Exemple #1
  * Makes a copy of the source file or directory to dest
  * @access  public
  * @param   string  $source     Path to the source file or directory
  * @param   string  $dest       The destination path
  * @param   bool    $overwrite  Overwrite files if exists
  * @param   int     $mode       see php chmod() function
  * @return  bool    True if success, False otherwise
  * @see http://www.php.net/copy
 static function copy($source, $dest, $overwrite = true, $mode = null)
     $result = false;
     if (file_exists($source)) {
         if (is_dir($source)) {
             if (false !== ($hDir = @opendir($source))) {
                 if ($result = Jaws_Utils::mkdir($dest, 0, $mode)) {
                     while (false !== ($file = @readdir($hDir))) {
                         if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
                         $result = Jaws_Utils::copy($source . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file, $dest . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file, $overwrite, $mode);
                         if (!$result) {
         } else {
             if (file_exists($dest) && !$overwrite) {
                 $destinfo = pathinfo($dest);
                 $dest = $destinfo['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $destinfo['filename'] . '_' . uniqid(floor(microtime() * 1000));
                 if (isset($destinfo['extension']) && !empty($destinfo['extension'])) {
                     $dest .= '.' . $destinfo['extension'];
             $result = @copy($source, $dest);
             if ($result) {
                 $result = $dest;
                 if (!empty($mode)) {
                     Jaws_Utils::chmod($dest, $mode);
     return $result;
Exemple #2
  * Install some gadgets with default data
  * @access  public
  * @return  bool|Jaws_Error  Either true on success, or a Jaws_Error
  *                          containing the reason for failure.
 function InstallSampleSite()
     $gadgets = array('Blog', 'Phoo', 'LinkDump', 'Contact', 'Menu', 'Emblems');
     $variables = array();
     $variables['Blog'] = array('timestamp' => Jaws_DB::getInstance()->date(), 'blog_content1_title' => _t('INSTALL_SAMPLE_BLOG_CONTENT1_TITLE'), 'blog_content1_summary' => _t('INSTALL_SAMPLE_BLOG_CONTENT1_SUMMARY'));
     $variables['Phoo'] = array('timestamp' => Jaws_DB::getInstance()->date(), 'folder-path' => gmdate('Y_m_d'), 'siteurl' => Jaws_Utils::getBaseURL('/', false));
     $variables['LinkDump'] = array('timestamp' => Jaws_DB::getInstance()->date(), 'linkdump_title1' => _t('INSTALL_SAMPLE_LINKDUMP_TITLE1'), 'linkdump_title2' => _t('INSTALL_SAMPLE_LINKDUMP_TITLE2'), 'linkdump_title3' => _t('INSTALL_SAMPLE_LINKDUMP_TITLE3'));
     $variables['Contact'] = array();
     $variables['Menu'] = array('timestamp' => Jaws_DB::getInstance()->date(), 'siteurl' => Jaws_Utils::getBaseURL('/', false), 'menu_title1' => _t('INSTALL_SAMPLE_MENU_TITLE1'), 'menu_title2' => _t('INSTALL_SAMPLE_MENU_TITLE2'), 'menu_title3' => _t('INSTALL_SAMPLE_MENU_TITLE3'), 'menu_title4' => _t('INSTALL_SAMPLE_MENU_TITLE4'));
     $variables['Emblems'] = array();
     // Install gadgets
     foreach ($gadgets as $gadget) {
         $objGadget = Jaws_Gadget::getInstance($gadget);
         if (Jaws_Error::IsError($objGadget)) {
             _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "There was a problem while loading sample gadget: {$gadget}");
             _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, $objGadget->getMessage());
         } else {
             $installer = $objGadget->installer->load();
             $input_schema = JAWS_PATH . "install/stages/Settings/Sample/{$gadget}/insert.xml";
             if (!file_exists($input_schema)) {
                 $input_schema = '';
             $res = $installer->InstallGadget($input_schema, $variables[$gadget]);
             if (Jaws_Error::IsError($res)) {
                 _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "There was a problem while installing sample gadget {$gadget}");
                 _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, $res->getMessage());
             } else {
                 _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "Sample gadget {$gadget} installed successfully.");
     // Inserts layout sample itemes
     $objGadget = Jaws_Gadget::getInstance('Layout');
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($objGadget)) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "There was a problem while loading gadget: Layout");
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, $objGadget->getMessage());
     } else {
         $base_schema = JAWS_PATH . "gadgets/Layout/Resources/schema/schema.xml";
         $input_schema = JAWS_PATH . "install/stages/Settings/Sample/Layout/insert.xml";
         $installer = $objGadget->installer->load();
         $res = $installer->installSchema($input_schema, '', $base_schema, true);
         if (Jaws_Error::IsError($res)) {
             _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "There was a problem while inserting sample itemes into gadget {$gadget}");
             _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, $res->getMessage());
         } else {
             _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "Sample itemes inserted into gadget {$gadget}.");
     // set Blog as main gadget
     $GLOBALS['app']->Registry->update('main_gadget', 'Blog', true, 'Settings');
     // Copy Photo Organizer sample data
     $source = JAWS_PATH . 'install/stages/Settings/Sample/Phoo/data/';
     $destination = JAWS_DATA . 'phoo/' . $variables['Phoo']['folder-path'] . '/';
     if (Jaws_Utils::copy($source, $destination)) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "Sample data of gadget Phoo copied successfully.");
     } else {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "There was a problem while copying sample data of gadget Phoo");
     return true;