Exemple #1
$videoDownloader->downloadPreview($showURL, $tivoFile);
// Verify file exists and has contents.
if (file_exists($tivoFile) && filesize($tivoFile) > 0) {
    print " >  Preview file was sucessfully downloaded.\n";
} else {
    print " >  Preview file was not sucessfully downloaded.\n";
// Decode the preview file.
print " >  Decoding the preview of the local show file.\n";
$videoDecoder = new JimLind\TiVo\VideoDecoder($mak, $builder);
$videoDecoder->decode($tivoFile, $mpegFile);
// Verify file exists and has contents.
if (file_exists($mpegFile) && filesize($mpegFile) > 0) {
    print " >  Preview file was sucessfully decoded.\n";
    print " >  A decoding failure may be logged due to the size of the preview.\n";
} else {
    print " >  Preview file was not sucessfully decoded.\n";
// Delete video files.
print " >  Verification completed successfully.\n";
 * Helper function to make sure everything is properly autoloaded.
Exemple #2
$guzzle = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
// Use the TiVoFinder service to find a TiVo on your local network.
// If it can't find a TiVo for whatever reason it'll return an empty string.
// If you have more than one TiVo it'll return the IP of the first one it sees.
$tivoFinder = new JimLind\TiVo\TiVoFinder($builder);
$ipAddress = $tivoFinder->find();
// Use the XmlDownloader service to download a list of strings representing XML show documents.
// Each show is a self contained valid XML string.
// The TiVo IP address and MAK (Media Access Key) are needed here.
$ip = '';
$mak = '7678999999';
$xmlDownloader = new JimLind\TiVo\XmlDownloader($ip, $mak, $guzzle);
$xmlList = $xmlDownloader->download();
// Use the ShowListFactory to create a list of Show objects.
// The factory is setup specifically to use the data output from the NowPlaying service.
$showListFactory = new JimLind\TiVo\Factory\ShowListFactory();
$showList = $showListFactory->createShowListFromXmlList($xmlList);
// Grab one Show off the top.
$show = $showList->offsetGet(0);
// Setup the VideoDownloader service.
// The TiVo IP address and MAK (Media Access Key) are needed here.
$videoDownloader = new JimLind\TiVo\VideoDownloader($mak, $guzzle);
// Download preview and complete files from TiVo.
$videoDownloader->downloadPreview($show->getURL(), '/home/user/videos/raw_video_preview.tivo');
$videoDownloader->download($show->getURL(), '/home/user/videos/raw_video_complete.tivo');
// Use the VideoDecoder service to create an MPEG file from the encoded raw TiVo file.
// It just writes the file to the new location. Doesn't touch the old file.
// The MAK (Media Access Key) is needed here.
$videoDecoder = new JimLind\TiVo\VideoDecoder($mak, $builder);
$videoDecoder->decode('/home/user/videos/raw_video_preview.tivo', '/home/user/videos/raw_video_preview.mpeg');