Exemple #1
  * @access   public
  * @static
  * @author   Laurent Laville <*****@*****.**>
 function color2RGB($color)
     $c = array();
     if ($color[0] == '#') {
         $c = Image_Color::hex2rgb($color);
     } else {
         $c = Image_Color::namedColor2RGB($color);
     return $c;
  * Draw all circle segment pictures
  * @param      string    $dir           (optional) Directory where pictures should be created
  * @param      string    $fileMask      (optional) sprintf format for pictures filename
  * @return     array
  * @since      1.2.0RC1
  * @access     public
 function drawCircleSegments($dir = '.', $fileMask = 'c%s.png')
     if (!is_string($dir)) {
         return HTML_Progress::raiseError(HTML_PROGRESS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, 'exception', array('var' => '$dir', 'was' => gettype($dir), 'expected' => 'string', 'paramnum' => 1));
     } elseif (!is_string($fileMask)) {
         return HTML_Progress::raiseError(HTML_PROGRESS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, 'exception', array('var' => '$fileMask', 'was' => gettype($fileMask), 'expected' => 'string', 'paramnum' => 2));
     include_once 'Image/Color.php';
     $cellAttr = $this->getCellAttributes();
     $cellCount = $this->getCellCount();
     $w = $cellAttr['width'];
     $h = $cellAttr['height'];
     $s = $cellAttr['spacing'];
     $c = intval(360 / $cellCount);
     $cx = floor($w / 2);
     if (fmod($w, 2) == 0) {
         $cx = $cx - 0.5;
     $cy = floor($h / 2);
     if (fmod($h, 2) == 0) {
         $cy = $cy - 0.5;
     $image = imagecreate($w, $h);
     $bg = Image_Color::allocateColor($image, $cellAttr['background-color']);
     $colorA = Image_Color::allocateColor($image, $cellAttr['active-color']);
     $colorI = Image_Color::allocateColor($image, $cellAttr['inactive-color']);
     imagefilledarc($image, $cx, $cy, $w, $h, 0, 360, $colorI, IMG_ARC_EDGED);
     $filename = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . sprintf($fileMask, 0);
     imagepng($image, $filename);
     $this->setCellAttributes(array('background-image' => $filename), 0);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cellCount; $i++) {
         if ($this->getFillWay() == 'natural') {
             $sA = $i * $c;
             $eA = ($i + 1) * $c;
             $sI = ($i + 1) * $c;
             $eI = 360;
         } else {
             $sA = 360 - ($i + 1) * $c;
             $eA = 360 - $i * $c;
             $sI = 0;
             $eI = 360 - ($i + 1) * $c;
         if ($s > 0) {
             imagefilledarc($image, $cx, $cy, $w, $h, 0, $sA, $colorI, IMG_ARC_EDGED);
         imagefilledarc($image, $cx, $cy, $w, $h, $sA, $eA, $colorA, IMG_ARC_EDGED);
         imagefilledarc($image, $cx, $cy, $w, $h, $sI, $eI, $colorI, IMG_ARC_EDGED);
         $filename = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . sprintf($fileMask, $i + 1);
         imagepng($image, $filename);
         $this->setCellAttributes(array('background-image' => $filename), $i + 1);
Exemple #3
  * build the epocLevel Array automatically by calculating an array of colors
  * @param string $latestColor   color of latest epocLevel (usually dark)
  * @param string $earliestColor color of earliest epocLevel (usually light)
  * @param int    $thresholds    number of levels to generate colors for
  * @return array epocLevel
  * @since Method available since Release 0.2.0
 private function _generateEpocLevel($latestColor, $earliestColor, $thresholds)
     include_once 'Image/Color.php';
     $imageColor = new Image_Color();
     $imageColor->setColors($latestColor, $earliestColor);
     $epocLevel = array();
     foreach ($imageColor->getRange($thresholds) as $key => $color) {
         $epocLevel[]['epocLevel' . $key] = array('link' => $color, 'visited' => $color);
     return array_reverse($epocLevel);
  *   getRange
  *   Given a degree, you can get the range of colors between one color and
  *   another color.
  *   @param string $degrees How much each 'step' between the colors we should take.
  *   @return array Array of all the colors, one element for each color.
  *   @access public
 function getRange($degrees)
     $tempColors = parent::getRange($degrees);
     // now add alpha-channel information
     $steps = count($tempColors);
     for ($counter = 0; $counter < $steps; $counter++) {
         $tempColors[$counter] = parent::hex2rgb($tempColors[$counter]);
         $tempColors[$counter][3] = (int) round(((double) $this->color1[3] * ($steps - $counter) + (double) $this->color2[3] * $counter) / $steps);
     return $tempColors;
Exemple #5
  * Draws a clipped line from ($x1, $y1) to ($x2, $y2)
  * using $color.
  * @param  float $x1
  * @param  float $y1
  * @param  float $x2
  * @param  float $y2
  * @param  mixed $color
  * @access public
 function drawClippedLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color)
     if (($x1 > $this->max['x'] || $x1 < $this->min['x'] || $y1 > $this->max['y'] || $y1 < $this->min['y']) && ($x2 > $this->max['x'] || $x2 < $this->min['x'] || $y2 > $this->max['y'] || $y2 < $this->min['y'])) {
         if ($this->debug) {
             printf('clipped x1: %d %d %d<br />', $x1, $this->min['x'], $this->max['x']);
             printf('clipped y1: %d %d %d<br />', $y1, $this->min['y'], $this->max['y']);
             printf('clipped x2: %d %d %d<br />', $x2, $this->min['x'], $this->max['x']);
             printf('clipped y2: %d %d %d<br />', $y2, $this->min['y'], $this->max['y']);
     } else {
         if (!is_array($color)) {
             $color = Image_Color::namedColor2RGB($color);
         $x1 = $this->polar2image($x1, 'x');
         $y1 = $this->polar2image($y1, 'y');
         $x2 = $this->polar2image($x2, 'x');
         $y2 = $this->polar2image($y2, 'y');
         if ($this->debug) {
             printf('Drawing line (%s, %s) -> (%s, %s)<br />', $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
         $this->drawLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
Exemple #6
        case 'day':
        case 'h24':
        case 'cc':
// generate some colors for the activity bar
$colors = '';
if ($ps->conf['theme']['map']['google_key']) {
    $c = new Image_Color();
    $c->setColors('cc0000', '00cc00');
    $range = $c->getRange(100, 1);
    foreach ($range as $i => $col) {
        $colors .= sprintf("<span id='color-%s'>%s</span>\n", $i, $col);
    $colors .= "<span id='color-100'>00CC00</span>\n";
// assign variables to the theme
$cms->theme->assign(array('page' => basename($PHP_SELF, '.php'), 'activity_colors' => $colors));
// display the output
$basename = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
if ($ps->conf['theme']['map']['google_key']) {
    $cms->theme->add_js('http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=' . $ps->conf['theme']['map']['google_key']);
    //	$cms->theme->add_js('http://www.google.com/jsapi?key=' . $ps->conf['theme']['map']['google_key']);
Exemple #7
 function testPercentageColor2RGB_2digits()
     $result = Image_Color::percentageColor2RGB("10%,50%,90%");
     $this->assertEquals(array(26, 127, 229), $result);
  * Get nearest colors between mask color and unmask color using
  * antialias factor.
  * @return  array Colors range.
  * @access  private
 function _getNearestColors()
     $imcolor = new Image_Color();
     $imcolor->setColors($this->options['mask_color'], $this->options['unmask_color']);
     return $imcolor->getRange($this->options['antialias_factor']);
Exemple #9
function pct_bar($args = array())
    global $cms;
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/class_Color.php";
    $args += array('pct' => 0, 'color1' => 'cc0000', 'color2' => '00cc00', 'degrees' => 1, 'width' => null, 'class' => 'pct-bar', 'styles' => '', 'title' => null);
    static $colors = array();
    if (!empty($args['width']) and (!is_numeric($args['width']) or $args['width'] < 1)) {
        $args['width'] = 100;
    $w = $args['width'] ? $args['width'] : 100;
    //	$width = $args['pct'] / 100 * $w; 				// scaled width
    $key = $args['color1'] . ':' . $args['color2'];
    if (!$colors[$key]) {
        $c = new Image_Color();
        $c->setColors($args['color1'], $args['color2']);
        $colors[$key] = $c->getRange(100, $args['degrees']);
        // 100 colors, no matter the width
        		foreach ($colors[$key] as $col) {
        			printf("<div style='color: white; background-color: %s'>%s</div>", $col, $col);
    $styles = !empty($args['styles']) ? $args['styles'] : '';
    if (!empty($args['width'])) {
        $styles = " width: " . $args['width'] . "px;";
    if (!empty($styles)) {
        $styles = " style='{$styles}'";
    $out = sprintf("<span %s title='%s'%s><span style='width: %s; background-color: #%s'></span></span>", !empty($args['class']) ? "class='" . $args['class'] . "'" : "", !empty($args['title']) ? $args['title'] : (int) $args['pct'] . '%', $styles, (int) $args['pct'] . '%', $colors[$key][intval($args['pct']) - 1]);
    return $out;
Exemple #10
  *   hsv2rgb
  *   Converts a HSV (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) value to RGB.
  *   @access public
  *   @param  integer $h  Hue
  *   @param  integer $s  Saturation
  *   @param  integer $v  Brightness
  *   @return string      The RGB value.
  *   @author    Jason Lotito <*****@*****.**>
 function hsv2rgb($h, $s, $v)
     return Image_Color::hex2rgb(Image_Color::hsv2hex($h, $s, $v));