Exemple #1

!defined('BASEPATH') && define('BASEPATH', __DIR__ . '/../../laravel');
!defined('APPPATH') && define('APPPATH', __DIR__ . '/../app');
define('LARAVEL_START', microtime(true));
require BASEPATH . '/vendor/autoload.php';
if (file_exists($compiled = BASEPATH . '/start/compiled.php')) {
    require $compiled;
if (is_dir($workbench = __DIR__ . '/../workbench')) {
$app = new Illuminate\Foundation\Application();
$env = $app->detectEnvironment(array('local' => array('homestead')));
$app->bindInstallPaths(array('app' => APPPATH, 'public' => __DIR__, 'base' => BASEPATH, 'storage' => APPPATH . '/storage'));
$framework = $app['path.base'] . '/vendor/laravel/framework/src';
require $framework . '/Illuminate/Foundation/start.php';
!isset($artisan) && $app->run();
Exemple #2
| so you can just specify a machine name or HTTP host that matches a
| given environment, then we will automatically detect it for you.
$env = $app->detectEnvironment(array('local' => array('localhost/snipe'), 'staging' => array('staging.yourserver.com'), 'production' => array('localhost/snipe')));
| Bind Paths
| Here we are binding the paths configured in paths.php to the app. You
| should not be changing these here. If you need to change these you
| may do so within the paths.php file and they will be bound here.
$app->bindInstallPaths(require __DIR__ . '/paths.php');
| Load The Application
| Here we will load the Illuminate application. We'll keep this is in a
| separate location so we can isolate the creation of an application
| from the actual running of the application with a given request.
$framework = $app['path.base'] . '/vendor/laravel/framework/src';
require $framework . '/Illuminate/Foundation/start.php';
| Return The Application
Exemple #3
// register The Laravel Auto Loader
// register The Workbench Loaders
if (is_dir($workbench = __DIR__ . '/../workbench')) {
// ex-start.php
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// new Laravel application instance
$app = new Illuminate\Foundation\Application();
$env = $app->detectEnvironment(function () {
    return ENVIRONMENT;
// binding the paths configured in paths.php
$app->bindInstallPaths(['app' => APP_PATH, 'base' => APP_PATH, 'public' => ROOT_PATH . '/public', 'storage' => TEMP_PATH]);
// load the Illuminate application:
$framework = VENDOR_PATH . 'laravel/framework/src';
require $framework . '/Illuminate/Foundation/start.php';
// global functions / objects
// =========================================================
$GLOBALS['translate'] = new \Yeb\Laravel\Translate();
function __($text)
    return vsprintf($GLOBALS['translate']->zendTranslate->translate($text), array_slice(func_get_args(), 1));
// run laravel app: ex-index.php
// =========================================================
if (!defined('ARTISAN') and !defined('TESTING')) {