Exemple #1
 function __construct($tablename = 'pi_header')
     // Register non-persistent attributes
     // Contruct the object
     // Set specific characteristics
     $this->idField = 'id';
     $this->identifierField = 'invoice_number';
     // Set ordering attributes
     $this->orderby = array('invoice_date', 'invoice_number');
     $this->orderdir = array('DESC', 'DESC');
     // Define relationships
     $this->belongsTo('PLSupplier', 'plmaster_id', 'supplier');
     $this->belongsTo('User', 'auth_by', 'auth');
     $this->belongsTo('Currency', 'currency_id', 'currency');
     $this->belongsTo('Currency', 'twin_currency_id', 'twin');
     $this->belongsTo('PaymentTerm', 'payment_term_id', 'payment');
     $this->belongsTo('TaxStatus', 'tax_status_id', 'tax_status');
     $this->belongsTo('Project', 'project_id', 'project');
     $this->belongsTo('Task', 'task_id', 'task');
     $this->hasMany('PInvoiceLine', 'lines', 'invoice_id');
     $this->hasMany('POReceivedLine', 'grn_lines', 'invoice_id');
     $this->hasOne('PaymentTerm', 'payment_term_id', 'payment_term');
     // Define field formats
     $params = DataObjectFactory::Factory('GLParams');
     $base_currency = $params->base_currency();
     $this->getField('base_net_value')->setFormatter(new CurrencyFormatter($base_currency));
     $this->getField('base_tax_value')->setFormatter(new CurrencyFormatter($base_currency));
     $this->getField('base_gross_value')->setFormatter(new CurrencyFormatter($base_currency));
     // Define enumerated types
     $this->setEnum('transaction_type', array('I' => 'Invoice', 'C' => 'Credit Note', 'T' => 'Template'));
     $this->setEnum('status', array('N' => 'New', 'O' => 'Open', 'Q' => 'Query', 'P' => 'Paid'));
  * Create a new Invoice instance
  * @param  Guid    $message_id           Unique message id (should be different every time)
  * @param  string  $invoice_number       Number of the invoice (sequence number of the invoice)
  * @param  float   $invoice_amount       Value of the invoice (with VAT and discounts)
  * @param  float   $payment_amount       Value for payment
  * @param  int     $tax_number           Tax number of the person liable
  * @param  string  $set_number           Number of the invoice set (original invoice + its two copies)
  *                                       from the pre-numbered invoice book
  * @param  string  $serial_number        Serial number of the pre-numbered invoice book
  * @param  int     $issue_date           Date and time of issuing the invoice (unix timestamp)
  * @param  string  $business_premise_id  Mark of business premises
 public function __construct($message_id, $invoice_number, $invoice_amount, $payment_amount, $tax_number, $set_number, $serial_number, $issue_date, $business_premise_id)
     parent::__construct($message_id, $invoice_number, $invoice_amount, $payment_amount, $tax_number);
     $this->set_number = $set_number;
     $this->serial_number = $serial_number;
     $this->issue_date = $issue_date;
     $this->business_premise_id = $business_premise_id;
  * Create a new Invoice instance
  * @param  Guid    $message_id            Unique message id (should be different every time)
  * @param  string  $invoice_number        Number of the invoice (sequence number of the invoice)
  * @param  float   $invoice_amount        Value of the invoice (with VAT and discounts)
  * @param  float   $payment_amount        Value for payment
  * @param  int     $tax_number            Tax number of the person liable
  * @param  int     $business_premise_id   Mark of business premises
  * @param  int     $electronic_device_id  Mark of the electronic device
  * @param  int     $issue_date_time       Date and time of issuing the invoice (unix timestamp)
  * @param  int     $operator_tax_number   Tax number of the person (operator) at the electronic device
  * @param  string  $protected_id          Protective mark of the invoice issuer
  * @param  string  $numbering_structure   Method for assigning the invoice
  *                                        Can be either C or B:
  *                                        C (centrally at the level of business premises)
  *                                        B (per individual electronic device (cash register))
 public function __construct($message_id, $invoice_number, $invoice_amount, $payment_amount, $tax_number, $business_premise_id, $electronic_device_id, $issue_date_time, $operator_tax_number, $protected_id, $numbering_structure)
     parent::__construct($message_id, $invoice_number, $invoice_amount, $payment_amount, $tax_number);
     $this->business_premise_id = $business_premise_id;
     $this->electronic_device_id = $electronic_device_id;
     $this->issue_date_time = $issue_date_time;
     $this->operator_tax_number = $operator_tax_number;
     $this->protected_id = $protected_id;
     $this->numbering_structure = $numbering_structure;
Exemple #4
 function __construct($tablename = 'si_header')
     // Register non-persistent attributes
     // Construct the object
     // Set specific characteristics
     $this->idField = 'id';
     $this->identifierField = 'invoice_number';
     $this->view = '';
     // Set ordering attributes
     $this->orderby = array('invoice_date', 'invoice_number');
     $this->orderdir = array('DESC', 'DESC');
     // Define relationships
     $this->hasOne('SLCustomer', 'slmaster_id', 'customerdetail');
     $this->hasOne('Address', 'del_address_id', 'del_address');
     $this->hasOne('Address', 'inv_address_id', 'inv_address');
     $this->hasOne('Person', 'person_id', 'persondetail');
     $this->hasOne('SOrder', 'sales_order_id', 'order');
     $this->hasOne('SystemCompany', 'usercompanyid', 'system_company');
     $this->hasOne('PaymentTerm', 'payment_term_id', 'payment_term');
     $this->belongsTo('SLCustomer', 'slmaster_id', 'customer');
     $this->belongsTo('SOrder', 'sales_order_id', 'sales_order_number');
     $this->belongsTo('Currency', 'currency_id', 'currency');
     $this->belongsTo('Currency', 'twin_currency_id', 'twin');
     $this->belongsTo('PaymentTerm', 'payment_term_id', 'payment');
     $this->belongsTo('TaxStatus', 'tax_status_id', 'tax_status');
     $this->belongsTo('Person', 'person_id', 'person', null, "surname || ', ' || firstname");
     $this->belongsTo('Project', 'project_id', 'project');
     $this->belongsTo('Task', 'task_id', 'task');
     $this->setComposite('Address', 'inv_address_id', 'invoice_address', array('street1', 'street2', 'street3', 'town', 'county', 'postcode', 'countrycode'));
     $this->hasMany('SInvoiceLine', 'lines', 'invoice_id');
     $this->hasMany('STTransaction', 'transactions', 'process_id');
     // Define enumerated types
     $this->setEnum('transaction_type', array('I' => 'Invoice', 'C' => 'Credit Note', 'T' => 'Template'));
     $this->setEnum('status', array('N' => 'New', 'O' => 'Open', 'Q' => 'Query', 'P' => 'Paid'));
     // Define field formats
     $params = DataObjectFactory::Factory('GLParams');
     $base_currency = $params->base_currency();
     $this->getField('base_net_value')->setFormatter(new CurrencyFormatter($base_currency));
     $this->getField('base_tax_value')->setFormatter(new CurrencyFormatter($base_currency));
     $this->getField('base_gross_value')->setFormatter(new CurrencyFormatter($base_currency));
     // Define system defaults
     // Do not allow links to the following
     $this->linkRules = array('lines' => array('actions' => array(), 'rules' => array()), 'transactions' => array('newtab' => array('new' => true), 'actions' => array('link'), 'rules' => array()));
  * Create a new Document object using the specified parameters
  * @param array $parameters An array of parameters to set on the new object
 public function __construct($parameters = array())
Exemple #6
 function __construct($conx = NULL, $table_name = "")
     parent::__construct($conx, $table_name);