policy = $dbPolicy->getName();
                     $response->duration = $expirationDate;
                     $response->absolute_duration = $expirationDate;
                     KalturaLog::info("response is  '" . print_r($response, true) . "' ");
                 } else {
                     KalturaLog::err("Could not get DRM policy from DB");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             KalturaLog::err("Could not validate license access, returned with message '" . $e->getMessage() . "'");
     } else {
         KalturaLog::err("Entry '{$entryId}' not found");
     return $response;
Exemple #28
 public function copyAssets(entry $toEntry, ThumbCuePoint $toCuePoint, $adjustedStartTime = null)
     $timedThumbAsset = assetPeer::retrieveById($this->getAssetId());
     if (!$timedThumbAsset) {
         KalturaLog::info("Can't retrieve timedThumbAsset with id: {$this->getAssetId()}");
     // Offset the startTime according to the duration gap between the live and VOD entries
     if (!is_null($adjustedStartTime)) {
     // Must save in order to produce an id
     // Set the destination cue point's id
     // Write the cached custom data object into the thumb asset
     // Make a copy of the current thumb asset
     // copyToEntry will create a filesync softlink to the original filesync
     $toTimedThumbAsset = $timedThumbAsset->copyToEntry($toEntry->getId(), $toEntry->getPartnerId());
     // Restore the thumb asset's prev. cue point id (for good measures)
     // Save the destination entry's thumb asset
     KalturaLog::log("Saved cue point [{$toCuePoint->getId()}] and timed thumb asset [{$toTimedThumbAsset->getId()}]");
 public function execute()
     $ksStr = $this->getP("ks");
     if ($ksStr) {
         $ksObj = null;
         try {
             $ksObj = ks::fromSecureString($ksStr);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($ksObj) {
             $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($ksObj->partner_id);
             if (!$partner) {
             if (!$partner->validateApiAccessControl()) {
         KalturaLog::info("Killing session with ks - [{$ksStr}], decoded - [" . base64_decode($ksStr) . "]");
     } else {
         KalturaLog::err('logoutAction called with no KS');
     setcookie('pid', "", 0, "/");
     setcookie('subpid', "", 0, "/");
     setcookie('kmcks', "", 0, "/");
     return sfView::NONE;
     //redirection to kmc/kmc is done from java script
  * @return string
 public function getRawMediaInfo()
     $adApi = new ADContentAPI();
     KalturaLog::info("adApi-->" . print_r($adApi, true));
     $fileName = $this->job->data->srcFileSyncLocalPath;
     // Calls from PostConvertJob represent 'output' AD location,
     // while calls from ExtractMediaJob represnt 'input' AD location
     if ($this->job->data instanceof KalturaPostConvertJobData) {
         $location = 'output';
         //			$folder=str_replace ("-", "/", $this->job->data->customData);
         //			$fileName="$folder/encode/$fileName";
         $fileName = $this->job->data->customData;
     } else {
         // if($this->job->data instanceof KalturaExtractMediaJobData)
         $location = 'input';
     $mi = $adApi->MediaInfoToText($location, $fileName, $err);
     if (!isset($mi)) {
         KalturaLog::info("AlldigitalApi: mediainfo failure(location:{$location},fileName:{$fileName}) - {$err}");
         throw new KOperationEngineException("AlldigitalApi: mediainfo failure(location:{$location},fileName:{$fileName}) - {$err}");
     KalturaLog::info("mediaInfo-->\n" . $mi);
     return $mi;
     $mediaInfoSample = "\nGeneral\nComplete name                    : C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\\nFormat                           : MPEG-4\nFormat profile                   : QuickTime\nCodec ID                         : qt  \nFile size                        : 66.6MiB \nDuration                         : 2mn 25s\nOverall bit rate                 : 3 851 Kbps\nEncoded date                     : UTC 2009-08-21 18:45:38\nTagged date                      : UTC 2009-08-21 18:45:40\nWriting library                  : Apple QuickTime\ : 7ABA86C3-580D-4364-970F-5C8103CC66C9\n\nVideo\nID                               : 1\nFormat                           : AVC\nFormat/Info                      : Advanced Video Codec\nFormat profile                   : Main@L4.0\nFormat settings, CABAC           : No\nFormat settings, ReFrames        : 2 frames\nCodec ID                         : vp6\nCodec ID/Info                    : Advanced Video Coding\nDuration                         : 2mn 25s\nBit rate mode                    : Variable\nBit rate                         : 721 Kbps\nWidth                            : 1 280 pixels\nHeight                           : 720 pixels\nDisplay aspect ratio             : 16:9\nFrame rate mode                  : Constant\nFrame rate                       : 29.970 fps\nResolution                       : 24 bits\nColorimetry                      : 4:2:0\nScan type                        : Progressive\nBits/(Pixel*Frame)               : 0.060\nStream size                      : 64.4 MiB (97%)\nEncoded date                     : UTC 2009-08-21 18:45:37\nTagged date                      : UTC 2009-08-21 18:45:40\n\nAudio\nID                               : 3\nFormat                           : AAC\nFormat/Info                      : Advanced Audio Codec\nFormat version                   : Version 4\nFormat profile                   : LC\nFormat settings, SBR             : No\nCodec ID                         : 40\nDuration                         : 2mn 25s\nBit rate mode                    : Constant\nBit rate                         : 124 Kbps\nNominal bit rate                 : 128 Kbps\nChannel(s)                       : 2 channels\nChannel positions                : L R\nSampling rate                    : 48.0 KHz\nResolution                       : 16 bits\nStream size                      : 2.15 MiB (3%)\nEncoded date                     : UTC 2009-08-21 18:45:38\nTagged date                      : UTC 2009-08-21 18:45:40\n\nMenu\nID                               : 2\nEncoded_Date                     : UTC 2009-08-21 18:45:37\nTagged_Date                      : UTC 2009-08-21 18:45:40\nBitRate_Mode                     : CBR\n\n";
     return $mediaInfoSample;