public function findByIcName($IC_NAME)
     $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
     $oCriteria->add(IsoCountryPeer::IC_NAME, $IC_NAME . '%', Criteria::LIKE);
     $oDataset = IsoCountryPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
     return $oDataset->getRow();
  * Implementation for 'GET' method for Rest API
  * @param  mixed $icUid Primary key
  * @return array $result Returns array within multiple records or a single record depending if
  *                       a single selection was requested passing id(s) as param
 protected function get($icUid = null)
     $result = array();
     try {
         $noArguments = true;
         $argumentList = func_get_args();
         foreach ($argumentList as $arg) {
             if (!is_null($arg)) {
                 $noArguments = false;
         if ($noArguments) {
             $criteria = new Criteria('workflow');
             $dataset = AppEventPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);
             while ($dataset->next()) {
                 $result[] = $dataset->getRow();
         } else {
             $record = IsoCountryPeer::retrieveByPK($icUid);
             if ($record) {
                 $result = $record->toArray(BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
             } else {
                 $paramValues = "";
                 foreach ($argumentList as $arg) {
                     $paramValues .= strlen($paramValues) ? ', ' : '';
                     if (!is_null($arg)) {
                         $paramValues .= "{$arg}";
                     } else {
                         $paramValues .= "NULL";
                 throw new RestException(417, "table IsoCountry ({$paramValues})");
     } catch (RestException $e) {
         throw new RestException($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new RestException(412, $e->getMessage());
     return $result;
Exemple #3

global $RBAC;
switch ($_POST['action']) {
    case 'countryList':
        require_once "classes/model/IsoCountry.php";
        $c = new Criteria();
        $c->add(IsoCountryPeer::IC_UID, null, Criteria::ISNOTNULL);
        $countries = IsoCountryPeer::doSelect($c);
        foreach ($countries as $rowid => $row) {
            $oData[] = array('IC_UID' => $row->getICUid(), 'IC_NAME' => $row->getICName());
        print G::json_encode($oData);
    case 'stateList':
        require_once "classes/model/IsoSubdivision.php";
        $c = new Criteria();
        $country = $_POST['IC_UID'];
        $c->add(IsoSubdivisionPeer::IC_UID, $country, Criteria::EQUAL);
        $locations = IsoSubdivisionPeer::doSelect($c);
        $oData = array();
        foreach ($locations as $rowid => $row) {
            if ($row->getISUid() != '' && $row->getISName() != '') {
                $oData[] = array('IS_UID' => $row->getISUid(), 'IS_NAME' => $row->getISName());
        print G::json_encode($oData);
    case 'locationList':
        require_once "classes/model/IsoLocation.php";
        $c = new Criteria();
  * Retrieve multiple objects by pkey.
  * @param      array $pks List of primary keys
  * @param      Connection $con the connection to use
  * @throws     PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
  *		 rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
 public static function retrieveByPKs($pks, $con = null)
     if ($con === null) {
         $con = Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
     $objs = null;
     if (empty($pks)) {
         $objs = array();
     } else {
         $criteria = new Criteria();
         $criteria->add(IsoCountryPeer::IC_UID, $pks, Criteria::IN);
         $objs = IsoCountryPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
     return $objs;
  * Populates the object using an array.
  * This is particularly useful when populating an object from one of the
  * request arrays (e.g. $_POST).  This method goes through the column
  * names, checking to see whether a matching key exists in populated
  * array. If so the setByName() method is called for that column.
  * You can specify the key type of the array by additionally passing one
  * of the class type constants TYPE_PHPNAME, TYPE_COLNAME, TYPE_FIELDNAME,
  * TYPE_NUM. The default key type is the column's phpname (e.g. 'authorId')
  * @param      array  $arr     An array to populate the object from.
  * @param      string $keyType The type of keys the array uses.
  * @return     void
 public function fromArray($arr, $keyType = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
     $keys = IsoCountryPeer::getFieldNames($keyType);
     if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[2], $arr)) {
Exemple #6
 public function getAllInformation($userUid)
     if (!isset($userUid) || $userUid == "") {
         throw new Exception("{$userUid} is empty.");
     try {
         require_once "classes/model/IsoCountry.php";
         require_once "classes/model/IsoLocation.php";
         require_once "classes/model/IsoSubdivision.php";
         require_once "classes/model/Language.php";
         $aFields = $this->load($userUid);
         $c = new Criteria("workflow");
         $c->add(IsoCountryPeer::IC_UID, $aFields["USR_COUNTRY"]);
         $rs = IsoCountryPeer::doSelectRS($c);
         $rowC = $rs->getRow();
         $c->add(IsoSubdivisionPeer::IC_UID, $aFields["USR_COUNTRY"]);
         $c->add(IsoSubdivisionPeer::IS_UID, $aFields["USR_CITY"]);
         $rs = IsoSubdivisionPeer::doSelectRS($c);
         $rowS = $rs->getRow();
         $c->add(IsoLocationPeer::IC_UID, $aFields["USR_COUNTRY"]);
         $c->add(IsoLocationPeer::IL_UID, $aFields["USR_LOCATION"]);
         $rs = IsoLocationPeer::doSelectRS($c);
         $rowL = $rs->getRow();
         $calendar = new Calendar();
         $calendarInfo = $calendar->getCalendarFor($userUid, $userUid, $userUid);
         $aFields["USR_CALENDAR"] = $calendarInfo["CALENDAR_APPLIED"] != "DEFAULT" ? $calendarInfo["CALENDAR_UID"] : "";
         $pathPhoto = PATH_IMAGES_ENVIRONMENT_USERS . $userUid . ".gif";
         if (!file_exists($pathPhoto)) {
             $pathPhoto = PATH_HOME . "public_html" . PATH_SEP . "images" . PATH_SEP . "user.gif";
         $arrayData = array();
         $arrayData["username"] = $aFields["USR_USERNAME"];
         $arrayData["firstname"] = $aFields["USR_FIRSTNAME"];
         $arrayData["lastname"] = $aFields["USR_LASTNAME"];
         $arrayData["mail"] = $aFields["USR_EMAIL"];
         $arrayData["address"] = $aFields["USR_ADDRESS"];
         $arrayData["zipcode"] = $aFields["USR_ZIP_CODE"];
         $arrayData["country"] = $rowC["IC_NAME"];
         $arrayData["state"] = $rowS["IS_NAME"];
         $arrayData["location"] = $rowL["IL_NAME"];
         $arrayData["phone"] = $aFields["USR_PHONE"];
         $arrayData["fax"] = $aFields["USR_FAX"];
         $arrayData["cellular"] = $aFields["USR_CELLULAR"];
         $arrayData["birthday"] = $aFields["USR_BIRTHDAY"];
         $arrayData["position"] = $aFields["USR_POSITION"];
         $arrayData["replacedby"] = $aFields["USR_REPLACED_BY"];
         $arrayData["duedate"] = $aFields["USR_DUE_DATE"];
         $arrayData["calendar"] = $aFields["USR_CALENDAR"];
         $arrayData["status"] = $aFields["USR_STATUS"];
         $arrayData["department"] = $aFields["DEP_UID"];
         $arrayData["reportsto"] = $aFields["USR_REPORTS_TO"];
         $arrayData["userexperience"] = $aFields["USR_UX"];
         $arrayData["photo"] = $pathPhoto;
         return $arrayData;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Exemple #7
 function getAllInformation($UsrUid)
     if (!isset($UsrUid) or $UsrUid == '') {
         throw new Exception('$UsrUid is empty.');
     try {
         require_once 'classes/model/IsoCountry.php';
         require_once 'classes/model/IsoLocation.php';
         require_once 'classes/model/IsoSubdivision.php';
         require_once 'classes/model/Language.php';
         $aFields = $this->load($UsrUid);
         $c = new Criteria('workflow');
         $c->add(IsoCountryPeer::IC_UID, $aFields['USR_COUNTRY']);
         $rs = IsoCountryPeer::doSelectRS($c);
         $Crow = $rs->getRow();
         $c->add(IsoSubdivisionPeer::IC_UID, $aFields['USR_COUNTRY']);
         $c->add(IsoSubdivisionPeer::IS_UID, $aFields['USR_CITY']);
         $rs = IsoSubdivisionPeer::doSelectRS($c);
         $Srow = $rs->getRow();
         $aRet['username'] = $aFields['USR_USERNAME'];
         $aRet['firstname'] = $aFields['USR_FIRSTNAME'];
         $aRet['lastname'] = $aFields['USR_LASTNAME'];
         $aRet['mail'] = $aFields['USR_EMAIL'];
         $aRet['status'] = $aFields['USR_STATUS'];
         $aRet['address'] = $aFields['USR_ADDRESS'];
         $aRet['phone'] = $aFields['USR_PHONE'];
         $aRet['fax'] = $aFields['USR_FAX'];
         $aRet['cellular'] = $aFields['USR_CELLULAR'];
         $aRet['birthday'] = $aFields['USR_BIRTHDAY'];
         $aRet['position'] = $aFields['USR_POSITION'];
         $aRet['duedate'] = $aFields['USR_DUE_DATE'];
         $aRet['country'] = $Crow['IC_NAME'];
         $aRet['city'] = $Srow['IS_NAME'];
         return $aRet;
     } catch (Exception $oException) {
         throw $oException;
Exemple #8

     * Validate the data if they are invalid (INSERT and UPDATE)


     * @param string $userUid   Unique id of User

     * @param array  $arrayData Data


     * return void Throw exception if data has an invalid value


    public function throwExceptionIfDataIsInvalid($userUid, array $arrayData)


        try {

            //Set variables

            $arrayUserData = ($userUid == "")? array() : $this->getUser($userUid, true);

            $flagInsert = ($userUid == "")? true : false;

            $arrayFinalData = array_merge($arrayUserData, $arrayData);

            //Verify data - Field definition.

            $process = new \ProcessMaker\BusinessModel\Process();

            $process->throwExceptionIfDataNotMetFieldDefinition($arrayData, $this->arrayFieldDefinition, $this->arrayFieldNameForException, $flagInsert);

            //Verify data

            if (isset($arrayData["USR_USERNAME"])) {

                $this->throwExceptionIfExistsName($arrayData["USR_USERNAME"], $this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrUsername"], $userUid);


            if (isset($arrayData["USR_EMAIL"])) {

                if (!filter_var($arrayData["USR_EMAIL"], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {

                    throw new \Exception($this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrEmail"] . ": " . \G::LoadTranslation("ID_INCORRECT_EMAIL"));



            if (isset($arrayData["USR_NEW_PASS"])) {

                $this->throwExceptionIfPasswordIsInvalid($arrayData["USR_NEW_PASS"], $this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrNewPass"]);


            if (isset($arrayData["USR_REPLACED_BY"]) && $arrayData["USR_REPLACED_BY"] != "") {

                $obj = \UsersPeer::retrieveByPK($arrayData["USR_REPLACED_BY"]);

                if (is_null($obj)) {

                    throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST", array($this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrReplacedBy"], $arrayData["USR_REPLACED_BY"])));



            if (isset($arrayData["USR_DUE_DATE"])) {

                $arrayUserDueDate = explode("-", $arrayData["USR_DUE_DATE"]);

                if (ctype_digit($arrayUserDueDate[0])) {

                    if (!checkdate($arrayUserDueDate[1], $arrayUserDueDate[2], $arrayUserDueDate[0])) {

                        throw new \Exception($this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrDueDate"] . ": " . \G::LoadTranslation("ID_MSG_ERROR_DUE_DATE"));


                } else {

                    throw new \Exception($this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrDueDate"] . ": " . \G::LoadTranslation("ID_MSG_ERROR_DUE_DATE"));



            if (isset($arrayData["USR_ROLE"])) {

                require_once (PATH_RBAC_HOME . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "model" . PATH_SEP . "Roles.php");

                $criteria = new \Criteria("rbac");

                $criteria->add(\RolesPeer::ROL_CODE, $arrayData["USR_ROLE"]);

                $rsCriteria = \RolesPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);

                if (!$rsCriteria->next()) {

                    throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_INVALID_VALUE_FOR", array($this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrRole"])));



            if (isset($arrayData["USR_COUNTRY"]) && $arrayData["USR_COUNTRY"] != "") {

                $obj = \IsoCountryPeer::retrieveByPK($arrayData["USR_COUNTRY"]);

                if (is_null($obj)) {

                    throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_INVALID_VALUE_FOR", array($this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrCountry"])));



            if (isset($arrayData["USR_CITY"]) && $arrayData["USR_CITY"] != "") {

                if (!isset($arrayFinalData["USR_COUNTRY"]) || $arrayFinalData["USR_COUNTRY"] == "") {

                    throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_INVALID_VALUE_FOR", array($this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrCountry"])));


                $obj = \IsoSubdivisionPeer::retrieveByPK($arrayFinalData["USR_COUNTRY"], $arrayData["USR_CITY"]);

                if (is_null($obj)) {

                    throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_INVALID_VALUE_FOR", array($this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrCity"])));



            if (isset($arrayData["USR_LOCATION"]) && $arrayData["USR_LOCATION"] != "") {

                if (!isset($arrayFinalData["USR_COUNTRY"]) || $arrayFinalData["USR_COUNTRY"] == "") {

                    throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_INVALID_VALUE_FOR", array($this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrCountry"])));


                $obj = \IsoLocationPeer::retrieveByPK($arrayFinalData["USR_COUNTRY"], $arrayData["USR_LOCATION"]);

                if (is_null($obj)) {

                    throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_INVALID_VALUE_FOR", array($this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrLocation"])));



            if (isset($arrayData["USR_CALENDAR"]) && $arrayData["USR_CALENDAR"] != "") {

                $obj = \CalendarDefinitionPeer::retrieveByPK($arrayData["USR_CALENDAR"]);

                if (is_null($obj)) {

                    throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_CALENDAR_DOES_NOT_EXIST", array($this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrCalendar"], $arrayData["USR_CALENDAR"])));



            if (isset($arrayData["DEP_UID"]) && $arrayData["DEP_UID"] != "") {

                $department = new \Department();

                if (!$department->existsDepartment($arrayData["DEP_UID"])) {

                    throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_DEPARTMENT_NOT_EXIST", array($this->arrayFieldNameForException["depUid"], $arrayData["DEP_UID"])));



        } catch (\Exception $e) {

            throw $e;


Exemple #9
function run_create_poedit_file($task, $args)
    // the environment for poedit always is Development
    define('G_ENVIRONMENT', G_DEV_ENV);
    //the output language .po file
    $lgOutId = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 'en';
    $countryOutId = isset($args[1]) ? strtoupper($args[1]) : 'US';
    $verboseFlag = isset($args[2]) ? $args[2] == true : false;
    require_once "propel/Propel.php";
    require_once "classes/model/Translation.php";
    require_once "classes/model/Language.php";
    require_once "classes/model/IsoCountry.php";
    Propel::init(PATH_CORE . "config/databases.php");
    $configuration = Propel::getConfiguration();
    $connectionDSN = $configuration['datasources']['propel']['connection'];
    printf("using DSN Connection %s \n", pakeColor::colorize($connectionDSN, 'INFO'));
    printf("checking Language table \n");
    $c = new Criteria();
    $c->add(LanguagePeer::LAN_ENABLED, "1");
    $c->addor(LanguagePeer::LAN_ENABLED, "0");
    $languages = LanguagePeer::doSelect($c);
    $langs = array();
    $lgIndex = 0;
    $findLang = false;
    $langDir = 'english';
    $langId = 'en';
    foreach ($languages as $rowid => $row) {
        $langs[$row->getLanId()] = $row->getLanName();
        if ($lgOutId != '' && $lgOutId == $row->getLanId()) {
            $findLang = true;
            $langDir = strtolower($row->getLanName());
            $langId = $row->getLanId();
    printf("read %s entries from language table\n", pakeColor::colorize($lgIndex, 'INFO'));
    printf("checking iso_country table \n");
    $c = new Criteria();
    $c->add(IsoCountryPeer::IC_UID, NULL, Criteria::ISNOTNULL);
    $countries = IsoCountryPeer::doSelect($c);
    $countryIndex = 0;
    $findCountry = false;
    $countryDir = 'UNITED STATES';
    $countryId = 'US';
    foreach ($countries as $rowid => $row) {
        if ($countryOutId != '' && $countryOutId == $row->getICUid()) {
            $findCountry = true;
            $countryDir = strtoupper($row->getICName());
            $countryId = $row->getICUid();
    printf("read %s entries from iso_country table\n", pakeColor::colorize($countryIndex, 'INFO'));
    if ($findLang == false && $lgOutId != '') {
        printf("%s \n", pakeColor::colorize("'{$lgOutId}' is not a valid language ", 'ERROR'));
    } else {
        printf("language: %s\n", pakeColor::colorize($langDir, 'INFO'));
    if ($findCountry == false && $countryOutId != '') {
        printf("%s \n", pakeColor::colorize("'{$countryOutId}' is not a valid country ", 'ERROR'));
    } else {
        printf("country: [%s] %s\n", pakeColor::colorize($countryId, 'INFO'), pakeColor::colorize($countryDir, 'INFO'));
    if ($findCountry && $countryId != '') {
        $poeditOutFile = PATH_CORE . 'content' . PATH_SEP . 'translations' . PATH_SEP . $langDir . PATH_SEP . MAIN_POFILE . '.' . $langId . '_' . $countryId . '.po';
    } else {
        $poeditOutFile = PATH_CORE . 'content' . PATH_SEP . 'translations' . PATH_SEP . $langDir . PATH_SEP . MAIN_POFILE . '.' . $langId . '.po';
    printf("poedit file: %s\n", pakeColor::colorize($poeditOutFile, 'INFO'));
    $poeditOutPathInfo = pathinfo($poeditOutFile);
    G::verifyPath($poeditOutPathInfo['dirname'], true);
    $lf = "\n";
    $fp = fopen($poeditOutFile, 'w');
    fprintf($fp, "msgid \"\" \n");
    fprintf($fp, "msgstr \"\" \n");
    fprintf($fp, "\"Project-Id-Version: %s\\n\"\n", PO_SYSTEM_VERSION);
    fprintf($fp, "\"POT-Creation-Date: \\n\"\n");
    fprintf($fp, "\"PO-Revision-Date: %s \\n\"\n", date('Y-m-d H:i+0100'));
    fprintf($fp, "\"Last-Translator: Fernando Ontiveros<*****@*****.**>\\n\"\n");
    fprintf($fp, "\"Language-Team: Colosa Developers Team <*****@*****.**>\\n\"\n");
    fprintf($fp, "\"MIME-Version: 1.0 \\n\"\n");
    fprintf($fp, "\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 \\n\"\n");
    fprintf($fp, "\"Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit\\n\"\n");
    fprintf($fp, "\"X-Poedit-Language: %s\\n\"\n", ucwords($langDir));
    fprintf($fp, "\"X-Poedit-Country: %s\\n\"\n", $countryDir);
    fprintf($fp, "\"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\\n\"\n");
    printf("checking translation table\n");
    $c = new Criteria();
    $c->add(TranslationPeer::TRN_LANG, "en");
    $translation = TranslationPeer::doSelect($c);
    $trIndex = 0;
    $trError = 0;
    $langIdOut = $langId;
    //the output language, later we'll include the country too.
    $arrayLabels = array();
    foreach ($translation as $rowid => $row) {
        $keyid = 'TRANSLATION/' . $row->getTrnCategory() . '/' . $row->getTrnId();
        if (trim($row->getTrnValue()) == '') {
            printf("warning the key %s is empty.\n", pakeColor::colorize($keyid, 'ERROR'));
        } else {
            $trans = TranslationPeer::retrieveByPK($row->getTrnCategory(), $row->getTrnId(), $langIdOut);
            if (is_null($trans)) {
                $msgStr = $row->getTrnValue();
            } else {
                $msgStr = $trans->getTrnValue();
            $msgid = $row->getTrnValue();
            if (in_array($msgid, $arrayLabels)) {
                $newMsgid = '[' . $row->getTrnCategory() . '/' . $row->getTrnId() . '] ' . $msgid;
                printf("duplicated key %s is renamed to %s.\n", pakeColor::colorize($msgid, 'ERROR'), pakeColor::colorize($newMsgid, 'INFO'));
                $msgid = $newMsgid;
            $arrayLabels[] = $msgid;
            fprintf($fp, "\n");
            fprintf($fp, "#: %s \n", $keyid);
            //fprintf ( $fp, "#, php-format \n" );
            fprintf($fp, "# %s \n", strip_quotes($keyid));
            fprintf($fp, "msgid \"%s\" \n", strip_quotes($msgid));
            fprintf($fp, "msgstr \"%s\" \n", strip_quotes($msgStr));
    printf("checking xmlform\n");
    printf("using directory %s \n", pakeColor::colorize(PATH_XMLFORM, 'INFO'));
    G::LoadThirdParty('pear/json', 'class.json');
    G::LoadThirdParty('smarty/libs', 'Smarty.class');
    $langIdOut = $langId;
    //the output language, later we'll include the country too.
    $exceptionFields = array('javascript', 'hidden', 'phpvariable', 'private', 'toolbar', 'xmlmenu', 'toolbutton', 'cellmark', 'grid');
    $xmlfiles = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('*.xml')->in(PATH_XMLFORM);
    $xmlIndex = 0;
    $xmlError = 0;
    $fieldsIndexTotal = 0;
    $exceptIndexTotal = 0;
    foreach ($xmlfiles as $xmlfileComplete) {
        $xmlfile = str_replace(PATH_XMLFORM, '', $xmlfileComplete);
        //english version of dynaform
        $form = new Form($xmlfile, '', 'en');
        $englishLabel = array();
        foreach ($form->fields as $nodeName => $node) {
            if (trim($node->label) != '') {
                $englishLabel[$node->name] = $node->label;
        //in this second pass, we are getting the target language labels
        $form = new Form($xmlfile, '', $langIdOut);
        $fieldsIndex = 0;
        $exceptIndex = 0;
        foreach ($form->fields as $nodeName => $node) {
            if (is_object($node) && isset($englishLabel[$node->name])) {
                $msgid = trim($englishLabel[$node->name]);
                $node->label = trim(str_replace(chr(10), '', $node->label));
            } else {
                $msgid = '';
            if (trim($msgid) != '' && !in_array($node->type, $exceptionFields)) {
                //$msgid = $englishLabel [ $node->name ];
                $keyid = $xmlfile . '?' . $node->name;
                if (in_array($msgid, $arrayLabels)) {
                    $newMsgid = '[' . $keyid . '] ' . $msgid;
                    if ($verboseFlag) {
                        printf("duplicated key %s is renamed to %s.\n", pakeColor::colorize($msgid, 'ERROR'), pakeColor::colorize($newMsgid, 'INFO'));
                    $msgid = $newMsgid;
                $arrayLabels[] = $msgid;
                $comment1 = $xmlfile;
                $comment2 = $node->type . ' - ' . $node->name;
                fprintf($fp, "\n");
                fprintf($fp, "#: %s \n", $keyid);
                //        fprintf ( $fp, "#, php-format \n" );
                fprintf($fp, "# %s \n", strip_quotes($comment1));
                fprintf($fp, "# %s \n", strip_quotes($comment2));
                fprintf($fp, "msgid \"%s\" \n", strip_quotes($msgid));
                fprintf($fp, "msgstr \"%s\" \n", strip_quotes($node->label));
                //fprintf ( $fp, "msgstr \"%s\" \n",  strip_quotes( utf8_encode( trim($node->label) ) ));
            } else {
                if (is_object($node) && !in_array($node->type, $exceptionFields)) {
                    if (isset($node->value) && strpos($node->value, 'G::LoadTranslation') !== false) {
                        //print ($node->value);
                    } else {
                        printf("Error: xmlform %s has no english definition for %s [%s]\n", pakeColor::colorize($xmlfile, 'ERROR'), pakeColor::colorize($node->name, 'INFO'), pakeColor::colorize($node->type, 'INFO'));
                } else {
                    if ($verboseFlag) {
                        printf("%s %s in %s\n", $node->type, pakeColor::colorize($node->name, 'INFO'), pakeColor::colorize($xmlfile, 'INFO'));
        printf("xmlform: %s has %s fields and %s exceptions \n", pakeColor::colorize($xmlfile, 'INFO'), pakeColor::colorize($fieldsIndex, 'INFO'), pakeColor::colorize($exceptIndex, 'INFO'));
        $exceptIndexTotal += $exceptIndex;
    printf("added %s entries from translation table\n", pakeColor::colorize($trIndex, 'INFO'));
    printf("added %s entries from %s xmlforms  \n", pakeColor::colorize($fieldsIndexTotal, 'INFO'), pakeColor::colorize($xmlIndex, 'INFO'));
    if ($trError > 0) {
        printf("there are %s errors in tranlation table\n", pakeColor::colorize($trError, 'ERROR'));
    if ($xmlError > 0) {
        printf("there are %s errors and %s exceptions in xmlforms\n", pakeColor::colorize($xmlError, 'ERROR'), pakeColor::colorize($exceptIndexTotal, 'ERROR'));
    //to do: leer los html templates