function on_auth_success_callback() { global $xmpp; JAXLLogger::info("got on_auth_success cb, jid " . $xmpp->full_jid->to_string()); }
function delete_event($request, $pk) { JAXLLogger::info("got event delete request for {$pk}"); $request->close(); }
function on_disconnect_callback() { JAXLLogger::info("got on_disconnect cb"); }
function on_auth_failure_callback($reason) { global $client; $client->send_end_stream(); JAXLLogger::info("got on_auth_failure cb with reason {$reason}"); }
function on_request($client, $raw) { global $server; $server->send($client, $raw); JAXLLogger::info("got client callback " . $raw); }
public function __destruct() { JAXLLogger::info("shutting down socket server"); }
function on_disconnect_callback() { global $form; JAXLLogger::info("registration " . ($form['type'] == 'result' ? 'succeeded' : 'failed')); }
public function on_request($sock, $raw) { JAXLLogger::debug("on_request for client#{$sock}"); $request = $this->requests[$sock]; // 'wait_for_body' state is reached when ever // application calls recv_body() method // on received $request object if ($request->state() == 'wait_for_body') { $request->body($raw); } else { // break on crlf $lines = explode(HTTP_CRLF, $raw); // parse request line if ($request->state() == 'wait_for_request_line') { list($method, $resource, $version) = explode(" ", $lines[0]); $request->line($method, $resource, $version); unset($lines[0]); JAXLLogger::info($request->ip . " " . $request->method . " " . $request->resource . " " . $request->version); } // parse headers foreach ($lines as $line) { $line_parts = explode(":", $line); if (count($line_parts) > 1) { if (strlen($line_parts[0]) > 0) { $k = $line_parts[0]; unset($line_parts[0]); $v = implode(":", $line_parts); $request->set_header($k, $v); } } elseif (strlen(trim($line_parts[0])) == 0) { $request->empty_line(); } else { // if exploded line array size is 1 // and there is something in $line_parts[0] // must be request body $request->body($line); } } } // if request has reached 'headers_received' state? if ($request->state() == 'headers_received') { // dispatch to any matching rule found JAXLLogger::debug("delegating to dispatcher for further routing"); $dispatched = $this->dispatcher->dispatch($request); // if no dispatch rule matched call generic callback if (!$dispatched && $this->cb) { JAXLLogger::debug("no dispatch rule matched, sending to generic callback"); call_user_func($this->cb, $request); } elseif (!$dispatched) { // elseif not dispatched and not generic callbacked // send 404 not_found // TODO: send 404 if no callback is registered for this request JAXLLogger::debug("dropping request since no matching dispatch rule or generic callback was specified"); $request->not_found('404 Not Found'); } } else { // if state is not 'headers_received' // reactivate client socket for read event $this->server->read($sock); } }
public function retry() { $retry_after = pow(2, $this->retry_attempt) * $this->retry_interval; $this->retry_attempt++; JAXLLogger::info("Will try to restart in " . $retry_after . " seconds"); // TODO: use jaxl cron if sigalarms cannnot be used sleep($retry_after); $this->start(); }
/** * @param string | resource $socket_path */ public function connect($socket_path) { if (gettype($socket_path) == "string") { $path_parts = explode(":", $socket_path); $this->transport = $path_parts[0]; $this->host = substr($path_parts[1], 2, strlen($path_parts[1])); if (count($path_parts) == 3) { $this->port = $path_parts[2]; } JAXLLogger::info("trying " . $socket_path); if ($this->stream_context) { $this->fd = @stream_socket_client($socket_path, $this->errno, $this->errstr, $this->timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $this->stream_context); } else { $this->fd = @stream_socket_client($socket_path, $this->errno, $this->errstr, $this->timeout); } } elseif (is_resource($socket_path)) { $this->fd =& $socket_path; } else { // Some error occurred. } if ($this->fd) { JAXLLogger::debug("connected to " . $socket_path . ""); stream_set_blocking($this->fd, $this->blocking); // watch descriptor for read/write events JAXLLoop::watch($this->fd, array('read' => array(&$this, 'on_read_ready'))); return true; } else { JAXLLogger::error(sprintf("unable to connect %s with error no: %s, error str: %s", is_null($socket_path) ? 'NULL' : $socket_path, is_null($this->errno) ? 'NULL' : $this->errno, is_null($this->errstr) ? 'NULL' : $this->errstr)); $this->disconnect(); return false; } }
function read_event_callback($data) { global $pipe; JAXLLogger::info("read " . trim($data) . " from pipe"); }
public function __destruct() { JAXLLogger::info("shutting down clock server..."); }
function on_disconnect($client) { JAXLLogger::info("got on_disconnect cb"); }