public function doUpdateAction($params) { $result = false; if (strlen($params['name'])) { $xm = new \Innomatic\Process\Hook($this->rootda, $params['functionapplication'], $params['function']); if ($xm->update($params['event'], $this->appname, $params['hookhandler'], $params['hookmethod'])) { $result = true; } else { $this->mLog->logEvent('innomatic.hookcomponent.hookcomponent.doupdateaction', 'In application ' . $this->appname . ', component ' . $params['name'] . ': Unable to update hook', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } } else { $this->mLog->logEvent('innomatic.hookcomponent.hookcomponent.doupdateaction', 'In application ' . $this->appname . ', component ' . $params['name'] . ': Empty hook name', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } return $result; }
public function doUninstallAction($params) { $result = false; if (strlen($params['name'])) { if (!isset($params['function'])) { $params['function'] = ''; } $xm = new \Innomatic\Process\Hook($this->rootda, $this->appname, $params['function']); if ($xm->RemoveEvent($params['event'])) { $result = true; } else { $this->mLog->logEvent('innomatic.hookcomponent.hookcomponent.douninstallaction', 'In application ' . $this->appname . ', component ' . $params['name'] . ': Unable to remove hookevent', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } } else { $this->mLog->logEvent('innomatic.hookcomponent.hookcomponent.douninstallaction', 'In application ' . $this->appname . ', component ' . $params['name'] . ': Empty hook nameevent', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } return $result; }
/** * Updates the account information. */ public function update($name, $host = 'localhost', $port = '80', $path = '', $username = '', $password = '', $proxy = '', $proxyPort = '') { $result = false; $hook = new \Innomatic\Process\Hook($this->dataAccess, 'innomatic', 'webservicesaccount.update'); if ($hook->callHooks('calltime', $this, array('name' => $name, 'host' => $host, 'port' => $port, 'path' => $path, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password)) == \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) { if ($this->mId) { if (strlen($name)) { $result = $this->dataAccess->execute('UPDATE webservices_accounts ' . 'SET ' . 'name=' . $this->dataAccess->formatText($name) . ',' . 'host=' . $this->dataAccess->formatText($host) . ',' . 'path=' . $this->dataAccess->formatText($path) . ',' . 'port=' . $this->dataAccess->formatText($port) . ',' . 'username='******',' . 'password='******',' . 'proxy=' . $this->dataAccess->formatText($proxy) . ',' . 'proxyport=' . $this->dataAccess->formatText($proxyPort) . ' ' . 'WHERE id=' . (int) $this->mId); if ($result) { if ($hook->callHooks('accountudpated', $this, array('name' => $name, 'host' => $host, 'port' => $port, 'path' => $path, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'id' => $this->mId)) != \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) { $result = false; } } else { $result = WebServicesAccount::UPDATE_UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_ACCOUNT; } } else { $result = WebServicesAccount::UPDATE_EMPTY_ACCOUNT_NAME; } } else { $result = WebServicesAccount::REMOVE_EMPTY_ACCOUNT_ID; } } return $result; }
public function shutdown($exit = true) { if ($this->state != \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::STATE_SETUP) { if (is_object($this->rootDb)) { $hook = new \Innomatic\Process\Hook($this->rootDb, 'innomatic', 'instance'); $null = ''; switch ($hook->callHooks('shutdown', $null, '')) { case \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_ABORT: $this->abort('Shutdown aborted'); break; } } } switch ($this->state) { case \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::STATE_DEBUG: if (is_object($this->loadTimer) and RootContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\RootContainer')->isClean() == true) { $this->loadTimer->Mark('end'); $log = $this->getLogger(); $log->logEvent('innomatic', 'Profiler total time: ' . $this->loadTimer->getTotalTime(), \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::DEBUG); $fh = @fopen($this->home . 'core/temp/pids/' . $this->pid, 'w'); if ($fh) { $dump = \Innomatic\Debug\InnomaticDump::instance('\\Innomatic\\Debug\\InnomaticDump'); $dump->snapshot(); @fwrite($fh, serialize($dump)); @fclose($fh); } } break; } if (!RootContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\RootContainer')->isClean()) { if (is_object($this->loadTimer)) { $this->loadTimer->Mark('end'); $log = $this->getLogger(); $log->logEvent('innomatic', 'Profiler total time: ' . $this->loadTimer->getTotalTime(), \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::DEBUG); } $fh = @fopen($this->home . 'core/temp/pids/' . $this->pid . '_coredump', 'w'); if ($fh) { $dump = \Innomatic\Debug\InnomaticDump::instance('\\Innomatic\\Debug\\InnomaticDump'); $dump->snapshot(); @fwrite($fh, serialize($dump)); @fclose($fh); } } if (!RootContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\RootContainer')->isClean() or $this->state != \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::STATE_DEBUG and file_exists($this->home . 'core/temp/pids/' . $this->pid)) { @unlink($this->home . 'core/temp/pids/' . $this->pid); } if ($exit) { exit; } }
public function disable($domainid) { $result = false; $hook = new \Innomatic\Process\Hook($this->rootda, 'innomatic', 'application.disable'); if ($hook->callHooks('calltime', $this, array('domainserial' => $domainid, 'modserial' => $this->serial)) == \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) { if ($this->serial) { // Checks if the application exists in applications table // $modquery = $this->rootda->execute('SELECT * FROM applications WHERE id=' . (int) $this->serial); if ($modquery->getNumberRows() == 1) { $appdata = $modquery->getFields(); if ($appdata['onlyextension'] != $this->rootda->fmttrue) { // Checks if the structure file still exists // if (file_exists($this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $appdata['appid'] . '/application.xml')) { $this->appname = $appdata['appid']; $domainquery = $this->rootda->execute('SELECT * FROM domains WHERE id=' . $this->rootda->formatText((int) $domainid)); $domaindata = $domainquery->getFields(); if ($this->container->getEdition() == \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::EDITION_MULTITENANT) { $args['dbtype'] = $domaindata['dataaccesstype']; $args['dbname'] = $domaindata['domaindaname']; $args['dbhost'] = $domaindata['dataaccesshost']; $args['dbport'] = $domaindata['dataaccessport']; $args['dbuser'] = $domaindata['dataaccessuser']; $args['dbpass'] = $domaindata['dataaccesspassword']; $args['dblog'] = $this->container->getHome() . 'core/domains/' . $domaindata['domainid'] . '/log/dataaccess.log'; $dasnString = $args['dbtype'] . '://' . $args['dbuser'] . ':' . $args['dbpass'] . '@' . $args['dbhost'] . ':' . $args['dbport'] . '/' . $args['dbname'] . '?' . 'logfile=' . $args['dblog']; $this->domainda = \Innomatic\Dataaccess\DataAccessFactory::getDataAccess(new \Innomatic\Dataaccess\DataAccessSourceName($dasnString)); $this->domainda->Connect(); } else { $this->domainda = $this->rootda; } // Dependencies check // $this->unmetdeps = array(); $this->unmetsuggs = array(); $appdeps = new ApplicationDependencies(); $pendingdeps = $appdeps->checkDomainDependingApplications($this->appname, $domaindata['domainid'], false); $modenabled = $appdeps->isEnabled($this->appname, $domaindata['domainid']); // If dependencies are ok, go on // if ($pendingdeps == false and $modenabled == true) { $result = $this->HandleStructure($this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $appdata['appid'] . '/application.xml', Application::INSTALL_MODE_DISABLE, $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $appdata['appid'] . '/', $domainid); $modquery = $this->rootda->execute('SELECT id FROM applications WHERE appid=' . $this->rootda->formatText($this->appname)); $this->rootda->execute('DELETE FROM applications_enabled WHERE applicationid=' . (int) $this->serial . ' AND domainid=' . $this->rootda->formatText($domainid)); $this->rootda->execute('DELETE FROM applications_options_disabled WHERE applicationid=' . (int) $this->serial . ' AND domainid=' . (int) $domainid); if ($this->container->getConfig()->Value('SecurityAlertOnApplicationDomainOperation') == '1') { $innomaticSecurity = new \Innomatic\Security\SecurityManager(); $innomaticSecurity->sendAlert('Application ' . $appdata['appid'] . ' has been disabled from domain ' . $domaindata['domainid']); unset($innomaticSecurity); } if ($hook->callHooks('applicationdisabled', $this, array('domainserial' => $domainid, 'modserial' => $this->serial)) != \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) { $result = false; } } elseif ($modenabled == false) { } else { $this->unmetdeps = $pendingdeps; } //if ( $result == true ) $this->mLog->logEvent( // 'Innomatic', // 'Uninstalled application '.$this->appname, // \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::NOTICE //); $domainquery->free(); } else { $log = $this->container->getLogger(); $log->logEvent('innomatic.applications.applications.disable', 'Structure file ' . $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $appdata['appid'] . '/application.xml' . ' for application ' . $appdata['appid'] . ' was not found', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } } else { $log = $this->container->getLogger(); $log->logEvent('innomatic.applications.applications.disable', 'Tried to disable application ' . $appdata['appid'] . ', but it is an extension only application', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } } else { $log = $this->container->getLogger(); $log->logEvent('innomatic.applications.applications.disable', 'A application with serial ' . $this->serial . ' was not found in applications table', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } $modquery->free(); } else { $log = $this->container->getLogger(); $log->logEvent('innomatic.applications.applications.disable', 'Empty application serial', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } } return $result; }
public function disableApplication($appid) { $result = false; $hook = new \Innomatic\Process\Hook($this->rootda, 'innomatic', 'domain.application.disable'); if ($hook->callHooks('calltime', $this, array('domainserial' => $this->domainserial, 'appid' => $appid)) == \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) { if (!empty($this->dataAccess) and !empty($appid) and $this->isApplicationEnabled($appid)) { $modquery = $this->rootda->execute('SELECT appid FROM applications WHERE id=' . (int) $appid); $tmpmod = new \Innomatic\Application\Application($this->rootda, $appid); $this->container->setCurrentDomain($this); if ($tmpmod->Disable($this->domainserial)) { if ($hook->CallHooks('applicationdisabled', $this, array('domainserial' => $this->domainserial, 'appid' => $appid)) == \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) { $result = true; } $log = $this->container->getLogger(); $log->logEvent($this->domainid, 'Disabled application ' . $modquery->getFields('appid'), \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::NOTICE); $this->domainlog->logEvent($this->domainid, 'Disabled application ' . $modquery->getFields('appid'), \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::NOTICE); } $this->unmetdeps = $tmpmod->getLastActionUnmetDeps(); } } return $result; }
public function Rename($profileName) { $result = false; $hook = new \Innomatic\Process\Hook($this->mRootDb, 'innomatic', 'webservicesprofile.rename'); if ($hook->callHooks('calltime', $this, array('name' => $profileName)) == \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) { if ($this->mRootDb) { if ($this->mProfileId) { if (strlen($profileName)) { // Removes the profile // $result = $this->mRootDb->execute('UPDATE webservices_profiles ' . 'SET profilename=' . $this->mRootDb->formatText($profileName) . ' ' . 'WHERE id=' . (int) $this->mProfileId); $hook->callHooks('profilerenamed', $this, array('name' => $profileName)); } else { $this->mLog->logEvent('innomatic.webservicesprofile.rename', 'Empty new profile name', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } } else { $this->mLog->logEvent('innomatic.webservicesprofile.rename', 'Object not assigned to a profile', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } } else { $this->mLog->logEvent('innomatic.webservicesprofile.rename', 'Invalid Innomatic database handler', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } } return $result; }
public function restore($userId = '') { $result = false; $hook = new \Innomatic\Process\Hook($this->mrRootDb, 'innowork-core', 'innowork.item.restore'); // Call startcall hooks if ($this->mItemId and $this->mNoTrash == false && $hook->callHooks('startcall', $this, array('userid' => $userId)) != \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) { return false; } // If no user id has been give, user the current user one if (!strlen($userId)) { $userId = $this->container->getCurrentUser()->getUserId(); } // If the user has enough ACL permissions, restore the item if ($this->mNoAcl == true or $userId == $this->mOwnerId or $this->mAcl->checkPermission('', $userId) >= InnoworkAcl::PERMS_DELETE) { $result = $this->doRestore($userId); if ($result) { // Set the item as not trashed $result = $this->mrDomainDA->execute('UPDATE ' . $this->mTable . ' SET trashed=' . $this->mrDomainDA->formatText($this->mrDomainDA->fmtfalse) . ' WHERE id=' . $this->mItemId); // Clean item cache $this->cleanCache(); } } else { $this->mLastError = InnoworkAcl::ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_PERMS; } // Call endcall hooks if ($hook->callHooks('endcall', $this, array('userid' => $userId)) != \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) { return false; } return $result; }
public function remove() { $hook = new \Innomatic\Process\Hook($this->rootDA, 'innomatic', 'domain.user.remove'); if ($hook->callHooks('calltime', $this, array('domainserial' => $this->domainserial, 'userid' => $this->userid)) == \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) { if ($this->userid != 0) { $result = $this->domainDA->execute('DELETE FROM domain_users WHERE id=' . (int) $this->userid); // Remove user dir $domain_query = $this->rootDA->execute('SELECT domainid FROM domains WHERE id=' . (int) $this->domainserial); if ($this->container->getHome() . 'core/domains/' . $domain_query->getFields('domainid') . '/users/' . $this->username != $this->container->getHome() . 'core/domains/' . $domain_query->getFields('domainid') . '/users/') { \Innomatic\Io\Filesystem\DirectoryUtils::unlinkTree($this->container->getHome() . 'core/domains/' . $domain_query->getFields('domainid') . '/users/' . $this->username, 0755); } // Remove cached items $cache_gc = new \Innomatic\Datatransfer\Cache\CacheGarbageCollector(); $cache_gc->removeUserItems((int) $this->userid); //$this->htp->remuser( $this->username ); if ($hook->callHooks('userremoved', $this, array('domainserial' => $this->domainserial, 'userid' => $this->userid)) != \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) { $result = false; } $this->userid = 0; $this->userExists = false; } } return $result; }