Exemple #1
 static function LoadPage($PageName, $Wrapper = true)
     if (KERNEL::IsValidPage($PageName) == false) {
         KERNEL::OnError("Attempt to load invalid page '" . $PageName . "'");
     if (!is_null(KERNEL::$Pages[$PageName][2])) {
         $Result = call_user_func(KERNEL::$Pages[$PageName][2]);
         if ($Result !== true) {
             KERNEL::OnError("Access Denied - " . $Result);
             // Force cancel just incase
     if ($Wrapper) {
         global $GMDConfig;
         $OpenID = new LightOpenID($GMDConfig["Domain"]);
         if ($OpenID->validate()) {
             $ID = $OpenID->identity;
             $URL_Parts = explode("/", $ID);
             // Get their SteamID
             $CommunityID = $URL_Parts[sizeof($URL_Parts) - 1];
             $SteamID = CommunityToSteam($CommunityID);
             // Try and authenticate them
             $User = User::GetByField("User", "SteamID", $SteamID);
             if ($User->IsReal()) {
             } else {
                 User::RegisterUser($SteamID, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])->AuthToUser();
         } elseif ($_GET["page"] == "login") {
             if (User::$ActiveUser != false) {
                 if (isset($_GET["logout"])) {
             } else {
                 $OpenID->identity = 'http://steamcommunity.com/openid';
                 header('Location: ' . $OpenID->authUrl());
     global $OutputData;
     $OutputData = "";
     if ($Wrapper) {
         require "includes/util/header.php";
     require "pages/" . $PageName . "/_process.php";
     require "pages/" . $PageName . "/_display.php";
     echo $OutputData;
     if ($Wrapper) {
         require "includes/util/footer.php";
Exemple #2

if (Servers::GetCacheCount("Servers") == 0) {
    KERNEL::OnError("You must first add a server before adding an item.", false);
} else {
    if (isset($_FILES["itemImage"])) {
        $ImageURLName = "item_default.png";
        // TODO -- Make this utilize the built in functionality of the Item class
        if (isset($_FILES["itemImage"])) {
            $File = $_FILES["itemImage"];
            $FileExtension = end(explode(".", $File["name"]));
            $FileType = $File["type"];
            $FileSize = $File["size"];
            if (75000 < $FileSize) {
                // Too Big
            } elseif ($FileType != "image/png" && $FileType != "image/jpg" && $FileType != "image/jpeg") {
                // Bad Type
            } elseif ($FileExtension != "png" && $FileExtension != "jpg" && $FileExtension != "jpeg") {
                // Bad Extension
            } else {
                $ImageURLName = md5(rand());
                move_uploaded_file($File["tmp_name"], "includes/images/uploaded/" . $ImageURLName . "." . $FileExtension);
        Database::Insert("gmd_items", array("Category" => intval($_POST["catID"]), "Name" => $_POST["itemName"], "Description" => $_POST["itemDesc"], "Cost" => floatval($_POST["itemCost"]), "Image" => $ImageURLName, "ShowImage" => !empty($_POST["showImage"]) ? 1 : 0, "Status" => ItemStatus::ACTIVE));
        echo "<h4>You are being redirected..</h4>";
        KERNEL::HardNavigate("admin", "&area=items");
    } else {
        $CatObj = ItemCategory::GetByField("ItemCategory", "ID", $_GET["catid"]);
Exemple #3

$ItemCategories = ItemCategory::GetCachedResults("ItemCategory");
if (count($ItemCategories) == 0) {
    KERNEL::OnError("You must add an item category before accessing this page.", false);
} else {
    foreach ($ItemCategories as $ItemCat) {
        echo '
				<div class="panel panel-default">
					<div class="panel-heading">
						<a href="?page=admin&area=items&newitem=1&catid=' . $ItemCat->GetValue("ID") . '" style="float: right;"><span class="btn btn-xs btn-success">Add Item</span></a>
						<b>' . $ItemCat->GetValue("Name") . ' Items</b>
					<table class="table">
						<thead style="font-size: 12px;">
							<th style="width: 50%;">Name</th>
							<th style="width: 25%;">Cost</th>
							<th style="width: 25%;text-align: right;">Actions</th>
        $Items = Item::SearchCachedResults("Item", "Category", $ItemCat->GetValue("ID"));
        if (count($Items) == 0) {
            echo '<tr><td colspan=3 style="text-align: center;padding: 16px;font-size: 12px;"><i>No items to display!</i></td></tr>';
        } else {
            foreach ($Items as $ItemObj) {
                echo '
						<tr style="font-size: 12px;">
							<td>' . $ItemObj->GetValue("Name") . '