     * replace flag
     * @access private
     * @param $article object	the article object
     * @return boolean
    function _replace_player($article)
        $ereg = '/{saudioplayer(\\s+autostart)?}(.+\\.mp3){\\/saudioplayer}/iU';
        if (preg_match_all($ereg, $article->text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
            //get plugin parameters
            $default_folder = $this->params->get('default_folder');
            $default_width = $this->params->get('default_width');
            $default_height = $this->params->get('default_height');
            $default_background_color = $this->params->get('default_background_color');
            //replace flag
            static $loop_count = 1;
            foreach ($matches as $match) {
                if (preg_match('/^http:\\/\\/.+\\/.+\\.mp3$/i', $match[2])) {
                    $mp3_file = $match[2];
                } else {
                    $mp3_file = JURI::base() . $default_folder . '/' . $match[2];
                $player_file = JURI::base() . 'plugins/content/saudioplayer/player/niftyplayer/niftyplayer.swf';
                if ($match[1]) {
                    $auto_start = '&as=1';
                } else {
                    $auto_start = '';
                $play_code = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="' . $default_width . '" height="' . $default_height . '" id="niftyPlayer' . $loop_count . '">
								<param name="movie" value="' . $player_file . '?file=' . $mp3_file . $auto_start . '" />
								<param name="quality" value="high" />
								<param name="bgcolor" value="' . $default_background_color . '" />
								<embed src="' . $player_file . '?file=' . $mp3_file . $auto_start;
                $play_code .= '" quality="high" bgcolor="' . $default_background_color . '" width="' . $default_width . '" height="' . $default_height . '" name="niftyPlayer' . $loop_count . '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">
                $flag_pos = JString::strpos($article->text, $match[0]);
                $article->text = JString::substr_replace($article->text, $play_code, $flag_pos, JString::strlen($match[0]));
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
Exemple #2
  * Method to convert a string into variable form.
  * @param   string  $input  The string input.
  * @return  string  The variable string.
  * @since   11.3
 public static function toVariable($input)
     // Remove dashes and underscores, then convert to camel case.
     $input = self::toSpaceSeparated($input);
     $input = self::toCamelCase($input);
     // Remove leading digits.
     $input = preg_replace('#^[0-9]+.*$#', '', $input);
     // Lowercase the first character.
     $first = JString::substr($input, 0, 1);
     $first = JString::strtolower($first);
     // Replace the first character with the lowercase character.
     $input = JString::substr_replace($input, $first, 0, 1);
     return $input;
Exemple #3
  * Returns the mention form
  * @since	1.2
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function getMentionsForm($resetToDefault = false)
     $theme = FD::themes();
     $tmp = array();
     $this->overlay = $this->content;
     if ($this->mentions) {
         // Store mentions temporarily to avoid escaping
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($this->mentions as $mention) {
             if ($mention->utype == 'user') {
                 $user = FD::user($mention->uid);
                 $replace = '<span data-value="user:'******'" data-type="entity">' . $user->getName() . '</span>';
             if ($mention->utype == 'hashtag') {
                 $replace = '<span data-value="' . $mention->title . '" data-type="hashtag">' . "#" . $mention->title . '</span>';
             $tmp[$i] = $replace;
             $replace = '[si:mentions]' . $i . '[/si:mentions]';
             $this->overlay = JString::substr_replace($this->overlay, $replace, $mention->offset, $mention->length);
     $this->overlay = FD::string()->escape($this->overlay);
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($tmp); $x++) {
         $this->overlay = str_ireplace('[si:mentions]' . $x . '[/si:mentions]', $tmp[$x], $this->overlay);
     $theme->set('story', $this);
     $theme->set('defaultOverlay', $resetToDefault ? $story->overlay : '');
     $theme->set('defaultContent', $resetToDefault ? $story->content : '');
     $contents = $theme->output('site/mentions/form');
     return $contents;
Exemple #4
  * Processes mentions in a stream object
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function formatMentions(SocialStreamItem &$stream)
     // Get the current view
     $view = JRequest::getCmd('view', '');
     // Get the stream's content
     $content = $stream->content;
     // Get tags for the stream
     $tags = isset($stream->tags) ? $stream->tags : array();
     // If there is no tags, just skip this and escape the content
     if (!$tags) {
         return FD::string()->escape($content);
     // We need to store the changes in an array and replace it accordingly based on the counter.
     $items = array();
     // We need to merge the mentions and hashtags since we are based on the offset.
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         if ($tag->type == 'user') {
             $replace = '<a href="' . $tag->user->getPermalink() . '" data-popbox="module://easysocial/profile/popbox" data-popbox-position="top-left" data-user-id="' . $tag->user->id . '" class="mentions-user">' . $tag->user->getName() . '</a>';
         if ($tag->type == 'hashtag') {
             // $alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($tag->title);
             $alias = $tag->title;
             $url = '';
             if ($view == 'groups') {
                 $clusterReg = FD::registry($stream->params);
                 $object = $clusterReg->get($stream->cluster_type);
                 switch ($stream->cluster_type) {
                     case SOCIAL_TYPE_GROUP:
                         // for now we assume all is group type.
                         $group = new SocialGroup();
                         $url = FRoute::groups(array('layout' => 'item', 'id' => $group->getAlias(), 'tag' => $alias));
                     case SOCIAL_TYPE_EVENT:
                         $event = new SocialEvent();
                         $url = FRoute::events(array('layout' => 'item', 'id' => $event->getAlias(), 'tag' => $alias));
                         FRoute::dashboard(array('layout' => 'hashtag', 'tag' => $alias));
             } else {
                 $url = FRoute::dashboard(array('layout' => 'hashtag', 'tag' => $alias));
             $replace = '<a href="' . $url . '" class="mentions-hashtag">#' . $tag->title . '</a>';
         $links[$i] = $replace;
         $replace = '[si:mentions]' . $i . '[/si:mentions]';
         $content = JString::substr_replace($content, $replace, $tag->offset, $tag->length);
     // Once we have the content, escape it
     $content = FD::string()->escape($content);
     if ($links) {
         for ($x = 0; $x < count($links); $x++) {
             $content = str_ireplace('[si:mentions]' . $x . '[/si:mentions]', $links[$x], $content);
     return $content;
  * @group String
  * @covers JString::substr_replace
  * @dataProvider substr_replaceData
 public function testSubstr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length, $expect)
     $actual = JString::substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length);
     $this->assertEquals($expect, $actual);
Exemple #6
  * Create the sql query to get the rows data for insertion into the form
  * @param   array  $opts  key: ignoreOrder ignores order by part of query
  *                        Needed for inline edit, as it only selects certain fields, order by on a db join element returns 0 results
  * @return  string  query
 public function buildQuery($opts = array())
     if (isset($this->query)) {
         return $this->query;
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo();
     $input = $this->app->input;
     $form = $this->getForm();
     if (!$form->record_in_database) {
     $listModel = $this->getListModel();
     $item = $listModel->getTable();
     $sql = $listModel->buildQuerySelect('form');
     $sql .= $listModel->buildQueryJoin();
     $emptyRowId = $this->rowId === '' ? true : false;
     $random = $input->get('random');
     $useKey = FabrikWorker::getMenuOrRequestVar('usekey', '', $this->isMambot, 'var');
     if ($useKey != '') {
         $useKey = explode('|', $useKey);
         foreach ($useKey as &$tmpK) {
             $tmpK = !strstr($tmpK, '.') ? $item->db_table_name . '.' . $tmpK : $tmpK;
             $tmpK = FabrikString::safeColName($tmpK);
         if (!is_array($this->rowId)) {
             $aRowIds = explode('|', $this->rowId);
     $comparison = $input->get('usekey_comparison', '=');
     $viewPk = $input->get('view_primary_key');
     // $$$ hugh - changed this to !==, as in rowid=-1/usekey situations, we can have a rowid of 0
     // I don't THINK this will have any untoward side effects, but ...
     if (!$random && !$emptyRowId || !empty($useKey)) {
         $sql .= ' WHERE ';
         if (!empty($useKey)) {
             $sql .= "(";
             $parts = array();
             for ($k = 0; $k < count($useKey); $k++) {
                  * For gory reasons, we have to assume that an empty string cannot be a valid rowid
                  * when using usekey, so just create a 1=-1 if it is.
                 if ($aRowIds[$k] === '') {
                     $parts[] = ' 1=-1';
                 // Ensure that the key value is not quoted as we Quote() afterwards
                 if ($comparison == '=') {
                     $parts[] = ' ' . $useKey[$k] . ' = ' . $db->q($aRowIds[$k]);
                 } else {
                     $parts[] = ' ' . $useKey[$k] . ' LIKE ' . $db->q('%' . $aRowIds[$k] . '%');
             $sql .= implode(' AND ', $parts);
             $sql .= ')';
         } else {
             $sql .= ' ' . $item->db_primary_key . ' = ' . $db->q($this->rowId);
     } else {
         if ($viewPk != '') {
             $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $viewPk . ' ';
         } elseif ($random) {
             // $$$ rob Should this not go after prefilters have been applied ?
             $sql .= ' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 ';
     // Get pre-filter conditions from table and apply them to the record
     // the false, ignores any filters set by the table
     $where = $listModel->buildQueryWhere(false);
     if (strstr($sql, 'WHERE')) {
         // Do it this way as queries may contain sub-queries which we want to keep the where
         $firstWord = JString::substr($where, 0, 5);
         if ($firstWord == 'WHERE') {
             $where = JString::substr_replace($where, 'AND', 0, 5);
     // Set rowId to -2 to indicate random record
     if ($random) {
     // $$$ rob ensure that all prefilters are wrapped in brackets so that
     // only one record is loaded by the query - might need to set $word = and?
     if (trim($where) != '') {
         $where = explode(' ', $where);
         $word = array_shift($where);
         $sql .= $word . ' (' . implode(' ', $where) . ')';
     if (!$random && FArrayHelper::getValue($opts, 'ignoreOrder', false) === false) {
         // $$$ rob if showing joined repeat groups we want to be able to order them as defined in the table
         $sql .= $listModel->buildQueryOrder();
     $this->query = $sql;
     return $sql;
Exemple #7
  * Convert string into css class name
  * @param   string  $input  string
  * @return  string
 protected function toVariable($input)
     // Should simply be (except there's a bug in J)
     // JStringNormalise::toVariable($event->className);
     $input = trim($input);
     // Remove dashes and underscores, then convert to camel case.
     $input = JStringNormalise::toSpaceSeparated($input);
     $input = JStringNormalise::toCamelCase($input);
     // Remove leading digits.
     $input = preg_replace('#^[\\d\\.]*#', '', $input);
     // Lowercase the first character.
     $first = JString::substr($input, 0, 1);
     $first = JString::strtolower($first);
     // Replace the first character with the lowercase character.
     $input = JString::substr_replace($input, $first, 0, 1);
     return $input;
Exemple #8
  * Processes a text and replace the mentions / hashtags hyperlinks.
  * @since	1.2
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function processTags($tags, $message, $simpleTags = false)
     // We need to merge the mentions and hashtags since we are based on the offset.
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         if ($tag->type == 'entity' || $tag->type == 'user') {
             if (isset($tag->user) && $tag->user instanceof SocialUser) {
                 $user = $tag->user;
             } else {
                 $user = FD::user($tag->item_id);
             if ($simpleTags) {
                 $data = new stdClass();
                 $data->type = $tag->type;
                 $data->link = $user->getPermalink();
                 $data->title = $user->getName();
                 $data->id = $user->id;
                 $replace = '[tag]' . FD::json()->encode($data) . '[/tag]';
             } else {
                 $replace = '<a href="' . $user->getPermalink() . '" data-popbox="module://easysocial/profile/popbox" data-popbox-position="top-left" data-user-id="' . $user->id . '" class="mentions-user">' . $user->getName() . '</a>';
         if ($tag->type == 'hashtag') {
             $alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($tag->title);
             $url = FRoute::dashboard(array('layout' => 'hashtag', 'tag' => $alias));
             if ($simpleTags) {
                 $data = new stdClass();
                 $data->type = $tag->type;
                 $data->link = $url;
                 $data->title = $tag->title;
                 $data->id = $tag->id;
                 $replace = '[tag]' . FD::json()->encode($data) . '[/tag]';
             } else {
                 $replace = '<a href="' . $url . '" class="mentions-hashtag">#' . $tag->title . '</a>';
         $message = JString::substr_replace($message, $replace, $tag->offset, $tag->length);
     return $message;
Exemple #9
  * Perform log
  * @param   string $messageType message type
  * @return    bool
 protected function log($messageType)
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $formModel = $this->getModel();
     $input = $this->app->input;
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDBO();
     $rowId = $input->get('rowid', '', 'string');
     $loading = strstr($messageType, 'form.load');
     $http_referrer = $input->server->get('HTTP_REFERER', 'no HTTP_REFERER', 'string');
     $userId = $this->user->get('id');
     $username = $this->user->get('username');
     // Generate random filename
     if ($params->get('logs_random_filename') == 1) {
         $randomFileName = '_' . $this->generateFilename($params->get('logs_random_filename_length'));
     } else {
         $randomFileName = '';
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $logsPath = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($params->get('logs_path'));
     if (strpos($logsPath, '/') !== 0) {
         $logsPath = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $logsPath;
     $logsPath = rtrim($logsPath, '/');
     if (!JFolder::exists($logsPath)) {
         if (!JFolder::create($logsPath)) {
     $ext = $params->get('logs_file_format');
     $sep = $params->get('logs_separator');
     // Making complete path + filename + extension
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $logsFile = $logsPath . '/' . $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($params->get('logs_file')) . $randomFileName . '.' . $ext;
     $logsMode = $params->get('logs_append_or_overwrite');
     $date_element = $params->get('logs_date_field');
     $date_now = $params->get('logs_date_now');
     $result_compare = '';
     if ($params->get('compare_data')) {
         if ($ext == 'csv') {
             $sep_compare = '';
             $sep_2compare = '/ ';
         } elseif ($ext == 'txt') {
             $sep_compare = "\n";
             $sep_2compare = "\n";
         } elseif ($ext == 'htm') {
             $sep_compare = '<br/>';
             $sep_2compare = '<br/>';
         if ($loading) {
             $result_compare = FText::_('COMPARE_DATA_LOADING') . $sep_2compare;
         } else {
             $data = $this->getProcessData();
             $newData = $this->getNewData();
             if (!empty($data)) {
                 $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
                 $post = $filter->clean($_POST, 'array');
                 $tableModel = $formModel->getTable();
                 $origDataCount = count(array_keys(ArrayHelper::fromObject($formModel->_origData[0])));
                 if ($origDataCount > 0) {
                     $c = 0;
                     $origData = $formModel->_origData;
                     $log_elements = $params->get('logs_element_list', '');
                     if (!empty($log_elements)) {
                         $log_elements = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $log_elements));
                     $groups = $formModel->getGroupsHiarachy();
                     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
                         $group = $groupModel->getGroup();
                         $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
                         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
                             $element = $elementModel->getElement();
                             $fullName = $elementModel->getFullName(true, false);
                             if (empty($log_elements) || in_array($fullName, $log_elements)) {
                                 if ($newData[$c]->{$fullName} != $origData[$c]->{$fullName}) {
                                     $result_compare .= FText::_('COMPARE_DATA_CHANGE_ON') . ' ' . $element->label . ' ' . $sep_compare . FText::_('COMPARE_DATA_FROM') . ' ' . $origData[0]->{$fullName} . ' ' . $sep_compare . FText::_('COMPARE_DATA_TO') . ' ' . $newData[$c]->{$fullName} . ' ' . $sep_2compare;
                     if (empty($result_compare)) {
                         $result_compare = FText::_('COMPARE_DATA_NO_DIFFERENCES');
                 } else {
                     $result_compare .= "New record:" . $sep_2compare;
                     foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
                         if (isset($val) && substr($key, -4, 4) != '_raw') {
                             $result_compare .= "{$key} : {$val}" . $sep_2compare;
             } else {
                 $result_compare = "No data to compare!";
     // Defining the date to use - Not used any more as logs should really only record the current time_date
     if ($date_now != '') {
         $date = date("{$date_now}");
     } else {
         $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     // Custom Message
     if ($params->get('custom_msg') != '') {
         $rep_add_edit = $messageType == 'form.add' ? FText::_('REP_ADD') : ($messageType == 'form.edit' ? FText::_('REP_EDIT') : FText::_('DETAILS'));
         $custom_msg = $params->get('custom_msg');
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/{Add\\/Edit}/', $rep_add_edit, $custom_msg);
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/{DATE}/', $date, $custom_msg);
         $excl_clabels = preg_replace('/([-{2}| |"][0-9a-zA-Z.:$_>]*)/', '', $custom_msg);
         $split_clabels = preg_split('/[+]{1,}/', $excl_clabels);
         $clabels = preg_replace('/[={2}]+[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/', '', $split_clabels);
         $ctypes = preg_replace('/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[={2}]/', '', $split_clabels);
         $labtyp = array_combine($clabels, $ctypes);
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $custom_msg = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($custom_msg);
         $regex = '/((?!("[^"]*))([ |\\w|+|.])+(?=[^"]*"\\b)|(?!\\b"[^"]*)( +)+(?=([^"]*)$)|(?=\\b"[^"]*)( +)+(?=[^"]*"\\b))/';
         $excl_cdata = preg_replace($regex, '', $custom_msg);
         $cdata = preg_split('/["]{1,}/', $excl_cdata);
         // Labels for CSV & for DB
         $clabels_csv_imp = implode("\",\"", $clabels);
         $clabels_csv_p1 = preg_replace('/^(",)/', '', $clabels_csv_imp);
         $clabels_csv = '';
         $clabels_csv .= preg_replace('/(,")$/', '', $clabels_csv_p1);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
             $clabels_csv .= ', "' . FText::_('PLG_FORM_LOG_COMPARE_DATA_LABEL_CSV') . '"';
         $clabels_createdb_imp = '';
         foreach ($labtyp as $klb => $vlb) {
             $klb = $db->qn($klb);
             if ($vlb == 'varchar') {
                 $clabels_createdb_imp .= $klb . ' ' . $vlb . '(255) NOT NULL, ';
             } elseif ($vlb == 'int') {
                 $clabels_createdb_imp .= $klb . ' ' . $vlb . '(11) NOT NULL, ';
             } elseif ($vlb == 'datetime') {
                 $clabels_createdb_imp .= $klb . ' ' . $vlb . ' NOT NULL, ';
         $clabels_createdb = JString::substr_replace($clabels_createdb_imp, '', -2);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
             $clabels_createdb .= ', ' . $db->qn(FText::_('COMPARE_DATA_LABEL_DB')) . ' text NOT NULL';
         // @todo - what if we use different db driver which doesn't name quote with `??
         $clabels_db_imp = implode("`,`", $clabels);
         $clabels_db_p1 = preg_replace('/^(`,)/', '', $clabels_db_imp);
         $clabels_db = preg_replace('/(,`)$/', '', $clabels_db_p1);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
             $clabels_db .= ', ' . $db->qn(FText::_('PLG_FORM_LOG_COMPARE_DATA_LABEL_DB'));
         // Data for CSV & for DB
         $cdata_csv_imp = implode("\",\"", $cdata);
         $cdata_csv_p1 = preg_replace('/^(",)/', '', $cdata_csv_imp);
         $cdata_csv = preg_replace('/(,")$/', '', $cdata_csv_p1);
         $cdata_csv = preg_replace('/={1,}",/', '', $cdata_csv);
         $cdata_csv = preg_replace('/""/', '"', $cdata_csv);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
             $cdata_csv .= ', "' . $result_compare . '"';
         $cdata_db_imp = implode("','", $cdata);
         $cdata_db_p1 = preg_replace("/^(',)/", '', $cdata_db_imp);
         $cdata_db = preg_replace("/(,')\$/", '', $cdata_db_p1);
         $cdata_db = preg_replace("/={1,}',/", '', $cdata_db);
         $cdata_db = preg_replace("/''/", "'", $cdata_db);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1 && !$loading) {
             $result_compare = preg_replace('/<br\\/>/', '- ', $result_compare);
             $result_compare = preg_replace('/\\n/', '- ', $result_compare);
             $cdata_db .= ", '" . $result_compare . "'";
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/([++][0-9a-zA-Z.:_]*)/', '', $custom_msg);
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/^[ ]/', '', $custom_msg);
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/  /', ' ', $custom_msg);
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/"/', '', $custom_msg);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1 && !$loading) {
             $custom_msg .= '<br />' . $result_compare;
     } else {
         $clabelsCreateDb = array();
         $clabelsDb = array();
         $cdataDb = array();
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->qn('date') . " datetime NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->qn('date');
         $cdataDb[] = "NOW()";
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->qn('ip') . " varchar(32) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->qn('ip');
         $cdataDb[] = $params->get('logs_record_ip') == '1' ? $db->q(FabrikString::filteredIp()) : $db->q('');
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->qn('referer') . " varchar(255) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->qn('referer');
         $cdataDb[] = $params->get('logs_record_referer') == '1' ? $db->q($http_referrer) : $db->q('');
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->qn('user_agent') . " varchar(255) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->qn('user_agent');
         $cdataDb[] = $params->get('logs_record_useragent') == '1' ? $db->q($input->server->getString('HTTP_USER_AGENT')) : $db->q('');
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->qn('data_comparison') . " TEXT NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->qn('data_comparison');
         $cdataDb[] = $params->get('compare_data') == '1' ? $db->q($result_compare) : $db->q('');
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->qn('rowid') . " INT(11) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->qn('rowid');
         $cdataDb[] = $db->q($rowId);
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->qn('userid') . " INT(11) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->qn('userid');
         $cdataDb[] = $db->q((int) $userId);
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->qn('tableid') . " INT(11) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->qn('tableid');
         $cdataDb[] = $db->q($formModel->getListModel()->getId());
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->qn('formid') . " INT(11) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->qn('formid');
         $cdataDb[] = $db->q($formModel->getId());
         $clabels_createdb = implode(", ", $clabelsCreateDb);
         $clabels_db = implode(", ", $clabelsDb);
         $cdata_db = implode(", ", $cdataDb);
     /* For CSV files
      * If 'Append' method is used, you don't want to repeat the labels (Date, IP, ...)
      * each time you add a line in the file */
     $labels = !JFile::exists($logsFile) || $logsMode == 'w' ? 1 : 0;
     $buffer = $logsMode == 'a' && JFile::exists($logsFile) ? file_get_contents($logsFile) : '';
     $send_email = $params->get('log_send_email') == '1';
     $make_file = $params->get('make_file') == '1';
     if ($send_email && !$make_file) {
         $ext = 'txt';
     $email_msg = '';
     // @TODO redo all this with JFile API and only writing a string once - needless overhead doing fwrite all the time
     if ($make_file || $send_email) {
         // Opening or creating the file
         if ($params->get('custom_msg') != '') {
             if ($send_email) {
                 $email_msg = $custom_msg;
             if ($make_file) {
                 $custMsg = $buffer;
                 if ($ext != 'csv') {
                     $thisMsg = $buffer . $custom_msg . "\n" . $sep . "\n";
                     JFile::write($logsFile, $thisMsg);
                 } else {
                     // Making the CSV file
                     // If the file already exists, do not add the 'label line'
                     if ($labels == 1) {
                         $custMsg .= $clabels_csv;
                     // Inserting data in CSV with actual line break as row separator
                     $custMsg .= "\n" . $cdata_csv;
                     JFile::write($logsFile, $custMsg);
         } else {
             // Making HTM File
             if ($ext == 'htm') {
                 $htmlMsg = "<b>Date:</b> " . $date . "<br/>";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_ip') == 1) {
                     $htmlMsg .= "<b>IP Address:</b> " . FabrikString::filteredIp() . "<br/>";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_referer') == 1) {
                     $htmlMsg .= "<b>Referer:</b> " . $http_referrer . "<br/>";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_useragent') == 1) {
                     $htmlMsg .= "<b>UserAgent: </b>" . $input->server->getString('HTTP_USER_AGENT') . "<br/>";
                 $htmlMsg .= $result_compare . $sep . "<br/>";
                 if ($send_email) {
                     $email_msg = $htmlMsg;
                 if ($make_file) {
                     $htmlMsg = $buffer . $htmlMsg;
                     $res = JFile::write($logsFile, $htmlMsg);
                     if (!$res) {
                         $this->app->enqueueMessage("error writing html to log file: " . $logsFile, 'notice');
             } elseif ($ext == 'txt') {
                 $txtMsg = "Date: " . $date . "\n";
                 $txtMsg .= "Form ID: " . $formModel->getId() . "\n";
                 $txtMsg .= "Table ID: " . $formModel->getListModel()->getId() . "\n";
                 $txtMsg .= "Row ID: " . $rowId . "\n";
                 $txtMsg .= "User ID: {$userId} ({$username})\n";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_ip') == 1) {
                     $txtMsg .= "IP Address: " . FabrikString::filteredIp() . "\n";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_referer') == 1) {
                     $txtMsg .= "Referer: " . $http_referrer . "\n";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_useragent') == 1) {
                     $txtMsg .= "UserAgent: " . $input->server->getString('HTTP_USER_AGENT') . "\n";
                 $txtMsg .= $result_compare . $sep . "\n";
                 if ($send_email) {
                     $email_msg = $txtMsg;
                 if ($make_file) {
                     $txtMsg = $buffer . $txtMsg;
                     JFile::write($logsFile, $txtMsg);
             } elseif ($ext == 'csv') {
                 // Making the CSV file
                 $csvMsg = array();
                 // If the file already exists, do not add the 'label line'
                 if ($labels == 1) {
                     $csvMsg[] = "Date";
                     if ($params->get('logs_record_ip') == 1) {
                         // Putting some "" around the label to avoid two different fields
                         $csvMsg[] = "\"IP Address\"";
                     if ($params->get('logs_record_referer') == 1) {
                         $csvMsg[] = "Referer";
                     if ($params->get('logs_record_useragent') == 1) {
                         $csvMsg[] = "UserAgent";
                     if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
                         $csvMsg[] = "\"" . FText::_('COMPARE_DATA_LABEL_CSV') . "\"";
                 // Inserting data in CSV with actual line break as row separator
                 $csvMsg[] = "\n\"" . $date . "\"";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_ip') == 1) {
                     $csvMsg[] = "\"" . FabrikString::filteredIp() . "\"";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_referer') == 1) {
                     $csvMsg[] = "\"" . $http_referrer . "\"";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_useragent') == 1) {
                     $csvMsg[] = "\"" . $input->server->getString('HTTP_USER_AGENT') . "\"";
                 if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
                     $csvMsg[] = "\"" . $result_compare . "\"";
                 $csvMsg = implode(",", $csvMsg);
                 if ($send_email) {
                     $email_msg = $csvMsg;
                 if ($make_file) {
                     if ($buffer !== '') {
                         $csvMsg = $buffer . $csvMsg;
                     JFile::write($logsFile, $csvMsg);
     if ($params->get('logs_record_in_db') == 1) {
         // In which table?
         if ($params->get('record_in') == '') {
             $rdb = '#__fabrik_log';
         } else {
             $db_suff = $params->get('record_in');
             $form = $formModel->getForm();
             $fid = $form->id;
             $db->setQuery("SELECT " . $db->qn('db_table_name') . " FROM " . $db->qn('#__fabrik_lists') . " WHERE " . $db->qn('form_id') . " = " . (int) $fid);
             $tname = $db->loadResult();
             $rdb = $db->qn($tname . $db_suff);
         // Making the message to record
         if ($params->get('custom_msg') != '') {
             $message = preg_replace('/<br\\/>/', ' ', $custom_msg);
         } else {
             $message = $this->makeStandardMessage($result_compare);
         /* $$$ hugh - FIXME - not sure about the option driven $create_custom_table stuff, as this won't work
          * if they add an option to an existing log table.  We should probably just create all the optional columns
          * regardless.
         if ($params->get('record_in') == '') {
             $in_db = "INSERT INTO {$rdb} (" . $db->qn('referring_url') . ", " . $db->qn('message_type') . ", " . $db->qn('message') . ") VALUES (" . $db->q($http_referrer) . ", " . $db->q($messageType) . ", " . $db->q($message) . ");";
         } else {
             $create_custom_table = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$rdb} (" . $db->qn('id') . " int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, {$clabels_createdb});";
             $in_db = "INSERT INTO {$rdb} ({$clabels_db}) VALUES ({$cdata_db});";
             if (!$db->execute()) {
                 /* $$$ changed to always use db fields even if not selected
                  * so logs already created may need optional fields added.
                  * try adding every field we should have, don't care if query fails.
                 foreach ($clabelsCreateDb as $insert) {
                     $db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE ADD {$insert} AFTER `id`");
                 // ... and try the insert query again
     if ($send_email) {
         $emailFrom = $this->config->get('mailfrom');
         $emailTo = explode(',', $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('log_send_email_to', '')));
         $subject = strip_tags($w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('log_send_email_subject', 'log event')));
         foreach ($emailTo as $email) {
             $email = trim($email);
             if (empty($email)) {
             if (FabrikWorker::isEmail($email)) {
                 $mail = JFactory::getMailer();
                 $res = $mail->sendMail($emailFrom, $emailFrom, $email, $subject, $email_msg, true);
             } else {
                 $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('DID_NOT_SEND_EMAIL_INVALID_ADDRESS', $email));
     return true;
Exemple #10
 public function getEditComment()
     $id = FD::input()->getInt('id');
     $comment = FD::table('comments');
     $tags = FD::model('Tags')->getTags($id, 'comments');
     $overlay = $comment->comment;
     $counter = 0;
     $tmp = array();
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         if ($tag->type === 'entity' && $tag->item_type === SOCIAL_TYPE_USER) {
             $user = FD::user($tag->item_id);
             $replace = '<span data-value="user:'******'" data-type="entity">' . $user->getName() . '</span>';
         if ($tag->type === 'hashtag') {
             $replace = '<span data-value="' . $tag->title . '" data-type="hashtag">' . "#" . $tag->title . '</span>';
         $tmp[$counter] = $replace;
         $replace = '[si:mentions]' . $counter . '[/si:mentions]';
         $overlay = JString::substr_replace($overlay, $replace, $tag->offset, $tag->length);
     $overlay = FD::string()->escape($overlay);
     foreach ($tmp as $i => $v) {
         $overlay = str_ireplace('[si:mentions]' . $i . '[/si:mentions]', $v, $overlay);
     $theme = FD::themes();
     $theme->set('comment', $comment->comment);
     $theme->set('overlay', $overlay);
     $contents = $theme->output('site/comments/editForm');
     $this->getCurrentView()->call(__FUNCTION__, $contents);
 protected function _doOutput(&$article, &$params, &$faqline)
     $html = "";
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     if (!$this->_editParamNames($params, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     $cssfile = "plugins/content/accordionfaq/css/accordionfaq.css";
     $faqlinks = $params->get("faqlinks", "");
     if (strtolower($faqlinks) == "space") {
         $faqlinks = "&nbsp;";
     if (!$this->_editParamValue("faqid", $params, "accordion1", $faqid, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     if (!$this->_editParamValue("faqclass", $params, "lightnessfaq defaulticon headerbackground headerborder contentbackground contentborder round5", $faqclass, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     $header = $params->get("header", 'h3');
     if (!$this->_editTrueFalse("autoheight", $params, "0", $autoheight, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     if (!$this->_editTrueFalse("autonumber", $params, "0", $autonumber, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     if (!$this->_editTrueFalse("alwaysopen", $params, "0", $alwaysopen, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     if (!$this->_editTrueFalse("openmultiple", $params, "0", $openmultiple, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     if (!$this->_editTrueFalse("scrollonopen", $params, "0", $scrollonopen, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     if (!$this->_editTrueFalse("warnings", $params, "1", $warnings, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     if (!$this->_editTrueFalse("usedynamiccssload", $params, "1", $usedynamiccssload, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     if (!$this->_editTrueFalse("keyaccess", $params, "1", $keyaccess, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     if (!$this->_editEvent("event", $params, "click", $event, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     if (!$this->_editAnimation("animation", $params, "none", $animation, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     $active = $params->get("active", "");
     if (!$this->_editNumeric("scrolltime", $params, 1000, $scrolltime, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     $scrolltime = max($scrolltime, 1);
     if (!$this->_editNumeric("scrolloffset", $params, 0, $scrolloffset, $html)) {
         return $this->_formattedError($html, $faqline);
     $activearr[0] = "false";
     $faqitem = JRequest::getString('faqitem', '');
     if ($active != "" && $faqitem == "") {
         $activearr = explode(',', $active);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($activearr); $i++) {
             $activearr[$i] = JString::trim($activearr[$i]);
             if (!is_numeric($activearr[$i])) {
                 $activearr[$i] = "'#" . $activearr[$i] . "'";
     if ($faqitem != "") {
         $faqitems = explode(',', $faqitem);
         $i = 0;
         do {
             $faqitems[$i] = JString::trim($faqitems[$i]);
             if (JString::strpos($faqitems[$i], $faqid) === 0) {
                 $faqitemtarget = JString::substr($faqitems[$i], JString::strlen($faqid));
                 if ($faqitemtarget != "") {
                     if (is_numeric($faqitemtarget)) {
                         $faqitemid = (int) $faqitemtarget;
                         $activearr[$i] = $faqitemid;
                         $jumpto = $faqitems[$i];
                     } else {
                         $activearr[$i] = "'#" . $faqitemtarget . "'";
                         $jumpto = $faqitemtarget;
                 } else {
                     $jumpto = $faqitem;
         } while (!isset($jumpto) && $i < count($faqitems));
     $printfaq = JRequest::getString("print", 'false');
     if ($printfaq == "1") {
         if (isset($jumpto)) {
         $animation = 'false';
         $printfaq = 'true';
     } else {
         $printfaq = 'false';
     $browser = JBrowser::getInstance();
     $isIE6 = false;
     if ($browser->getBrowser() == "msie" && $browser->getMajor() <= 6) {
         $isIE6 = true;
         $ie6css = JPATH_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cssfile;
         $ie6css = JPath::clean($ie6css, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         if (JString::substr($ie6css, JString::strlen($ie6css) - 4, 4) == '.css') {
             $ie6css = JString::substr_replace($ie6css, '-ie6.css', JString::strlen($ie6css) - 4, 4);
         if (JFile::exists($ie6css)) {
             $styledata = JFile::read($ie6css);
             $newtext = preg_replace("/src=( )*'( )*([^' ]+)'/i", "src='" . JURI::root(true) . "\\3" . "'", $styledata);
             $newtext = preg_replace("/url\\(( )*'( )*([^' ]+)'/i", "url('" . JURI::root(true) . "\\3" . "'", $newtext);
     $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root(true) . "/" . $cssfile);
     $cssbase = JPATH_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cssfile;
     $cssbase = JPath::clean($cssbase, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     $cssfilename = JFile::getName($cssbase);
     $cssbase = str_replace($cssfilename, '', $cssbase);
     $faqbase = str_replace($cssfilename, '', $cssfile);
     $faqclassarray = preg_split("/[\\s]+/", $faqclass);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($faqclassarray); $i++) {
         if (preg_match("/(.*)faq\$/i", $faqclassarray[$i], $match)) {
             $faqfile = $cssbase . $faqclassarray[$i] . ".css";
             if (JFile::exists($faqfile)) {
                 if ($usedynamiccssload == 'tru') {
                     $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root(true) . "/" . $faqbase . "css.php?id=" . $faqid . "&amp;faq=" . $faqclassarray[$i]);
                 } else {
                     $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root(true) . "/" . $faqbase . $faqclassarray[$i] . ".css");
                 if ($isIE6) {
                     $ie6css = $cssbase . $faqclassarray[$i] . "-ie6.css";
                     if (JFile::exists($ie6css)) {
                         $styledata = JFile::read($ie6css);
                         $newtext = preg_replace("/src=( )*'( )*([^' ]+)'/i", "src='" . JURI::root(true) . "\\3" . "'", $styledata);
                         $newtext = preg_replace("/url\\(( )*'( )*([^' ]+)'/i", "url('" . JURI::root(true) . "\\3" . "'", $newtext);
                         $newtext = preg_replace("/\\." . $faqclassarray[$i] . "/", "#" . $faqid . "." . $faqclassarray[$i], $newtext);
             } else {
                 if ($warnings == 'tru') {
                     $warntext = "WARNING: CSS file for faqclass " . $faqclassarray[$i] . " does not exist (" . $faqfile . ").";
                     $html .= $this->_formattedError($warntext, $faqline);
         } else {
             if ($warnings == 'tru') {
                 if (!$this->_editFaqClass($faqclassarray[$i], $warntext)) {
                     $html .= $this->_formattedError($warntext, $faqline);
     $includejquery = $params->get('includejquery', 1);
     if ($includejquery != 0) {
         $jquerynoconflict = $params->get('jquerynoconflict', 1);
         if ($jquerynoconflict == 1) {
         } else {
             JHTML::_('jquery.framework', false);
     JHTML::_('script', 'plugins/content/accordionfaq/js/preparefaq.js');
     if ($openmultiple == 'tru' && $animation !== 'false') {
         $duration = 300;
         $easing = 'swing';
         if ($animation == "'slide'") {
             $duration = 300;
             $easing = 'swing';
         } else {
             if ($animation == "'easeslide'") {
                 $duration = 700;
                 $easing = 'easeinout';
             } else {
                 if ($animation == "'bounceslide'") {
                     $duration = 1000;
                     $easing = 'bounceout';
     $script = "// <!--\n";
     $script .= "preparefaq.onFunctionAvailable( 'jQuery', 300, function() {\n";
     $script .= "\tpreparefaq.setjQuery();\n";
     if ($printfaq === 'false' && $openmultiple == 'fals') {
         $script .= "\tpreparefaq.loadScript( '" . JURI::root(true) . "/plugins/content/accordionfaq/js/jquery.accordionfaq.js' );\n";
     if ($animation !== "false") {
         $script .= "\tpreparefaq.loadScript( '" . JURI::root(true) . "/plugins/content/accordionfaq/js/jquery.easing.js' );\n";
     $script .= "/***********************************************\n";
     $script .= "* Scrolling HTML bookmarks- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com)\n";
     $script .= "* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use\n";
     $script .= "* Visit Project Page at http://www.dynamicdrive.com for full source code\n";
     $script .= "***********************************************/\n";
     $script .= "\tpreparefaq.loadScript( '" . JURI::root(true) . "/plugins/content/accordionfaq/js/bookmarkscroll.js' );\n";
     $script .= "\tpreparefaq.getjQuery()(document).ready(function(){ \n";
     $script .= "\t\tpreparefaq.exec( { \n";
     $script .= "\t\t    id: '" . $faqid . "'\n";
     $script .= "\t\t  , header: '" . $header . "'\n";
     $script .= "\t\t  , alwaysopen: " . $alwaysopen . "e\n";
     $script .= "\t\t  , autonumber: " . $autonumber . "e\n";
     $script .= "\t\t  , keyaccess: " . $keyaccess . "e\n";
     $script .= "\t\t  , print: " . $printfaq . "\n";
     $script .= "\t\t  , scrolltime: " . $scrolltime . "\n";
     $script .= "\t\t  , scrolloffset: " . $scrolloffset . "\n";
     if ($faqlinks != "") {
         $script .= "\t\t  , faqlinks: '" . $faqlinks . "'\n";
     $script .= "\t\t  , scrollonopen: " . $scrollonopen . "e\n";
     if ($openmultiple == 'tru') {
         $script .= "\t\t  , event: '" . $event . "'\n";
         $script .= "\t\t  , onevent: function() { \n";
         if ($animation === 'false') {
             $script .= "\t\t\t\tpreparefaq.getjQuery()(this).toggleClass('selected').next().toggle( 1, preparefaq.accordionChange );\n";
         } else {
             $script .= "\t\t\t\tpreparefaq.getjQuery()(this).toggleClass('selected').next().slideToggle( " . $duration . ", '" . $easing . "', preparefaq.accordionChange );\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\t\treturn false;\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\t}\n";
     $script .= "\t\t} );\n";
     $script .= "\t\tpreparefaq.onFunctionAvailable( 'bookmarkscroll.init', 300, function() {\n";
     $script .= "\t\t\t\tbookmarkscroll.init();\n";
     $script .= "\t\t});\n";
     if ($openmultiple == 'tru') {
         $script .= "\t\tpreparefaq.getjQuery()('#" . $faqid . "').addClass('selected');\n";
         if ($activearr[0] !== 'false' && $printfaq === 'false') {
             if (count($activearr) == 1 && $activearr[0] == "'#*'") {
                 $script .= "\t\tpreparefaq.getjQuery()('" . $header . ".accordionfaqheader." . $faqid . "').toggleClass('selected').next().toggle();\n";
             } else {
                 $script .= "\t\tvar target;\n";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($activearr); $i++) {
                     if (is_numeric($activearr[$i])) {
                         $script .= "\t\ttarget = preparefaq.getjQuery()('#" . $faqid . $activearr[$i] . "');\n";
                     } else {
                         $activeval = str_replace("'", '', $activearr[$i]);
                         $script .= "\t\ttarget = preparefaq.getjQuery()('" . $activeval . "');\n";
                     $script .= "\t\tif (typeof(target) !== 'undefined') {\n";
                     $script .= "\t\t\ttarget.toggleClass('selected').next().toggle();\n";
                     $script .= "\t\t};\n";
     } else {
         $script .= "\t\tpreparefaq.onFunctionAvailable( 'preparefaq.getjQuery().fn.accordionfaq', 300, function() {\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\tpreparefaq.getjQuery()('#" . $faqid . "').accordionfaq( { \n";
         $script .= "\t\t\t\t  header: '" . $header . ".accordionfaqheader." . $faqid . "'\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\t\t, autoheight: " . $autoheight . "e\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\t\t, alwaysOpen: " . $alwaysopen . "e\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\t\t, active: " . $activearr[0] . "\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\t \t, animated: " . $animation . "\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\t \t, event: '" . $event . "'\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\t});\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\tpreparefaq.getjQuery()('#" . $faqid . "').bind( 'change.faq-accordion', preparefaq.accordionChangeUI );\n";
         $script .= "\t\t});\n";
     if (isset($jumpto)) {
         $script .= "\t\tpreparefaq.onIdAvailable( '" . $jumpto . "', 300, function() {\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\tpreparefaq.onFunctionAvailable( 'bookmarkscroll.scrollTo', 300, function() {\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\t\tpreparefaq.jumpToFaqItem( '" . $jumpto . "' );\n";
         $script .= "\t\t\t});\n";
         $script .= "\t\t});\n";
     $script .= "\t});\n";
     $script .= "});\n";
     $script .= "// -->\n";
     $html .= "<div id=\"" . $faqid . "\" class=\"accordionfaq " . $faqclass . "\">";
     $html .= "<p></p>";
     $html .= "</div>";
     return $html;
Exemple #12
  * Formats the message
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function formatMessage($params)
     $withData = $params->get('with_data');
     if ($withData) {
         // dump( $withData );
     $storyTags = $params->get('story_tags');
     $message = $params->get('content');
     if ($storyTags) {
         foreach ($storyTags as $tag) {
             $message = JString::substr_replace($message, '<a href="' . $tag->link . '">' . $tag->name . '</a>', $tag->offset, $tag->length);
     return $message;
    $fullimg = JString::substr($item->fulltext, $pos, $fin - $pos);
    $fin = JString::strpos($item->fulltext, '>', $fin);
$intronoimage = $item->introtext;
while (($ini = JString::strpos($intronoimage, '<img')) !== false) {
    if (($fin = JString::strpos($intronoimage, '>', $ini)) === false) {
    $intronoimage = JString::substr_replace($intronoimage, '', $ini, $fin - $ini + 1);
$fullnoimage = $item->fulltext;
while (($ini = JString::strpos($fullnoimage, '<img')) !== false) {
    if (($fin = JString::strpos($fullnoimage, '>', $ini)) === false) {
    $fullnoimage = JString::substr_replace($fullnoimage, '', $ini, $fin - $ini + 1);
$title = $rowmaxtitle ? JString::substr(strip_tags($item->title), 0, $rowmaxtitle) . $rowmaxtitlesuf : strip_tags($item->title);
$intro = $rowmaxintro ? JString::substr(strip_tags($item->introtext), 0, $rowmaxintro) . $rowmaxintrosuf : strip_tags($item->introtext);
$rawfulltext = $item->fulltext;
$fulltext = strip_tags($item->fulltext);
if (!empty($rowtextbrk)) {
    $pos = JString::strpos($rawfulltext, $rowtextbrk);
    if ($pos !== false) {
        $rawfulltext = substr($rawfulltext, 0, $pos + strlen($rowtextbrk));
    $pos = JString::strpos($fulltext, $rowtextbrk);
    if ($pos !== false) {
        $fulltext = JString::substr($fulltext, 0, $pos + strlen($rowtextbrk));
    $pos = JString::strpos($intronoimage, $rowtextbrk);