  * @param int $taskIndex
  * @param string $logDir
  * @param string $phpPath
  * @param string $tasksetPath
  * @param KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig
 public function __construct($taskIndex, $logDir, $phpPath, $tasksetPath, KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig)
     $logName = str_replace('kasync', '', strtolower($taskConfig->name));
     $logDate = date('Y-m-d');
     $logFile = "{$logDir}/{$logName}-{$taskIndex}-{$logDate}.log";
     $sysLogFile = "{$taskConfig->name}.{$taskIndex}";
     $this->taskConfig = $taskConfig;
     $taskConfigStr = base64_encode(serialize($taskConfig));
     $cmdLine = '';
     $cmdLine .= is_null($taskConfig->affinity) ? '' : "{$tasksetPath} -c " . ($taskConfig->affinity + $taskIndex) . ' ';
     $cmdLine = "{$phpPath} ";
     $cmdLine .= "{$taskConfig->scriptPath} ";
     $cmdLine .= "{$taskConfigStr} ";
     $cmdLine .= "'[" . mt_rand() . "]' ";
     if ($taskConfig->getUseSyslog()) {
         $cmdLine .= "2>&1 | logger -t {$sysLogFile}";
     } else {
         $cmdLine .= ">> {$logFile} 2>&1";
     $descriptorspec = array();
     // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
     //		$descriptorspec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r")); // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
     //			1 => array ( "file" ,$logFile , "a"  ) ,
     //			2 => array ( "file" ,$logFile , "a"  ) ,
     //			1 => array("pipe", "w"),  // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
     //			2 => array("pipe", "w"),  // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
     //			2 => array("file", "{$work_dir}/error-output.txt", "a") // stderr is a file to write to
     $other_options = array('suppress_errors' => FALSE, 'bypass_shell' => FALSE);
     KalturaLog::debug("Now executing [{$cmdLine}], [{$other_options}]");
     $process = proc_open($cmdLine, $descriptorspec, $pipes, null, null, $other_options);
     $this->pipes = $pipes;
     $this->handle = $process;
     $this->dieTime = time() + $taskConfig->maximumExecutionTime + 5;
  * @param KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig
 private function exeJob(KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig)
     $this->debug(__LINE__, "exeJob({$taskConfig->name})");
     $instance = new $taskConfig->type($taskConfig);
 public function __construct(KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig, $taskIndex)
     $this->taskConfig = $taskConfig;
     $this->dieTime = time() + $taskConfig->maximumExecutionTime + 5;