Exemple #1
  * Return the instance fields of itemtype identified by id
  * @param $itemtype    string  itemtype (class) of object
  * @param $id          integer identifier of object
  * @param $params      array   with theses options :
  *    - 'expand_dropdowns': Show dropdown's names instead of id. default: false. Optionnal
  *    - 'get_hateoas':      Show relation of current item in a links attribute. default: true. Optionnal
  *    - 'get_sha1':         Get a sha1 signature instead of the full answer. default: false. Optionnal
  *    - 'with_components':  Only for [Computer, NetworkEquipment, Peripheral, Phone, Printer], Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_disks':       Only for Computer, retrieve the associated filesystems. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_softwares':   Only for Computer, retrieve the associated softwares installations. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_connections': Only for Computer, retrieve the associated direct connections (like peripherals and printers) .Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_networkports':Retrieve all network connections and advanced network informations. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_infocoms':    Retrieve financial and administrative informations. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_contracts':   Retrieve associated contracts. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_documents':   Retrieve associated external documents. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_tickets':     Retrieve associated itil tickets. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_problems':    Retrieve associated itil problems. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_changes':     Retrieve associated itil changes. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_notes':       Retrieve Notes (if exists, not all itemtypes have notes). Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_logs':        Retrieve historical. Optionnal.
  * @return     array    fields of found object
 protected function getItem($itemtype, $id, $params = array())
     global $CFG_GLPI, $DB;
     // default params
     $default = array('expand_dropdowns' => false, 'get_hateoas' => true, 'get_sha1' => false, 'with_components' => false, 'with_disks' => false, 'with_softwares' => false, 'with_connections' => false, 'with_networkports' => false, 'with_infocoms' => false, 'with_contracts' => false, 'with_documents' => false, 'with_tickets' => false, 'with_problems' => false, 'with_changes' => false, 'with_notes' => false, 'with_logs' => false);
     $params = array_merge($default, $params);
     $item = new $itemtype();
     if (!$item->getFromDB($id)) {
         return $this->messageNotfoundError();
     if (!$item->can($id, READ)) {
         return $this->messageRightError();
     $fields = $item->fields;
     // avoid disclosure of critical fields
     // retrieve devices
     if (isset($params['with_devices']) && $params['with_devices'] && in_array($itemtype, Item_Devices::getConcernedItems())) {
         $all_devices = array();
         foreach (Item_Devices::getItemAffinities($item->getType()) as $device_type) {
             $found_devices = getAllDatasFromTable($device_type::getTable(), "`items_id` = '" . $item->getID() . "'\n                                                   AND `itemtype` = '" . $item->getType() . "'\n                                                   AND `is_deleted` = '0'", true);
             foreach ($found_devices as $devices_id => &$device) {
             if (!empty($found_devices)) {
                 $all_devices[$device_type] = $found_devices;
         $fields['_devices'] = $all_devices;
     // retrieve computer disks
     if (isset($params['with_disks']) && $params['with_disks'] && $itemtype == "Computer") {
         // build query to retrive filesystems
         $query = "SELECT `glpi_filesystems`.`name` AS fsname,\n                          `glpi_computerdisks`.*\n                   FROM `glpi_computerdisks`\n                   LEFT JOIN `glpi_filesystems`\n                             ON (`glpi_computerdisks`.`filesystems_id` = `glpi_filesystems`.`id`)\n                   WHERE `computers_id` = '{$id}'\n                         AND `is_deleted` = '0'";
         $fields['_disks'] = array();
         if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
             while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 $fields['_disks'][] = array('name' => $data);
     // retrieve computer softwares
     if (isset($params['with_softwares']) && $params['with_softwares'] && $itemtype == "Computer") {
         $fields['_softwares'] = array();
         if (!Software::canView()) {
             $fields['_softwares'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT `glpi_softwares`.`softwarecategories_id`,\n                             `glpi_softwares`.`id` AS softwares_id,\n                             `glpi_softwareversions`.`id` AS softwareversions_id,\n                             `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_dynamic`,\n                             `glpi_softwareversions`.`states_id`,\n                             `glpi_softwares`.`is_valid`\n                      FROM `glpi_computers_softwareversions`\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwareversions`\n                           ON (`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`softwareversions_id`\n                                 = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`)\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwares`\n                           ON (`glpi_softwareversions`.`softwares_id` = `glpi_softwares`.`id`)\n                      WHERE `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`computers_id` = '{$id}'\n                            AND `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                      ORDER BY `glpi_softwares`.`name`, `glpi_softwareversions`.`name`";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_softwares'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item connections
     if (isset($params['with_connections']) && $params['with_connections'] && $itemtype == "Computer") {
         $fields['_connections'] = array();
         foreach ($CFG_GLPI["directconnect_types"] as $connect_type) {
             $connect_item = new $connect_type();
             if ($connect_item->canView()) {
                 $query = "SELECT `glpi_computers_items`.`id` AS assoc_id,\n                         `glpi_computers_items`.`computers_id` AS assoc_computers_id,\n                         `glpi_computers_items`.`itemtype` AS assoc_itemtype,\n                         `glpi_computers_items`.`items_id` AS assoc_items_id,\n                         `glpi_computers_items`.`is_dynamic` AS assoc_is_dynamic,\n                         " . getTableForItemType($connect_type) . ".*\n                         FROM `glpi_computers_items`\n                         LEFT JOIN `" . getTableForItemType($connect_type) . "`\n                           ON (`" . getTableForItemType($connect_type) . "`.`id`\n                                 = `glpi_computers_items`.`items_id`)\n                         WHERE `computers_id` = '{$id}'\n                               AND `itemtype` = '" . $connect_type . "'\n                               AND `glpi_computers_items`.`is_deleted` = '0'";
                 if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                     while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                         $fields['_connections'][$connect_type][] = $data;
     // retrieve item networkports
     if (isset($params['with_networkports']) && $params['with_networkports']) {
         $fields['_networkports'] = array();
         if (!NetworkEquipment::canView()) {
             $fields['_networkports'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             foreach (NetworkPort::getNetworkPortInstantiations() as $networkport_type) {
                 $netport_table = $networkport_type::getTable();
                 $query = "SELECT\n                           netp.`id` as netport_id,\n                           netp.`entities_id`,\n                           netp.`is_recursive`,\n                           netp.`logical_number`,\n                           netp.`name`,\n                           netp.`mac`,\n                           netp.`comment`,\n                           netp.`is_dynamic`,\n                           netp_subtable.*\n                         FROM glpi_networkports AS netp\n                         LEFT JOIN `{$netport_table}` AS netp_subtable\n                           ON netp_subtable.`networkports_id` = netp.`id`\n                         WHERE netp.`instantiation_type` = '{$networkport_type}'\n                           AND netp.`items_id` = '{$id}'\n                           AND netp.`itemtype` = '{$itemtype}'\n                           AND netp.`is_deleted` = '0'";
                 if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                     while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                         if (isset($data['netport_id'])) {
                             // append network name
                             $query_netn = "SELECT\n                              GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(ipadr.`id`, '" . Search::SHORTSEP . "' , ipadr.`name`)\n                                           SEPARATOR '" . Search::LONGSEP . "') as ipadresses,\n                              netn.`id` as networknames_id,\n                              netn.`name` as networkname,\n                              netn.`fqdns_id`,\n                              fqdn.`name` as fqdn_name,\n                              fqdn.`fqdn`\n                           FROM `glpi_networknames` AS netn\n                           LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses` AS ipadr\n                              ON ipadr.`itemtype` = 'NetworkName' AND ipadr.`items_id` = netn.`id`\n                           LEFT JOIN `glpi_fqdns` AS fqdn\n                              ON fqdn.`id` = netn.`fqdns_id`\n                           LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks` ipadnet\n                              ON ipadnet.`ipaddresses_id` = ipadr.`id`\n                           LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipnetworks` `ipnet`\n                              ON ipnet.`id` = ipadnet.`ipnetworks_id`\n                           WHERE netn.`itemtype` = 'NetworkPort'\n                             AND netn.`items_id` = " . $data['netport_id'] . "\n                           GROUP BY netn.`id`, netn.`name`, netn.fqdns_id, fqdn.name, fqdn.fqdn";
                             if ($result_netn = $DB->query($query_netn)) {
                                 $data_netn = $DB->fetch_assoc($result_netn);
                                 $raw_ipadresses = explode(Search::LONGSEP, $data_netn['ipadresses']);
                                 $ipadresses = array();
                                 foreach ($raw_ipadresses as $ipadress) {
                                     $ipadress = explode(Search::SHORTSEP, $ipadress);
                                     //find ip network attached to these ip
                                     $ipnetworks = array();
                                     $query_ipnet = "SELECT\n                                    ipnet.`id`,\n                                    ipnet.`completename`,\n                                    ipnet.`name`,\n                                    ipnet.`address`,\n                                    ipnet.`netmask`,\n                                    ipnet.`gateway`,\n                                    ipnet.`ipnetworks_id`,\n                                    ipnet.`comment`\n                                 FROM `glpi_ipnetworks` ipnet\n                                 INNER JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks` ipadnet\n                                    ON ipnet.`id` = ipadnet.`ipnetworks_id`\n                                    AND ipadnet.`ipaddresses_id` = " . $ipadress[0];
                                     if ($result_ipnet = $DB->query($query_ipnet)) {
                                         while ($data_ipnet = $DB->fetch_assoc($result_ipnet)) {
                                             $ipnetworks[] = $data_ipnet;
                                     $ipadresses[] = array('id' => $ipadress[0], 'name' => $ipadress[1], 'IPNetwork' => $ipnetworks);
                                 $data['NetworkName'] = array('id' => $data_netn['networknames_id'], 'name' => $data_netn['networkname'], 'fqdns_id' => $data_netn['fqdns_id'], 'FQDN' => array('id' => $data_netn['fqdns_id'], 'name' => $data_netn['fqdn_name'], 'fqdn' => $data_netn['fqdn']), 'IPAddress' => $ipadresses);
                         $fields['_networkports'][$networkport_type][] = $data;
     // retrieve item infocoms
     if (isset($params['with_infocoms']) && $params['with_infocoms']) {
         $fields['_infocoms'] = array();
         if (!Infocom::canView()) {
             $fields['_infocoms'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $ic = new Infocom();
             if ($ic->getFromDBforDevice($itemtype, $id)) {
                 $fields['_infocoms'] = $ic->fields;
     // retrieve item contracts
     if (isset($params['with_contracts']) && $params['with_contracts']) {
         $fields['_contracts'] = array();
         if (!Contract::canView()) {
             $fields['_contracts'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT `glpi_contracts_items`.*\n                     FROM `glpi_contracts_items`,\n                          `glpi_contracts`\n                     LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities` ON (`glpi_contracts`.`entities_id`=`glpi_entities`.`id`)\n                     WHERE `glpi_contracts`.`id`=`glpi_contracts_items`.`contracts_id`\n                           AND `glpi_contracts_items`.`items_id` = '{$id}'\n                           AND `glpi_contracts_items`.`itemtype` = '{$itemtype}'" . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND", "glpi_contracts", '', '', true) . "\n                     ORDER BY `glpi_contracts`.`name`";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_contracts'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item contracts
     if (isset($params['with_documents']) && $params['with_documents']) {
         $fields['_documents'] = array();
         if (!$itemtype != 'Ticket' && $itemtype != 'KnowbaseItem' && $itemtype != 'Reminder' && !Document::canView()) {
             $fields['_documents'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT `glpi_documents_items`.`id` AS assocID,\n                             `glpi_documents_items`.`date_mod` AS assocdate,\n                             `glpi_entities`.`id` AS entityID,\n                             `glpi_entities`.`completename` AS entity,\n                             `glpi_documentcategories`.`completename` AS headings,\n                             `glpi_documents`.*\n                      FROM `glpi_documents_items`\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_documents`\n                                ON (`glpi_documents_items`.`documents_id`=`glpi_documents`.`id`)\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities` ON (`glpi_documents`.`entities_id`=`glpi_entities`.`id`)\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_documentcategories`\n                              ON (`glpi_documents`.`documentcategories_id`=`glpi_documentcategories`.`id`)\n                      WHERE `glpi_documents_items`.`items_id` = '{$id}'\n                            AND `glpi_documents_items`.`itemtype` = '{$itemtype}' ";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_documents'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item tickets
     if (isset($params['with_tickets']) && $params['with_tickets']) {
         $fields['_tickets'] = array();
         if (!Ticket::canView()) {
             $fields['_tickets'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT " . Ticket::getCommonSelect() . "\n                      FROM `glpi_tickets` " . Ticket::getCommonLeftJoin() . "\n                      WHERE `glpi_items_tickets`.`items_id` = '{$id}'\n                             AND `glpi_items_tickets`.`itemtype` = '{$itemtype}' " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", "glpi_tickets") . "\n                      ORDER BY `glpi_tickets`.`date_mod` DESC";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_tickets'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item problems
     if (isset($params['with_problems']) && $params['with_problems']) {
         $fields['_problems'] = array();
         if (!Problem::canView()) {
             $fields['_problems'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT " . Problem::getCommonSelect() . "\n                            FROM `glpi_problems`\n                            LEFT JOIN `glpi_items_problems`\n                              ON (`glpi_problems`.`id` = `glpi_items_problems`.`problems_id`) " . Problem::getCommonLeftJoin() . "\n                            WHERE `items_id` = '{$id}'\n                                  AND `itemtype` = '{$itemtype}' " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", "glpi_problems") . "\n                            ORDER BY `glpi_problems`.`date_mod` DESC";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_problems'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item changes
     if (isset($params['with_changes']) && $params['with_changes']) {
         $fields['_changes'] = array();
         if (!Change::canView()) {
             $fields['_changes'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT " . Change::getCommonSelect() . "\n                            FROM `glpi_changes`\n                            LEFT JOIN `glpi_changes_items`\n                              ON (`glpi_changes`.`id` = `glpi_changes_items`.`problems_id`) " . Change::getCommonLeftJoin() . "\n                            WHERE `items_id` = '{$id}'\n                                  AND `itemtype` = '{$itemtype}' " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", "glpi_changes") . "\n                            ORDER BY `glpi_changes`.`date_mod` DESC";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_changes'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item notes
     if (isset($params['with_notes']) && $params['with_notes']) {
         $fields['_notes'] = array();
         if (!Session::haveRight($itemtype::$rightname, READNOTE)) {
             $fields['_notes'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $fields['_notes'] = Notepad::getAllForItem($item);
     // retrieve item logs
     if (isset($params['with_logs']) && $params['with_logs']) {
         $fields['_logs'] = array();
         if (!Session::haveRight($itemtype::$rightname, READNOTE)) {
             $fields['_logs'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $fields['_logs'] = getAllDatasFromTable("glpi_logs", "`items_id` = '" . $item->getID() . "'\n                                                    AND `itemtype` = '" . $item->getType() . "'");
     // expand dropdown (retrieve name of dropdowns) and get hateoas from foreign keys
     $fields = self::parseDropdowns($fields, $params);
     // get hateoas from children
     if ($params['get_hateoas']) {
         $hclasses = self::getHatoasClasses($itemtype);
         foreach ($hclasses as $hclass) {
             $fields['links'][] = array('rel' => $hclass, 'href' => self::$api_url . "/{$itemtype}/" . $item->getID() . "/{$hclass}/");
     // get sha1 footprint if needed
     if ($params['get_sha1']) {
         $fields = sha1(json_encode($fields, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK));
     return $fields;
  * Show report title
 static function title()
     global $PLUGIN_HOOKS, $CFG_GLPI;
     // Report generation
     // Default Report included
     $report_list["default"]["name"] = __('Default report');
     $report_list["default"]["file"] = "report.default.php";
     if (Contract::canView()) {
         // Rapport ajoute par GLPI V0.2
         $report_list["Contrats"]["name"] = __('By contract');
         $report_list["Contrats"]["file"] = "report.contract.php";
     if (Infocom::canView()) {
         $report_list["Par_annee"]["name"] = __('By year');
         $report_list["Par_annee"]["file"] = "report.year.php";
         $report_list["Infocoms"]["name"] = __('Hardware financial and administrative information');
         $report_list["Infocoms"]["file"] = "report.infocom.php";
         $report_list["Infocoms2"]["name"] = __('Other financial and administrative information (licenses, cartridges, consumables)');
         $report_list["Infocoms2"]["file"] = "report.infocom.conso.php";
     if (Session::haveRight("networking", READ)) {
         $report_list["Rapport prises reseau"]["name"] = __('Network report');
         $report_list["Rapport prises reseau"]["file"] = "report.networking.php";
     if (Session::haveRight("reservation", READ)) {
         $report_list["reservation"]["name"] = __('Loan');
         $report_list["reservation"]["file"] = "report.reservation.php";
     if (Computer::canView() || Monitor::canView() || Session::haveRight("networking", READ) || Peripheral::canView() || Printer::canView() || Phone::canView()) {
         $report_list["state"]["name"] = _n('Status', 'Statuses', Session::getPluralNumber());
         $report_list["state"]["file"] = "report.state.php";
     //Affichage du tableau de presentation des stats
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . __('Select the report you want to generate') . "</th></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center'>";
     $count = count($report_list);
     $selected = -1;
     $values = array($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . '/front/report.php' => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE);
     while ($data = each($report_list)) {
         $val = $data[0];
         $name = $report_list["{$val}"]["name"];
         $file = $report_list["{$val}"]["file"];
         $key = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/" . $file;
         $values[$key] = $name;
         if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $key) !== false) {
             $selected = $key;
     $names = array();
     $optgroup = array();
     if (isset($PLUGIN_HOOKS["reports"]) && is_array($PLUGIN_HOOKS["reports"])) {
         foreach ($PLUGIN_HOOKS["reports"] as $plug => $pages) {
             if (is_array($pages) && count($pages)) {
                 foreach ($pages as $page => $name) {
                     $names[$plug . '/' . $page] = array("name" => $name, "plug" => $plug);
                     $optgroup[$plug] = Plugin::getInfo($plug, 'name');
     foreach ($optgroup as $opt => $title) {
         $group = $title;
         foreach ($names as $key => $val) {
             if ($opt == $val["plug"]) {
                 $file = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/" . $key;
                 $values[$group][$file] = $val["name"];
                 if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $file) !== false) {
                     $selected = $file;
     Dropdown::showFromArray('statmenu', $values, array('on_change' => "window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value", 'value' => $selected));
     echo "</td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     echo "</table>";
Exemple #3
  * Return the instance fields of itemtype identified by id
  * @since version 9.1
  * @param      string   $itemtype  itemtype (class) of object
  * @param      integer  $id        identifier of object
  * @param      array   $params   array with theses options :
  *    - 'expand_dropdowns' : show dropdown's names instead of id. default: false. Optionnal
  *    - 'get_hateoas' :      show relation of current item in a links attribute. default: true. Optionnal
  *    - 'with_components' :  Only for [Computer, NetworkEquipment, Peripheral, Phone, Printer], Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_disks' :       Only for Computer, retrieve the associated filesystems. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_softwares' :   Only for Computer, retrieve the associated softwares installations. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_connections' : Only for Computer, retrieve the associated direct connections (like peripherals and printers) .Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_networkports' :Retrieve all network connections and advanced network informations. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_infocoms' :    Retrieve financial and administrative informations. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_contracts' :   Retrieve associated contracts. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_documents' :   Retrieve associated external documents. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_tickets' :     Retrieve associated itil tickets. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_problems' :    Retrieve associated itil problems. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_changes' :     Retrieve associated itil changes. Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_notes' :       Retrieve Notes (if exists, not all itemtypes have notes). Optionnal.
  *    - 'with_logs' :        Retrieve historical. Optionnal.
  * @return     array    fields of found object
 protected function getItem($itemtype, $id, $params = array())
     global $CFG_GLPI, $DB;
     // default params
     $default = array('expand_dropdowns' => false, 'get_hateoas' => true, 'with_components' => false, 'with_disks' => false, 'with_softwares' => false, 'with_connections' => false, 'with_networkports' => false, 'with_infocoms' => false, 'with_contracts' => false, 'with_documents' => false, 'with_tickets' => false, 'with_problems' => false, 'with_changes' => false, 'with_notes' => false, 'with_logs' => false);
     $params = array_merge($default, $params);
     $item = new $itemtype();
     if (!$item->getFromDB($id)) {
         return $this->messageNotfoundError();
     if (!$item->can($id, READ)) {
         return $this->messageRightError();
     $fields = $item->fields;
     // retrieve devices
     if (isset($params['with_devices']) && $params['with_devices'] && in_array($itemtype, Item_Devices::getConcernedItems())) {
         $all_devices = array();
         foreach (Item_Devices::getItemAffinities($item->getType()) as $device_type) {
             $found_devices = getAllDatasFromTable($device_type::getTable(), "`items_id` = '" . $item->getID() . "'\n                                                   AND `itemtype` = '" . $item->getType() . "'\n                                                   AND `is_deleted` = '0'", true);
             foreach ($found_devices as $devices_id => &$device) {
             if (!empty($found_devices)) {
                 $all_devices[$device_type] = $found_devices;
         $fields['_devices'] = $all_devices;
     // retrieve computer disks
     if (isset($params['with_disks']) && $params['with_disks'] && $itemtype == "Computer") {
         // build query to retrive filesystems
         $query = "SELECT `glpi_filesystems`.`name` AS fsname,\n                          `glpi_computerdisks`.*\n                   FROM `glpi_computerdisks`\n                   LEFT JOIN `glpi_filesystems`\n                             ON (`glpi_computerdisks`.`filesystems_id` = `glpi_filesystems`.`id`)\n                   WHERE `computers_id` = '{$id}'\n                         AND `is_deleted` = '0'";
         if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
             while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 $fields['_disks'][] = array('name' => $data);
     // retrieve computer softwares
     if (isset($params['with_softwares']) && $params['with_softwares'] && $itemtype == "Computer") {
         $fields['_softwares'] = array();
         if (!Software::canView()) {
             $fields['_softwares'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT `glpi_softwares`.`softwarecategories_id`,\n                             `glpi_softwares`.`id` AS softwares_id,\n                             `glpi_softwareversions`.`id` AS softwareversions_id,\n                             `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_dynamic`,\n                             `glpi_softwareversions`.`states_id`,\n                             `glpi_softwares`.`is_valid`\n                      FROM `glpi_computers_softwareversions`\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwareversions`\n                           ON (`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`softwareversions_id`\n                                 = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`)\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwares`\n                           ON (`glpi_softwareversions`.`softwares_id` = `glpi_softwares`.`id`)\n                      WHERE `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`computers_id` = '{$id}'\n                            AND `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                      ORDER BY `glpi_softwares`.`name`, `glpi_softwareversions`.`name`";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_softwares'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item connections
     if (isset($params['with_connections']) && $params['with_connections'] && $itemtype == "Computer") {
         $fields['_connections'] = array();
         foreach ($CFG_GLPI["directconnect_types"] as $connect_type) {
             $connect_item = new $connect_type();
             if ($connect_item->canView()) {
                 $query = "SELECT `glpi_computers_items`.`id` AS assoc_id,\n                         `glpi_computers_items`.`computers_id` AS assoc_computers_id,\n                         `glpi_computers_items`.`itemtype` AS assoc_itemtype,\n                         `glpi_computers_items`.`items_id` AS assoc_items_id,\n                         `glpi_computers_items`.`is_dynamic` AS assoc_is_dynamic,\n                         " . getTableForItemType($connect_type) . ".*\n                         FROM `glpi_computers_items`\n                         LEFT JOIN `" . getTableForItemType($connect_type) . "`\n                           ON (`" . getTableForItemType($connect_type) . "`.`id`\n                                 = `glpi_computers_items`.`items_id`)\n                         WHERE `computers_id` = '{$id}'\n                               AND `itemtype` = '" . $connect_type . "'\n                               AND `glpi_computers_items`.`is_deleted` = '0'";
                 if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                     while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                         $fields['_connections'][$connect_type][] = $data;
     // retrieve item networkports
     if (isset($params['with_networkports']) && $params['with_networkports']) {
         $fields['_networkports'] = array();
         if (!NetworkEquipment::canView()) {
             $fields['_networkports'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             foreach (NetworkPort::getNetworkPortInstantiations() as $networkport_type) {
                 $query = "SELECT\n                           netp.`entities_id`,\n                           netp.`is_recursive`,\n                           netp.`logical_number`,\n                           netp.`name`,\n                           netp.`mac`,\n                           netp.`comment`,\n                           netp.`is_dynamic`,\n                           netp_subtable.*\n                         FROM glpi_networkports AS netp\n                         LEFT JOIN " . $networkport_type::getTable() . " AS netp_subtable\n                           ON netp_subtable.`networkports_id` = netp.`id`\n                         WHERE netp.`instantiation_type` = '{$networkport_type}'\n                               AND netp.`items_id` = '{$id}'\n                               AND netp.`itemtype` = '{$itemtype}'\n                               AND netp.`is_deleted` = '0'";
                 if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                     while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                         $fields['_networkports'][$networkport_type][] = $data;
     // retrieve item infocoms
     if (isset($params['with_infocoms']) && $params['with_infocoms']) {
         $fields['_infocoms'] = array();
         if (!Infocom::canView()) {
             $fields['_infocoms'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $ic = new Infocom();
             if ($ic->getFromDBforDevice($itemtype, $id)) {
                 $fields['_infocoms'] = $ic->fields;
     // retrieve item contracts
     if (isset($params['with_contracts']) && $params['with_contracts']) {
         $fields['_contracts'] = array();
         if (!Contract::canView()) {
             $fields['_contracts'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT `glpi_contracts_items`.*\n                     FROM `glpi_contracts_items`,\n                          `glpi_contracts`\n                     LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities` ON (`glpi_contracts`.`entities_id`=`glpi_entities`.`id`)\n                     WHERE `glpi_contracts`.`id`=`glpi_contracts_items`.`contracts_id`\n                           AND `glpi_contracts_items`.`items_id` = '{$id}'\n                           AND `glpi_contracts_items`.`itemtype` = '{$itemtype}'" . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND", "glpi_contracts", '', '', true) . "\n                     ORDER BY `glpi_contracts`.`name`";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_contracts'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item contracts
     if (isset($params['with_documents']) && $params['with_documents']) {
         $fields['_documents'] = array();
         if (!$itemtype != 'Ticket' && $itemtype != 'KnowbaseItem' && $itemtype != 'Reminder' && !Document::canView()) {
             $fields['_documents'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT `glpi_documents_items`.`id` AS assocID,\n                             `glpi_documents_items`.`date_mod` AS assocdate,\n                             `glpi_entities`.`id` AS entityID,\n                             `glpi_entities`.`completename` AS entity,\n                             `glpi_documentcategories`.`completename` AS headings,\n                             `glpi_documents`.*\n                      FROM `glpi_documents_items`\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_documents`\n                                ON (`glpi_documents_items`.`documents_id`=`glpi_documents`.`id`)\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities` ON (`glpi_documents`.`entities_id`=`glpi_entities`.`id`)\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_documentcategories`\n                              ON (`glpi_documents`.`documentcategories_id`=`glpi_documentcategories`.`id`)\n                      WHERE `glpi_documents_items`.`items_id` = '{$id}'\n                            AND `glpi_documents_items`.`itemtype` = '{$itemtype}' ";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_documents'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item tickets
     if (isset($params['with_tickets']) && $params['with_tickets']) {
         $fields['_tickets'] = array();
         if (!Ticket::canView()) {
             $fields['_tickets'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT " . Ticket::getCommonSelect() . "\n                      FROM `glpi_tickets` " . Ticket::getCommonLeftJoin() . "\n                      WHERE `glpi_items_tickets`.`items_id` = '{$id}'\n                             AND `glpi_items_tickets`.`itemtype` = '{$itemtype}' " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", "glpi_tickets") . "\n                      ORDER BY `glpi_tickets`.`date_mod` DESC";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_tickets'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item problems
     if (isset($params['with_problems']) && $params['with_problems']) {
         $fields['_problems'] = array();
         if (!Problem::canView()) {
             $fields['_problems'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT " . Problem::getCommonSelect() . "\n                            FROM `glpi_problems`\n                            LEFT JOIN `glpi_items_problems`\n                              ON (`glpi_problems`.`id` = `glpi_items_problems`.`problems_id`) " . Problem::getCommonLeftJoin() . "\n                            WHERE `items_id` = '{$id}'\n                                  AND `itemtype` = '{$itemtype}' " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", "glpi_problems") . "\n                            ORDER BY `glpi_problems`.`date_mod` DESC";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_problems'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item changes
     if (isset($params['with_changes']) && $params['with_changes']) {
         $fields['_changes'] = array();
         if (!Change::canView()) {
             $fields['_changes'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT " . Change::getCommonSelect() . "\n                            FROM `glpi_changes`\n                            LEFT JOIN `glpi_changes_items`\n                              ON (`glpi_changes`.`id` = `glpi_changes_items`.`problems_id`) " . Change::getCommonLeftJoin() . "\n                            WHERE `items_id` = '{$id}'\n                                  AND `itemtype` = '{$itemtype}' " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", "glpi_changes") . "\n                            ORDER BY `glpi_changes`.`date_mod` DESC";
             if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                 while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fields['_changes'][] = $data;
     // retrieve item notes
     if (isset($params['with_notes']) && $params['with_notes']) {
         $fields['_notes'] = array();
         if (!Session::haveRight($itemtype::$rightname, READNOTE)) {
             $fields['_notes'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $fields['_notes'] = Notepad::getAllForItem($itemtype);
     // retrieve item logs
     if (isset($params['with_logs']) && $params['with_logs']) {
         $fields['_logs'] = array();
         if (!Session::haveRight($itemtype::$rightname, READNOTE)) {
             $fields['_logs'] = self::arrayRightError();
         } else {
             $fields['_logs'] = getAllDatasFromTable("glpi_logs", "`items_id` = '" . $item->getID() . "'\n                                                    AND `itemtype` = '" . $item->getType() . "'");
     // expand dropdown (retrieve name of dropdowns) and get hateoas from foreign keys
     $fields = self::parseDropdowns($fields, $params);
     // get hateoas from children
     if ($params['get_hateoas']) {
         $hclasses = self::getHatoasClasses($itemtype);
         foreach ($hclasses as $hclass) {
             $fields['links'][] = array('rel' => $hclass, 'href' => self::$api_url . "/{$itemtype}/" . $item->getID() . "/{$hclass}/");
     return $fields;