Exemple #1
 $username = trim($_POST["username"]);
 $email = trim($_POST["email"]);
 $password = $_POST["password"];
 $passwordConfirm = $_POST["passwordConfirm"];
 // Add the user to the database if no problem with all the data
 if (User::isValidRegistrationData($username, $email, $password, $passwordConfirm)) {
     $user = new User();
     $user->username = $username;
     $user->email = $email;
     $user->password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
     // Create default income/expense categories
     $incomeCategories = array("Work", "Other");
     $expenseCategories = array("Food", "Home", "Clothing", "Entertainment", "Transportation", "Other");
     foreach ($incomeCategories as $category) {
         $incomeType = new IncomeType();
         $incomeType->userID = $user->id;
         $incomeType->category = $category;
     foreach ($expenseCategories as $category) {
         $expenseType = new ExpenseType();
         $expenseType->userID = $user->id;
         $expenseType->category = $category;
     // Create default wishlist group
     $wishlistGroup = new WishlistGroup();
     $wishlistGroup->userID = $user->id;
     $wishlistGroup->groupName = "General";

$user = User::findById($session->userID);
$incomeTypes = IncomeType::findBySql('SELECT * FROM incometypes WHERE userID = "' . $user->id . '" ORDER BY id');
$expenseTypes = ExpenseType::findBySql('SELECT * FROM expensetypes WHERE userID = "' . $user->id . '" ORDER BY id');
// Fetch income and expense data based on the current view
if ($view === "daily") {
    $incomes = Income::findBySql('SELECT * FROM incomes WHERE userID = "' . $user->id . '" AND date = "' . $mySqlFormatedDate . '" ORDER BY id');
    $expenses = Expense::findBySql('SELECT * FROM expenses WHERE userID = "' . $user->id . '" AND date = "' . $mySqlFormatedDate . '" ORDER BY id');
} else {
    if ($view === "monthly" || $view === "yearly") {
        $incomes = Income::findBySql('SELECT * FROM incomes WHERE userID = "' . $user->id . '" AND date BETWEEN "' . $mySqlFormatedDateStart . '" AND "' . $mySqlFormatedDateEnd . '"');
        $expenses = Expense::findBySql('SELECT * FROM expenses WHERE userID = "' . $user->id . '" AND date BETWEEN "' . $mySqlFormatedDateStart . '" AND "' . $mySqlFormatedDateEnd . '"');
    } else {
        if ($view === "allTime") {
            $incomes = Income::findBySql('SELECT * FROM incomes WHERE userID = "' . $user->id . '" ORDER BY date');
            $expenses = Expense::findBySql('SELECT * FROM expenses WHERE userID = "' . $user->id . '" ORDER BY date');