  * Creates a new LearningObject representing an existing object in the LMS
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $loId
  * @return intuitelLO new instance
  * @throws intuitel\UnknownLOException
 public static function createLO(LOId $loId)
     $idfactory = Intuitel::getIDFactory();
     $type = $idfactory->getType($loId);
     try {
         $factory = Intuitel::getLOFactory($type);
     } catch (UnknownLOTypeException $ex) {
         $factory = new GenericLOFactory();
     return $factory->createLO($loId);
  * From a moodle course_modinfo object, it creates an intuitel LO
  * @author elever
  * @see \intuitel\LOFactory::createLOFromNative()
  * @param \course_modinfo $rawData : moodle course_modinfo object
  * @return CourseLO $course : intuitelLO course object
 function createLOFromNative($rawData)
     $lmscourse = $rawData->get_course();
     $courseLoid = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getLoIdfromId('course', $lmscourse->id);
     // course object is created, constructor sets the compulsory attributes: LOId, loName, hasPrecedingSib, hasParent; and the optional: hasFollowingSib
     $course = new CourseLO($courseLoid, $lmscourse->fullname, null, null);
     // optional attributes
     $courseLang = $this->getLang($rawData);
     $childrenLoId = $this->getChildren($rawData);
     return $course;
  * Creates an intuitel module object corresponding to a Moodle activity or resource
  * @param \cm_info $rawData Moodle internal info for a course module
  * @see \intuitel\LOFactory::createLOFromNative()
  * @return \intuitel\module : course module object
 function createLOFromNative($rawData)
     if ($this->toBeIgnored()) {
         return null;
     $loId = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getLoIdfromId('module', $rawData->id);
     $course_info = $rawData->get_modinfo();
     $hasParent = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getLoIdfromId('section', $rawData->section);
     $precedingSibId = $this->getPrecedingSib($rawData);
     if ($precedingSibId == null) {
         $hasPrecedingSib = null;
     } else {
         $hasPrecedingSib = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getLoIdfromId('module', $precedingSibId);
     $LOmodule = $this->createInstance($loId, $rawData->name, $hasParent, $hasPrecedingSib);
     //optional attributes-values
     //Get the following activity or resource
     $followingSibId = $this->getFollowingSib($rawData);
     if ($followingSibId == null) {
         $hasfollowingSib = null;
     } else {
         $hasfollowingSib = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getLoIdfromId('module', $followingSibId);
     //get the lang
     $lang = $this->getLang($rawData);
     //set the Knowledge type
     $knowledgeType = $this->getLOType();
     //set the Media type
     if (get_class($this) == 'intuitel\\ResourceFileLOFactory') {
         $mediaType = $this->getMediaType($rawData);
     } else {
         $mediaType = $this->getMediaType();
     //if a resource, get the size of the file
     if (get_class($this) == 'intuitel\\ResourceFileLOFactory' || get_class($this) == 'intuitel\\FolderLOFactory') {
         $filesize = $this->getSize($rawData);
     return $LOmodule;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \intuitel\IntuitelAdaptor::getUseData()
 public function getUseData($lo, $native_user_id)
     $useData = array('completion' => null, 'grade' => null, 'grademax' => null, 'grademin' => null, 'accessed' => null, 'seenPercentage' => null);
     // if this is a section get access data (a section is seen once main screen of the course is seen)
     if (get_class($lo) == 'intuitel\\SectionLO') {
         $courseLOid = $lo->getParent();
         $courseid = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getIdfromLoId($courseLOid);
         $useData['accessed'] = block_intuitel_get_access_status_course($courseid, $native_user_id);
     } else {
         if (get_class($lo) == 'intuitel\\CourseLO') {
             //the lo is the CourseLO, get the completion, accessed and grade data
             $loId = $lo->getloId();
             $lo_id = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getIdfromLoId($loId);
             $useData['accessed'] = block_intuitel_get_access_status_course($lo_id, $native_user_id);
             $useData['completion'] = block_intuitel_get_completion_status_course($lo_id, $native_user_id);
             block_intuitel_get_grade_info_course($lo_id, $native_user_id);
         } else {
             //this is a module (activity or resource)
             $loId = $lo->getloId();
             $lo_id = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getIdfromLoId($loId);
             $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id(null, $lo_id);
             $course_modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($cm->course);
             $coursemodule_info = $course_modinfo->get_cm($lo_id);
             //get the completion status from Moodle
             $useData['completion'] = block_intuitel_get_completion_status($coursemodule_info, $native_user_id);
             $useData['accessed'] = block_intuitel_get_access_status($lo_id, $native_user_id);
             $grade_info = block_intuitel_get_grade_info($coursemodule_info, $native_user_id);
             //grade_info contains info of the grade obtained as well as maximum and minimum grade of the module
             if ($grade_info != null) {
                 $useData['grade'] = $grade_info['grade'];
                 $useData['grademax'] = $grade_info['grademax'];
                 $useData['grademin'] = $grade_info['grademin'];
             if ($lo->media == 'video' || $lo->media == 'audio') {
                 $viewed = block_intuitel_get_access_status($lo_id, $native_user_id);
                 if ($viewed) {
                     $useData['seenPercentage'] = 100;
                 } else {
                     $useData['seenPercentage'] = 0;
     return $useData;
     * (non-PHPdoc)
     * @see \intuitel\simulator::process_learner_update_request()
    public function process_learner_update_request($loId, $learnerid, $courseLo)
        if ($learnerid instanceof UserId) {
            $userID = $learnerid;
        } else {
            $userID = new UserId((string) $learnerid);
        $user = $this->intuitelAdaptor->getNativeUserFromUId($userID);
        // Select user interface language the same way Mooodle does:
        // First Course forced lang
        // second user preference
        $courseid = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getIdfromLoId($courseLo->loId);
        global $DB;
        if (!($course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id" => $courseid)))) {
        global $USER;
        $USER = $user;
        if ($course->lang != '') {
            $USER->lang = $course->lang;
        global $SESSION;
        $SESSION->lang = $USER->lang;
        // end language selection
        $timeFrom = time() - $this->time_window;
        $events_user = $this->intuitelAdaptor->getLearnerUpdateData(array($user->id), $courseLo, $timeFrom, null, false);
        $events = array();
        if (array_key_exists((string) $userID->id, $events_user)) {
            $events = $events_user[(string) $userID->id];
        list($revisits, $durations) = IntuitelController::compute_revisits($events);
        $this->durations = $durations;
        $this->revisits = $revisits;
        $currentKOEvent = count($durations) > 0 ? $durations[0] : null;
        $previousKOEvent = count($durations) > 1 ? $durations[1] : null;
        $previousKO = $previousKOEvent != null ? $this->intuitelAdaptor->createLO($previousKOEvent->loId) : null;
        $previous_use_data = $previousKO != null ? $this->intuitelAdaptor->getUseData($previousKO, $user->id) : array(array());
        $currentKO = $currentKOEvent != null ? $this->intuitelAdaptor->createLO($currentKOEvent->loId) : null;
        $current_use_data = $currentKO != null ? $this->intuitelAdaptor->getUseData($currentKO, $user->id) : array(array());
        $currentKOType = $currentKOEvent != null ? Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getType($currentKOEvent->loId) : null;
        $previousKOType = $previousKOEvent != null ? Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getType($previousKOEvent->loId) : null;
        // simulate intelligent behaviour
         * Use case: Obvius and tedious tutor: Inform me what I'm doing.
         * DEBUG Use case
        if (false && $currentKO) {
            // disabled
            $mid = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getNewMessageUUID();
            $count = $revisits[(string) $currentKOEvent->loId];
            $previous = '';
            if ($previousKOEvent) {
                $previous = "Antes has estado en {$previousKOEvent->loId} durante {$previousKOEvent->duration} segundos";
            $this->tugFragment .= <<<xml
<intuirr:Tug uId="jmb0001" mId="{$mid}">
\t<intuirr:MData>Mensaje Obvio de depuración: Ahora estás en {$currentKOEvent->loId} donde has estado {$count} veces. {$previous}.</intuirr:MData>
        /*         * ********************
         * Use case: Fast Pace User spends less than N seconds in previous LO
        if ($previousKOEvent != null && $previousKOEvent->duration < $this->enough_time && $previousKOType != 'course' && $previousKOType != 'forum' && $previousKOType != 'folder' && (!$previous_use_data['grade'] || !$previous_use_data['grade'] > $previous_use_data['grademax'] * 2 / 3)) {
            $mid = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getNewMessageUUID();
            $a = new \stdClass();
            $a->duration = $previousKOEvent->duration;
            $a->loId = (string) $previousKOEvent->loId;
            $advice_duration_str = get_string('advice_duration', 'block_intuitel', $a);
            $this->tugFragment .= <<<xml
<intuirr:Tug uId="jmb0001" mId="{$mid}">
            $this->selectedLORE[] = new loreRecommendation($previousKOEvent->loId, 70);
        /*         * ****************************
         * Use case: out-of-sequence
        $previousSiblingCount = $currentKO && $currentKO->hasPrecedingSib && array_key_exists($currentKO->hasPrecedingSib->id, $revisits) ? $revisits[$currentKO->hasPrecedingSib->id] : 0;
        if ($currentKO && $currentKO->hasPrecedingSib && $previousSiblingCount == 0 && !($current_use_data['grade'] > $current_use_data['grademax'] * 2 / 3)) {
            $mid = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getNewMessageUUID();
            $a = new \stdClass();
            $a->previousLoId = (string) $currentKO->hasPrecedingSib;
            $a->currentLoId = (string) $currentKO->loId;
            $advice_sequence_str = get_string('advice_outofsequence', 'block_intuitel', $a);
            $this->tugFragment .= <<<xml
<intuirr:Tug uId="jmb0001" mId="{$mid}">
            // recommend
            $this->selectedLORE[] = new loreRecommendation($currentKO->hasPrecedingSib, 100);
            $this->selectedLORE[] = new loreRecommendation($currentKO->loId, 100);
        /*         * *****************************
         * Use case: excessive revisits
        //    print_object($this->revisits[$currentKOEvent->loId->id]);die;
        if ($currentKOEvent != null && $this->revisits[$currentKOEvent->loId->id] > 2 && $currentKOType != 'course' && $currentKOType != 'forum' && $currentKOType != 'folder') {
            $count = $revisits[$currentKOEvent->loId->id];
            $mid = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getNewMessageUUID();
            $params_str = new \stdClass();
            $params_str->count = $count;
            $params_str->loId = (string) $currentKOEvent->loId;
            $advice_revisits_str = get_string('advice_revisits', 'block_intuitel', $params_str);
            $this->tugFragment .= <<<xml
<intuirr:Tug uId="jmb0001" mId="{$mid}">
         * Test case. Graded activity is abandoned with low grade
        if ($previousKOEvent != null && $previous_use_data['grade'] < $previous_use_data['grademax'] * 2 / 3) {
            $grade = number_format($previous_use_data['grade']);
            $grademax = number_format($previous_use_data['grademax']);
            $mid = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getNewMessageUUID();
            $params_str = new \stdClass();
            $params_str->loId = (string) $previousKOEvent->loId;
            $params_str->grade = $grade;
            $params_str->grademax = $grademax;
            $advice_grade_str = get_string('advice_grade', 'block_intuitel', $params_str);
            $this->tugFragment .= <<<xml
<intuirr:Tug uId="jmb0001" mId="{$mid}">
            // recommends previous LO
            if (isset($previousKO->hasPrecedingSib)) {
                $this->selectedLORE[] = new loreRecommendation($previousKO->hasPrecedingSib, 100);
            $this->selectedLORE[] = new loreRecommendation($previousKOEvent->loId, 80);
         * Test case. Graded activity is abandoned with high grade. The student is congratulated for good result
        if ($previousKOEvent != null && $previous_use_data['grade'] > $previous_use_data['grademax'] * 2 / 3) {
            $grade = number_format($previous_use_data['grade']);
            $grademax = number_format($previous_use_data['grademax']);
            $mid = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getNewMessageUUID();
            $params_str = new \stdClass();
            $params_str->loId = (string) $previousKOEvent->loId;
            $params_str->grade = $grade;
            $params_str->grademax = $grademax;
            $congratulate_grade_str = get_string('congratulate_grade', 'block_intuitel', $params_str);
            $this->tugFragment .= <<<xml
<intuirr:Tug uId="jmb0001" mId="{$mid}">
            // recommends previous LO
            if (isset($previousKO->hasPrecedingSib)) {
                $this->selectedLORE[] = new loreRecommendation($previousKO->hasPrecedingSib, 100);
            $this->selectedLORE[] = new loreRecommendation($previousKOEvent->loId, 80);
         * Test case. Graded activity is visited with high grade. The student is remembered about
        if ($currentKOEvent != null && $current_use_data['grade'] > $current_use_data['grademax'] * 2 / 3) {
            $grade = number_format($current_use_data['grade']);
            $grademax = number_format($current_use_data['grademax']);
            $mid = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getNewMessageUUID();
            $params_str = new \stdClass();
            $params_str->loId = (string) $currentKOEvent->loId;
            $params_str->grade = $grade;
            $params_str->grademax = $grademax;
            $remember_graded_str = get_string('remember_already_graded', 'block_intuitel', $params_str);
            $this->tugFragment .= <<<xml
<intuirr:Tug uId="jmb0001" mId="{$mid}">
        if ($currentKO != null) {
             * First LO in the course
            $parent = $currentKO->hasParent != null ? $this->intuitelAdaptor->createLO($currentKO->hasParent) : null;
            if ($currentKO->hasPrecedingSib == null && $parent != null && $parent->hasPrecedingSib == null) {
                $this->tugFragment .= <<<xml
<intuirr:Tug uId="intuitelstudent1" mId="db4d7ada-58fb-4939-ba0d-41c9ac585efd" rId="dcbcf826-a5fe-4fe8-bcc2-609c299afe04">
    <intuirr:MData xsi:type="xs:string" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    &lt;h4&gt;You just started the available material. Very good!&lt;/h4&gt;
    Please, select a Learning Pathway:&lt;br/&gt;
    &lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;invalidateLpSelection[]&quot; value=&quot;1&quot;&gt;Classically structured learning path sequenced by matters.&lt;/input&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
\t&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;invalidateLpSelection[]&quot; value=&quot;2&quot;&gt;Hierarchically structured material organized by levels of abstraction.&lt;/input&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
             * Last LO in the course
            if ($currentKO->hasFollowingSib == null && $parent != null && $parent->hasFollowingSib == null) {
                $this->tugFragment .= <<<xml
<intuirr:Tug uId="intuitelstudent1" mId="db4d7ada-58fb-4939-ba0d-41c9ac585efd" rId="dcbcf826-a5fe-4fe8-bcc2-609c299afe04">
    <intuirr:MData xsi:type="xs:string" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">&lt;![CDATA[&lt;h4&gt;You just completed all your assigned material. Very good!&lt;/h4&gt;
Do you want to restart it following another Learning Pathway? &lt;select name="invalidateLpSelection[]" &gt;&lt;option name="invalidateLpSelection-Y" value="Y"&gt;yes&lt;/option&gt;&lt;option name="invalidateLpSelection-N" value="N"&gt;no&lt;/option&gt;&lt;/select&gt;]]&gt;</intuirr:MData>
                          $this->tugFragment.= <<<xml
                          <Tug uId="jmb0001" mId="12345678-1234-abcd-ef12-123456789014">
                          <MData>Estás visitando $currentKOEvent->loId y vienes de $previousKOEvent->loId donde has estado $previousKOEvent->duration segundos.</MData>
            // if currentKO is the course use previousKO
            if (!isset($currentKO->hasParent)) {
                // course
                $currentKO = $previousKO;
            if (isset($currentKO->hasFollowingSib)) {
                $following = $this->intuitelAdaptor->createLO($currentKOEvent->loId);
                $followingType = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getType($following->loId);
                if ($followingType == 'section') {
                    $this->selectedLORE[] = new loreRecommendation($following->hasFollowingSib, 70);
                } else {
                    $this->selectedLORE[] = new loreRecommendation($currentKO->hasFollowingSib, 70);
            } else {
                if (isset($currentKO->hasParent)) {
                    // suppose section
                    $sectionLo = $currentKO->hasParent ? $this->intuitelAdaptor->createLO($currentKO->hasParent) : null;
                    $nextsectionLo = $sectionLo != null && $sectionLo->hasFollowingSib ? $this->intuitelAdaptor->createLO($sectionLo->hasFollowingSib) : null;
                    // next section
                    if ($nextsectionLo && isset($nextsectionLo->hasChild[0])) {
                        $this->selectedLORE[] = new loreRecommendation($nextsectionLo->hasChild[0], 70);
        // simulate a sequencing
        $lastLoreRec = count($this->selectedLORE) > 0 ? $this->selectedLORE[count($this->selectedLORE) - 1] : null;
        $lastLoreId = $lastLoreRec ? $lastLoreRec->loId : null;
        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
            if (!$lastLoreId) {
            try {
                $loreLO = $this->intuitelAdaptor->createLO($lastLoreId);
                if (isset($loreLO->hasFollowingSib)) {
                    $lastLoreId = $loreLO->hasFollowingSib;
                    $this->selectedLORE[] = new loreRecommendation($lastLoreId, $lastLoreRec->score / ($i + 2));
            } catch (UnknownLOTypeException $e) {
 private function getMedia($loId)
     // get the id of the section in Moodle
     $id = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getIdfromLoId($loId);
     $section_info = get_section_info($id);
     $media = block_intuitel_getMediaType($section_info->summary);
     //array containing the media types contained in the summary of the section
     return $media;