function folderOrDocument($sPath, $bAction = false) { $sFileName = basename($sPath); $sFolderPath = dirname($sPath); $aFolderInfo = KTBrowseUtil::_folderOrDocument($sFolderPath); if ($aFolderInfo === false) { return $aFolderInfo; } list($iFolderID, $iDocumentID) = $aFolderInfo; if ($iDocumentID && $bAction) { $aActions = array_keys(KTDocumentActionUtil::getAllDocumentActions()); if (in_array($sFileName, $aActions)) { return array($iFolderID, $iDocumentID, $sFileName); } return false; } $sQuery = 'SELECT id FROM folders WHERE parent_id = ? AND name = ?'; $aParams = array($iFolderID, $sFileName); $id = DBUtil::getOneResultKey(array($sQuery, $aParams), 'id'); if (PEAR::isError($id)) { // XXX: log error return false; } if ($id) { return array($id, null, null); } $sQuery = sprintf('SELECT FROM %s AS d' . ' LEFT JOIN %s AS dm ON (d.metadata_version_id = LEFT JOIN %s AS dc ON (dm.content_version_id =' . ' WHERE d.folder_id = ? AND dc.filename = ?', KTUtil::getTableName(documents), KTUtil::getTableName('document_metadata_version'), KTUtil::getTableName('document_content_version')); $aParams = array($iFolderID, $sFileName); $iDocumentID = DBUtil::getOneResultKey(array($sQuery, $aParams), 'id'); if (PEAR::isError($iDocumentID)) { // XXX: log error return false; } if ($iDocumentID) { return array($iFolderID, $iDocumentID, null); } if ($bAction) { // $aActions = array_keys(KTFolderAction::getFolderActions()); $aActions = array('ktcore.delete'); if (in_array($sFileName, $aActions)) { return array($iFolderID, null, $sFileName); } } return false; }
/** * Display a list of versions for comparing * * @return unknown */ function do_main() { $show_version = KTUtil::arrayGet($_REQUEST, 'show'); $showall = isset($show_version) && $show_version == 'all' ? true : false; $this->oPage->setSecondaryTitle($this->oDocument->getName()); $this->oPage->setBreadcrumbDetails(_kt('Version History')); $aMetadataVersions = KTDocumentMetadataVersion::getByDocument($this->oDocument); $aVersions = array(); foreach ($aMetadataVersions as $oVersion) { $version = Document::get($this->oDocument->getId(), $oVersion->getId()); if ($showall) { $aVersions[] = $version; } else { if ($version->getMetadataStatusID() != VERSION_DELETED) { $aVersions[] = $version; } } } // render pass. $this->oPage->title = _kt('Document History'); $oTemplate = $this->oValidator->validateTemplate('ktcore/document/metadata_history'); $aActions = KTDocumentActionUtil::getDocumentActionsByNames(array('ktcore.actions.document.view')); $oAction = $aActions[0]; $oAction->setDocument($this->oDocument); // create delete action if user is sys admin or folder admin $bShowDelete = false; require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/security/'; $oUser =& User::get($_SESSION['userID']); $iFolderId = $this->oDocument->getFolderId(); if (Permission::userIsSystemAdministrator($oUser) || Permission::isUnitAdministratorForFolder($oUser, $iFolderId)) { // Check if admin mode is enabled $bShowDelete = KTUtil::arrayGet($_SESSION, 'adminmode', false); } // Check if the document comparison plugin is installed $isActive = KTPluginUtil::pluginIsActive('document.comparison.plugin'); $bShowCompare = false; $bShowVersionCompare = false; $sUrl = false; if ($isActive) { $oRegistry =& KTPluginRegistry::getSingleton(); $oPlugin =& $oRegistry->getPlugin('document.comparison.plugin'); if ($oPlugin->loadHelpers()) { $sUrl = $oPlugin->getPagePath('DocumentComparison'); $file = $oPlugin->_aPages['document.comparison.plugin/DocumentComparison'][2]; include_once $file; // Check mime type of document for content comparison list($bShowCompare, $bShowVersionCompare) = DocumentComparison::checkMimeType($this->oDocument); } } $aTemplateData = array('context' => $this, 'document_id' => $this->oDocument->getId(), 'document' => $this->oDocument, 'versions' => $aVersions, 'downloadaction' => $oAction, 'showdelete' => $bShowDelete, 'showall' => $showall, 'bShowCompare' => $bShowCompare, 'bShowVersionCompare' => $bShowVersionCompare, 'sUrl' => $sUrl); return $oTemplate->render($aTemplateData); }
function do_main() { // fix legacy, broken items. if (KTUtil::arrayGet($_REQUEST, 'fDocumentID', true) !== true) { $_REQUEST['fDocumentId'] = sanitizeForSQL(KTUtil::arrayGet($_REQUEST, 'fDocumentID')); unset($_REQUEST['fDocumentID']); } $document_data = array(); $document_id = sanitizeForSQL(KTUtil::arrayGet($_REQUEST, 'fDocumentId')); if ($document_id === null) { $this->oPage->addError(sprintf(_kt("No document was requested. Please <a href=\"%s\">browse</a> for one."), KTBrowseUtil::getBrowseBaseUrl())); return $this->do_error(); } // try get the document. $oDocument =& Document::get($document_id); if (PEAR::isError($oDocument)) { $this->oPage->addError(sprintf(_kt("The document you attempted to retrieve is invalid. Please <a href=\"%s\">browse</a> for one."), KTBrowseUtil::getBrowseBaseUrl())); $this->oPage->booleanLink = true; return $this->do_error(); } $document_id = $oDocument->getId(); $document_data['document_id'] = $oDocument->getId(); if (!KTBrowseUtil::inAdminMode($this->oUser, $oDocument->getFolderId())) { if ($oDocument->getStatusID() == ARCHIVED) { $this->oPage->addError(_kt('This document has been archived. Please contact the system administrator to have it restored if it is still needed.')); return $this->do_request($oDocument); } else { if ($oDocument->getStatusID() == DELETED) { $this->oPage->addError(_kt('This document has been deleted. Please contact the system administrator to have it restored if it is still needed.')); return $this->do_error(); } else { if (!Permission::userHasDocumentReadPermission($oDocument)) { $this->oPage->addError(_kt('You are not allowed to view this document')); return $this->permissionDenied(); } } } } if ($oDocument->getStatusID() == ARCHIVED) { $this->oPage->addError(_kt('This document has been archived.')); } else { if ($oDocument->getStatusID() == DELETED) { $this->oPage->addError(_kt('This document has been deleted.')); } } $this->oPage->setSecondaryTitle($oDocument->getName()); $aOptions = array('documentaction' => 'viewDocument', 'folderaction' => 'browse'); $this->oDocument =& $oDocument; //Figure out if we came here by navigating trough a shortcut. //If we came here from a shortcut, the breadcrumbspath should be relative //to the shortcut folder. $iSymLinkFolderId = KTUtil::arrayGet($_REQUEST, 'fShortcutFolder', null); if (is_numeric($iSymLinkFolderId)) { $oBreadcrumbsFolder = Folder::get($iSymLinkFolderId); $aOptions['final'] = false; $this->aBreadcrumbs = kt_array_merge($this->aBreadcrumbs, KTBrowseUtil::breadcrumbsForFolder($oBreadcrumbsFolder, $aOptions)); $this->aBreadcrumbs[] = array('name' => $this->oDocument->getName()); } else { $this->aBreadcrumbs = kt_array_merge($this->aBreadcrumbs, KTBrowseUtil::breadcrumbsForDocument($oDocument, $aOptions, $iSymLinkFolderId)); } $this->oPage->setBreadcrumbDetails(_kt('document details')); $this->addPortlets('Document Details'); $document_data['document'] = $oDocument; $document_data['document_type'] =& DocumentType::get($oDocument->getDocumentTypeID()); $is_valid_doctype = true; if (PEAR::isError($document_data['document_type'])) { $this->oPage->addError(_kt('The document you requested has an invalid <strong>document type</strong>. Unfortunately, this means that we cannot effectively display it.')); $is_valid_doctype = false; } // we want to grab all the md for this doc, since its faster that way. $mdlist =& DocumentFieldLink::getByDocument($oDocument); $field_values = array(); foreach ($mdlist as $oFieldLink) { $field_values[$oFieldLink->getDocumentFieldID()] = $oFieldLink->getValue(); } //var_dump($field_values); $document_data['field_values'] = $field_values; // Fieldset generation. // // we need to create a set of FieldsetDisplay objects // that adapt the Fieldsets associated with this lot // to the view (i.e. ZX3). Unfortunately, we don't have // any of the plumbing to do it, so we handle this here. $fieldsets = array(); // we always have a generic. array_push($fieldsets, new GenericFieldsetDisplay()); $fieldsetDisplayReg =& KTFieldsetDisplayRegistry::getSingleton(); $aDocFieldsets = KTMetadataUtil::fieldsetsForDocument($oDocument); foreach ($aDocFieldsets as $oFieldset) { $displayClass = $fieldsetDisplayReg->getHandler($oFieldset->getNamespace()); array_push($fieldsets, new $displayClass($oFieldset)); } $checkout_user = '******'; if ($oDocument->getIsCheckedOut() == 1) { $oCOU = User::get($oDocument->getCheckedOutUserId()); if (!(PEAR::isError($oCOU) || $oCOU == false)) { $checkout_user = $oCOU->getName(); } } // is the checkout action active? $bCanCheckin = false; foreach ($this->actions as $oDocAction) { $sActName = $oDocAction->sName; if ($sActName == 'ktcore.actions.document.cancelcheckout') { if ($oDocAction->getInfo()) { $bCanCheckin = true; } } } // viewlets. $aViewlets = array(); $aViewletActions = KTDocumentActionUtil::getDocumentActionsForDocument($this->oDocument, $this->oUser, 'documentviewlet'); foreach ($aViewletActions as $oAction) { $aInfo = $oAction->getInfo(); if ($aInfo !== null) { $aViewlets[] = $oAction->display_viewlet(); // use the action, since we display_viewlet() later. } } $viewlet_data = implode(' ', $aViewlets); $viewlet_data = trim($viewlet_data); $content_class = 'view'; if (!empty($viewlet_data)) { $content_class = 'view withviewlets'; } $this->oPage->setContentClass($content_class); $oTemplating =& KTTemplating::getSingleton(); $oTemplate = $oTemplating->loadTemplate('ktcore/document/view'); $aTemplateData = array('context' => $this, 'sCheckoutUser' => $checkout_user, 'isCheckoutUser' => $this->oUser->getId() == $oDocument->getCheckedOutUserId(), 'canCheckin' => $bCanCheckin, 'document_id' => $document_id, 'document' => $oDocument, 'documentName' => $oDocument->getName(), 'document_data' => $document_data, 'fieldsets' => $fieldsets, 'viewlet_data' => $viewlet_data); //return '<pre>' . print_r($aTemplateData, true) . '</pre>'; return $oTemplate->render($aTemplateData); }
function getDocumentActionsByNames($aNames, $slot = 'documentaction', $oDocument = null, $oUser = null) { $aObjects = array(); foreach (KTDocumentActionUtil::getDocumentActionInfo($slot) as $aAction) { list($sClassName, $sPath, $sName, $sPlugin) = $aAction; $oRegistry =& KTPluginRegistry::getSingleton(); $oPlugin =& $oRegistry->getPlugin($sPlugin); if (!in_array($sName, $aNames)) { continue; } if (!empty($sPath)) { require_once $sPath; } $aObjects[] = new $sClassName($oDocument, $oUser, $oPlugin); } return $aObjects; }
function do_saveactions() { $disabled_actions = (array) $_REQUEST['fActions']; $states = KTWorkflowState::getByWorkflow($this->oWorkflow); $actions = KTUtil::keyArray(KTDocumentActionUtil::getAllDocumentActions(), 'getName'); $this->startTransaction(); foreach ($states as $oState) { $disable = array(); $state_disabled = (array) $disabled_actions[$oState->getId()]; if (!empty($state_disabled)) { foreach ($actions as $name => $oAction) { if ($state_disabled[$name]) { $disable[] = $name; } } } $res = KTWorkflowUtil::setDisabledActionsForState($oState, $disable); } $this->successRedirectTo('actionsoverview', _kt('Disabled actions updated.')); }