function sendList($list) { // send jabber message global $loader, $intl, $site, $conf; if ($conf['Messaging']['jabber'] == true) { $loader->import('ext.Jabber'); $jabber = new Jabber(); $jabber->resource = 'Sitellite CMS ' . SITELLITE_VERSION; $jabber->server = $conf['Messaging']['jabber_server']; $jabber->port = $conf['Messaging']['jabber_port']; $jabber->username = $conf['Messaging']['jabber_username']; $jabber->password = $conf['Messaging']['jabber_password']; $jabber->enable_logging = true; if (!$jabber->Connect()) { $this->error = $jabber->log_array[count($jabber->log_array) - 1]; return false; } if (!$jabber->SendAuth()) { $this->error = $jabber->log_array[count($jabber->log_array) - 1]; return false; } foreach ($list as $item) { if (strtoupper($item->type) == 'TASK') { $id = 'T' . $item->id; } elseif (strtoupper($item->type) == 'MESSAGE') { $id = 'M' . $item->id; } else { $id = strtoupper(substr($item->type, 0, 1)) . $item->id; } if (defined('WORKSPACE_' . strtoupper($item->type) . '_' . strtoupper($this->name) . '_SUBJECT')) { $subject = $intl->get(constant('WORKSPACE_' . strtoupper($item->type) . '_' . strtoupper($item->name) . '_SUBJECT'), $item->struct); } else { $subject = '[' . $id . '] ' . $item->subject; } if (defined('WORKSPACE_' . strtoupper($item->type) . '_' . strtoupper($this->name) . '_BODY')) { $body = $intl->get(constant('WORKSPACE_' . strtoupper($item->type) . '_' . strtoupper($this->name) . '_BODY'), $item->struct); } else { $body = $item->body; } if (!$jabber->SendMessage($item->address, $item->priority, null, array('thread' => $id, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body))) { $this->error = $jabber->log_array[count($jabber->log_array) - 1]; return false; } //echo 'fdsa'; } $jabber->enable_logging = false; $jabber->Disconnect(); return true; } else { $this->error = 'Jabber server info not configured'; return false; } }
function util_send_jabber($to, $subject, $body) { if (!$GLOBALS['sys_use_jabber']) { return; } $JABBER = new Jabber(); if (!$JABBER->Connect()) { echo '<br />Unable to connect'; return false; } //$JABBER->SendAuth(); //$JABBER->AccountRegistration(); if (!$JABBER->SendAuth()) { echo '<br />Auth Failure'; $JABBER->Disconnect(); return false; //or die("Couldn't authenticate!"); } $JABBER->SendPresence(NULL, NULL, "online"); $body = htmlspecialchars($body); $to_arr = explode(',', $to); for ($i = 0; $i < count($to_arr); $i++) { if ($to_arr[$i]) { //echo '<br />Sending Jabbers To: '.$to_arr[$i]; if (!$JABBER->SendMessage($to_arr[$i], "normal", NULL, array("body" => $body, "subject" => $subject))) { echo '<br />Error Sending to ' . $to_arr[$i]; } } } $JABBER->CruiseControl(2); $JABBER->Disconnect(); }
if (empty($conf['Messaging']['jabber_server'])) { return; } loader_import('ext.Jabber'); loader_import('cms.Workspace.Message'); //loader_import ('cms.Workspace.Task'); $m = new WorkspaceMessage(); //$wtsk = new WorkspaceTask (); $j = new Jabber(); $j->resource = 'Sitellite CMS ' . SITELLITE_VERSION; $j->server = $conf['Messaging']['jabber_server']; $j->port = $conf['Messaging']['jabber_port']; $j->username = $conf['Messaging']['jabber_username']; $j->password = $conf['Messaging']['jabber_password']; $j->enable_logging = true; if (!$j->Connect()) { echo $j->log_array[count($j->log_array) - 1] . NEWLINE; return; } if (!$j->SendAuth()) { echo $j->log_array[count($j->log_array) - 1] . NEWLINE; return; } $j->SendPresence('available'); sleep(2); $j->Listen(); foreach ($j->packet_queue as $message) { set_time_limit(30); if (!array($message) || key($message) != 'message') { continue; }