function Traction()
     $this->themename = "Traction";
     $this->themeurl = "";
     $this->shortname = "traction";
     $directory = get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory');
       - checkbox: name, id, desc, std, type
       - radio: name, id, desc, std, type, options
       - text: name, id, desc, std, type
       - colorpicker: name, id, desc, std, type
       - select: name, id, desc, std, type, options
       - textarea: name, id, desc, std, type, options
     $this->options = array(array("name" => __('Custom Logo Image <span>insert your custom logo image in the header</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Enable custom logo image', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_logo", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Check to use a custom logo in the header.', 'traction'), "std" => "false", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Logo image file name', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_logo_img", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Upload your logo image here: ', 'traction') . '<code>' . $directory . '/images/</code>', "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Logo image <code>&lt;alt&gt;</code> tag', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_logo_img_alt", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Specify the <code>&lt;alt&gt;</code> tag for your logo image.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Display tagline', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_tagline", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Check to show your tagline below your logo.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Featured Slider <span>take control of your featured slider.</span>', 'traction'), "notice" => __('The featured slider shows demo posts only in the free trial version of Traction.', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Enable featured slider', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_slider", "desc" => __('Check to turn on your featured slider.', 'traction'), "std" => "false", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Autostart', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_slider_start", "desc" => __('Check to start your featured slider automatically.', 'traction'), "std" => "false", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Autostart delay', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_slider_delay", "desc" => __('Delay before the autostart and the delay between slides in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second).', 'traction'), "std" => "4000", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Slide animation speed', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_slider_speed", "desc" => __('Speed of the sliding animation in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second).', 'traction'), "std" => "300", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Fade speed', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_slider_fade", "desc" => __('Speed of the fading animation in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second).', 'traction'), "std" => "200", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Color Scheme <span>choose your color scheme</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Color scheme', 'traction'), "desc" => __('Choose your color scheme.', 'traction'), "pro" => "true", "id" => $this->shortname . "_color", "std" => "default", "type" => "select", "options" => array("default" => __('Default (blue)', 'traction'), "red" => __('Red', 'traction'))), array("name" => __('Navigation <span>control your top navigation menu</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Hide all pages', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_hide_pages", "desc" => __('Check this box to hide all pages.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Exclude specific pages', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_pages_to_exclude", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('The page ID of pages you do not want displayed in your navigation menu. Use a comma-delimited list, eg. 1,2,3.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Hide all categories', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_hide_cats", "desc" => __('Check this box to hide all categories.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Exclude specific categories', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_categories_to_exclude", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('The category ID of pages you do not want displayed in your navigation menu. Use a comma-delimited list, eg. 1,2,3.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Hide home navigation menu item', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_hide_home", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Check this box if you are using a static page as your homepage instead of your blog (the default). The extra <em>Home</em> menu item will be removed.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Advertising <span>fill in your ad spots</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Enable top banner ad', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_banner", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Check this box to enable the top banner.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Top banner ad file name', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_banner_img", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Upload your image here: ', 'traction') . '<code>' . $directory . '/images/ads/</code>', "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Top banner ad link', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_banner_link", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Link for the top banner ad', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Top banner alt tag', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_banner_alt", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Alt tag for the top banner ad', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Enable sidebar adbox', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adbox", "desc" => __('Check this box to enable the sidebar adbox.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Ad 1 file name', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adurl_1", "desc" => __('Upload your image here: ', 'traction') . '<code>' . $directory . '/images/ads/</code>', "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 1 link', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adlink_1", "desc" => __('Link for the first ad', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 1 alt tag', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adalt_1", "desc" => __('Alt tag for the first ad', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 2 file name', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adurl_2", "desc" => __('Upload your image here: ', 'traction') . '<code>' . $directory . '/images/ads/</code>', "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 2 link', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adlink_2", "desc" => __('Link for the second ad', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 2 alt tag', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adalt_2", "desc" => __('Alt tag for the second ad', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Subscribe Links <span>control the subscribe links</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Enable Twitter', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_twitter_toggle", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Hip to Twitter? Check this box. Please set your Twitter username in the Twitter menu.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Enable Facebook', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_facebook_toggle", "desc" => __('Check this box to show a link to your Facebook page.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Enable Flickr', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_flickr_toggle", "desc" => __('Check this box to show a link to Flickr.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Disable all', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_follow_disable", "desc" => __('Check this box to hide all follow icons (including RSS). This option overrides any other settings.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Facebook link', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_facebook", "desc" => __('Enter your Facebook link.', 'traction'), "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Flickr link', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_flickr", "desc" => __('Enter your Flickr link.', 'traction'), "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Sidebar <span>customize your sidebar</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Disable sidebox', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_sidebox", "desc" => __('Check this box to disable the sidebar sidebox.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Custom code', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_sidebox_custom_code", "desc" => __('Check this box to use custom code for the sidebox.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Custom code content', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_sidebox_custom_code_content", "desc" => __('Must use properly formatted XHTML/HTML.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => "7", "cols" => "70")), array("name" => __('Enable newsletter', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_news", "desc" => __('The newsletter sign-up uses Feedburner by default.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Feed Title', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_news_title", "desc" => __('Title displayed inside the newsletter signup box', 'traction'), "std" => "Sign up for our free newsletter", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Feedburner feed name', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_news_name", "desc" => __('Click the <em>Edit Feed Details</em> link inside FeedBurner', 'traction'), "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Twitter <span>show your latest tweets in the sidebar</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Twitter sidebar updates', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_twitter_state", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Check this box to show your latest tweets in the sidebar.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Twitter name', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_twitter", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('Enter your twitter name here.', 'traction'), "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Number of updates', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_twitter_updates", "pro" => "true", "desc" => __('The number of tweets to show in the sidebar.', 'traction'), "std" => "2", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Footer <span>customize your footer</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('About', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_about", "desc" => __('Something about you or your business.', 'traction'), "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => "6", "cols" => "80")), array("name" => __('Copyright notice', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_copyright_name", "desc" => __('Your name or the name of your business.', 'traction'), "std" => __('Your Name Here', 'traction'), "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Stats code', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_stats_code", "desc" => __('If you use Google Analytics or need any other tracking script in your footer just copy and paste it here. The script will be inserted before the closing <code>&#60;/body&#62;</code> tag.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => "5", "cols" => "40")));
 function Titan()
     $this->themename = "Titan";
     $this->themeurl = "";
     $this->shortname = "T";
     $directory = get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory');
     	- checkbox: name, id, desc, std, type
     	- radio: name, id, desc, std, type, options
     	- text: name, id, desc, std, type
     	- colorpicker: name, id, desc, std, type
     	- select: name, id, desc, std, type, options
     	- textarea: name, id, desc, std, type, options
     $this->options = array(array("name" => __('Navigation <span>control your top navigation menu</span>', 'titan'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Hide all pages', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_hide_pages", "desc" => __('Check this box to hide all pages', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Hide all categories', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_hide_cats", "desc" => __('Check this box to hide all categories.', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Follow Links <span>top right follow links</span>', 'titan'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Email updates link', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_feed_email", "desc" => __('Enter your feed email link here.', 'titan'), "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => "2", "cols" => "80")), array("name" => __('Disable email link', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_email_toggle", "desc" => __('Don\'t want to offer email updates, check the box.', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Twitter updates link', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_twitter", "desc" => __('Enter the link to your Twitter page.', 'titan'), "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Disable Twitter', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_twitter_toggle", "desc" => __('Not hip to Twitter? That\'s cool, just check this box.', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Sidebar Sidebox <span>customize your sidebox</span>', 'titan'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Disable sidebox', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_sidebox", "desc" => __('Check this box to disable the sidebar sidebox.', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Custom code', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_sidebox_custom_code", "desc" => __('Check this box to use custom code for the sidebox.', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Custom code content', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_sidebox_custom_code_content", "desc" => __('Must use properly formatted XHTML/HTML.', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => "7", "cols" => "70")), array("name" => __('Sidebar Adbox <span>control ads in your sidebar</span>', 'titan'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Enable adbox', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adbox", "desc" => __('Check this box to enable the sidebar adbox.', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Ad 1 file name', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adurl_1", "desc" => __('Upload your image here: ', 'titan') . '<code>' . $directory . '/images/sidebar/</code>', "std" => '', "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 1 link', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adlink_1", "desc" => __('Link for the first ad', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 1 alt tag', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adalt_1", "desc" => __('Alt tag for the first ad', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 2 file name', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adurl_2", "desc" => __('Upload your image here: ', 'titan') . '<code>' . $directory . '/images/sidebar/</code>', "std" => '', "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 2 link', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adlink_2", "desc" => __('Link for the second ad', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 2 alt tag', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adalt_2", "desc" => __('Alt tag for the second ad', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Footer <span>customize your footer</span>', 'titan'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('About', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_about", "desc" => __('Something about you or your business.', 'titan'), "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => "6", "cols" => "80")), array("name" => __('Flickr link', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_flickr", "desc" => __('Create a <a href="">javascript Flickr badge</a>. At the end of the process extract the URL and paste here.', 'titan'), "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => "2", "cols" => "80")), array("name" => __('Disable Flickr', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_flickr_off", "desc" => __('Check this box to disable Flickr and enable the footer widget instead.', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Copyright notice', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_copyright_name", "desc" => __('Your name or the name of your business.', 'titan'), "std" => __('Your Name Here', 'titan'), "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Stats code', 'titan'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_stats_code", "desc" => __('If you use Google Analytics or need any other tracking script in your footer just copy and paste it here. The script will be inserted before the closing <code>&#60;/body&#62;</code> tag.', 'titan'), "std" => '', "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => "5", "cols" => "40")));
Exemple #3
 function Traction()
     $this->themename = "Traction";
     $this->themeurl = "";
     $this->shortname = "traction";
     $directory = get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory');
       - checkbox: name, id, desc, std, type
       - radio: name, id, desc, std, type, options
       - text: name, id, desc, std, type
       - colorpicker: name, id, desc, std, type
       - select: name, id, desc, std, type, options
       - textarea: name, id, desc, std, type, options
     $this->options = array(array("name" => __('Navigation <span>control your top navigation menu</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Hide all pages', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_hide_pages", "desc" => __('Check this box to hide all pages.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Hide all categories', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_hide_cats", "desc" => __('Check this box to hide all categories.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Advertising <span>fill in your ad spots</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Enable sidebar adbox', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adbox", "desc" => __('Check this box to enable the sidebar adbox.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Ad 1 file name', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adurl_1", "desc" => __('Upload your image here: ', 'traction') . '<code>' . $directory . '/images/ads/</code>', "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 1 link', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adlink_1", "desc" => __('Link for the first ad', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 1 alt tag', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adalt_1", "desc" => __('Alt tag for the first ad', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 2 file name', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adurl_2", "desc" => __('Upload your image here: ', 'traction') . '<code>' . $directory . '/images/ads/</code>', "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 2 link', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adlink_2", "desc" => __('Link for the second ad', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Ad 2 alt tag', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_adalt_2", "desc" => __('Alt tag for the second ad', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Subscribe Links <span>control the subscribe links</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Enable Facebook', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_facebook_toggle", "desc" => __('Check this box to show a link to your Facebook page.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Enable Flickr', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_flickr_toggle", "desc" => __('Check this box to show a link to Flickr.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Disable all', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_follow_disable", "desc" => __('Check this box to hide all follow icons (including RSS). This option overrides any other settings.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Facebook link', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_facebook", "desc" => __('Enter your Facebook link.', 'traction'), "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Flickr link', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_flickr", "desc" => __('Enter your Flickr link.', 'traction'), "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Sidebar <span>customize your sidebar</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('Disable sidebox', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_sidebox", "desc" => __('Check this box to disable the sidebar sidebox.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Custom code', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_sidebox_custom_code", "desc" => __('Check this box to use custom code for the sidebox.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Custom code content', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_sidebox_custom_code_content", "desc" => __('Must use properly formatted XHTML/HTML.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => "7", "cols" => "70")), array("name" => __('Enable newsletter', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_news", "desc" => __('The newsletter sign-up uses Feedburner by default.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox"), array("name" => __('Feed Title', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_news_title", "desc" => __('Title displayed inside the newsletter signup box', 'traction'), "std" => "Sign up for our free newsletter", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Feedburner feed name', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_news_name", "desc" => __('Click the <em>Edit Feed Details</em> link inside FeedBurner', 'traction'), "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Footer <span>customize your footer</span>', 'traction'), "type" => "subhead"), array("name" => __('About', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_about", "desc" => __('Something about you or your business.', 'traction'), "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => "6", "cols" => "80")), array("name" => __('Copyright notice', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_copyright_name", "desc" => __('Your name or the name of your business.', 'traction'), "std" => __('Your Name Here', 'traction'), "type" => "text"), array("name" => __('Stats code', 'traction'), "id" => $this->shortname . "_stats_code", "desc" => __('If you use Google Analytics or need any other tracking script in your footer just copy and paste it here. The script will be inserted before the closing <code>&#60;/body&#62;</code> tag.', 'traction'), "std" => "", "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => "5", "cols" => "40")));