function render() { $comment = $this->getVar('comment'); $object_title = $this->getVar('comment-object_title'); $object_link = $this->getVar('comment-object_link'); $hash = $this->getVar('hash'); $link = '<a href="' . $object_link . '" target="_blank">' . $object_title . '</a>'; $unsubscribeMessage = JText::sprintf('NOTIFICATION_COMMENT_UNSUBSCRIBE', $link); $unsubscribeLink = JCommentsFactory::getUnsubscribeLink($hash); // add inline styles for quotes to default comment html layout $comment->comment = str_replace('<blockquote>', '<blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid #ccc; padding-left: 5px; margin-left: 10px;">', $comment->comment); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=<? echo $this->getVar('charset'); ?>" http-equiv="content-type" /> <meta name="Generator" content="JComments" /> </head> <body> <a style="color: #777;" href="<? echo $object_link ?>#comment-<? echo $comment->id; ?>" target="_blank">#</a> <? if ($comment->title != '') { ?> <span style="color: #b01625;font: bold 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;"><? echo $comment->title; ?></span> — <? } if ($comment->homepage != '') { ?> <a style="color: #3c452d;font: bold 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;" href="<? echo $comment->homepage; ?>" target="_blank"><? echo $comment->name; ?></a> <? } else { ?> <span style="color: #3c452d;font: bold 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;"><? echo $comment->name; ?></span> <? } ?> — <span style="font-size: 11px; color: #999;"><? echo JCommentsText::formatDate($comment->datetime, JText::_('DATETIME_FORMAT')); ?></span> <div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px 5px; margin: 5px 0; font: normal 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;"><? echo $comment->comment; ?></div> <p style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; margin: 10px 0 0 0; color: #555;"><? echo $unsubscribeMessage; ?>:<br /><a href="<? echo $unsubscribeLink; ?>" target="_blank"><? echo JText::_('Unsubscribe');?></a></p> </body> </html> <? }
function render() { $comment = $this->getVar('comment'); if (isset($comment)) { if ($this->getVar('get_comment_vote', 0) == 1) { // return comment vote $this->getCommentVoteValue($comment); } else { if ($this->getVar('get_comment_body', 0) == 1) { // return only comment body (for example after quick edit) echo $comment->comment; } else { // return all comment item ?> <div class="rbox"> <?php $comment_number = $this->getVar('comment-number', 1); $thisurl = $this->getVar('thisurl', ''); $commentBoxIndentStyle = $this->getVar('avatar') == 1 ? ' avatar-indent' : ''; if ($this->getVar('avatar') == 1) { ?> <div class="comment-avatar"><?php echo $comment->avatar; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="comment-box<?php echo $commentBoxIndentStyle; ?> "> <?php if ($this->getVar('comment-show-vote', 0) == 1) { $this->getCommentVote($comment); } ?> <a class="comment-anchor" href="<?php echo $thisurl; ?> #comment-<?php echo $comment->id; ?> " id="comment-<?php echo $comment->id; ?> ">#<?php echo $comment_number; ?> </a> <?php if ($this->getVar('comment-show-title') > 0 && $comment->title != '') { ?> <span class="comment-title"><?php echo $comment->title; ?> </span> — <?php } if ($this->getVar('comment-show-homepage') == 1) { ?> <a class="author-homepage" href="<?php echo $comment->homepage; ?> " rel="nofollow" title="<?php echo $comment->author; ?> "><?php echo $comment->author; ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <span class="comment-author"><?php echo $comment->author; ?> </span> <?php } if ($this->getVar('comment-show-email') > 0 && $comment->email != '') { ?> <a class="comment-email" href="mailto:<?php echo $comment->email; ?> "><?php echo $comment->email; ?> </a> <?php } ?> <span class="comment-date"><?php echo JCommentsText::formatDate($comment->date, JText::_('DATETIME_FORMAT')); ?> </span> <div class="comment-body" id="comment-body-<?php echo $comment->id; ?> "><?php echo $comment->comment; ?> </div> <?php if ($this->getVar('button-reply') == 1 || $this->getVar('button-quote') == 1 || $this->getVar('button-report') == 1) { ?> <span class="comments-buttons"> <?php if ($this->getVar('button-reply') == 1) { ?> <a href="#" onclick="jcomments.showReply(<?php echo $comment->id; ?> ); return false;"><?php echo JText::_('BUTTON_REPLY'); ?> </a> <?php if ($this->getVar('button-quote') == 1) { ?> | <a href="#" onclick="jcomments.showReply(<?php echo $comment->id; ?> ,1); return false;"><?php echo JText::_('BUTTON_REPLY_WITH_QUOTE'); ?> </a> | <?php } } if ($this->getVar('button-quote') == 1) { ?> <a href="#" onclick="jcomments.quoteComment(<?php echo $comment->id; ?> ); return false;"><?php echo JText::_('BUTTON_QUOTE'); ?> </a> <?php } if ($this->getVar('button-report') == 1) { if ($this->getVar('button-quote') == 1 || $this->getVar('button-reply') == 1) { ?> | <?php } ?> <a href="#" onclick="jcomments.reportComment(<?php echo $comment->id; ?> ); return false;"><?php echo JText::_('BUTTON_REPORT'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </span> <?php } ?> </div><div class="clear"></div> <?php // show frontend moderation panel $this->getCommentAdministratorPanel($comment); ?> </div> <?php } } } }
function render() { $comment = $this->getVar('comment'); $object_title = $this->getVar('comment-object_title'); $object_link = $this->getVar('comment-object_link'); // add inline styles $comment->comment = str_replace('class="quotebody"', 'style="margin: 5px 0 0 0;padding: 8px; border: 1px dashed #aaa;"', $comment->comment); $comment->comment = str_replace('<blockquote>', '<blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid #ccc; padding-left: 5px; margin-left: 10px;">', $comment->comment); $comment->comment = str_replace('<code>', '<code style="display: block; padding: 8px; border: 1px dashed #aaa;">', $comment->comment); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type" /> <meta name="Generator" content="JComments" /> </head> <body> <?php echo JText::_('NOTIFICATION_DISCUSSION'); ?> <a href="<?php echo $object_link; ?> #comment-<?php echo $comment->id; ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo $object_title; ?> </a><br /><br /> <a style="color: #777;" href="<?php echo $object_link; ?> #comment-<?php echo $comment->id; ?> " target="_bllank">#</a> <?php if ($comment->title != '') { ?> <span style="color: #b01625;font: bold 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;"><?php echo $comment->title; ?> </span> — <?php } if ($comment->homepage != '') { ?> <a style="color: #3c452d;font: bold 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;" href="<?php echo $comment->homepage; ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo $comment->author; ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <span style="color: #3c452d;font: bold 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;"><?php echo $comment->author; ?> </span> <?php } ?> ( <?php if ($comment->email != '') { ?> <a href="mailto: <?php echo $comment->email; ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo $comment->email; ?> </a>, <?php } ?> <span style="font-size: 11px;">IP: <?php echo $comment->ip; ?> </span> ) — <span style="font-size: 11px; color: #999;"><?php echo JCommentsText::formatDate($comment->date, JText::_('DATETIME_FORMAT')); ?> </span> <div> <div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px 5px; margin: 5px 0; font: normal 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;"><?php echo $comment->comment; ?> </div> <?php if ($this->getVar('quick-moderation') == 1) { $commands = array(); if ($comment->published == 0) { $commands[] = $this->getCmdLink('publish', JText::_('BUTTON_PUBLISH'), $comment); } else { $commands[] = $this->getCmdLink('unpublish', JText::_('BUTTON_UNPUBLISH'), $comment); } $commands[] = $this->getCmdLink('delete', JText::_('BUTTON_DELETE'), $comment); if ($this->getVar('enable-blacklist') == 1) { $commands[] = $this->getCmdLink('ban', JText::_('BUTTON_BANIP'), $comment); } if (count($commands)) { echo JText::_('QUICK_MODERATION') . ' ' . implode(' | ', $commands); } } ?> </div> </body> </html> <?php }
function render() { $comment = $this->getVar('comment'); $object_title = $this->getVar('comment-object_title'); $object_link = $this->getVar('comment-object_link'); // add inline styles for quotes to default comment html layout $comment->comment = str_replace('<blockquote>', '<blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid #ccc; padding-left: 5px; margin-left: 10px;">', $comment->comment); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=<? echo $this->getVar('charset'); ?>" http-equiv="content-type" /> <meta name="Generator" content="JComments" /> </head> <body> <? echo JText::_('COMMENTS_FOR'); ?>: <a href="<? echo $object_link ?>#comment-<? echo $comment->id; ?>" target="_blank"><? echo $object_title ?></a><br /><br /> <a style="color: #777;" href="<? echo $object_link ?>#comment-<? echo $comment->id; ?>" target="_bllank">#</a> <? if ($comment->title != '') { ?> <span style="color: #b01625;font: bold 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;"><? echo $comment->title; ?></span> — <? } if ($comment->homepage != '') { ?> <a style="color: #3c452d;font: bold 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;" href="<? echo $comment->homepage; ?>" target="_blank"><? echo $comment->name; ?></a> <? } else { ?> <span style="color: #3c452d;font: bold 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;"><? echo $comment->name; ?></span> <? } ?> ( <? if ($comment->email != '') { ?> <a href="mailto: <? echo $comment->email; ?>" target="_blank"><? echo $comment->email; ?></a>, <? } ?> <span style="font-size: 11px;">IP: <? echo $comment->ip; ?></span> ) — <span style="font-size: 11px; color: #999;"><? echo JCommentsText::formatDate($comment->datetime, JText::_('DATETIME_FORMAT')); ?></span> <div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px 5px; margin: 5px 0; font: normal 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;"><? echo $comment->comment; ?></div> <? if ($this->getVar('quick-moderation') == 1) { $commands = array(); if ($comment->published == 0) { $commands[] = $this->getCmdLink('publish', JText::_('Publish'), $comment); } else { $commands[] = $this->getCmdLink('unpublish', JText::_('Unpublish'), $comment); } $commands[] = $this->getCmdLink('delete', JText::_('Delete'), $comment); if (count($commands)) { echo JText::_('Quick moderation') . ' ' . implode(' | ', $commands); } } ?> </body> </html> <? }
function render() { $comment = $this->getVar('comment'); if (isset($comment)) { if ($this->getVar('get_comment_vote', 0) == 1) { // return comment vote $this->getCommentVoteValue($comment); } else if ($this->getVar('get_comment_body', 0) == 1) { // return only comment body (for example after quick edit) echo $comment->comment; } else { // return all comment item ?> <div class="metadata"> <p class="author"> <? $comment_number = $this->getVar('comment-number', 1); $thisurl = $this->getVar('thisurl', ''); $commentBoxIndentStyle = ($this->getVar('avatar') == 1) ? ' avatar-indent' : ''; if (isset($comment->usertype)) { $commentBoxIndentStyle .= ' usertype-' . $comment->usertype; } if ($this->getVar('avatar') == 1) { ?> <span class="comment-avatar"><? echo $comment->avatar; ?></span> <? } ?> <? if ($this->getVar('comment-show-vote', 0) == 1) { $this->getCommentVote($comment); } ?> <a class="comment-anchor" href="<? echo $thisurl; ?>#comment-<? echo $comment->id; ?>" id="comment-<? echo $comment->id; ?>">#<? echo $comment_number; ?></a> <? if (($this->getVar('comment-show-title') > 0) && ($comment->title != '')) { ?> <span class="comment-title"><? echo $comment->title; ?></span> — <? } if ($this->getVar('comment-show-homepage') == 1) { ?> <a class="author-homepage" href="<? echo $comment->homepage; ?>" rel="nofollow" title="<? echo $comment->author; ?>"><? echo $comment->author; ?></a> <? } else { ?> <span class="comment-author"><? echo $comment->author ?></span> <? } ?> <span class="comment-date"><? echo JCommentsText::formatDate($comment->datetime, JText::_('DATETIME_FORMAT')); ?></span> </p> </div> <div class="comment-body" id="comment-body-<? echo $comment->id; ?>"><? echo $comment->comment; ?></div> <div class="rbox"> <div class="comment-box<? echo $commentBoxIndentStyle; ?>"> <? if (($this->getVar('button-reply') == 1) || ($this->getVar('button-quote') == 1) || ($this->getVar('button-report') == 1)) { ?> <span class="comments-buttons"> <? if ($this->getVar('button-reply') == 1) { ?> <a href="#" onclick="jcomments.showReply(<? echo $comment->id; ?>); return false;"><? echo JText::_('Reply'); ?></a> <? if ($this->getVar('button-quote') == 1) { ?> | <a href="#" onclick="jcomments.showReply(<? echo $comment->id; ?>,1); return false;"><? echo JText::_('Reply with quote'); ?></a> | <? } } if ($this->getVar('button-quote') == 1) { ?> <a href="#" onclick="jcomments.quoteComment(<? echo $comment->id; ?>); return false;"><? echo JText::_('Quote'); ?></a> <? } if ($this->getVar('button-report') == 1) { if ($this->getVar('button-quote') == 1 || $this->getVar('button-reply') == 1) { ?> | <? } ?> <a href="#" onclick="jcomments.reportComment(<? echo $comment->id; ?>); return false;"><? echo JText::_('Report to administrator'); ?></a> <? } ?> </span> <? } ?> </div><div class="clear"></div> <? // show frontend moderation panel $this->getCommentAdministratorPanel($comment); ?> </div> <? } } }