/** * @param asset $asset * @param string $class * @param string $encodingProfile * @param string $duration * @param string $url */ protected function createEnclosureXml(asset $asset, $class, $encodingProfile, $duration) { /** * * In QuickPlay's XML example, the namespace "http://www.quickplaymedia.com" is added to the "enclosure" * element regardless to the fact that it was registerted with the prefix "qpm" on the root element. * We cannot set a namespace that was already defined with a prefix because DOMDocument will add the element * as "qpm:enclosure" and won't set the namespace explicitly. * * The hack is to create a new KDOMDocument with default namespace "http://www.quickplaymedia.com" and then * add it to the xml manually (see getXml() method) * */ $syncKey = $asset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET); $fileSync = kFileSyncUtils::getLocalFileSyncForKey($syncKey); $contentNode = $this->_enclosureNode->cloneNode(true); kXml::setNodeValue($this->_xpath, '@encodingProfile', $encodingProfile, $contentNode); $url = $this->getAssetUrl($asset); $mimeType = $this->getContentTypeFromUrl($url); $enclosureDoc = new KDOMDocument(); $enclosureElement = $enclosureDoc->createElementNS('http://www.quickplaymedia.com', 'enclosure'); $xmlElement = $enclosureDoc->createElement('xml'); $enclosureDoc->appendChild($xmlElement); $enclosureNode = $enclosureDoc->importNode($contentNode, true); $enclosureNode->setAttribute('class', $class); $link = $enclosureNode->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0); $link->setAttribute('type', $mimeType); $link->setAttribute('length', $fileSync->getFileSize()); $link->setAttribute('duration', $duration); $link->setAttribute('url', pathinfo($fileSync->getFilePath(), PATHINFO_BASENAME)); $xmlElement->appendChild($enclosureNode); return $enclosureDoc->saveXML($enclosureNode); }
public function executeImpl($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $partner_prefix, $puser_kuser) { $kshowId = $this->getP("kshow_id"); $numberOfVersions = $this->getP("number_of_versions", 5); // must be int and not more than 50 $numberOfVersions = (int) $numberOfVersions; $numberOfVersions = min($numberOfVersions, 50); $kshow = kshowPeer::retrieveByPK($kshowId); if (!$kshow) { $this->addError(APIErrors::KSHOW_DOES_NOT_EXISTS); return; } $showEntry = $kshow->getShowEntry(); if (!$showEntry) { $this->addError(APIErrors::ROUGHCUT_NOT_FOUND); return; } $sync_key = $showEntry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_DATA); $showEntryDataPath = kFileSyncUtils::getLocalFilePathForKey($sync_key); $versionsInfoFilePath = $showEntryDataPath . '.info'; $lastVersionDoc = new KDOMDocument(); $lastVersionDoc->loadXML(kFileSyncUtils::file_get_contents($sync_key, true, false)); $lastVersion = myContentStorage::getVersion($showEntryDataPath); // check if we need to refresh the data in the info file $refreshInfoFile = true; if (file_exists($versionsInfoFilePath)) { $versionsInfoDoc = new KDOMDocument(); $versionsInfoDoc->load($versionsInfoFilePath); $lastVersionInInfoFile = kXml::getLastElementAsText($versionsInfoDoc, "ShowVersion"); if ($lastVersionInInfoFile && $lastVersion == $lastVersionInInfoFile) { $refreshInfoFile = false; } else { $refreshInfoFile = true; } } else { $refreshInfoFile = true; } // refresh or create the data in the info file if ($refreshInfoFile) { $versionsInfoDoc = new KDOMDocument(); $xmlElement = $versionsInfoDoc->createElement("xml"); // start from the first edited version (100001) and don't use 100000 for ($i = myContentStorage::MIN_OBFUSCATOR_VALUE + 1; $i <= $lastVersion; $i++) { $version_sync_key = $showEntry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_DATA, $i); if (kFileSyncUtils::file_exists($version_sync_key, false)) { $xmlContent = kFileSyncUtils::file_get_contents($version_sync_key); //echo "[" . htmlspecialchars( $xmlContent ) . "]<br>"; $xmlDoc = new KDOMDocument(); $xmlDoc->loadXML($xmlContent); $elementToCopy = kXml::getFirstElement($xmlDoc, "MetaData"); //echo "[$i]"; $elementCloned = $elementToCopy->cloneNode(true); $elementImported = $versionsInfoDoc->importNode($elementCloned, true); $xmlElement->appendChild($elementImported); } } $versionsInfoDoc->appendChild($xmlElement); kFile::setFileContent($versionsInfoFilePath, $versionsInfoDoc->saveXML()); // FileSync OK - created a temp file on DC's disk } $metadataNodes = $versionsInfoDoc->getElementsByTagName("MetaData"); $count = 0; $versionsInfo = array(); for ($i = $metadataNodes->length - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $metadataNode = $metadataNodes->item($i); $node = kXml::getFirstElement($metadataNode, "ShowVersion"); $showVersion = $node ? $node->nodeValue : ""; $node = kXml::getFirstElement($metadataNode, "PuserId"); $puserId = $node ? $node->nodeValue : ""; $node = kXml::getFirstElement($metadataNode, "ScreenName"); $screenName = $node ? $node->nodeValue : ""; $node = kXml::getFirstElement($metadataNode, "UpdatedAt"); $updatedAt = $node ? $node->nodeValue : ""; $versionsInfo[] = array("version" => $showVersion, "puserId" => $puserId, "screenName" => $screenName, "updatedAt" => $updatedAt); $count++; if ($count >= $numberOfVersions) { break; } } $this->addMsg("show_versions", $versionsInfo); }