static function getFromItem($item)
     ### get changes ###
     $all_changes = $all_changes = ItemChange::getItemChanges(array('item' => $item->id));
     $versions = array(new ItemVersion(array('version_number' => 1, 'date_from' => $item->created, 'author' => $item->created_by)));
     $last_version = $versions[0];
     $version_number = 2;
     $modified_last = NULL;
     foreach ($all_changes as $cf) {
         $flag_new = false;
         if ($cf->modified != $modified_last) {
             $flag_new = true;
         if (isset($last_version) && $last_version->author != $cf->modified_by) {
         if ($flag_new) {
             $version = new ItemVersion(array('version_number' => $version_number++, 'date_from' => $cf->modified, 'author' => $cf->modified_by));
             $modified_last = $cf->modified;
             $versions[] = $version;
             $last_version = $versions[count($versions) - 2];
             $last_version->date_to = $cf->modified;
         $last_version->values[$cf->field] = $cf->value_old;
         #$versions[count($versions)-1]->values[$cf->field]= 'bla';
     ### finally fill out latest values ###
     if (count($versions) > 1) {
         foreach ($versions[count($versions) - 2]->values as $fname => $value) {
             $versions[count($versions) - 1]->values[$fname] = $item->{$fname};
         $versions[count($versions) - 1]->date_to = getGMTString();
         ### fill in next values ###
         $changed = array();
         foreach (array_reverse($versions) as $v) {
             foreach ($v->values as $name => $value) {
                 if (isset($changed[$name])) {
                     $v->values_next[$name] = $changed[$name];
                 } else {
                     $v->values_next[$name] = $item->{$name};
                 $changed[$name] = $value;
     return $versions;
* revert changes of a person
* Notes:
* - This function is only available of people with RIGHT_PROJECT_EDIT.
* - This will only effect changes to fields.
* - Following changes will not be reverted:
*   - Creation of new items (Tasks, Topis, Efforts, Projects, etc.)
*   - Task-assignments
*   - Uploading of files
* person - id of person who did the changes
* data - date to with revert changes
* delete_history  (Default off) - Reverting can't be undone! The person's modification are lost forever!
*                                 This can be useful on massive changes to avoid sending huge
*                                 notification mails.
function personRevertChanges()
    global $PH;
    global $auth;
    ### check rights ###
    if (!$auth->cur_user->user_rights & RIGHT_PROJECT_EDIT) {
        $PH->abortWarning("You require the right to edit projects.");
    ### get person ###
    $person_id = getOnePassedId('person', 'people_*');
    if (!($person = Person::getVisibleById($person_id))) {
        $PH->abortWarning(sprintf(__("invalid Person #%s"), $person_id));
    $page = new Page();
    $page->tabs['admin'] = array('target' => "index.php?go=systemInfo", 'title' => __('Admin', 'top navigation tab'), 'bg' => "misc");
    $page->cur_tab = 'admin';
    $page->crumbs[] = new NaviCrumb(array('target_id' => 'systemInfo'));
    $page->title = __("Reverting user changes");
    $page->type = __("Admin");
    echo new PageHeader();
    echo new PageContentOpen();
    $block = new PageBlock(array('title' => __('Overview'), 'id' => 'overview'));
    echo "<div class=text>";
    echo "<ul>";
    ### get changes of person ###
    $count_reverted_fields = 0;
    $changes = ItemChange::getItemChanges(array('person' => $person_id, 'order_by' => 'id DESC'));
    foreach ($changes as $c) {
        if (!($project_item = DbProjectItem::getObjectById($c->item))) {
            #print "unable to get item %s" % $c->item;
        } else {
            ### Only revert changes, if item has not be editted by other person
            if ($project_item->modified_by == $person_id) {
                $field_name = $c->field;
                echo "<li>" . "<strong>" . asHtml($project_item->name) . "." . asHtml($field_name) . "</strong>" . " '" . asHtml($project_item->{$field_name}) . "' = '" . asHtml($c->value_old) . "'" . "</li>";
                if ($field_name == 'state') {
                    if ($project_item->state == -1 && $c->value_old == 1) {
                        $project_item->deleted_by = "0";
                        $project_item->deleted = "0000-00-00 00-00-00";
                $project_item->{$field_name} = $c->value_old;
                $project_item->update(array($field_name, 'deleted_by', 'deleted'), false, false);
            } else {
                echo "<li>" . sprintf(__("Skipped recently editted item #%s: <b>%s<b>"), $project_item->id, asHtml($project_item->name)) . "</li>";
    echo "</ul>";
    echo "<p>" . sprintf(__("Reverted all changes (%s) of user %s"), $count_reverted_fields, asHtml($person->nickname)) . "</p>";
    echo "<p>" . __("newly created items by this user remain unaffected.") . "</p>";
    echo "</div>";
    ### close page
    echo new PageContentClose();
    echo new PageHtmlEnd();
Exemple #3
  * internal function to add update markers to wiki texts
  * these markers will later be replaced by render_wiki (see FormatBlockChangemarks)
 public function getTextfieldWithUpdateNotes($fieldname)
     require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . "db/";
     require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'db/';
     global $auth;
     ### has user last edited this item? ###
     if ($this->modified_by == $auth->cur_user->id) {
         return $this->{$fieldname};
     } else {
         if ($item_people = ItemPerson::getAll(array('person' => $auth->cur_user->id, 'item' => $this->id))) {
             $ip = $item_people[0];
             if ($ip->viewed_last > $this->modified) {
                 return $this->{$fieldname};
         } else {
             return $this->{$fieldname};
     $new_version = $this->{$fieldname};
     $changes = ItemChange::getItemChanges(array('item' => $this->id, 'field' => $fieldname, 'order_by' => 'modified', 'date_min' => $ip->viewed_last));
     if (!$changes) {
         return $this->{$fieldname};
     $old_version = $changes[0]->value_old;
     require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . "std/";
     $ota = explode("\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $old_version));
     $nta = explode("\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $new_version));
     $diffs = new Diff($ota, $nta);
     $new_lines = array();
     foreach ($diffs as $d) {
         foreach ($d as $do) {
             if ($do->type == 'copy') {
                 $new_lines[] .= join("\n", $do->orig);
             } else {
                 if ($do->type == 'add') {
                     $new_lines[] = "[added word]" . join("\n", $do->closing) . "[/added word]";
                 } else {
                     if ($do->type == 'delete') {
                         $new_lines[] = '[deleted word]' . join("\n", $do->orig) . '[/deleted word]';
                     } else {
                         if ($do->type == 'change') {
                             ### render word level differences
                             $wld = new WordLevelDiff($do->orig, $do->closing);
                             $change_ratio = DbProjectItem::getEditRatioOfWordLevelDiff($wld);
                             if ($change_ratio > 0.1) {
                                 $new_lines[] = "[deleted word]" . join("\n", $do->orig) . "[/deleted word]";
                                 $new_lines[] = "[added word]" . join("\n", $do->closing) . "[/added word]";
                             } else {
                                 $new_lines[] = formatWordLevelDiff($wld);
     $buffer = join($new_lines, "\n");
     #debugMessage( htmlspecialchars($buffer));
     return $buffer;
 static function getChangeLines($query_options)
     global $PH;
     global $auth;
     fillMissingValues($query_options, array('alive_only' => false));
     $date_compare = isset($query_options['date_min']) ? $query_options['date_min'] : "0000-00-00";
      * get list of items touched by other people
     $changed_items = DbProjectItem::getAll($query_options);
      * go through list
     $changes = array();
     foreach ($changed_items as $i) {
         $change_type = NULL;
         if (!isset($query_options['project'])) {
             $project = Project::getVisibleById($i->project);
         } else {
             $project = NULL;
          * get item-change-type depeding on dates
         if ($i->deleted >= $i->modified) {
             $change_type = ITEM_DELETED;
         } else {
             if ($i->modified > $i->created) {
                 $change_type = ITEM_MODIFIED;
             } else {
                 $change_type = ITEM_NEW;
          * build up change-list
         switch ($change_type) {
             case ITEM_NEW:
                 if ($i->type == ITEM_TASK) {
                     if (!($task = Task::getVisibleById($i->id))) {
                     if ($assigned_people = $task->getAssignedPeople()) {
                         $tmp = array();
                         foreach ($assigned_people as $ap) {
                             $tmp[] = $ap->getLink();
                         $html_assignment = __('to', 'very short for assigned tasks TO...') . ' ' . implode(', ', $tmp);
                     } else {
                         $html_assignment = '';
                     $html_details = '';
                     if ($tmp = $task->getFolderLinks(true, $project)) {
                         $html_details .= __('in', 'very short for IN folder...') . ' ' . $tmp;
                     if ($task->prio != PRIO_NORMAL && $task->prio != PRIO_UNDEFINED) {
                         global $g_prio_names;
                         $html_details .= ' / ' . $g_prio_names[$task->prio];
                     $change = new ChangeLine(array('item' => $task, 'person_by' => $i->created_by, 'timestamp' => $i->created, 'item_id' => $i->id, 'html_what' => '<span class=new>' . __('new') . ' ' . $task->getLabel() . '</span>', 'txt_what' => __('new') . ' ' . $task->getLabel(), 'type' => ChangeLine::NEW_TASK, 'html_assignment' => $html_assignment, 'html_details' => $html_details));
                     $changes[] = $change;
                 } else {
                     if ($i->type == ITEM_FILE) {
                         require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'db/';
                         if ($file = File::getVisibleById($i->id)) {
                             $change = new ChangeLine(array('item' => $file, 'person_by' => $i->created_by, 'timestamp' => $i->created, 'item_id' => $i->id, 'html_what' => __('New file'), 'txt_what' => __('New file'), 'type' => ChangeLine::NEW_FILE, 'html_details' => $file->name));
                             $changes[] = $change;
             case ITEM_MODIFIED:
                 $timestamp_last_change = $date_compare;
                 # make sure we use the last occured change type
                  * modified tasks
                 $type = ChangeLine::UPDATED;
                 if ($i->type == ITEM_TASK) {
                     if (!($task = Task::getVisibleById($i->id))) {
                     if ($assigned_people = $task->getAssignedPeople()) {
                         $tmp = array();
                         foreach ($assigned_people as $ap) {
                             $tmp[] = $ap->getLink();
                         $html_assignment = __('to', 'very short for assigned tasks TO...') . ' ' . implode(', ', $tmp);
                     } else {
                         $html_assignment = '';
                     $html_details = '';
                     if ($tmp = $task->getFolderLinks(true, $project)) {
                         $html_details .= __('in', 'very short for IN folder...') . ' ' . $tmp;
                     $txt_what = $html_what = __('modified');
                     $type = ChangeLine::UPDATED;
                     $html_comment = '';
                     if ($comments = Comment::getAll(array('person' => $i->modified_by, 'task' => $task->id, 'date_min' => $timestamp_last_change, 'order_by' => 'created ASC'))) {
                         $last_comment = $comments[count($comments) - 1];
                         $timestamp_last_change = $last_comment->created;
                         if ($last_comment->name && $last_comment->name != __('New Comment')) {
                             # ignore default title
                             $html_comment = strip_tags($last_comment->name) . ': ';
                         $html_comment .= strip_tags($last_comment->description);
                         $html_comment = asHtml($html_comment);
                     ### get changed fields ###
                     $changed_fields_hash = array();
                     $html_functions = false;
                     if ($changed_fields_list = ItemChange::getItemChanges(array('item' => $i->id, 'person' => $i->modified_by, 'date_min' => $date_compare))) {
                         foreach ($changed_fields_list as $cf) {
                             $changed_fields_hash[$cf->field] = $cf;
                         if (isset($changed_fields_hash['status'])) {
                             $status_old = $changed_fields_hash['status']->value_old;
                             if ($task->status == STATUS_COMPLETED && $task->status > $status_old) {
                                 $txt_what = $html_what = __('completed') . ' ' . $task->getLabel();
                                 $html_functions = $PH->getLink('tasksApproved', __('Approve Task'), array('tsk' => $task->id));
                             } else {
                                 if ($task->status == STATUS_APPROVED && $task->status > $status_old) {
                                     $txt_what = $html_what = __('approved');
                                 } else {
                                     if ($task->status == STATUS_CLOSED && $task->status > $status_old) {
                                         $txt_what = $html_what = __('closed');
                                     } else {
                                         if ($task->status == STATUS_OPEN && $task->status < $status_old) {
                                             $txt_what = $html_what = __('reopened');
                                         } else {
                                             if ($task->status == STATUS_OPEN) {
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($task->status == STATUS_BLOCKED) {
                                                     $txt_what = $html_what = __('is blocked');
                     if (isset($changed_fields_hash['parent_task'])) {
                         $txt_what = $html_what = __('moved');
                         $type = ChangeLine::MOVED;
                     } else {
                         if (count($changed_fields_hash) == 1 && isset($changed_fields_hash['name'])) {
                             $txt_what = $html_what = __('renamed');
                             $type = ChangeLine::RENAMED;
                         } else {
                             if (count($changed_fields_hash) == 1 && isset($changed_fields_hash['description'])) {
                                 $txt_what = $html_what = __('edit wiki');
                                 $type = ChangeLine::EDITED_WIKI;
                             } else {
                                 if (count($changed_fields_hash)) {
                                     # status does not count
                                     $html_details .= ' / ' . __('changed:') . ' ' . implode(', ', array_keys($changed_fields_hash));
                                 } else {
                                     if ($html_comment) {
                                         $txt_what = $html_what = __('commented');
                                         $type = ChangeLine::COMMENTED;
                     if ($html_comment) {
                         $html_details .= ' / ' . $html_comment;
                      * any recents assignments ?
                      * - to avoid confusion only list assignmets if it was to last action,
                     require_once "db/";
                     $count_assignments = 0;
                     if ($assignments = TaskPerson::getTaskPeople(array('task' => $task->id, 'project' => $task->project, 'date_min' => $task->modified))) {
                         $t_timestamp = '';
                         foreach ($assignments as $a) {
                             if ($a->person != $task->modified_by && $a->created_by == $task->modified_by && $a->assigntype != ASSIGNTYPE_INITIAL) {
                                 $t_timestamp = $a->created;
                         if ($count_assignments && $timestamp_last_change < $t_timestamp) {
                             $type = ChangeLine::ASSIGNED;
                             $txt_what = $html_what = __('assigned');
                             $timestamp_last_change = $t_timestamp;
                         if ($html_comment) {
                             $html_details .= ' / ' . $html_comment;
                      * any recents attachments by last editor ?
                     require_once "db/";
                     if ($files = File::getAll(array('parent_item' => $task->id, 'project' => $task->project, 'date_min' => $date_compare, 'created_by' => $task->modified_by))) {
                         $count_attached_files = 0;
                         $html_attached = __("attached") . ": ";
                         $t_timestamp = '';
                         $separator = '';
                         foreach ($files as $f) {
                             if ($task->modified_by == $f->modified_by) {
                                 $t_timestamp = $f->created;
                                 $html_attached .= $separator . $PH->getLink('fileView', $f->name, array('file' => $f->id));
                                 $separator = ', ';
                         if ($count_attached_files) {
                             $type = ChangeLine::ATTACHED_FILE;
                             $txt_what = $html_what = __('attached file to');
                             if ($timestamp_last_change < $t_timestamp) {
                                 $html_details .= ' / ' . $html_attached;
                                 $timestamp_last_change = $t_timestamp;
                     if (count($changed_fields_hash)) {
                         $html_details .= " / " . $PH->getLink('itemViewDiff', NULL, array('item' => $task->id, 'date1' => $date_compare, 'date2' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
                     if ($html_functions) {
                         $html_details .= " | " . $html_functions;
                     $change = new ChangeLine(array('person_by' => $i->modified_by, 'timestamp' => $i->modified, 'item_id' => $i->id, 'item' => $task, 'type' => $type, 'txt_what' => $txt_what, 'html_what' => $html_what, 'html_assignment' => $html_assignment, 'html_details' => $html_details));
                     $changes[] = $change;
                 } else {
                     if ($i->type == ITEM_FILE) {
                         require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'db/';
                         if ($file = File::getVisibleById($i->id)) {
                             $change = new ChangeLine(array('item' => $file, 'person_by' => $i->created_by, 'timestamp' => $i->created, 'item_id' => $i->id, 'html_what' => __('changed File'), 'txt_what' => __('changed File'), 'type' => ChangeLine::NEW_FILE, 'html_details' => $file->name));
                             $changes[] = $change;
             case ITEM_DELETED:
                  * deleted tasks
                 if ($i->type == ITEM_TASK) {
                     if (!($task = Task::getVisibleById($i->id))) {
                     if ($assigned_people = $task->getAssignedPeople()) {
                         $tmp = array();
                         foreach ($assigned_people as $ap) {
                             $tmp[] = $ap->getLink();
                         $html_assignment = __('to', 'very short for assigned tasks TO...') . ' ' . implode(', ', $tmp);
                     } else {
                         $html_assignment = '';
                     $html_details = '';
                     if ($tmp = $task->getFolderLinks(true, $project)) {
                         $html_details .= __('in', 'very short for IN folder...') . ' ' . $tmp;
                     $html_details .= '|' . $PH->getLink('itemsRestore', __('restore'), array('item' => $task->id));
                     $txt_what = $html_what = __('deleted');
                     $change = new ChangeLine(array('item' => $task, 'person_by' => $i->deleted_by, 'timestamp' => $i->deleted, 'item_id' => $i->id, 'type' => ChangeLine::DELETED, 'txt_what' => $txt_what, 'html_what' => $html_what, 'html_assignment' => $html_assignment, 'html_details' => $html_details));
                     $changes[] = $change;
                 } else {
                     if ($i->type == ITEM_FILE) {
                         require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'db/';
                         if ($file = File::getVisibleById($i->id)) {
                             $change = new ChangeLine(array('item' => $file, 'person_by' => $i->created_by, 'timestamp' => $i->created, 'item_id' => $i->id, 'html_what' => __('deleted File'), 'txt_what' => ChangeLine::DELETED, 'html_details' => $file->name));
                             $changes[] = $change;
                 trigger_error("unknown change-type {$change_type}", E_USER_WARNING);
     return $changes;