Exemple #1
  * get the kaltura client
  * @param bol $isAdmin default = false
  * @param $privileges
  * @return unknown_type
 function getClient($isAdmin = false, $privileges = null)
     // get the configuration to use the kaltura client
     $kalturaConfig = KalturaHelpers::getServiceConfiguration($this->params);
     // inititialize the kaltura client using the above configurations
     $kalturaClient = new KalturaClient($kalturaConfig);
     // get the current logged in user
     $sessionUser = KalturaHelpers::kalturaGetSessionUser();
     if ($isAdmin) {
         $adminSecret = $this->params->get("kaltura_webservice_admin_secret");
         $result = $kalturaClient->startsession($sessionUser, $adminSecret, true, $privileges);
     } else {
         $secret = $this->params->get("kaltura_webservice_secret");
         $result = $kalturaClient->startsession($sessionUser, $secret, false, $privileges);
     if (count(@$result["error"])) {
         return null;
     } else {
         // now lets get the session key
         $session = $result["result"]["ks"];
         // set the session so we can use other service methods
     return $kalturaClient;
Exemple #2
function getPlayList()
    // Your Kaltura partner credentials
    define("PARTNER_ID", "xxxxxxx");
    define("ADMIN_SECRET", "xxxxxxx");
    $user = "******";
    $kconf = new KalturaConfiguration(PARTNER_ID);
    $kclient = new KalturaClient($kconf);
    $ksession = $kclient->session->start(ADMIN_SECRET, $user, KalturaSessionType::ADMIN);
    if (!isset($ksession)) {
        die("Could not establish Kaltura session. Please verify that you are using valid Kaltura partner credentials.");
    $result = $kclient->playlist->get('0_3x0phjri');
    $l = explode(",", $result->playlistContent);
    foreach ($l as $key => $value) {
        $filter = new KalturaMetadataFilter();
        $filter->objectIdEqual = $value;
        $metadata = $kclient->metadata->listAction($filter)->objects;
        $id = $metadata[0]->objectId;
        if (isset($metadata[0]->xml)) {
            $xml = $metadata[0]->xml;
            $meta = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
            $amt = (string) $meta->Amt;
            $taxamt = (string) $meta->Taxamt;
        $obj = array("name" => "Video", "number" => $value, "category" => "Digital", "desc" => "my video", "amt" => $amt, "taxamt" => $taxamt);
        $objArray[] = $obj;
    return $objArray;
function get_se_wizard($div, $width, $height, $entryId)
    $params = "''";
    $url = "''";
    $platformUser = "******"" . KalturaHelpers::getSessionUser()->userId . "\"";
    $kalturaSecret = KalturaHelpers::getPlatformKey("secret", "");
    if ($kalturaSecret != null && strlen($kalturaSecret) > 0) {
        try {
            $kClient = new KalturaClient(KalturaHelpers::getServiceConfiguration());
            $kalturaUser = KalturaHelpers::getPlatformKey("user", "");
            $ksId = $kClient->session->start($kalturaSecret, $kalturaUser, KalturaSessionType::USER, null, 86400, "*");
            $url = KalturaHelpers::getSimpleEditorUrl(KalturaHelpers::getPlatformKey("editor", null));
            $params = KalturaHelpers::flashVarsToString(KalturaHelpers::getSimpleEditorFlashVars($ksId, $entryId, "entry", ""));
        } catch (Exception $exp) {
            $flash_embed = $exp->getMessage();
        $flash_embed = '
	      <div id="' . $div . '" style="width:' . $width . 'px;height:' . $height . ';">
    	  <script type="text/javascript">
        var kso = new SWFObject("' . $url . '", "KalturaSW", "' . $width . '", "' . $height . '", "9", "#ffffff");
        kso.addParam("flashVars", "' . $params . '");
        kso.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
        kso.addParam("allowFullScreen", "TRUE");
        kso.addParam("allowNetworking", "all");
        if(kso.installedVer.major >= 9) {
          kso.write("' . $div . '");
        } else {
          document.getElementById("' . $div . '").innerHTML = "Flash player version 9 and above is required. <a href=\\"http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/\\">Upgrade your flash version</a>";
        return $flash_embed;
Exemple #4
	function getData()
		$params = $this->getParams();
		$conf = $this->getKalturaConfig();

		$user = new KalturaSessionUser();
		$user->userId = "1";

		$cl = new KalturaClient($conf);

		$res = $cl->startSession($user, $params->get('kaltura_admin_secret'), true);
		//$res =$cl->startAdmin($user, $conf->adminSecret , null);
		//$ks = $cl->getKs();
		$ks = $res['result']['ks'];
		echo $ks;
		// create a filter to define what exactly we want to be in the list

		$filter 		=& $this->getKalturaFilter();
		$page 			= $this->getKalturaPage();
		$page_size 	= 20; // choose the page_size to be some number that will fit the area you would like to display the thumbnails gallery

		$detailed = false;
		$res = $cl->listentries ( $user , $filter , $detailed , $page_size , $page);
		$count = @$res["result"]["count"];
		$entries = @$res["result"]["entries"];
		if (!$entries) $entries =array();
		return $entries;
 private static function buildSubTitleCommandParam(KalturaConvartableJobData $data, KalturaClient $client)
     //		$cmdStr.= " -add ".KDLCmdlinePlaceholders::OutFileName.".temp.srt:hdlr=sbtl:lang=$lang:group=0:layer=-1";
     // impersonite
     $preImpersoniteId = $client->getConfig()->partnerId;
     $client->getConfig()->partnerId = $data->flavorParamsOutput->partnerId;
     $flrAsst = $client->flavorAsset->get($data->flavorAssetId);
     if (!isset($flrAsst)) {
         throw new KOperationEngineException("Failed to retrieve the flavor asset object (" . $data->flavorAssetId . ")");
     $filter = new KalturaAssetFilter();
     $filter->entryIdEqual = $flrAsst->entryId;
     $captionsList = $client->captionAsset->listAction($filter, null);
     if (!isset($captionsList) || count($captionsList->objects) == 0) {
         throw new KOperationEngineException("No caption assets for entry (" . $flrAsst->entryId . ")");
     $captionsStr = null;
     $addedSubs = 0;
     foreach ($captionsList->objects as $captionObj) {
         try {
             $cptUrl = $client->captionAsset->getUrl($captionObj->id, null);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             $cptUrl = null;
             KalturaLog::err("Exception on etrieve caption asset url retrieval (" . $captionObj->id . "),\nexception:" . print_r($ex, 1));
         if (!isset($cptUrl)) {
             KalturaLog::err("Failed to retrieve caption asset url (" . $captionObj->id . ")");
         $cptFilePath = self::retrieveCaptionFile($captionObj, $cptUrl, $data->destFileSyncLocalPath);
         if (!isset($cptFilePath)) {
          * group - "An integer that specifies a group or collection of tracks. If this field is 0 there is no information
          * 	on possible relations to other tracks. If this field is not 0, it should be the same for tracks that contain 
          * 	alternate data for one another and different for tracks belonging to different such groups. Only one track 
          * 	within an alternate group should be played or streamed at any one time, and must be distinguishable from other 
          * 	racks in the group via attributes such as bitrate, codec, language, packet size etc. A group may have only one member. "
          *	To follow that desc, the group id for all subtitles would be set to 1.
          *	Apart from the first subs track, all the others would be tagged with 'disabled', otherwise the older iOS devices (pre 5.x)
          *	does not handle it properly.
          * layer - "Specifies the front-to-back ordering of video tracks; tracks with lower numbers are closer to the viewer. 
          *	0 is the normal value, and -1 would be in front of track 0, and so on."
          *	layer=-1, closest to the viewer
         $captionsStr .= " -add " . $cptFilePath . ":hdlr=sbtl:lang=" . $captionObj->languageCode . ":group=1:layer=-1";
         if ($addedSubs > 0) {
             $captionsStr .= ":disabled";
     // un-impersonite
     $client->getConfig()->partnerId = $preImpersoniteId;
     if (!isset($captionsStr)) {
         throw new KOperationEngineException("Error: missing caption data or files.");
     return $captionsStr;
function generate_ks($service_url, $partnerId, $secret, $type = KalturaSessionType::ADMIN, $userId = null, $expiry = null, $privileges = null)
    $config = new KalturaConfiguration($partnerId);
    $config->serviceUrl = $service_url;
    $client = new KalturaClient($config);
    $ks = $client->session->start($secret, $userId, $type, $partnerId, $expiry, $privileges);
    return $client;
function isPayItem($entryId)
    require_once 'kalturaConfig.php';
    require_once 'client/KalturaClient.php';
    $config = new KalturaConfiguration(PARTNER_ID);
    $config->serviceUrl = 'http://www.kaltura.com/';
    $client = new KalturaClient($config);
    global $USER_ID;
    $ks = $client->generateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, $USER_ID, KalturaSessionType::ADMIN, PARTNER_ID);
    $entry = $client->media->get($entryId);
    $paid = '';
    if ($entry->categoriesIds != '') {
        $categories = explode(',', $entry->categoriesIds);
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $filter = new KalturaMetadataFilter();
            $filter->metadataObjectTypeEqual = KalturaMetadataObjectType::CATEGORY;
            $filter->objectIdEqual = trim($category);
            $pager = new KalturaFilterPager();
            $pager->pageSize = 500;
            $pager->pageIndex = 1;
            $categoryMetadatas = $client->metadata->listAction($filter, $pager)->objects;
            foreach ($categoryMetadatas as $categoryMetadata) {
                $categoryMetadataProfile = $client->metadataProfile->get($categoryMetadata->metadataProfileId);
                if ($categoryMetadata->metadataProfileId == PAYPAL_CATEGORY_METADATA_PROFILE_ID) {
                    $xml = simplexml_load_string($categoryMetadata->xml);
                    if ($paid != 'true') {
                        $paid = strtolower($xml->Paid);
                    //Only need to find one instance of a paid category
    //If the video is not part of a paid channel, see if the video itself is paid
    if ($paid != 'true') {
        $pager = new KalturaFilterPager();
        $pageSize = 50;
        $pager->pageSize = $pageSize;
        $metadataFilter = new KalturaMetadataFilter();
        $metadataFilter->objectIdEqual = $entryId;
        $metaResults = $client->metadata->listAction($metadataFilter, $pager)->objects;
        foreach ($metaResults as $metaResult) {
            if ($metaResult->metadataProfileId == PAYPAL_METADATA_PROFILE_ID) {
                $xml = simplexml_load_string($metaResult->xml);
                $paid = strtolower($xml->Paid);
    if ($paid == '') {
        echo 'false';
    } else {
        echo $paid;
 private function establishConnection($ini_file)
     $config = new KalturaConfiguration($ini_file["partner_id"]);
     $config->serviceUrl = $ini_file["service_url"];
     $client = new KalturaClient($config);
     $partnerId = $ini_file["partner_id"];
     $ks = $client->session->start($ini_file["admin_secret"], "", KalturaSessionType::ADMIN, $partnerId);
     return $client;
function getSessionOnce($itemId, $userId)
    //Create a session
    $conf = new KalturaConfiguration(PARTNER_ID);
    $client = new KalturaClient($conf);
    $session = $client->session->start(USER_SECRET, $userId, KalturaSessionType::USER, PARTNER_ID, 86400, 'sview:' . $itemId);
    if (!isset($session)) {
        die("Could not establish Kaltura session with OLD session credentials. Please verify that you are using valid Kaltura partner credentials.");
    echo $session;
  * Gets an API object from the API - using a client session and KS also using the action get from this service on the object id
  * @param KalturaObjectBase $objectInstance
  * @param string $objectId
  * @param int $partnerId
  * @param string $secret
  * @param string $serviceUrl
  * @param string $service
  * @throws KalturaAPIException
 private static function getAPIObject(KalturaObjectBase $objectInstance, $objectId, $partnerId, $secret, $serviceUrl, $service)
     //here we create the KS and get the data from the API calls
     $config = new KalturaConfiguration((int) $partnerId);
     $config->serviceUrl = $serviceUrl;
     $client = new KalturaClient($config);
     $ks = $client->session->start($secret, null, KalturaSessionType::ADMIN, (int) $partnerId, null, null);
     $entryId = $objectId;
     $result = $client->{$service}->get($entryId);
     return $result;
Exemple #11
 private function getKalturaClient($partnerId, $adminSecret, $isAdmin)
     $kConfig = new KalturaConfiguration($partnerId);
     $kConfig->serviceUrl = KalturaTestConfiguration::SERVICE_URL;
     $client = new KalturaClient($kConfig);
     $userId = "SomeUser";
     $sessionType = $isAdmin ? KalturaSessionType::ADMIN : KalturaSessionType::USER;
     try {
         $ks = $client->generateSession($adminSecret, $userId, $sessionType, $partnerId);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         die("could not start session - check configurations in KalturaTestConfiguration class");
     return $client;
Exemple #12
 private function getKalturaClient($partnerId, $adminSecret, $isAdmin)
     $kConfig = new KalturaConfiguration();
     $kConfig->serviceUrl = $this->config[self::CONFIG_ITEM_SERVICE_URL];
     $client = new KalturaClient($kConfig);
     $userId = "SomeUser";
     $sessionType = $isAdmin ? KalturaSessionType::ADMIN : KalturaSessionType::USER;
     try {
         $ks = $client->generateSession($adminSecret, $userId, $sessionType, $partnerId);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw new Exception("Could not start session - check configurations in config.ini");
     return $client;
 private function initClient()
     echo 'initClient' . PHP_EOL;
     if ($this->client) {
     try {
         $config = new KalturaConfiguration(Config::PARTNER_ID);
         $config->serviceUrl = Config::SERVER_URL;
         $client = new KalturaClient($config);
         $ks = $client->session->start(Config::PARTNER_ADMIN_SECRET, Config::PARTNER_USER_ID, KalturaSessionType::ADMIN, Config::PARTNER_ID);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, 'Exception in session->start - ' . $ex->getMessage());
     $this->client = $client;
Exemple #14
 function getClient()
     // Get kaltura configuration file
     require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../config/kConf.php';
     $kConf = new kConf();
     // Load kaltura client
     require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../../clients/php5/KalturaClient.php';
     try {
         $conf = new KalturaConfiguration($this->partnerId);
         $conf->serviceUrl = 'http://' . $kConf->get('www_host');
         $client = new KalturaClient($conf);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->error = 'Error setting KS. <a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '">Try again</a>';
         return false;
     return $client;
function startKalturaSession()
    $kConfig = new KalturaConfiguration(PARTNER_ID);
    $kConfig->serviceUrl = kalturaServiceURL;
    $client = new KalturaClient($kConfig);
    $userID = "OVALAutomatedUploads";
    // If this user does not exist in your KMC, then it will be created.
    //$sessionType = ($isAdmin)? KalturaSessionType::ADMIN : KalturaSessionType::USER;
    $sessionType = KalturaSessionType::ADMIN;
    try {
        $ks = $client->generateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, $userID, $sessionType, PARTNER_ID);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        writeToLog("could not start session - check configurations in KalturaTestConfiguration class");
    //writeToLog("client: " . print_r($client, true));
    return $client;
Exemple #16
 private function getClient()
     if (!$this->initialized && !$this->client) {
         $this->initialized = true;
         try {
             $client = new KalturaClient($this->getConfig());
             if ($session = $this->storedKey()) {
                 $this->client = $client;
             } elseif ($session = $this->initializeClient($client)) {
                 $this->client = $client;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     return $this->client;
Exemple #17
  * Starts a new session
  * @param KalturaSessionType $type
  * @param string $userId
 private function startSession2($type, $userId)
     $secret = $type == KalturaSessionType::ADMIN ? self::TEST_ADMIN_SECRET_2 : self::TEST_USER_SECRET_2;
     $ks = $this->client2->session->start($secret, $userId, $type, self::TEST_PARTNER_ID_2);
     if (!$ks) {
         return false;
     return true;
 * Helper function to generate the KS (kaltura session)
 * @param bool $admin - wether or not to use an admin session
 * @return KalturaClient
function simplekaltura_create_client($admin = false)
    // Get settings
    $partner_user_id = elgg_get_plugin_setting('kaltura_partnerid', 'simplekaltura');
    //Construction of Kaltura objects for session initiation
    $config = simplekaltura_create_config();
    $client = new KalturaClient($config);
    $partner = $client->partner->getSecrets($config->partnerId, elgg_get_plugin_setting('kaltura_email_account', 'simplekaltura'), elgg_get_plugin_setting('kaltura_password_account', 'simplekaltura'));
    if ($admin) {
        $st = KalturaSessionType::ADMIN;
        $secret = $partner->adminSecret;
    } else {
        $st = KalturaSessionType::USER;
        $secret = $partner->secret;
    $ks = $client->session->start($secret, $partner_user_id, $st);
    // Set KS
    return $client;
 private function createKs(KalturaClient $client, KalturaScheduledTaskJobData $jobData)
     $partnerId = self::$taskConfig->getPartnerId();
     $sessionType = KalturaSessionType::ADMIN;
     $puserId = 'batchUser';
     $adminSecret = self::$taskConfig->getSecret();
     $privileges = array('disableentitlement');
     if ($jobData->referenceTime) {
         $privileges[] = 'reftime:' . $jobData->referenceTime;
     return $client->generateSession($adminSecret, $puserId, $sessionType, $partnerId, 86400, implode(',', $privileges));
 protected function init($args)
     if (!isset($args['PartnerID'])) {
         throw new KurogoConfigurationException('Kaltura PartnerID not included');
     $this->token = $args['token'];
     if (!isset($args['PartnerSecret'])) {
         throw new KurogoConfigurationException('Kaltura PartnerSecret not included');
     define("KALTURA_PARTNER_ID", PartnerID);
     define("KALTURA_PARTNER_ADMIN_SECRET", PartnerSecret);
     //define session variables
     $this->partnerUserID = 'ANONYMOUS';
     //construct Kaltura objects for session initiation
     $config = new KalturaConfiguration(KALTURA_PARTNER_ID);
     $client = new KalturaClient($config);
     $ks = $client->session->start(KALTURA_PARTNER_ADMIN_SECRET, $this->partnerUserID, KalturaSessionType::ADMIN);
Exemple #21
  * @param KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig
 public function __construct($taskConfig = null)
      *  argv[0] - the script name
      *  argv[1] - serialized KSchedulerConfig config
     global $argv, $g_context;
     $this->sessionKey = uniqid('sess');
     $this->start = microtime(true);
     if (is_null($taskConfig)) {
         $data = gzuncompress(base64_decode($argv[1]));
         self::$taskConfig = unserialize($data);
     } else {
         self::$taskConfig = $taskConfig;
     if (!self::$taskConfig) {
         die("Task config not supplied");
     // clear seperator between executions
     KalturaLog::stderr('___________________________________________________________________________________', KalturaLog::DEBUG);
     KalturaLog::info(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../VERSION.txt"));
     if (!self::$taskConfig instanceof KSchedularTaskConfig) {
         KalturaLog::err('config is not a KSchedularTaskConfig');
     KalturaLog::debug("set_time_limit({" . self::$taskConfig->maximumExecutionTime . "})");
     KalturaLog::debug('This batch index: ' . $this->getIndex());
     KalturaLog::debug('This session key: ' . $this->sessionKey);
     self::$kClientConfig = new KalturaConfiguration();
     self::$kClientConfig->serviceUrl = self::$taskConfig->getServiceUrl();
     self::$kClientConfig->curlTimeout = self::$taskConfig->getCurlTimeout();
     if (isset(self::$taskConfig->clientConfig)) {
         foreach (self::$taskConfig->clientConfig as $attr => $value) {
             self::$kClientConfig->{$attr} = $value;
     self::$kClient = new KalturaClient(self::$kClientConfig);
     self::$clientTag = 'batch: ' . self::$taskConfig->getSchedulerName() . ' ' . get_class($this) . " index: {$this->getIndex()} sessionId: " . UniqueId::get();
     //$ks = self::$kClient->session->start($secret, "user-2", KalturaSessionType::ADMIN);
     $ks = $this->createKS();
     KScheduleHelperManager::saveRunningBatch($this->getName(), $this->getIndex());
  * Checks if the job was aborted (throws exception if so)
  * @throws KalturaBulkUploadAbortedException
 protected function checkAborted()
     if ($this->kClient->isMultiRequest()) {
         return false;
     $batchJobResponse = $this->kClient->jobs->getBulkUploadStatus($this->job->id);
     $updatedJob = $batchJobResponse->batchJob;
     if ($updatedJob->abort) {
         KalturaLog::info("job[{$this->job->id}] aborted");
         //Throw exception and close the job from the outside
         throw new KalturaBulkUploadAbortedException("Job was aborted", KalturaBulkUploadAbortedException::JOB_ABORTED);
     return false;
 public function doRecalculate(KalturaRecalculateResponseProfileCacheJobData $data)
     $job = KJobHandlerWorker::getCurrentJob();
     $partner = KBatchBase::$kClient->partner->get($job->partnerId);
     $role = reset($data->userRoles);
     /* @var $role KalturaIntegerValue */
     $privileges = array('setrole:' . $role->value, 'disableentitlement');
     $privileges = implode(',', $privileges);
     $client = new KalturaClient(KBatchBase::$kClientConfig);
     $ks = $client->generateSession($partner->adminSecret, 'batchUser', $data->ksType, $job->partnerId, 86400, $privileges);
     $options = new KalturaResponseProfileCacheRecalculateOptions();
     $options->limit = $this->maxCacheObjectsPerRequest;
     $options->cachedObjectType = $data->cachedObjectType;
     $options->objectId = $data->objectId;
     $options->startObjectKey = $data->startObjectKey;
     $options->endObjectKey = $data->endObjectKey;
     $options->jobCreatedAt = $job->createdAt;
     $options->isFirstLoop = true;
     $recalculated = 0;
     try {
         do {
             $results = $client->responseProfile->recalculate($options);
             $recalculated += $results->recalculated;
             $options->startObjectKey = $results->lastObjectKey;
             $options->isFirstLoop = false;
         } while ($results->lastObjectKey);
     } catch (KalturaException $e) {
             throw $e;
     return $recalculated;
 * Takes in a : 
 * $wid, string, The widget id 
 * $playlistId, string, The playlist_id
function getKalturaPlaylist($partnerId, $playlistId)
    $config = new KalturaConfiguration($partnerId);
    $config->serviceUrl = 'http://www.kaltura.com/';
    $client = new KalturaClient($config);
    // the session:
    $kparams = array();
    $client->addParam($kparams, 'widgetId', '_' . $partnerId);
    $client->queueServiceActionCall('session', 'startWidgetSession', $kparams);
    // The playlist meta:
    $kparams = array();
    $client->addParam($kparams, 'ks', '{1:result:ks}');
    $client->addParam($kparams, 'id', $playlistId);
    $client->queueServiceActionCall('playlist', 'get', $kparams);
    // The playlist entries:
    $client->queueServiceActionCall('playlist', 'execute', $kparams);
    $rawResultObject = $client->doQueue();
    return array('meta' => (array) $rawResultObject[1], 'playlist' => (array) $rawResultObject[2]);
 function getClient()
     // Get kaltura configuration file
     require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../../infra/kConf.php';
     $kConf = new kConf();
     // Load kaltura client
     require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../../clients/php5/KalturaClient.php';
     try {
         $conf = new KalturaConfiguration(null);
         $protocol = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off' ? "https://" : "http://";
         $port = null;
         if (is_null(parse_url($kConf->get('www_host'), PHP_URL_PORT))) {
             $port = isset($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]) ? $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] : 80;
         $conf->serviceUrl = $protocol . $kConf->get('www_host') . ($port ? ':' . $port : "");
         $client = new KalturaClient($conf);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->error = 'Error setting KS. <a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '">Try again</a>';
         return false;
     return $client;
Exemple #26
  * @return KalturaClient
 public static function getClient()
     if (self::$client) {
         return self::$client;
     $partnerId = self::getPartnerId();
     $ks = self::getKs();
     $config = new KalturaConfiguration($partnerId);
     $config->serviceUrl = self::getServiceUrl();
     $config->curlTimeout = self::getCurlTimeout();
     $config->setLogger(new Kaltura_ClientLoggingProxy());
     $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     $bootstrap = $front->getParam('bootstrap');
     if ($bootstrap) {
         $enviroment = $bootstrap->getApplication()->getEnvironment();
         if ($enviroment === 'development') {
             $config->startZendDebuggerSession = true;
     $client = new KalturaClient($config);
     self::$client = $client;
     return $client;
  * Will take a single KalturaBatchJob and export the given file 
  * @param KalturaBatchJob $job
  * @param KalturaStorageExportJobData $data
  * @return KalturaBatchJob
 protected function export(KalturaBatchJob $job, KalturaStorageExportJobData $data)
     $srcFile = str_replace('//', '/', trim($data->srcFileSyncLocalPath));
     $this->updateJob($job, "Syncing {$srcFile}, id: {$data->srcFileSyncId}", KalturaBatchJobStatus::QUEUED, 1);
     $remoteClientConfig = clone $this->kClient->getConfig();
     $remoteClientConfig->serviceUrl = $data->serverUrl;
     $remoteClientConfig->curlTimeout = $this->taskConfig->maximumExecutionTime;
     $remoteClient = new KalturaClient($remoteClientConfig);
     try {
         $fileSync = $remoteClient->fileSync->sync($data->srcFileSyncId, realpath($srcFile));
         if ($fileSync->status == KalturaFileSyncStatus::READY) {
             return $this->closeJob($job, null, null, null, KalturaBatchJobStatus::FINISHED);
         return $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::APP, 0, 'File sync not ready', KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
     } catch (KalturaException $kex) {
         return $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::KALTURA_API, $kex->getCode(), "Error: " . $kex->getMessage(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
     } catch (KalturaClientException $kcex) {
         return $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::KALTURA_CLIENT, $kcex->getCode(), "Error: " . $kcex->getMessage(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::RUNTIME, $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
Exemple #28
  * @param KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig
 public function __construct($taskConfig = null)
     KalturaLog::debug('This batch index: ' . $this->getIndex());
     KalturaLog::debug('This session key: ' . $this->sessionKey);
     $this->kClientConfig = new KalturaConfiguration();
     $this->kClientConfig->serviceUrl = $this->taskConfig->getServiceUrl();
     $this->kClientConfig->curlTimeout = $this->taskConfig->getCurlTimeout();
     $this->kClientConfig->clientTag = 'batch: ' . $this->taskConfig->getSchedulerName();
     $this->kClient = new KalturaClient($this->kClientConfig);
     //$ks = $this->kClient->session->start($secret, "user-2", KalturaSessionType::ADMIN);
     $ks = $this->createKS();
     KScheduleHelperManager::saveRunningBatch($this->taskConfig->getCommandsDir(), $this->getName(), $this->getIndex());
  * Init a KalturaClient object for the target account
  * @param KalturaCrossKalturaDistributionProfile $distributionProfile
  * @throws Exception
 protected function initClients(KalturaCrossKalturaDistributionProfile $distributionProfile)
     // init source client
     $sourceClientConfig = new KalturaConfiguration($distributionProfile->partnerId);
     $sourceClientConfig->serviceUrl = KBatchBase::$kClient->getConfig()->serviceUrl;
     // copy from static batch client
     $this->sourceClient = new KalturaClient($sourceClientConfig);
     // copy from static batch client
     // init target client
     $targetClientConfig = new KalturaConfiguration($distributionProfile->targetAccountId);
     $targetClientConfig->serviceUrl = $distributionProfile->targetServiceUrl;
     $this->targetClient = new KalturaClient($targetClientConfig);
     $ks = $this->targetClient->user->loginByLoginId($distributionProfile->targetLoginId, $distributionProfile->targetLoginPassword, "", 86400, 'disableentitlement');
  * Starts a new session
  * @param KalturaSessionType $type
  * @param string $userId
 protected function startSessionWithDiffe($type, $userId, $privileges = null)
     $testConfig = $this->config->get('config');
     $secret = $testConfig->secret;
     if ($type == SessionType::ADMIN) {
         $secret = $testConfig->userSecret;
     if (is_null($privileges)) {
         $privileges = $testConfig->privilege;
     $ks = $this->client->generateSession($secret, $userId, $type, $testConfig->partnerId, $testConfig->expiry, $privileges);
     KalturaLog::debug('Generate session for ks with privileges: ' . print_r($privileges, true) . ' ks: ' . $ks);
     if (!$ks) {
         return false;
     KalturaLog::info("Session started [{$ks}]");
     return true;