Exemple #1
 function validerAction()
     $this->metas(array('DC.Title' => "Valider une inscription"));
     $this->branche->append("Inscriptions", array('action' => 'inscriptions', 'adelec' => null));
     $t = new Inscriptions();
     $this->assert(null, $t, 'valider', "Vous n'avez pas le droit de valider les inscriptions en attente.");
     $adelec = $this->_getParam('adelec');
     if ($adelec) {
         try {
             $ins = $t->findByEMail($adelec);
         } catch (Strass_Db_Table_NotFound $e) {
             $this->view->model = null;
     } else {
         if (!($ins = $t->fetchAll()->current())) {
             $this->view->model = null;
     $this->view->individu = $ind = $ins->findIndividus();
     $this->view->inscription = $ins;
     $this->view->model = $m = new Wtk_Form_Model('valider');
     $i = $m->addString('prenom', 'Prénom', $ins->prenom);
     $i->setReadonly((bool) $ind);
     $i = $m->addString('nom', 'Nom', $ins->nom);
     $i->setReadonly((bool) $ind);
     if ($ind) {
         $enum = array($ind->id => "Oui, rattacher à " . $ind->getFullname(), '$$nouveau$$' => "Non, c'est un homonyme, créer une nouvelle fiche");
         $m->addEnum('fiche', null, $ind->id, $enum);
     $m->addString('message', "Message à " . $ins->getFullname());
     $m->addNewSubmission('accepter', 'Accepter');
     $m->addNewSubmission('refuser', 'Spam !');
     if ($s = $m->validate()) {
         $tu = new Users();
         $ti = new Individus();
         $db = $ti->getAdapter();
         if ($s->id == 'accepter') {
             $creer = !$ind || $m->get('fiche') == '$$nouveau$$';
             if ($creer) {
                 $ind = new Individu();
                 $ind->slug = $ti->createSlug(wtk_strtoid($ins->getFullname()));
                 $ind->prenom = $m->prenom;
                 $ind->nom = $m->nom;
                 $ind->sexe = $ins->sexe;
                 $ind->naissance = $ins->naissance;
                 $ind->adelec = $ins->adelec;
             try {
                 if ($creer) {
                 $user = $ind->findUser();
                 if (!$user->isMember()) {
                     $user = new User();
                 $user->individu = $ind->id;
                 $user->username = $ins->adelec;
                 $user->password = $ins->password;
                 $mail = new Strass_Mail_InscriptionValide($user, $m->get('message'));
                 $this->logger->info("Inscription acceptée", $this->_helper->Url('fiche', 'individus', null, array('individu' => $ind->slug)), (string) $ind);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw $e;
             $this->_helper->Flash->info("Inscription acceptée");
         } else {
             try {
                 $this->logger->warn("Inscription de {$ins->adelec} refusée", $this->_helper->Url('inscriptions', 'membres', null, null, true));
                 $mail = new Strass_Mail_InscriptionRefus($ins, $m->get('message'));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw $e;
             $this->_helper->Flash->info("Inscription refusée");
         if ($this->_getParam('adelec')) {
             $this->redirectSimple('inscriptions', 'membres', null, null, true);
         } else {
Exemple #2
 function findCandidats($annee)
     $t = new Individus();
     $db = $t->getAdapter();
     $s = $t->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)->distinct()->from('individu')->join('unite_type', $db->quoteInto("unite_type.id = ?\n", intval($this->type)), array())->joinLeft('appartenance', $db->quoteInto('appartenance.individu = individu.id AND appartenance.unite = ?', $this->id) . ' AND ' . '(' . ('appartenance.fin IS NULL AND ' . $db->quoteInto("appartenance.debut < ?", Strass_Controller_Action_Helper_Annee::dateFin($annee))) . ')', array())->where('appartenance.id IS NULL')->where("unite_type.sexe IN ('m', individu.sexe)\n")->where("individu.naissance\n")->where("unite_type.age_min <= ? - individu.naissance - 1\n", $annee . '-8-01')->where("? - individu.naissance - 1 <= unite_type.age_max\n", $annee . '-8-01')->order('individu.nom', 'individu.prenom');
     return $t->fetchAll($s);