public function getListForVisualization($langCode) { return WikiaDataAccess::cache($this->getCollectionsListVisualizationCacheKey($langCode), 6 * 60 * 60, function () use($langCode) { $list = $this->getList($langCode); foreach ($list as &$collection) { if (!empty($collection['sponsor_hero_image'])) { $collection['sponsor_hero_image'] = ImagesService::getLocalFileThumbUrlAndSizes($collection['sponsor_hero_image'], 0, ImagesService::EXT_JPG); } if (!empty($collection['sponsor_image'])) { $collection['sponsor_image'] = ImagesService::getLocalFileThumbUrlAndSizes($collection['sponsor_image'], 0, ImagesService::EXT_JPG); } $collection['wikis'] = $this->getWikisFromCollection($collection['id']); } return $list; }); }
public static function uploadFile(PromoImage $promoImage, GlobalTitle $sourceTitle, $sourceWikiId) { $sourceFile = \GlobalFile::newFromText($sourceTitle->getText(), $sourceWikiId); if (!$sourceFile->exists()) { echo "sourceFile doesn't exist" . PHP_EOL; return false; } $sourceImageUrl = $sourceFile->getUrl(); $user = User::newFromName('WikiaBot'); $imageData = new stdClass(); $imageData->name = $promoImage->getPathname(); $imageData->description = $imageData->comment = wfMessage('wikiahome-image-auto-uploaded-comment')->plain(); $result = ImagesService::uploadImageFromUrl($sourceImageUrl, $imageData, $user); if (!$result['status']) { var_dump($result['errors'], $sourceImageUrl); } return $result['status']; }
/** * Get image list * * @param integer $userId ID of the user to get the list for * @param string $from Timestamp to get images before * @return array List of images */ public function getImageList($userId, $from = null) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $imageList = []; $db = $this->getDatawareDB(DB_MASTER); $where = ['user_id' => $userId, 'state != ' . ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_DELETED . ' AND state != ' . ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_WIKI_DISABLED]; $from = wfTimestampOrNull(TS_DB, $from); if (!empty($from)) { $where[] = 'last_edited < ' . $db->addQuotes($from); } $result = $db->select(['image_review'], ['wiki_id, page_id, state, flags, priority, last_edited'], $where, __METHOD__, ['ORDER BY' => 'last_edited desc', 'LIMIT' => self::LIMIT_IMAGES]); foreach ($result as $row) { $img = ImagesService::getImageSrc($row->wiki_id, $row->page_id); $wikiRow = WikiFactory::getWikiByID($row->wiki_id); $extension = pathinfo(strtolower($img['page']), PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $isThumb = true; if (empty($img['src'])) { // If we don't have a thumb by this point, we still need to display something, fall back to placeholder $globalTitle = GlobalTitle::newFromId($row->page_id, $row->wiki_id); if (is_object($globalTitle)) { $img['page'] = $globalTitle->getFullUrl(); // @TODO this should be taken from the code instead of being hardcoded $img['src'] = '//'; } else { // This should never happen continue; } } if (in_array($extension, ['gif', 'svg'])) { $img = ImagesService::getImageOriginalUrl($row->wiki_id, $row->page_id); $isThumb = false; } $imageList[] = ['wikiId' => $row->wiki_id, 'pageId' => $row->page_id, 'state' => $row->state, 'src' => $img['src'], 'priority' => $row->priority, 'url' => $img['page'], 'isthumb' => $isThumb, 'flags' => $row->flags, 'wiki_url' => isset($wikiRow->city_url) ? $wikiRow->city_url : '', 'user_page' => '', 'last_edited' => $row->last_edited]; } $db->freeResult($result); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $imageList; }
protected function getImageSrcByTitle($wikiId, $imageTitle, $imgWidth, $imgHeight) { return ImagesService::getImageSrcByTitle($wikiId, $imageTitle, $imgWidth, $imgHeight); }
<?php // get wiki thumbnail and thumbnail tracking $image = (new PromoImage(PromoImage::MAIN))->setCityId($result['id'])->getPathname(); $isOnWikiMatch = isset($result['onWikiMatch']) && $result['onWikiMatch']; $thumbTracking = 'class="wiki-thumb-tracking" data-pos="' . $pos . '" data-event="search_click_wiki-thumb"'; $imageURL = ImagesService::getImageSrcByTitle((new CityVisualization())->getTargetWikiId($result['lang_s']), $image, WikiaSearchController::CROSS_WIKI_PROMO_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, WikiaSearchController::CROSS_WIKI_PROMO_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); if (empty($imageURL)) { // display placeholder image if no thumbnail $imageURL = $wg->ExtensionsPath . '/wikia/Search/images/wiki_image_placeholder.png'; $thumbTracking = 'class="wiki-thumb-tracking" data-pos="' . $pos . '" data-event="search_click_wiki-no-thumb"'; } $service = new Wikia\Search\MediaWikiService(); $pagesMsg = $service->shortnumForMsg($result['articles_i'] ?: 0, 'wikiasearch2-pages'); $imgMsg = $service->shortnumForMsg($result['images_i'] ?: 0, 'wikiasearch2-images'); $videoMsg = $service->shortnumForMsg($result['videos_i'] ?: 0, 'wikiasearch2-videos'); $title = ($sn = $result->getText('sitename_txt')) ? $sn : $result->getText('headline_txt'); $url = $result->getText('url'); ?> <div class="Results exact"> <p class="result-count subtle"> <?php echo wfMsg('wikiasearch2-exact-result', '<strong>' . $title . '</strong>'); ?> </p> <div class="result"> <?php $trackingData = 'class="result-link" data-pos="' . $pos . '"';
/** * Get first image from slider from selected hub v3 * * @param $cityId hub wiki id * @return null|string */ public function getHubV3Images($cityId) { $imageUrl = null; $destSize = $this->getHubsImgWidth() . 'x' . $this->getHubsImgHeight(); $sliderData = $this->getHubSliderData(['city' => $cityId]); if (isset($sliderData['data']['slides'][0]['photoName'])) { $imgName = $sliderData['data']['slides'][0]['photoName']; $title = GlobalTitle::newFromText($imgName, NS_FILE, $cityId); if ($title !== null) { $file = new GlobalFile($title); if ($file !== null) { $imageUrl = ImagesService::getThumbUrlFromFileUrl($file->getUrl(), $destSize); } } } return $imageUrl; }
protected function uploadImage($imageUrl, $imageName, $wikiId, $isSliderImage = false) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $success = false; //fb#45624 $user = F::build('User', array('WikiaBot'), 'newFromName'); $user = ($user instanceof User) ? $user : null; $imageData = new stdClass(); $imageData->name = $imageName; $imageData->description = $imageData->comment = wfMsg('wikiahome-image-auto-uploaded-comment'); $result = ImagesService::uploadImageFromUrl($imageUrl, $imageData, $user); if( $isSliderImage ) { $statusArrayKey = 'slider-images'; } else { $statusArrayKey = 'main-images'; } if( $result['status'] === true ) { $this->okuploads[$statusArrayKey][] = array('city_id' => $wikiId, 'id' => $result['page_id'], 'name' => $imageName); echo '.'; $success = true; } else { if (!empty($result['errors'][0]['message']) && $result['errors'][0]['message'] === 'filerenameerror') { $this->fileexists[$statusArrayKey][] = $imageName; echo '!'; } else { $this->faileduploads[$statusArrayKey][] = $imageName; echo '.'; } } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $success; }
<?php // get wiki thumbnail and thumbnail tracking $isOnWikiMatch = isset($result['onWikiMatch']) && $result['onWikiMatch']; $imageFileName = PromoImage::fromPathname($result['image_s'])->ensureCityIdIsSet($result['id'])->getPathname(); $imageOriginalURL = ImagesService::getImageSrcByTitle($corporateWikiId, $imageFileName, WikiaSearchController::CROSS_WIKI_PROMO_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, WikiaSearchController::CROSS_WIKI_PROMO_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); if (!empty($imageOriginalURL)) { $imageURL = ImagesService::overrideThumbnailFormat($imageOriginalURL, ImagesService::EXT_JPG); $thumbTracking = 'class="wiki-thumb-tracking" data-pos="' . $pos . '" data-event="search_click_wiki-thumb"'; } if (empty($imageURL)) { // display placeholder image if no thumbnail $imageURL = $wg->ExtensionsPath . '/wikia/Search/images/wiki_image_placeholder.png'; $thumbTracking = 'class="wiki-thumb-tracking" data-pos="' . $pos . '" data-event="search_click_wiki-no-thumb"'; } $service = new Wikia\Search\MediaWikiService(); $pagesMsg = $service->shortnumForMsg($result['articles_i'] ?: 0, 'wikiasearch2-pages'); $imgMsg = $service->shortnumForMsg($result['images_i'] ?: 0, 'wikiasearch2-images'); $videoMsg = $service->shortnumForMsg($result['videos_i'] ?: 0, 'wikiasearch2-videos'); $title = ($sn = $result->getText('sitename_txt')) ? $sn : $result->getText('headline_txt'); $url = $result->getText('url'); ?> <li class="result"> <?php $suffix = $result['exactWikiMatch'] ? "match" : "wiki"; $trackingData = 'class="result-link" data-pos="' . $pos . '" data-event="search_click_' . $suffix . '"'; ?> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?>
/** * @desc Uses ImagesService to create an image URL * * @param String $imageTitle * @param int $width optional * @param int $height optional * * @return bool|null|Object|string */ private function getImage($imageTitle, $width = self::IMG_WIDTH_SMALL, $height = self::IMG_HEIGHT_SMALL) { return ImagesService::getImageSrcByTitle($this->cityId, $imageTitle, $width, $height); }
/** * @param array $wikiInfo * @param int $width Image width * @param int $height Image height * @return array */ protected function getImageData($wikiInfo, $width = null, $height = null) { $imageName = $wikiInfo['image']; $crop = $width != null || $height != null; $width = $width !== null ? $width : static::DEFAULT_WIDTH; $height = $height !== null ? $height : static::DEFAULT_HEIGHT; $imgWidth = null; $imgHeight = null; $img = wfFindFile($imageName); if ($img instanceof WikiaLocalFile) { //found on en-corporate wiki $imgWidth = $img->getWidth(); $imgHeight = $img->getHeight(); if ($crop) { //get original image if no cropping $imageServing = new ImageServing(null, $width, $height); $imgUrl = $imageServing->getUrl($img, $width, $height); } else { $imgUrl = $img->getFullUrl(); } } else { $f = $this->findGlobalFileImage($imageName, $wikiInfo['lang'], $wikiInfo['id']); if ($f && $f->exists()) { $imgWidth = $f->getWidth(); $imgHeight = $f->getHeight(); if ($crop) { $globalTitle = $f->getTitle(); $imageService = new ImagesService(); $response = $imageService->getImageSrc($globalTitle->getCityId(), $globalTitle->getArticleID(), $width, $height); $imgUrl = $response['src']; } else { $imgUrl = $f->getUrl(); } } } if (isset($imgUrl)) { return ['image' => $imgUrl, 'original_dimensions' => ['width' => $imgWidth, 'height' => $imgHeight]]; } return ['image' => '']; }
if( empty($imageUrl) ) { echo 'ERROR: Invalid original image url'."\n"; exit(3); } if( empty($destImageName) ) { echo 'ERROR: Invalid destination name'."\n"; exit(4); } if( $sourceWikiId <= 0 ) { echo 'ERROR: Invalid source wiki id'."\n"; exit(5); } $imageData = new stdClass(); $imageData->name = $destImageName; $imageData->description = $imageData->comment = wfMsg('wikiahome-image-auto-uploaded-comment'); $result = ImagesService::uploadImageFromUrl($imageUrl, $imageData, $user); if( $result['status'] === true ) { echo json_encode(array('id' => $result['page_id'], 'name' => $destImageName)); exit(0); } else { echo 'ERROR: Something went wrong with uploading the image.'."\n"; print_r($result['errors']); exit(7); }
/** * method for taking scaled avatars * - avatar will be scaled by external image thumbnailer * - external image thumbnailer use only width and scale it with the same * proportion as original * - currently there's no thumbnail file, it's only cached on varnish and * generated on fly as needed * * @access public * @author Krzysztof Krzyżaniak (eloy) * * @param width - the width of the thumbnail (height will be same propotion to width as in unscaled image) * @param inPurgeFormat - boolean - if true, then the returned URL will be in the format used for purging * which means it will use instead of a CDN hostname. * * * @return string -- url to Avatar */ public function getThumbnail($width, $inPurgeFormat = false) { if ($inPurgeFormat) { $url = $this->getPurgeUrl('/thumb/'); } else { $url = $this->getUrl('/thumb/'); } return ImagesService::getThumbUrlFromFileUrl($url, $width); }
private function prepareWikisForVisualization($batch) { foreach ($batch as $slotName => &$wikis) { $size = $this->getProcessedWikisImgSizes($slotName); foreach ($wikis as &$wiki) { if (!empty($wiki['image'])) { $wiki['main_image'] = $wiki['image']; } $wiki['image'] = ImagesService::overrideThumbnailFormat($this->getImageUrl($wiki['main_image'], $size->width, $size->height), ImagesService::EXT_JPG); unset($wiki['main_image']); } } return $batch; }
/** * Get URL for avatar * * @param string|User $user user name * @param int $avatarSize * @return String avatar's URL */ static function getAvatarUrl($user, $avatarSize = 20) { global $wgEnableVignette; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); static $avatarsCache; if ($user instanceof User) { $key = "{$user->getName()}::{$avatarSize}"; } else { // assumes $user is a string with user name $key = "{$user}::{$avatarSize}"; } if (isset($avatarsCache[$key])) { $avatarUrl = $avatarsCache[$key]; } else { if (!$user instanceof User) { $user = self::getUser($user); } // handle anon users - return default avatar if (empty($user) || !class_exists('Masthead')) { $avatarUrl = self::getDefaultAvatar($avatarSize); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $avatarUrl; } $masthead = Masthead::newFromUser($user); // use per-user cachebuster when custom avatar is used $cb = !$masthead->isDefault() ? intval($user->getGlobalAttribute('avatar_rev')) : 0; if ($wgEnableVignette) { $avatarUrl = self::getVignetteUrl($masthead, $avatarSize, $cb); } else { $avatarUrl = $masthead->getThumbnailPurgeUrl($avatarSize); // Make URLs consistent and using no-cookie domain. We need to pass a // stringified zero rather than an actual zero because this function // treats them differently o_O Setting this to string zero matches // the anonymous user behavior (BugId:22190) $avatarUrl = wfReplaceImageServer($avatarUrl, $cb > 0 ? $cb : "0"); // make avatars as JPG intead of PNGs / GIF but only when it will be a gain (most likely) if (intval($avatarSize) > self::PERFORMANCE_JPEG_THRESHOLD) { $avatarUrl = ImagesService::overrideThumbnailFormat($avatarUrl, ImagesService::EXT_JPG); } } $avatarsCache[$key] = $avatarUrl; } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $avatarUrl; }
protected function getArticleDetail($wikiId, $articleId) { $res = ApiService::foreignCall(WikiFactory::IDtoDB($wikiId), ['ids' => $articleId], self::ENDPOINT_DETAILS); if (!$res) { return []; } $article = $res['items'][$articleId]; if (!$article['thumbnail']) { $wikiService = $this->getWikiService(); $article['thumbnail'] = $wikiService->getWikiWordmark($wikiId); } else { $article['thumbnail'] = ImagesService::getFileUrlFromThumbUrl($article['thumbnail']); } return ['img' => ['url' => $article['thumbnail'], 'width' => $article['original_dimensions']['width'] < self::MIN_IMAGE_SIZE ? self::MIN_IMAGE_SIZE : $article['original_dimensions']['width'], 'height' => $article['original_dimensions']['height'] < self::MIN_IMAGE_SIZE ? self::MIN_IMAGE_SIZE : $article['original_dimensions']['height']], 'title' => $article['title']]; }
/** * @desc returns URL to the cropped thumb of an image * * @param String $url - image url * @param Integer $width desired width of a thumbnail * @param Integer $height desired height of a thumbnail * @param String $align - crop align (origin || center) * * @return String - thumbnail URL */ public function createCroppedThumb($url, $width, $height, $align = self::THUMB_ALIGNMENT_CENTER) { $breakPoint = strrpos($url, '/'); $baseURL = substr($url, 0, $breakPoint); $fileName = substr($url, $breakPoint + 1); $deltaY = $align === self::THUMB_ALIGNMENT_CENTER ? self::DELTA_Y_CENTERED : self::DELTA_Y_DEFAULT; return ImagesService::getThumbUrlFromFileUrl($baseURL . self::MAP_THUMB_PREFIX . $fileName, $width . 'x' . $height . 'x' . $deltaY); }
/** * @dataProvider getThumbUrlFromFileUrlDataProvider */ public function testGetThumbUrlFromFileUrl($imageUrl, $destSize, $newExtension, $expected) { $this->assertEquals($expected, ImagesService::getThumbUrlFromFileUrl($imageUrl, $destSize, $newExtension)); }
/** * get image list from reviewer id based on the timestamp * Note: NOT update image state * @param integer $timestamp review_end * @return array images */ public function refetchImageListByTimestamp($timestamp) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $db = $this->getDatawareDB(DB_SLAVE); // try to re-fetch the previuos set of images // TODO: optimize it, so we don't do it on every request $review_start = wfTimestamp(TS_DB, $timestamp); $result = $db->select(array('image_review'), array('wiki_id, page_id, state, flags, priority'), array('review_start' => $review_start, 'reviewer_id' => $this->user_id), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'priority desc, last_edited desc', 'LIMIT' => self::LIMIT_IMAGES)); $imageList = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchObject($result)) { $img = ImagesService::getImageSrc($row->wiki_id, $row->page_id); $wikiRow = WikiFactory::getWikiByID($row->wiki_id); $tmp = array('wikiId' => $row->wiki_id, 'pageId' => $row->page_id, 'state' => $row->state, 'src' => $img['src'], 'priority' => $row->priority, 'url' => $img['page'], 'flags' => $row->flags, 'wiki_url' => isset($wikiRow->city_url) ? $wikiRow->city_url : '', 'user_page' => ''); if (!empty($tmp['src']) && !empty($tmp['url'])) { $imageList[] = $tmp; } } $db->freeResult($result); WikiaLogger::instance()->info("ImageReviewLog", ['method' => __METHOD__, 'message' => "Refetched " . count($imageList) . " images based on timestamp"]); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $imageList; }
/** * Get saved images for marketing slots * * @param $marketingSlots * @return array */ private function prepareMarketingSlotImages($marketingSlots) { $marketingImages = []; if (!empty($marketingSlots)) { foreach ($marketingSlots as $key => $slot) { if (!empty($slot['marketing_slot_image'])) { $photo = ImagesService::getLocalFileThumbUrlAndSizes($slot['marketing_slot_image'], 149, ImagesService::EXT_JPG); $marketingImages[$key] = $photo->url; } } } return $marketingImages; }
/** * get image list * @return array imageList */ public function getImageList($timestamp, $state = ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_UNREVIEWED, $order = self::ORDER_LATEST) { $this->wf->ProfileIn(__METHOD__); // get images $db = $this->getDatawareDB(DB_MASTER); $result = $db->query(' SELECT pages.page_title_lower, image_review.wiki_id, image_review.page_id, image_review.state, image_review.flags, image_review.priority FROM ( SELECT image_review.wiki_id, image_review.page_id, image_review.state, image_review.flags, image_review.priority FROM `image_review` WHERE state = ' . $state . ' AND top_200 = false ORDER BY ' . $this->getOrder($order) . ' LIMIT ' . self::LIMIT_IMAGES_FROM_DB . ' ) as image_review LEFT JOIN pages ON (image_review.wiki_id=pages.page_wikia_id) AND (image_review.page_id=pages.page_id)'); $rows = array(); $updateWhere = array(); $iconsWhere = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchObject($result)) { $rows[] = $row; $updateWhere[] = "(wiki_id = {$row->wiki_id} and page_id = {$row->page_id})"; } $db->freeResult($result); # update records if (count($updateWhere) > 0) { $review_start = wfTimestamp(TS_DB, $timestamp); switch ($state) { case ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_QUESTIONABLE: $target_state = ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_QUESTIONABLE_IN_REVIEW; break; case ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_REJECTED: $target_state = ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_REJECTED_IN_REVIEW; break; default: $target_state = ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_IN_REVIEW; } $values = array('reviewer_id' => $this->user_id, 'review_start' => $review_start, 'state' => $target_state); if ($state == ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_QUESTIONABLE || $state == ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_REJECTED) { $values[] = "review_end = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'"; } $db->update('image_review', $values, array(implode(' OR ', $updateWhere)), __METHOD__); } $db->commit(); $imageList = $invalidImages = $unusedImages = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $record = "(wiki_id = {$row->wiki_id} and page_id = {$row->page_id})"; if (count($imageList) < self::LIMIT_IMAGES) { $img = ImagesService::getImageSrc($row->wiki_id, $row->page_id); if (empty($img['src'])) { $invalidImages[] = $record; } elseif ('ico' == pathinfo(strtolower($img['src']), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { $iconsWhere[] = $record; } else { $imageList[] = array('wikiId' => $row->wiki_id, 'pageId' => $row->page_id, 'state' => $row->state, 'src' => $img['src'], 'url' => $img['page'], 'priority' => $row->priority, 'flags' => $row->flags); } } else { $unusedImages[] = $record; } } $commit = false; if (count($invalidImages) > 0) { $db->update('image_review', array('state' => ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_INVALID_IMAGE), array(implode(' OR ', $invalidImages)), __METHOD__); $commit = true; } if (count($iconsWhere) > 0) { $db->update('image_review', array('state' => ImageReviewStatuses::STATE_ICO_IMAGE), array(implode(' OR ', $iconsWhere)), __METHOD__); $commit = true; } if (count($unusedImages) > 0) { $db->update('image_review', array('reviewer_id = null', 'state' => $state), array(implode(' OR ', $unusedImages)), __METHOD__); $commit = true; error_log("ImageReview : returning " . count($unusedImages) . " back to the queue"); } if ($commit) { $db->commit(); } error_log("ImageReview : fetched new " . count($imageList) . " images"); $this->wf->ProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $imageList; }
protected function getImageInfo($fileName, $destSize = 0) { return ImagesService::getLocalFileThumbUrlAndSizes($fileName, $destSize, ImagesService::EXT_JPG); }
/** * @desc Used by WMU to get the image url */ public function getImageDetails() { if (!$this->checkAccess()) { return false; } wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $fileName = $this->getVal('fileHandler', false); if ($fileName) { $imageData = ImagesService::getLocalFileThumbUrlAndSizes($fileName, $this->editHubModel->getThumbnailSize(), ImagesService::EXT_JPG); $this->fileUrl = $imageData->url; $this->imageWidth = $imageData->width; $this->imageHeight = $imageData->height; $this->fileTitle = $imageData->title; } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
public function getImageUrl($wikiId, $pageId, $imgSize) { $data = ImagesService::getImageSrc($wikiId, $pageId, $imgSize); $url = !empty($data['src']) ? $data['src'] : null; return $url; }
/** * @param integer $destImageWidth * @return stdClass (simple stdObject with fields: title, url, width and height) */ public function getImageThumbData($destImageWidth = 0) { return ImagesService::getLocalFileThumbUrlAndSizes($this->getFileName(), $destImageWidth, ImagesService::EXT_JPG); }
/** * main entry point, create wiki with given parameters * * @throw CreateWikiException an exception with status of operation set */ public function create() { global $wgExternalSharedDB, $wgSharedDB, $wgUser; $then = microtime(true); // Set this flag to ensure that all select operations go against master // Slave lag can cause random errors during wiki creation process global $wgForceMasterDatabase; $wgForceMasterDatabase = true; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); if (wfReadOnly()) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new CreateWikiException('DB is read only', self::ERROR_READONLY); } // check founder if ($this->mFounder->isAnon()) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new CreateWikiException('Founder is anon', self::ERROR_USER_IN_ANON); } // check executables $status = $this->checkExecutables(); if ($status != 0) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new CreateWikiException('checkExecutables() failed', $status); } // check domains $status = $this->checkDomain(); if ($status != 0) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new CreateWikiException('Check domain failed', $status); } // prepare all values needed for creating wiki $this->prepareValues(); // prevent domain to be registered more than once if (!AutoCreateWiki::lockDomain($this->mDomain)) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new CreateWikiException('Domain name taken', self::ERROR_DOMAIN_NAME_TAKEN); } // start counting time $this->mCurrTime = wfTime(); // check and create database $this->mDBw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER, array(), $wgExternalSharedDB); # central /// // local database handled is handler to cluster we create new wiki. // It doesn't have to be the same like wikifactory cluster or db cluster // where Special:CreateWiki exists. // // @todo do not use hardcoded name, code below is only for test // // set $activeCluster to false if you want to create wikis on first // cluster // $this->mClusterDB = self::ACTIVE_CLUSTER ? "wikicities_" . self::ACTIVE_CLUSTER : "wikicities"; $this->mNewWiki->dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER, array(), $this->mClusterDB); // database handler, old $dbwTarget // check if database is creatable // @todo move all database creation checkers to canCreateDatabase if (!$this->canCreateDatabase()) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new CreateWikiException('DB exists - ' . $this->mNewWiki->dbname, self::ERROR_DATABASE_ALREADY_EXISTS); } else { $this->mNewWiki->dbw->query(sprintf("CREATE DATABASE `%s`", $this->mNewWiki->dbname)); wfDebugLog("createwiki", "Database {$this->mNewWiki->dbname} created\n", true); } /** * create position in wiki.factory * (I like sprintf construction, so sue me) */ if (!$this->addToCityList()) { wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Cannot set data in city_list table\n", true); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new CreateWikiException('Cannot add wiki to city_list', self::ERROR_DATABASE_WRITE_TO_CITY_LIST_BROKEN); } // set new city_id $this->mNewWiki->city_id = $this->mDBw->insertId(); if (empty($this->mNewWiki->city_id)) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new CreateWikiException('Cannot set data in city_list table. city_id is empty after insert', self::ERROR_DATABASE_WIKI_FACTORY_TABLES_BROKEN); } wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Row added added into city_list table, city_id = {$this->mNewWiki->city_id}\n", true); /** * add domain and www.domain to the city_domains table */ if (!$this->addToCityDomains()) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new CreateWikiException('Cannot set data in city_domains table', self::ERROR_DATABASE_WRITE_TO_CITY_DOMAINS_BROKEN); } wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Row added into city_domains table, city_id = {$this->mNewWiki->city_id}\n", true); /** * create image folder */ global $wgEnableSwiftFileBackend; if (empty($wgEnableSwiftFileBackend)) { wfMkdirParents("{$this->mNewWiki->images_dir}"); wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Folder {$this->mNewWiki->images_dir} created\n", true); } // Force initialize uploader user from correct shared db $uploader = User::newFromName('CreateWiki script'); $uploader->getId(); $oldUser = $wgUser; $wgUser = $uploader; /** * wikifactory variables */ wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Populating city_variables\n", true); $this->setWFVariables(); $tmpSharedDB = $wgSharedDB; $wgSharedDB = $this->mNewWiki->dbname; $this->mDBw->commit(__METHOD__); // commit shared DB changes /** * we got empty database created, now we have to create tables and * populate it with some default values */ wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Creating tables in database\n", true); $this->mNewWiki->dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER, array(), $this->mNewWiki->dbname); if (!$this->createTables()) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new CreateWikiException('Creating tables not finished', self::ERROR_SQL_FILE_BROKEN); } /** * import language starter */ if (!$this->importStarter()) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new CreateWikiException('Starter import failed', self::ERROR_SQL_FILE_BROKEN); } /** * making the wiki founder a sysop/bureaucrat */ wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Create user sysop/bureaucrat for user: {$this->mNewWiki->founderId} \n", true); if (!$this->addUserToGroups()) { wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Create user sysop/bureaucrat for user: {$this->mNewWiki->founderId} failed \n", true); } /** * init site_stats table (add empty row) */ $this->mNewWiki->dbw->insert("site_stats", array("ss_row_id" => "1"), __METHOD__); /** * copy default logo */ $res = ImagesService::uploadImageFromUrl(self::CREATEWIKI_LOGO, (object) ['name' => 'Wiki.png'], $uploader); if ($res['status'] === true) { wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Default logo has been uploaded\n", true); } else { wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Default logo has not been uploaded - " . print_r($res['errors'], true) . "\n", true); } /** * destroy connection to newly created database */ $this->waitForSlaves(__METHOD__); $wgSharedDB = $tmpSharedDB; $oHub = WikiFactoryHub::getInstance(); $oHub->setVertical($this->mNewWiki->city_id, $this->mNewWiki->vertical, "CW Setup"); wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Wiki added to the vertical: {$this->mNewWiki->vertical} \n", true); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->mNewWiki->categories); $i++) { $oHub->addCategory($this->mNewWiki->city_id, $this->mNewWiki->categories[$i]); wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Wiki added to the category: {$this->mNewWiki->categories[$i]} \n", true); } /** * define wiki type */ $wiki_type = 'default'; /** * modify variables */ global $wgUniversalCreationVariables; if (!empty($wgUniversalCreationVariables) && !empty($wiki_type) && isset($wgUniversalCreationVariables[$wiki_type])) { $this->addCustomSettings(0, $wgUniversalCreationVariables[$wiki_type], "universal"); wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Custom settings added for wiki_type: {$wiki_type} \n", true); } /** * set variables per language */ global $wgLangCreationVariables; $langCreationVar = isset($wgLangCreationVariables[$wiki_type]) ? $wgLangCreationVariables[$wiki_type] : $wgLangCreationVariables; $this->addCustomSettings($this->mNewWiki->language, $langCreationVar, "language"); wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Custom settings added for wiki_type: {$wiki_type} and language: {$this->mNewWiki->language} \n", true); /** * set tags per language and per hub * @FIXME the switch is !@#$ creazy, but I didn't find a core function */ $tags = new WikiFactoryTags($this->mNewWiki->city_id); $langTag = $this->mNewWiki->language; if ($langTag !== 'en') { switch ($langTag) { case 'pt-br': $langTag = 'pt'; break; case 'zh-tw': case 'zh-hk': case 'zh-clas': case 'zh-class': case 'zh-classical': case 'zh-cn': case 'zh-hans': case 'zh-hant': case 'zh-min-': case 'zh-min-n': case 'zh-mo': case 'zh-sg': case 'zh-yue': $langTag = 'zh'; break; } $tags->addTagsByName($langTag); } /** * move main page -> this code exists in CreateWikiLocalJob - so it is not needed anymore */ /** * Unset database from mNewWiki, because database objects cannot be serialized from MW1.19 */ unset($this->mNewWiki->dbw); // Restore wgUser $wgUser = $oldUser; unset($oldUser); /** * Schedule an async task */ $creationTask = new \Wikia\Tasks\Tasks\CreateNewWikiTask(); $job_params = new stdClass(); foreach ($this->mNewWiki as $id => $value) { if (!is_object($value)) { $job_params->{$id} = $value; } } // BugId:15644 - I need to pass this to CreateWikiLocalJob::changeStarterContributions $job_params->sDbStarter = $this->sDbStarter; $task_id = (new \Wikia\Tasks\AsyncTaskList())->wikiId($this->mNewWiki->city_id)->prioritize()->add($creationTask->call('postCreationSetup', $job_params))->add($creationTask->call('maintenance', rtrim($this->mNewWiki->url, "/")))->queue(); wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": Local maintenance task added as {$task_id}\n", true); $this->info(__METHOD__ . ': done', ['task_id' => $task_id, 'took' => microtime(true) - $then]); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
/** * @desc This is exactly the same as in WikiaHubsModuleService class * and is here only for testing purposes * * @param $image * @param int $destSize * @return stdClass */ public function getImageInfo($image, $destSize = 0) { return ImagesService::getLocalFileThumbUrlAndSizes($image, $destSize, ImagesService::EXT_JPG); }