public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     if ($instance->network == 'twitter') {
         $day_of_week = 4;
     } else {
         $day_of_week = 1;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateWeeklyInsight('long_lost_contacts', $instance, $insight_date = 'today', $regenerate_existing_insight = false, $day_of_week = $day_of_week);
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         $follow_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('FollowDAO');
         $contacts = $follow_dao->getFolloweesRepliedToThisWeekLastYear($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network);
         $long_lost_contacts = array();
         $insight_text = '';
         if (count($contacts)) {
             $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
             foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
                 if ($post_dao->getDaysAgoSinceUserRepliedToRecipient($instance->network_user_id, $contact->user_id, $instance->network) >= 365) {
                     $long_lost_contacts[] = $contact;
         if (count($long_lost_contacts)) {
             $headline = $this->username . " hasn't replied to " . (count($long_lost_contacts) > 1 ? "<strong>" . count($long_lost_contacts) . " people</strong> " : $long_lost_contacts[0]->full_name . " ") . "in over a year";
             $insight_text = "It's good to reflect after some time has passed.";
             //Instantiate the Insight object
             $my_insight = new Insight();
             //REQUIRED: Set the insight's required attributes
             $my_insight->slug = 'long_lost_contacts';
             //slug to label this insight's content
             $my_insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
             $my_insight->date = $this->insight_date;
             //date is often this or $simplified_post_date
             $my_insight->headline = $headline;
             // or just set a string like 'Ohai';
             $my_insight->text = $insight_text;
             // or just set a strong like "Greetings humans";
             if (count($long_lost_contacts) == 1) {
                 $my_insight->header_image = $long_lost_contacts[0]->avatar;
             $my_insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
             $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_MED;
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
Exemple #2
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
     $insight_text = '';
     foreach ($last_week_of_posts as $post) {
         $big_reshares = $post_dao->getRetweetsByAuthorsOverFollowerCount($post->post_id, $instance->network, $user->follower_count);
         if (isset($big_reshares) && sizeof($big_reshares) > 0) {
             if (!isset($config)) {
                 $config = Config::getInstance();
             if (sizeof($big_reshares) > 1) {
                 $headline = "People with lots of followers " . $this->terms->getVerb('shared') . " " . "{$this->username}";
             } else {
                 $follower_count_multiple = intval($big_reshares[0]->follower_count / $user->follower_count);
                 if ($follower_count_multiple > 1) {
                     $headline = "Someone with <strong>" . $follower_count_multiple . "x</strong> more followers " . $this->terms->getVerb('shared') . " " . $this->username;
                 } else {
                     $headline = $big_reshares[0]->full_name . " " . $this->terms->getVerb('shared') . " " . $this->username;
             $added_people = 0;
             foreach ($big_reshares as $big_resharer) {
                 $added_people += $big_resharer->follower_count - $user->follower_count;
             $insight_text = number_format($added_people) . " more people saw " . $this->username . "'s " . $this->terms->getNoun('post') . ".";
             $simplified_post_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($post->pub_date));
             //Instantiate the Insight object
             $my_insight = new Insight();
             $my_insight->slug = "big_reshare_" . $post->id;
             //slug to label this insight's content
             $my_insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
             $my_insight->date = $simplified_post_date;
             //date of the data this insight applies to
             $my_insight->headline = $headline;
             // or just set a string like 'Ohai';
             $my_insight->text = $insight_text;
             // or just set a strong like "Greetings humans";
             $my_insight->header_image = $header_image;
             $my_insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
             $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_MED;
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
Exemple #3
 public function testInsightRelatedDataSetters()
     $i = new Insight();
     $i->setPhotos("this is my list of photos");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["photos"], "this is my list of photos");
     $i->setPosts("my posts");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["posts"], "my posts");
     $i->setLineChart("line chart data goes here");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["line_chart"], "line chart data goes here");
     $i->setBarChart("bar chart data goes here");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["bar_chart"], "bar chart data goes here");
     $i->setPeople("list 'o users");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["people"], "list 'o users");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["links"], "listoflinks");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["milestone_number"], "milestone_number");
Exemple #4
 public function testInsightRelatedDataSetters()
     $i = new Insight();
     // @TODO Assign and assert that the data is in the array structure it should be
     $i->setPhotos("this is my list of photos");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["photos"], "this is my list of photos");
     $i->setPosts("my posts");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["posts"], "my posts");
     $i->setLineChart("line chart data goes here");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["line_chart"], "line chart data goes here");
     $i->setBarChart("bar chart data goes here");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["bar_chart"], "bar chart data goes here");
     $i->setPeople("list 'o users");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["people"], "list 'o users");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["links"], "listoflinks");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["milestones"], "milestones");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["button"], "button");
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $thanksgiving_day = date('m/j', strtotime("3 weeks thursday", mktime(0, 0, 0, 11, 1, date('Y'))));
     $regenerate = false;
     // $thanksgiving_day = date('11/20');
     // $regenerate = true;
     if (!$this->shouldGenerateAnnualInsight($this->slug, $instance, 'today', $regenerate, $thanksgiving_day, null, array('instagram'))) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Skipped generating insight on " . $instance->network, __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $user_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('UserDAO');
     $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
     $post_iterator = $post_dao->getThisYearOfPostsIterator($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network);
     $thankees = array();
     $thankees_totals = array();
     foreach ($post_iterator as $post) {
         $in_reply_id = $post->in_reply_to_user_id;
         if ($in_reply_id == 0 || $in_reply_id == $instance->network_user_id) {
             // No self thanks, untargeted thanks, or rethanking
         $text = strtolower($post->post_text);
         $has_thanks = preg_match('/(\\W|^)(thanks|thank you)(\\W|$)/', $text);
         if ($has_thanks) {
             if (preg_match('/(\\W|^)no (thanks|thank you)/', $text) || preg_match('/thank(s| you),? but/', $text)) {
                 $has_thanks = false;
         if (!$has_thanks) {
         if (isset($thankees_totals[$in_reply_id])) {
             $thankees_totals[$in_reply_id] = $thankees_totals[$in_reply_id] + 1;
         } else {
             $thankees_totals[$in_reply_id] = 0;
     arsort($thankees_totals, SORT_NUMERIC);
     foreach ($thankees_totals as $user_id => $count) {
         $user = $user_dao->getDetails($user_id, $instance->network);
         if ($user) {
             $thankees[] = $user;
     if (count($thankees) > 1) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("More than one thankee", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
         $insight = new Insight();
         $insight->slug = $this->slug;
         $insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
         $insight->date = $this->insight_date;
         if ($instance->network == 'facebook') {
             $insight->headline = $this->username . ' had friends to be thankful for in ' . date('Y');
             $insight->text = "These are the friends " . $this->username . " was thankful for this year.";
             $insight->setHeroImage(array('url' => '', 'alt_text' => $insight->headline, 'credit' => 'Photo: John-Morgan', 'img_link' => ''));
         } else {
             $insight->headline = 'Who ' . $this->username . " was thankful for in " . date('Y');
             if (count($thankees) > 20) {
                 $insight->text = "These are just some of the <strong>" . count($thankees) . " people</strong> " . $this->username . " thanked this year.";
             } else {
                 $insight->text = "These are all the people " . $this->username . " thanked this year.";
             $insight->setHeroImage(array('url' => '', 'alt_text' => $insight->headline, 'credit' => 'Photo: Steve Voght', 'img_link' => ''));
         $insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
         $insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
         $this->logger->logInfo("About to setPeople, total is " . count($thankees), __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
         $thankees_sliced = array_slice($thankees, 0, 20);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
Exemple #6
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
     $insight_text = '';
     //Find out if insight already exists
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateInsight('top_amplifier', $instance, date('Y-m-d'));
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         //insight does not exist
         //Get yesterday's retweets
         $yesterdays_retweets = array();
         $simplified_date_yesterday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day'));
         foreach ($last_week_of_posts as $post) {
             if ($post->in_retweet_of_post_id != null && $post->in_rt_of_user_id != null) {
                 $simplified_post_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($post->pub_date));
                 if ($simplified_date_yesterday == $simplified_post_date) {
                     $yesterdays_retweets[] = $post;
         $largest_added_audience = 0;
         $insight_retweeted_user = null;
         $insight_retweet = null;
         //Get top amplifier from yesterday
         foreach ($yesterdays_retweets as $post) {
             if (!isset($user_dao)) {
                 $user_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('UserDAO');
             $retweeted_user = $user_dao->getDetails($post->in_rt_of_user_id, $post->network);
             //if user exists and has fewer followers than instance user compare to current top
             if (isset($retweeted_user) && $retweeted_user->follower_count < $user->follower_count) {
                 $added_audience = $user->follower_count - $retweeted_user->follower_count;
                 if ($added_audience > $largest_added_audience) {
                     $largest_added_audience = $added_audience;
                     $insight_retweeted_user = $retweeted_user;
                     $insight_retweet = $post;
         //If there's a top amplifier from yesterday, insert the insight
         if ($largest_added_audience > 0 && isset($insight_retweeted_user) && isset($insight_retweet)) {
             $multiplier = floor($user->follower_count / $insight_retweeted_user->follower_count);
             if ($multiplier > 1 && TimeHelper::getTime() / 10 % 2 == 1) {
                 $largest_added_audience = number_format($multiplier) . 'x';
             } else {
                 $largest_added_audience = number_format($largest_added_audience);
             $retweeted_username = $insight_retweeted_user->username;
             if ($instance->network == 'twitter') {
                 $retweeted_username = '******' . $retweeted_username;
             $headline = $this->getVariableCopy(array($insight_retweeted_user->full_name . " can thank %username for %added more people seeing this %post", "%added more people saw %repostedee's %post thanks to %username", '%username boosted ' . $insight_retweeted_user->full_name . '\'s %post to %added more people'), array('repostedee' => $retweeted_username, 'added' => $largest_added_audience));
             $my_insight = new Insight();
             $my_insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
             $my_insight->slug = 'top_amplifier';
             //slug to label this insight's content
             $my_insight->date = date('Y-m-d');
             //date of the data this insight applies to
             $my_insight->headline = $headline;
             // or just set a string like 'Ohai';
             $my_insight->text = $insight_text;
             // or just set a strong like "Greetings humans";
             $my_insight->header_image = $insight_retweeted_user->avatar;
             $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_MED;
             $my_insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $thanksgiving_day = date('m/j', strtotime("3 weeks thursday", mktime(0, 0, 0, 11, 1, date('Y'))));
     //$thanksgiving_day = date('11/21');
     if (!$this->shouldGenerateAnnualInsight($this->slug, $instance, 'today', false, $thanksgiving_day)) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Skipped generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $user_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('UserDAO');
     $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
     $iterator = $post_dao->getAllRepliesInRange($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network, $count = 0, $from = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('January 1')), $until = date('Y-m-d'), $page = 1, $order_by = 'pub_date', $direction = 'DESC', $is_public = false, $iterator = true);
     $thankees = array();
     $seen = array();
     foreach ($iterator as $post) {
         $author_id = $post->author_user_id;
         if ($author_id == $instance->network_user_id || in_array($author_id, $seen)) {
             // Skip ourselves or people we've seen.
         $text = strtolower($post->post_text);
         $has_thanks = preg_match('/(\\W|^)(thanks|thank you)(\\W|$)/', $text);
         if ($has_thanks) {
             if (preg_match('/(\\W|^)no (thanks|thank you)/', $text) || preg_match('/thank(s| you),? but/', $text)) {
                 $has_thanks = false;
         if (!$has_thanks) {
         $seen[] = $author_id;
         $user = $user_dao->getDetails($author_id, $instance->network);
         if ($user) {
             $thankees[] = $user;
     $thankees_totals = array();
     foreach ($post_iterator as $post) {
         $author_id = $post->author_user_id;
         if ($author_id == $instance->network_user_id) {
             // Skip ourselves
         $text = strtolower($post->post_text);
         $has_thanks = preg_match('/(\\W|^)(thanks|thank you)(\\W|$)/', $text);
         if ($has_thanks) {
             if (preg_match('/(\\W|^)no (thanks|thank you)/', $text) || preg_match('/thank(s| you),? but/', $text)) {
                 $has_thanks = false;
         if (!$has_thanks) {
         if (isset($thankees_totals[$author_id])) {
             $thankees_totals[$author_id] = $thankees_totals[$author_id] + 1;
         } else {
             $thankees_totals[$author_id] = 0;
     arsort($thankees_totals, SORT_NUMERIC);
     foreach ($thankees_totals as $user_id => $count) {
         $user = $user_dao->getDetails($user_id, $instance->network);
         if ($user) {
             $thankees[] = $user;
     if (count($thankees) > 1) {
         $num = count($thankees);
         $insight = new Insight();
         $insight->slug = $this->slug;
         $insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
         $insight->date = $this->insight_date;
         if ($instance->network == 'facebook') {
             $insight->headline = $num . " Facebook friends were thankful for " . $this->username;
             $insight->text = "It's great to have friends who share the love. These {$num} people were thankful for " . $this->username . " over the past year.";
             $insight->setHeroImage(array('url' => '', 'alt_text' => '', 'credit' => 'Photo: paul bica', 'img_link' => ''));
         } else {
             $insight->headline = $num . " people were thankful for " . $this->username;
             if (count($thankees) > 20) {
                 $insight->text = "These are just some of the people who shared an appreciation for " . $this->username . " this year.";
             } else {
                 $insight->text = "These are all the people who shared an appreciation for " . $this->username . " this year.";
             $insight->text = $insight->text . " Who says you can't build meaningful relationships on Twitter?";
             $insight->setHeroImage(array('url' => '', 'alt_text' => '', 'credit' => 'Photo: David Joyce', 'img_link' => ''));
         $insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
         $insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
         $thankees_sliced = array_slice($thankees, 0, 20);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $my_insight = new Insight();
     $my_insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
     $my_insight->date = $this->insight_date;
     //date of the data this insight applies to
     $my_insight->text = '';
     $my_insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
     $follow_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('FollowDAO');
     // Least likely followers who are not verified, based on follower-to-followee ratio
     // We grab up to 10 possibilities, then filter for some spam account criteria and take the top 3 that remain
     $least_likely_followers = $follow_dao->getLeastLikelyFollowersByDay($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network, 0, 10);
     $least_likely_followers = array_filter($least_likely_followers, array($this, 'filterFollowers'));
     $least_likely_followers = array_slice($least_likely_followers, 0, 3);
     $total_followers = sizeof($least_likely_followers);
     if ($total_followers > 0) {
         //if not null, store insight
         if ($total_followers > 1) {
             $my_insight->headline = "{$this->username} got {$total_followers} interesting new followers";
             $my_insight->slug = 'least_likely_followers';
             $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_MED;
         } else {
             $follower = $least_likely_followers[0];
             $name = $this->getFollowerName($follower);
             $my_insight->headline = "{$this->username} got an interesting new follower";
             $my_insight->slug = 'least_likely_followers';
             $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_MED;
             $my_insight->header_image = $follower->avatar;
     // Verified followers
     $verified_followers = $follow_dao->getVerifiedFollowersByDay($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network, 0, 3);
     $total_followers = sizeof($verified_followers);
     if ($total_followers > 0) {
         //if not null, store insight
         if ($total_followers > 1) {
             $my_insight->slug = 'verified_followers';
             $my_insight->headline = "{$this->username} got {$total_followers} new verified followers!";
             $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
         } else {
             $follower = $verified_followers[0];
             $name = $this->getFollowerName($follower);
             $my_insight->slug = 'verified_followers';
             $my_insight->headline = "{$this->username} got a new verified follower!";
             $my_insight->header_image = $verified_followers[0]->avatar;
             $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
         $total_verified = $follow_dao->getVerifiedFollowerCount($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network);
         if ($total_verified > $total_followers) {
             $my_insight->text = "That makes a total of <strong>" . number_format($total_verified) . " verified followers</strong>.";
         $my_insight->header_image = '';
     if ($my_insight->headline) {
     //Local followers that are neither verified or least likely
     if (isset($user->location) && $user->location != "") {
         $local_followers_to_check = $follow_dao->getFollowersFromLocationByDay($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network, $user->location, 0);
         if (count($local_followers_to_check)) {
             //Clear out insight vars
             $my_insight = null;
             $my_insight = new Insight();
             $my_insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
             $my_insight->date = $this->insight_date;
             //date of the data this insight applies to
             $my_insight->text = '';
             $my_insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
             //Create list of user IDs that have already appeared in an insight
             $follower_ids_already_reported_on = array();
             foreach ($least_likely_followers as $follower) {
                 $follower_ids_already_reported_on[] = $follower->id;
             foreach ($verified_followers as $follower) {
                 $follower_ids_already_reported_on[] = $follower->id;
             //Make sure none of the local followers have already been reported on
             $local_followers = array();
             foreach ($local_followers_to_check as $follower) {
                 if (!in_array($follower->id, $follower_ids_already_reported_on)) {
                     $local_followers[] = $follower;
             $total_followers = count($local_followers);
             if ($total_followers) {
                 $headline = "{$this->username} got " . ($total_followers > 1 ? "{$total_followers} new followers" : "a new follower") . " in " . $user->location;
                 if (count($local_followers) == 1) {
                     $header_image = $local_followers[0]->avatar;
                 } else {
                     $header_image = '';
                 $my_insight = new Insight();
                 //REQUIRED: Set the insight's required attributes
                 $my_insight->headline = $headline;
                 // or just set a string like 'Ohai';
                 $my_insight->slug = 'local_followers';
                 //slug to label this insight's content
                 $my_insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
                 $my_insight->date = $this->insight_date;
                 //date is often this or $simplified_post_date
                 $my_insight->text = '';
                 // or just set a strong like "Greetings humans";
                 $my_insight->header_image = $header_image;
                 $my_insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
                 $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_MED;
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     if ($instance->network != 'twitter') {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight (Skipped non-Twitter)", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $year = date('Y');
     $regenerate = false;
     //$regenerate = true;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateEndOfYearAnnualInsight($this->slug, $instance, $insight_date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}", $regenerate, $day_of_year = $this->run_date);
     if (!$should_generate_insight) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight (Skipped)", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Should generate", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
     $amp_counts = $post_dao->getRetweetsPerUserInRange($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network, date('Y-m-d', strtotime('January 1')), date('Y-m-d'));
     $ampees = array();
     foreach ($amp_counts as $tmp) {
         $ampees[$tmp['user_id']] = $tmp['count'];
     $people = array();
     $user_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('UserDAO');
     foreach ($ampees as $aid => $count) {
         $tmp_user = $user_dao->getDetails($aid, $instance->network);
         if ($tmp_user) {
             $people[] = $tmp_user;
     if (count($people) == 0) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight (Not enough data)", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $people = array_slice($people, 0, 3);
     $earliest_pub_date = $post_dao->getEarliestCapturedPostPubDate($instance);
     $qualified_year = "";
     if (date('Y', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) == date('Y')) {
         if (date('n', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) > 1) {
             //not January
             //Earliest post was this year; figure out what month we have data since this year
             $since = date('F', strtotime($earliest_pub_date));
             $qualified_year = " (at least since " . $since . ")";
     $title = 'Who ' . $this->username . ' amplified most on Twitter, ' . $year;
     if (count($people) == 1) {
         $text = "Let's turn this tweet up to 11! In {$year}, " . $this->username . " retweeted this user more than any others{$qualified_year}.";
     } else {
         $text = "Let's turn this tweet up to 11! In {$year}, " . $this->username . " retweeted these users more than any others{$qualified_year}.";
     $insight = new Insight();
     $insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
     $insight->slug = $this->slug;
     $insight->date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}";
     $insight->headline = $title;
     $insight->text = $text;
     $insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
     $insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
Exemple #10
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $since_date = date("Y-m-d");
     $filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
     if ($instance->network == 'facebook') {
         $day_of_month = 1;
     } elseif ($instance->network == 'instagram') {
         $day_of_month = 3;
     } else {
         //This doesn't actually run for Twitter since crawler doesn't capture favoriters
         $day_of_month = 3;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateMonthlyInsight('biggest_fans_last_30_days', $instance, $insight_date = $since_date, $regenerate_existing_insight = false, $day_of_month = $day_of_month, null, array('twitter'));
     $prefix = $instance->network == 'twitter' ? '@' : '';
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         //it's the right day of the month
         // Past 30 days
         $fav_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('FavoritePostDAO');
         $fans = $fav_dao->getUsersWhoFavoritedMostOfYourPosts($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network, 30);
         if (isset($fans) && sizeof($fans) > 0) {
             $my_insight = new Insight();
             //REQUIRED: Set the insight's required attributes
             $my_insight->slug = 'biggest_fans_last_30_days';
             //slug to label this insight's content
             $my_insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
             $my_insight->date = $since_date;
             //date is often this or $simplified_post_date
             if (count($fans) == 1) {
                 $my_insight->headline = $prefix . $fans[0]->username . " was {$this->username}'s biggest fan last month";
                 if ($fans[0]->avatar) {
                     $my_insight->header_image = $fans[0]->avatar;
                 $my_insight->text = $prefix . $fans[0]->username . " " . $this->terms->getVerb('liked') . " {$this->username}'s " . $this->terms->getNoun('post', InsightTerms::PLURAL) . " the most over the last 30 days.";
             } else {
                 $my_insight->headline = "{$this->username}'s biggest fans last month";
                 $my_insight->text = "They " . $this->terms->getVerb('liked') . " {$this->username}'s " . $this->terms->getNoun('post', InsightTerms::PLURAL) . " the most over the last 30 days.";
             $my_insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
             $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
     if ($instance->network == 'facebook') {
         $day_of_week = 3;
     } elseif ($instance->network == 'instagram') {
         $day_of_week = 4;
     } else {
         //This doesn't actually run for Twitter since crawler doesn't capture favoriters
         $day_of_week = 6;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateWeeklyInsight('biggest_fans_last_7_days', $instance, $insight_date = $since_date, $regenerate_existing_insight = false, $day_of_week = $day_of_week, null, array('twitter'));
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         //it's Sunday
         // Past 7 days
         $fav_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('FavoritePostDAO');
         $fans = $fav_dao->getUsersWhoFavoritedMostOfYourPosts($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network, 7);
         if (isset($fans) && sizeof($fans) > 0) {
             $my_insight = new Insight();
             //REQUIRED: Set the insight's required attributes
             $my_insight->slug = 'biggest_fans_last_7_days';
             //slug to label this insight's content
             $my_insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
             $my_insight->date = $since_date;
             //date is often this or $simplified_post_date
             if (count($fans) == 1) {
                 $my_insight->headline = $prefix . $fans[0]->username . " was {$this->username}'s biggest admirer last week";
                 if ($fans[0]->avatar) {
                     $my_insight->header_image = $fans[0]->avatar;
             } else {
                 $my_insight->headline = "{$this->username}'s biggest admirers last week";
             $my_insight->text = "Here's who " . $this->terms->getVerb('liked') . " {$this->username}'s " . $this->terms->getNoun('post', InsightTerms::PLURAL) . " most over the past week.";
             $my_insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
             $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_LOW;
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $joined_ts = strtotime($user->joined, TimeHelper::getTime());
     $viable = $joined_ts > strtotime('2000-01-1');
     $joined_day = date('m-d', $joined_ts);
     $is_twitter = $instance->network == 'twitter';
     if ($viable && $is_twitter && date('m-d', TimeHelper::getTime()) == $joined_day) {
         $insight = new Insight();
         $insight->slug = "twitterbirthday";
         $insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
         $insight->date = $this->insight_date;
         $insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
         $insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
         $follow_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('FollowDAO');
         $all_friends = $follow_dao->countTotalFriends($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network);
         $late_friends = $follow_dao->countTotalFriendsJoinedAfterDate($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network, $user->joined);
         $years = date('Y', TimeHelper::getTime()) - date('Y', $joined_ts);
         $ordinal_age = $this->terms->getOrdinalAdverb($years);
         $insight->headline = "A Very Happy {$ordinal_age} Twitter Birthday!";
         $insight->text = $this->username . " joined Twitter {$years} year" . ($years == 1 ? '' : 's') . " ago today";
         if ($all_friends > 0 && $late_friends > 0) {
             $percent_before = floor($late_friends / $all_friends * 100);
             $insight->text .= ", " . "before " . $percent_before . "% of the people " . $this->username . " follows did.";
         } else {
             $insight->text .= ".";
         $week_seconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
         $followers = $follow_dao->getFriendsJoinedInTimeFrame($user->user_id, $instance->network, date('Y-m-d', $joined_ts - $week_seconds), date('Y-m-d', $joined_ts + $week_seconds));
         $just_before = null;
         $just_after = null;
         $last_user = null;
         foreach ($followers as $follower) {
             if (strtotime($follower->joined, TimeHelper::getTime()) > $joined_ts) {
                 $just_after = $follower;
                 $just_before = $last_user;
             $last_user = $follower;
         if (!$just_after && $last_user) {
             $just_before = $last_user;
         $bonus_text = array();
         $people = array();
         if ($just_before) {
             $time = TimeHelper::secondsToGeneralTime(abs($joined_ts - strtotime($just_before->joined, TimeHelper::getTime())));
             $bonus_text[] = "@" . $just_before->username . " just beat " . $this->username . ", joining {$time} earlier";
             $people[] = $just_before;
         if ($just_after) {
             $time = TimeHelper::secondsToGeneralTime(abs($joined_ts - strtotime($just_after->joined, TimeHelper::getTime())));
             $bonus_text[] = "@" . $just_after->username . " was a little slower, getting on Twitter {$time} later";
             $people[] = $just_after;
         if (count($bonus_text)) {
             $insight->text .= " " . join(', and ', $bonus_text) . ".";
         $res = $this->insight_dao->insertInsight($insight);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $regenerate = false;
     // $regenerate = true;
     $year = date('Y');
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateEndOfYearAnnualInsight($this->slug, $instance, $insight_date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}", $regenerate, $day_of_year = $this->run_date, $count_related_posts = null, array('facebook'));
     if (!$should_generate_insight) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight (Skipped)", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Should generate", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $fave_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('FavoritePostDAO');
     $fave_counts = $fave_dao->getCountOfFavoritedUsersInRange($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network, date('Y-m-d', strtotime('January 1')), date('Y-m-d'));
     $favees = array();
     foreach ($fave_counts as $tmp) {
         $favees[$tmp['user_id']] = $tmp['count'];
     $people = array();
     $user_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('UserDAO');
     foreach ($favees as $aid => $count) {
         $tmp_user = $user_dao->getDetails($aid, $instance->network);
         if ($tmp_user) {
             $people[] = $tmp_user;
     if (count($people) == 0) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight (Not enough data)", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $people = array_slice($people, 0, 3);
     $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
     $earliest_pub_date = $post_dao->getEarliestCapturedPostPubDate($instance);
     $qualified_year = "";
     if (date('Y', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) == date('Y')) {
         if (date('n', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) > 1) {
             //not January
             //Earliest post was this year; figure out what month we have data since this year
             $since = date('F', strtotime($earliest_pub_date));
             $qualified_year = " (at least since " . $since . ")";
     if (count($people) == 1) {
         $title = $this->username . "'s most-liked person on " . ucfirst($instance->network) . ", {$year}";
         $text = $this->getVariableCopy(array("Every time you like a %post, a little red heart lights up. " . $this->username . " gave the most hearts to @" . $people[0]->username . " in {$year}" . $qualified_year . "."));
     } else {
         $title = $this->username . "'s most-liked people on " . ucfirst($instance->network) . ", {$year}";
         $text = $this->getVariableCopy(array("Every time you like a %post, a little red heart lights up. " . $this->username . " gave the most hearts to these fine folks in {$year}" . $qualified_year . "."));
     $insight = new Insight();
     $insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
     $insight->slug = $this->slug;
     $insight->date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}";
     $insight->headline = $title;
     $insight->text = $text;
     $insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
     $insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $year = date('Y');
     $regenerate = false;
     //$regenerate = true;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateEndOfYearAnnualInsight($this->slug, $instance, $insight_date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}", $regenerate, $day_of_year = $this->run_date, null, $excluded_networks = array('twitter'));
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Should generate", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
         $fav_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('FavoritePostDAO');
         $fans = $fav_dao->getUsersWhoFavoritedMostOfYourPosts($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network, TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst());
         if (!isset($fans) || sizeof($fans) == 0) {
             $this->logger->logInfo("No fans captured", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
         $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
         $earliest_pub_date = $post_dao->getEarliestCapturedPostPubDate($instance);
         $qualified_year = ".";
         if (date('Y', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) == date('Y')) {
             if (date('n', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) > 1) {
                 //not January
                 //Earliest post was this year; figure out what month we have data since this year
                 $since = date('F', strtotime($earliest_pub_date));
                 $qualified_year = " (at least since " . $since . ").";
         $insight = new Insight();
         $insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
         $insight->slug = $this->slug;
         $insight->date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}";
         $network = $instance->network;
         $copy = array('facebook' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username's biggest Facebook fans of %year", 'body' => "It feels great to have friends who support you. " . "%user_list liked %username's status updates the most this year%qualified_year")), 'instagram' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username's biggest Instagram fans of %year", 'body' => "It means a lot to have friends who love your stuff. " . "%user_list liked %username's Instagram photos and videos the most this year%qualified_year")));
         $type = 'normal';
         $headline = $this->getVariableCopy(array($copy[$network][$type]['headline']), array('year' => $year));
         $fan_list = array();
         foreach ($fans as $fan) {
             $fan_list[] = $fan->full_name;
         $fan_list = $this->makeList($fan_list);
         $insight_text = $this->getVariableCopy(array($copy[$network][$type]['body']), array('user_list' => $fan_list, 'qualified_year' => $qualified_year));
         $insight->headline = $headline;
         $insight->text = $insight_text;
         $insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
         $insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
Exemple #14
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     if ($instance->network == 'twitter') {
         $day_of_week = 3;
     } else {
         $day_of_week = 6;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateWeeklyInsight('interactions', $instance, $insight_date = 'today', $regenerate_existing_insight = false, $day_of_week = 3, count($last_week_of_posts), $excluded_networks = array('facebook', 'google+', 'foursquare', 'youtube'));
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         $user_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('UserDAO');
         $mentions_count = array();
         $mentions_info = array();
         $mentions_avatars = array();
         $insight_data = array();
         $insight_text = '';
         if ($instance->network == 'twitter') {
             $talk_time = 15;
         } else {
             $talk_time = 38;
         foreach ($last_week_of_posts as $post) {
             if ($post->in_reply_to_user_id && $instance->network_user_id != $post->in_reply_to_user_id) {
                 $mentioned_user = $user_dao->getDetails($post->in_reply_to_user_id, $instance->network);
                 if (isset($mentioned_user)) {
                     $mention_in_post = $instance->network == 'twitter' ? '@' : '';
                     $mention_in_post .= $mentioned_user->username;
                     $mentions_info[$mention_in_post] = $mentioned_user;
                     // Update mention count
                     if (array_key_exists($mention_in_post, $mentions_count)) {
                     } else {
                         $mentions_count[$mention_in_post] = 1;
         if (count($mentions_count)) {
             // Get most mentioned user
             $most_mentioned_user = each($mentions_count);
             // Add mentions to dataset
             $users_mentioned = array();
             foreach (array_slice($mentions_count, 0, 10) as $mention => $count) {
                 $mention_info['mention'] = $mention;
                 $mention_info['count'] = $count;
                 $mention_info['user'] = $mentions_info[$mention];
                 $users_mentioned[] = $mention_info;
         if (isset($most_mentioned_user) && $talk_time * $most_mentioned_user['value'] >= 60) {
             $headline = $this->username . " replied to " . $most_mentioned_user['key'] . " <strong>" . $this->terms->getOccurrencesAdverb($most_mentioned_user['value']) . "</strong> last week";
             $conversation_seconds = $this->terms->getOccurrencesAdverb($most_mentioned_user['value']) * $talk_time;
             $milestones = $this->convertSecondsToMilestone($conversation_seconds);
             $insight_text = 'Time having good conversation is time well spent.';
             // $header_image = $users_mentioned[0][user]->avatar;
             $header_image = $users_mentioned[0]["user"]->avatar;
             //Instantiate the Insight object
             $my_insight = new Insight();
             //REQUIRED: Set the insight's required attributes
             $my_insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
             $my_insight->slug = 'interactions';
             //slug to label this insight's content
             $my_insight->date = $this->insight_date;
             //date of the data this insight applies to
             $my_insight->headline = $headline;
             $my_insight->text = $insight_text;
             $my_insight->header_image = $header_image;
             $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_MED;
             $my_insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);