  * Returns possible matches for the string input
  * @return	@e void		Outputs to screen
 protected function _getMembers()
     // INIT
     $name = IPSText::convertUnicode($this->convertAndMakeSafe($this->request['name'], 0), true);
     $name = IPSText::convertCharsets($name, 'utf-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
     // Check length
     if (IPSText::mbstrlen($name) < 3) {
     // Try query...
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'm.members_display_name, m.member_id, m.members_seo_name, m.member_group_id', 'from' => array('members' => 'm'), 'where' => "m.members_l_display_name LIKE '" . $this->DB->addSlashes(strtolower($name)) . "%'", 'order' => $this->DB->buildLength('m.members_display_name') . ' ASC', 'limit' => array(0, 15), 'add_join' => array(array('select' => 'p.*', 'from' => array('profile_portal' => 'p'), 'where' => 'p.pp_member_id=m.member_id', 'type' => 'left'))));
     // Got any results?
     if (!$this->DB->getTotalRows()) {
     $return = array();
     while ($r = $this->DB->fetch()) {
         $url = $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl("app=core&amp;module=modcp&amp;do=editmember&amp;mid={$r['member_id']}", 'public');
         $photo = IPSMember::buildProfilePhoto($r);
         $group = IPSMember::makeNameFormatted('', $r['member_group_id']);
         $return[$r['member_id']] = array('name' => $r['members_display_name'], 'showas' => '<strong>' . $r['members_display_name'] . '</strong> (' . $group . ')', 'img' => $photo['pp_thumb_photo'], 'img_w' => $photo['pp_mini_width'], 'img_h' => $photo['pp_mini_height'], 'url' => $url);
  * Handles the live search
  * @return	@e void
 public function doSearchRequest()
     // Init
     $search_term = IPSText::convertCharsets($this->request['search_term'], 'utf-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
     $results = array();
     $results = array('members' => array(), 'groups' => array(), 'groupLangs' => false, 'settings' => array(), 'forums' => array(), 'location' => array());
     if (IPSLib::appIsInstalled('nexus')) {
         $results['nexus'] = array();
     // Search
     $results = $this->_getSettings($search_term, $results);
     $results = $this->_getFromXML($search_term, $results);
     $results = $this->_getMembers($search_term, $results);
     $results = $this->_checkGroups($search_term, $results);
     $results = $this->_checkForums($search_term, $results);
     if (IPSLib::appIsInstalled('nexus')) {
         $results = $this->_checkNexus($search_term, $results);
     // Output
Exemple #3
  * Redirect to Twitter
  * Exciting, isn't it.
  * @access	private
  * @param	string		Plug in
  * @note	Removed utf8_encode() call around the title due to the linked bug report
  * @link	http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/bugs.html/_/ip-board/twitter-share-buttonbox-r41010
 public function share($title, $url)
     $title = IPSText::convertCharsets($title, IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, 'utf-8');
     $hashMan = $this->settings['twitter_hashtag'];
     if ($hashMan && substr($hashMan, 0, 1) != '#') {
         $hashMan = urlencode('#' . $hashMan);
     $hashMan = $hashMan ? '%20' . $hashMan : '';
     $url = "http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?status=" . urlencode($title) . '%20-%20' . urlencode($url) . $hashMan;
Exemple #4
  * Send API Call
  * @param	string		Method
  * @param	array		Arguments
  * @return	stdClass	Object from returned JSON
 public function __call($method, $args)
     $send = array_merge(array('key' => $this->api_key), (isset($args[0]) and is_array($args[0])) ? $args[0] : array());
     if (IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET != 'UTF-8') {
         $send['message']['html'] = IPSText::convertCharsets($send['message']['html'], IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, 'utf-8');
     $response = $this->cfm->postFileContents(self::URL . str_replace('_', '/', $method) . '.json', json_encode($send));
     if ($json = json_decode($response)) {
         return $json;
     return NULL;
  * Redirect to Print
  * Exciting, isn't it.
  * @access	private
  * @param	string		Title
  * @param	string		URL
 public function share($title, $url)
     $title = IPSText::convertCharsets($title, IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, 'utf-8');
     $_qmCount = substr_count($url, '?');
     $_count = $this->settings['url_type'] == 'query_string' ? 1 : 0;
     if ($_qmCount > $_count) {
         $url .= '&forceDownload=1';
     } else {
         $url .= '?forceDownload=1';
     $url .= '&_k=' . $this->member->form_hash;
  * Return a JSON array
  * @param	array		Single dimensional array of key => value fields
  * @return	void		[Outputs JSON string and exits]
 public function returnJsonArray($json = array())
     @header("Content-type: application/json;charset=" . IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
     /* Always return as UTF-8 */
     array_walk_recursive($json, create_function('&$value, $key', '$value = IPSText::convertCharsets($value, "' . IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET . '", "UTF-8");'));
     $result = json_encode($json);
     $result = IPSText::convertCharsets($result, "UTF-8", IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
     print $result;
  * Fetches the output
  * @access	public
  * @param	string		Output gathered
  * @param	string		Title of the document
  * @param	array 		Navigation gathered
  * @param	array 		Array of document head items
  * @param	array 		Array of JS loader items
  * @param	array 		Array of extra data
  * @return	string		Output to be printed to the client
 public function fetchOutput($output, $title, $navigation, $documentHeadItems, $jsLoaderItems, $extraData = array())
     // INIT
     $system_vars_cache = $this->caches['systemvars'];
     $showPMBox = '';
     $currentCharSet = $this->settings['gb_char_set'];
     /* Force UTF-8 for the skin */
     $this->settings['gb_char_set'] = 'UTF-8';
     // NORMAL
     if ($this->_outputType == 'normal') {
         // Grab output
         $finalOutput = $this->output->getTemplate('global')->globalTemplate($output, $documentHeadItems, $this->_css, $jsLoaderItems, $this->_metaTags, array('title' => $title, 'applications' => $this->core_fetchApplicationData(), 'page' => $this->_current_page_title), array('navigation' => $navigation), array('time' => $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->getDate(time(), 'SHORT', 1), 'lang_chooser' => $this->html_buildLanguageDropDown(), 'skin_chooser' => $this->html_fetchSetsDropDown(), 'stats' => $this->html_showDebugInfo(), 'copyright' => $this->html_fetchCopyright()), array('ex_time' => sprintf("%.4f", IPSDebug::endTimer()), 'gzip_status' => $this->settings['disable_gzip'] == 1 ? $this->lang->words['gzip_off'] : $this->lang->words['gzip_on'], 'server_load' => ipsRegistry::$server_load, 'queries' => $this->DB->getQueryCount()));
     } else {
         if ($this->_outputType == 'redirect') {
             # SEO?
             if ($extraData['seoTitle']) {
                 $extraData['url'] = $this->output->buildSEOUrl($extraData['url'], 'none', $extraData['seoTitle']);
                 $extraData['full'] = 1;
             $finalOutput = $this->output->getTemplate('global')->redirectTemplate($documentHeadItems, $this->_css, $jsLoaderItems, $extraData['text'], $extraData['url'], $extraData['full']);
         } else {
             if ($this->_outputType == 'popup') {
                 $finalOutput = $this->output->getTemplate('global')->displayPopUpWindow($documentHeadItems, $this->_css, $jsLoaderItems, $title, $output);
     // Return
     $finalOutput = $this->parseIPSTags($finalOutput);
     /* Attempt to clean HTML */
     return IPSText::stripNonUtf8(IPSText::convertCharsets($finalOutput, $currentCharSet, 'UTF-8'));
  * Redirect to Twitter
  * Exciting, isn't it.
  * @access	private
  * @param	string		Plug in
 public function share($title, $url)
     $title = IPSText::convertCharsets($title, IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, 'utf-8');
     $url = "http://del.icio.us/post?v=2&url=" . urlencode($url) . "&title=" . urlencode($title);
Exemple #9
  * Redirect to Twitter
  * Exciting, isn't it.
  * @access	private
  * @param	string		Plug in
 public function share($title, $url)
     $title = IPSText::convertCharsets($title, IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, 'utf-8');
     $url = "http://memori.ru/link/?sm=1&u_data[url]=" . urlencode($url) . '&u_data[name]=' . urlencode($title);
  * Redirect to Google
  * Exciting, isn't it.
  * @access	private
  * @param	string		Plug in
 public function share($title, $url)
     $title = IPSText::convertCharsets($title, IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, 'utf-8');
     $url = "http://www.google.com/buzz/post?url=" . urlencode($url) . "&title=" . urlencode($title) . "&type=normal-count";
  * Execute the feed and return the HTML to show on the page.  
  * Can be called from ACP or front end, so the plugin needs to setup any appropriate lang files, skin files, etc.
  * @access	public
  * @param	array 				Block data
  * @return	string				Block HTML to display or cache
 public function executeFeed($block)
     $this->lang->loadLanguageFile(array('public_ccs'), 'ccs');
     $config = unserialize($block['block_config']);
     // Init RSS kernel library
     if (!is_object($this->class_rss)) {
         require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classRss.php';
         $this->class_rss = new classRss();
         $this->class_rss->use_sockets = ipsRegistry::$settings['enable_sockets'];
         $this->class_rss->doc_type = IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET;
     $this->class_rss->feed_charset = $config['filters']['rss_charset'];
     if (strtolower($config['rss_charset']) != IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET) {
         $this->class_rss->convert_charset = 1;
         $this->class_rss->destination_charset = $this->class_rss->doc_type;
     } else {
         $this->class_rss->convert_charset = 0;
     $this->class_rss->errors = array();
     $this->class_rss->rss_items = array();
     $this->class_rss->auth_req = '';
     $this->class_rss->auth_user = '';
     $this->class_rss->auth_pass = '';
     $this->class_rss->rss_count = 0;
     $this->class_rss->rss_max_show = $config['filters']['rss_limit'];
     // Get feed
     // Error checking
     if (is_array($this->class_rss->errors) and count($this->class_rss->errors)) {
         return '';
     if (!is_array($this->class_rss->rss_channels) or !count($this->class_rss->rss_channels)) {
         return '';
     if (!is_array($this->class_rss->rss_items) or !count($this->class_rss->rss_items)) {
         return '';
     // Loop over items and put into array
     $content = array();
     foreach ($this->class_rss->rss_channels as $channel_id => $channel_data) {
         if (is_array($this->class_rss->rss_items[$channel_id]) and count($this->class_rss->rss_items[$channel_id])) {
             foreach ($this->class_rss->rss_items[$channel_id] as $item_data) {
                 // Check basic data
                 $item_data['content'] = $item_data['content'] ? $item_data['content'] : $item_data['description'];
                 $item_data['url'] = $item_data['link'];
                 $item_data['date'] = intval($item_data['unixdate']) ? intval($item_data['unixdate']) : time();
                 // Convert charset
                 if ($config['rss_charset'] and strtolower(IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET) != strtolower($config['filters']['rss_charset'])) {
                     $item_data['title'] = IPSText::convertCharsets($item_data['title'], $config['filters']['rss_charset'], IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
                     $item_data['content'] = IPSText::convertCharsets($item_data['content'], $config['filters']['rss_charset'], IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
                 // Dates
                 if ($item_data['date'] < 1) {
                     $item_data['date'] = time();
                 } else {
                     if ($item_data['date'] > time()) {
                         $item_data['date'] = time();
                 // Got stuff?
                 if (!$item_data['title'] or !$item_data['content']) {
                 // Strip html if needed
                 if ($config['filters']['rss_html']) {
                     $item_data['title'] = strip_tags($item_data['title']);
                     $item_data['content'] = strip_tags($item_data['content']);
                 $content[] = $item_data;
     // Return formatted content
     $feedConfig = $this->returnFeedInfo();
     $templateBit = $feedConfig['templateBit'] . '_' . $block['block_id'];
     if ($config['hide_empty'] and !count($content)) {
         return '';
     return $this->registry->output->getTemplate('ccs')->{$templateBit}($block['block_name'], $content);
  * Uploads and saves file
  * @return	mixed	void, or the new insert id
 public function processUpload()
     // INIT
     $this->error = '';
     // Check upload dir
     if (!$this->checkUploadDirectory()) {
         if ($this->error) {
     // Can upload?
     if (!$this->attach_stats['allow_uploads']) {
         $this->error = 'upload_failed';
     // Got attachment types?
     if (!$this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') or !is_array($this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes'))) {
         $attachtypes = array();
         $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'atype_extension,atype_mimetype,atype_post,atype_img', 'from' => 'attachments_type', 'where' => "atype_post=1"));
         while ($r = $this->DB->fetch()) {
             $attachtypes[$r['atype_extension']] = $r;
         $this->registry->cache()->updateCacheWithoutSaving('attachtypes', $attachtypes);
     // Set up array
     $attach_data = array('attach_ext' => "", 'attach_file' => "", 'attach_location' => "", 'attach_thumb_location' => "", 'attach_hits' => 0, 'attach_date' => time(), 'attach_post_key' => $this->attach_post_key, 'attach_member_id' => $this->memberData['member_id'], 'attach_rel_id' => $this->attach_rel_id, 'attach_rel_module' => $this->type, 'attach_filesize' => 0);
     // Load the library
     require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classUpload.php';
     $upload = new classUpload();
     // Set up the variables
     $upload->out_file_name = $this->type . '-' . $this->memberData['member_id'] . '-' . str_replace(array('.', ' '), '-', microtime());
     $upload->out_file_dir = $this->upload_path;
     $upload->max_file_size = $this->attach_stats['max_single_upload'] ? $this->attach_stats['max_single_upload'] : 1000000000;
     $upload->make_script_safe = 1;
     $upload->force_data_ext = 'ipb';
     // Populate allowed extensions
     if (is_array($this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes')) and count($this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes'))) {
         /* SKINNOTE: I had to add [attachtypes] to this cache to make it work, may need fixing? */
         //$tmp = $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes');
         foreach ($this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') as $idx => $data) {
             if ($data['atype_post']) {
                 $upload->allowed_file_ext[] = $data['atype_extension'];
     // Upload...
     // Error?
     if ($upload->error_no) {
         switch ($upload->error_no) {
             case 1:
                 // No upload
                 $this->error = 'upload_no_file';
                 return $attach_data;
             case 2:
                 // Invalid file ext
                 $this->error = 'invalid_mime_type';
                 return $attach_data;
             case 3:
                 // Too big...
                 $this->error = 'upload_too_big';
                 return $attach_data;
             case 4:
                 // Cannot move uploaded file
                 $this->error = 'upload_failed';
                 return $attach_data;
             case 5:
                 // Possible XSS attack (image isn't an image)
                 $this->error = 'upload_failed';
                 return $attach_data;
     // Still here?
     if ($upload->saved_upload_name and @is_file($upload->saved_upload_name)) {
         // Strip off { } and [ ]
         $upload->original_file_name = str_replace(array('[', ']', '{', '}'), "", $upload->original_file_name);
         $attach_data['attach_filesize'] = @filesize($upload->saved_upload_name);
         $attach_data['attach_location'] = $this->upload_dir . $upload->parsed_file_name;
         if (IPSText::isUTF8($upload->original_file_name)) {
             $attach_data['attach_file'] = IPSText::convertCharsets($upload->original_file_name, "UTF-8", IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
         } else {
             $attach_data['attach_file'] = $upload->original_file_name;
         $attach_data['attach_is_image'] = $upload->is_image;
         $attach_data['attach_ext'] = $upload->real_file_extension;
         if ($attach_data['attach_is_image'] == 1) {
             require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classImage.php';
             require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classImageGd.php';
             /* Main attachment */
             if (!empty($this->settings['attach_img_max_w']) and !empty($this->settings['attach_img_max_h'])) {
                 $image = new classImageGd();
                 $image->init(array('image_path' => $this->upload_path, 'image_file' => $upload->parsed_file_name));
                 $image->force_resize = false;
                 if ($imgData = $image->resizeImage($this->settings['attach_img_max_w'], $this->settings['attach_img_max_h'], false, true)) {
                     if (!$imgData['noResize']) {
                         $image->writeImage($this->upload_path . '/' . $upload->parsed_file_name);
                     if (is_array($imgData)) {
                         $attach_data['attach_img_width'] = $imgData['newWidth'];
                         $attach_data['attach_img_height'] = $imgData['newHeight'];
                     $attach_data['attach_filesize'] = @filesize($this->upload_path . '/' . $upload->parsed_file_name);
             /* Thumb nail */
             $image = new classImageGd();
             $image->force_resize = true;
             $image->init(array('image_path' => $this->upload_path, 'image_file' => $upload->parsed_file_name));
             if (TRUE) {
                 if ($this->attach_settings['siu_width'] < $attach_data['attach_img_width'] or $this->attach_settings['siu_height'] < $attach_data['attach_img_height']) {
                     $_thumbName = preg_replace('#^(.*)\\.(\\w+?)$#', "\\1_thumb.\\2", $upload->parsed_file_name);
                     if ($thumb_data = $image->resizeImage($this->attach_settings['siu_width'], $this->attach_settings['siu_height'])) {
                         $image->writeImage($this->upload_path . '/' . $_thumbName);
                         if (is_array($thumb_data)) {
                             $thumb_data['thumb_location'] = $_thumbName;
                 } else {
                     /* Instead of building a thumb the same size as the main image, just copy the details */
                     $thumb_data = array('thumb_location' => $upload->parsed_file_name, 'newWidth' => $attach_data['attach_img_width'], 'newHeight' => $attach_data['attach_img_height']);
             if ($thumb_data['thumb_location']) {
                 $attach_data['attach_img_width'] = $thumb_data['originalWidth'];
                 $attach_data['attach_img_height'] = $thumb_data['originalHeight'];
                 $attach_data['attach_thumb_width'] = $thumb_data['newWidth'];
                 $attach_data['attach_thumb_height'] = $thumb_data['newHeight'];
                 $attach_data['attach_thumb_location'] = $this->upload_dir . $thumb_data['thumb_location'];
         // Make sure we send integers
         // @link	http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-32511-attachments-mysql-strict-mode
         $attach_data['attach_img_width'] = intval($attach_data['attach_img_width']);
         $attach_data['attach_img_height'] = intval($attach_data['attach_img_height']);
         $attach_data['attach_thumb_width'] = intval($attach_data['attach_thumb_width']);
         $attach_data['attach_thumb_height'] = intval($attach_data['attach_thumb_height']);
         // Add into Database
         $this->DB->insert('attachments', $attach_data);
         $newid = $this->DB->getInsertId();
         return $newid;
Exemple #13
  * Completes the connection
  * @access	public
  * @return	redirect
 public function finishLogin()
     /* From reg flag */
     if ($_REQUEST['code']) {
         /* Load oAuth */
         require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'facebook/facebookoauth.php';
         $this->_oauth = new FacebookOAuth(FACEBOOK_APP_ID, FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET, FACEBOOK_CALLBACK, $this->extendedPerms);
         /* Load API */
         require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'facebook/facebook.php';
         $this->_api = new Facebook(array('appId' => FACEBOOK_APP_ID, 'secret' => FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET, 'cookie' => true));
         /* Ensure URL is correct */
         $_urlExtra = '';
         if ($_REQUEST['key']) {
             $_urlExtra .= '&key=' . $_REQUEST['key'];
         if ($_REQUEST['_reg']) {
             $_urlExtra .= '&_reg=1';
         /* Update callback url */
         $this->_oauth->setCallBackUrl(FACEBOOK_CALLBACK . $_urlExtra);
         /* Generate oAuth token */
         $rToken = $this->_oauth->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['code']);
         if (is_string($rToken)) {
             try {
                 $_userData = $this->_api->api('me', array('access_token' => $rToken));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 /* Try re-authorising */
                 if (stristr($e->getMessage(), 'invalid')) {
             /* A little gymnastics */
             $this->_userData = $_userData;
             $_userData = $this->fetchUserData($rToken);
             /* Got a member linked already? */
             $_member = IPSMember::load($_userData['id'], 'all', 'fb_uid');
             /* Not connected, check email address */
             if (!$_member['member_id'] and $_userData['email']) {
                 $_member = IPSMember::load($_userData['email'], 'all', 'email');
                 /* We do have an existing account, so trash email forcing user to sign up with new */
                 if ($_member['member_id']) {
                     /* Update row */
                     IPSMember::save($_member['member_id'], array('core' => array('fb_uid' => $_userData['id'], 'fb_token' => $rToken)));
             if ($_member['member_id']) {
                 $memberData = $_member;
                 /* Ensure user's row is up to date */
                 IPSMember::save($memberData['member_id'], array('core' => array('fb_token' => $rToken)));
                 /* Here, so log us in!! */
                 /* changed by denchu 26/12/12 */
                 $r = $this->_login()->loginWithoutCheckingCredentials($memberData['member_id'], TRUE);
                 if (is_array($r)) {
                     if (isset($r[1])) {
                         $this->registry->getClass('output')->redirectScreen($r[0], $r[1]);
                     } else {
                 } elseif (!$r) {
                     throw new Exception('LINKED_MEMBER_LOGIN_FAIL');
                 } else {
             } else {
                 /* No? Create a new member */
                 foreach (array('fbc_s_pic', 'fbc_s_status', 'fbc_s_aboutme') as $field) {
                     $toSave[$field] = 1;
                 $fb_bwoptions = IPSBWOptions::freeze($toSave, 'facebook');
                 $safeFBName = IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET != 'UTF-8' ? IPSText::utf8ToEntities($_userData['name']) : $_userData['name'];
                 /* Make sure usernames are safe */
                 if ($this->settings['username_characters']) {
                     $check_against = preg_quote($this->settings['username_characters'], "/");
                     $check_against = str_replace('\\-', '-', $check_against);
                     $safeFBName = preg_replace('/[^' . $check_against . ']+/i', '', $safeFBName);
                 /* Check ban filters? */
                 if (IPSMember::isBanned('email', $_userData['email']) or IPSMember::isBanned('name', $safeFBName)) {
                     $this->registry->output->showError('you_are_banned', 1090003);
                 $displayName = $this->settings['fb_realname'] == 'enforced' ? $safeFBName : '';
                 /* From reg, so create new account properly */
                 $toSave = array('core' => array('name' => IPSText::parseCleanValue($safeFBName), 'members_display_name' => IPSText::parseCleanValue($displayName), 'members_created_remote' => 1, 'member_group_id' => $this->settings['fbc_mgid'] ? $this->settings['fbc_mgid'] : $this->settings['member_group'], 'email' => $_userData['email'], 'fb_uid' => $_userData['id'], 'time_offset' => $_userData['timezone'], 'members_auto_dst' => 1, 'fb_token' => $rToken), 'extendedProfile' => array('pp_about_me' => IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->stripBadWords(IPSText::convertCharsets($_userData['about'], 'utf-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET)), 'fb_bwoptions' => $fb_bwoptions));
                 $memberData = IPSMember::create($toSave, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
                 if (!$memberData['member_id']) {
                     throw new Exception('CREATION_FAIL');
                 /* Sync up photo */
                 $pmember = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'members_partial', 'where' => "partial_member_id=" . $memberData['member_id']));
                 if ($pmember['partial_member_id']) {
                     $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect($this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=core&module=global&section=register&do=complete_login&mid=' . $memberData['member_id'] . '&key=' . $pmember['partial_date']);
                 } else {
                     /* Already got a display name */
                     if ($displayName) {
                         /* Here, so log us in!! */
                         $r = $this->_login()->loginWithoutCheckingCredentials($memberData['member_id'], TRUE);
                         IPSLib::runMemberSync('onCompleteAccount', $memberData);
                         if ($this->settings['new_reg_notify']) {
                             $this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile(array('public_register'), 'core');
                             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage(array('DATE' => $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->getDate(time(), 'LONG', 1), 'LOG_IN_NAME' => $safeFBName, 'EMAIL' => $_userData['email'], 'IP' => $this->member->ip_address, 'DISPLAY_NAME' => $displayName));
                             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = sprintf($this->lang->words['new_registration_email'], $this->settings['board_name']);
                             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to = $this->settings['email_in'];
                         if (is_array($r)) {
                             if (isset($r[1])) {
                                 $this->registry->getClass('output')->redirectScreen($r[0], $r[1]);
                             } else {
                         } elseif (!$r) {
                             throw new Exception('LINKED_MEMBER_LOGIN_FAIL');
                         } else {
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception('CREATION_FAIL');
         } else {
             throw new Exception('CREATION_FAIL');
     } else {
         /* Need to re-auth */
  * Get the WHERE part of the SQL query
  * @return	string	SQL WHERE string
 public function getWhereClause()
     // Ignore filters?
     if ($this->showAllMembers) {
         return '';
     // Init
     $data = $this->generateFilterBoxes();
     $_sql = array();
     // Filters
     if ($data['member_contains_text']) {
         $_field = '';
         $_text = $this->DB->addSlashes($data['member_contains_text']);
         switch ($data['member_contains']) {
             case 'member_id':
                 $_field = 'm.member_id';
             case 'name':
                 $_field = 'm.members_l_username';
                 $_text = strtolower($_text);
             case 'members_display_name':
                 $_field = 'm.members_l_display_name';
                 $_text = strtolower($_text);
             case 'email':
                 $_field = 'm.email';
             case 'ip_address':
                 $_field = 'm.ip_address';
             case 'signature':
                 $_field = 'pp.signature';
         switch ($data['member_contains_type']) {
             case 'contains':
                 $_sql[] = $this->DB->buildCast($_field, 'VARCHAR') . " LIKE '%" . $_text . "%'";
             case 'begins':
                 $_sql[] = $this->DB->buildCast($_field, 'VARCHAR') . " LIKE '" . $_text . "%'";
             case 'ends':
                 $_sql[] = $this->DB->buildCast($_field, 'VARCHAR') . " LIKE '%" . $_text . "'";
             case 'equals':
                 $_sql[] = $this->DB->buildCast($_field, 'VARCHAR') . " = '" . $_text . "'";
     // "Simple" all-in-one search
     if ($data['member_string'] and strlen($data['member_string']) >= 3) {
         /* Fix from ticket 766094 */
         $_text = $this->DB->addSlashes(IPSText::convertCharsets($data['member_string'], 'utf-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET));
         $_sql[] = '(' . $this->DB->buildCast('m.name', 'VARCHAR') . " LIKE '%" . $_text . "%' OR " . $this->DB->buildCast('m.members_display_name', 'VARCHAR') . " LIKE '%" . $_text . "%' OR " . $this->DB->buildCast('m.email', 'VARCHAR') . " LIKE '%" . $_text . "%' OR " . $this->DB->buildCast('m.ip_address', 'VARCHAR') . " LIKE '%" . $_text . "%')";
     // Group limiting
     if ($data['primary_group']) {
         if ($data['include_secondary']) {
             $_sql[] = "( m.member_group_id=" . intval($data['primary_group']) . " OR " . "m.mgroup_others LIKE '%," . intval($data['primary_group']) . ",%' OR " . "m.mgroup_others LIKE '" . intval($data['primary_group']) . ",%' OR " . "m.mgroup_others LIKE '%," . intval($data['primary_group']) . "' OR " . "m.mgroup_others='" . intval($data['primary_group']) . "' )";
         } else {
             $_sql[] = "m.member_group_id=" . intval($data['primary_group']);
     if ($data['secondary_group']) {
         $_sql[] = "( m.mgroup_others LIKE '%," . $data['secondary_group'] . ",%' OR " . "m.mgroup_others LIKE '" . $data['secondary_group'] . ",%' OR " . "m.mgroup_others LIKE '%," . $data['secondary_group'] . "' OR " . "m.mgroup_others='" . $data['secondary_group'] . "' )";
     // Post count
     if (($data['post_count'] or $data['post_count'] == '0') and $data['post_count_type']) {
         $_type = '';
         if ($data['post_count_type'] == 'gt') {
             $_type = '>';
         } else {
             if ($data['post_count_type'] == 'lt') {
                 $_type = '<';
             } else {
                 if ($data['post_count_type'] == 'eq') {
                     $_type = '=';
         if ($_type) {
             $_sql[] = "m.posts" . $_type . intval($data['post_count']);
     // Date filters
     foreach (array('reg', 'post', 'active') as $_bit) {
         foreach (array('from', 'to') as $_when) {
             $bit = 'date_' . $_bit . '_' . $_when;
             if ($data[$bit]) {
                 // mm/dd/yyyy instead of mm-dd-yyyy
                 $data[$bit] = str_replace('/', '-', $data[$bit]);
                 list($month, $day, $year) = explode('-', $data[$bit]);
                 if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) {
                     $this->registry->output->global_message = sprintf($this->lang->words['m_daterange'], $month, $day, $year);
                 } else {
                     /* Bug #24067 */
                     /* Original fix caused this bug: http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-24416-search-dates-invalid-acp/
                     			Changed to just verify the result is an int, as that is all that's needed to prevent DB error */
                     $time_int = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
                     if (!is_int($time_int)) {
                         $this->registry->output->global_message = sprintf($this->lang->words['m_daterange'], $month, $day, $year);
                     } else {
                         switch ($_bit) {
                             case 'reg':
                                 $field = 'joined';
                             case 'post':
                                 $field = 'last_post';
                             case 'active':
                                 $field = 'last_activity';
                         if ($_when == 'from') {
                             $_sql[] = 'm.' . $field . ' > ' . $time_int;
                         } else {
                             $_sql[] = 'm.' . $field . ' < ' . $time_int;
     // Custom fields...
     if (is_array($data['custom_fields']) and count($data['custom_fields'])) {
         foreach ($data['custom_fields'] as $id => $value) {
             if ($value) {
                 if ($this->caches['profilefields'][$id]['pf_type'] == 'drop') {
                     $_sql[] = "p.field_{$id}='" . $this->DB->addSlashes($value) . "'";
                 } else {
                     if ($this->caches['profilefields'][$id]['pf_type'] == 'cbox') {
                         if (count($value)) {
                             foreach (explode(',', $value) as $k) {
                                 $_sql[] = "p.field_{$id} LIKE '%|" . $this->DB->addSlashes($k) . "|%'";
                     } else {
                         $_sql[] = $this->caches['profilefields'][$id]['pf_search_type'] == 'loose' ? "p.field_{$id} LIKE '%" . $this->DB->addSlashes($value) . "%'" : "p.field_{$id} = '" . $this->DB->addSlashes($value) . "'";
     // Search member status type
     if ($data['member_status']) {
         switch ($data['member_status']) {
             case 'banned':
                 $_sql[] = "(m.member_banned=1)";
             case 'spam':
                 $_sql[] = '(' . IPSBWOptions::sql('bw_is_spammer', 'm.members_bitoptions', 'members', 'global', 'has') . ' OR val.spam_flag=1)';
             case 'validating':
                 $_sql[] = "(val.lost_pass=0 AND val.vid " . $this->DB->buildIsNull(false) . ")";
             case 'incomplete':
                 $_sql[] = "par.partial_member_id " . $this->DB->buildIsNull(false);
             case 'locked':
                 if ($this->settings['ipb_bruteforce_attempts'] > 0) {
                     $_sql[] = "m.failed_login_count >= " . intval($this->settings['ipb_bruteforce_attempts']);
                 } else {
                     $_sql[] = "m.failed_login_count > 0";
             case 'all':
                 // Hide partial members if showing 'all', and
                 // we did not explicitly search
                 if (!count($_sql)) {
                     $_sql[] = "par.partial_member_id " . $this->DB->buildIsNull();
     // Return search string
     return count($_sql) ? implode(" AND ", $_sql) : '';
  * Parses the content
 public static function convert($k, $v)
     return is_string($v) && !in_array($k, self::$noConvertFields) ? IPSText::convertCharsets($v, 'UTF-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET) : $v;
Exemple #16
function prepare_remote_utf8_string($str)
    $charset = get_local_charset();
    if (strtolower($charset) == 'utf-8') {
        return $str;
    if (is_ipb()) {
        return IPSText::convertCharsets($str, 'utf-8', $charset);
    $str = html_entity_decode_utf8($str, true);
    $converted = false;
    if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && !$converted) {
        $out = @mb_convert_encoding($str, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
        $out = @mb_convert_encoding($out, $charset, 'UTF-8');
        if (mb_strlen(trim($out)) > 0) {
            $converted = true;
    if (function_exists('iconv') && !$converted) {
        $out = @iconv('UTF-8', $charset . '//TRANSLIT', $str);
        if ($out !== false) {
            $converted = true;
    if (!$converted) {
        $out = $str;
    $out = escape_non_numerical_entities($out, $charset);
    return $out;
Exemple #17
  * Function to resync a member's Twitter data
  * @access	public
  * @param	mixed		Member Data in an array form (result of IPSMember::load( $id, 'all' ) ) or a member ID
  * @return	array 		Updated member data	
  * NO_MEMBER		Member ID does not exist
  * NOT_LINKED		Member ID or data specified is not linked to a FB profile
 public function syncMember($memberData)
     // INIT
     $exProfile = array();
     /* Do we need to load a member? */
     if (!is_array($memberData)) {
         $memberData = IPSMember::load(intval($memberData), 'all');
     /* Got a member? */
     if (!$memberData['member_id']) {
         throw new Exception('NO_MEMBER');
     /* Linked account? */
     if (!$memberData['twitter_id']) {
         throw new Exception('NOT_LINKED');
     /* Not completed sign up ( no display name ) */
     if ($memberData['member_group_id'] == $this->settings['auth_group']) {
         return false;
     /* Thaw Options */
     $bwOptions = IPSBWOptions::thaw($memberData['tc_bwoptions'], 'twitter');
     /* Grab the data */
     try {
         $this->resetApi($memberData['twitter_token'], $memberData['twitter_secret']);
         if ($this->isConnected()) {
             $user = $this->fetchUserData();
             /* Load library */
             if ($bwOptions['tc_s_pic']) {
                 $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/member/photo.php', 'classes_member_photo');
                 $photo = new $classToLoad($this->registry);
                 $photo->save($memberData, 'twitter');
             if ($bwOptions['tc_s_aboutme']) {
                 $exProfile['pp_about_me'] = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->stripBadWords(IPSText::convertCharsets($user['description'], 'utf-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET));
             if ($bwOptions['tc_si_status'] and (isset($memberData['gbw_no_status_import']) and !$memberData['gbw_no_status_import']) and !$memberData['bw_no_status_update']) {
                 /* Fetch timeline */
                 $memberData['tc_last_sid_import'] = $memberData['tc_last_sid_import'] < 1 ? 100 : $memberData['tc_last_sid_import'];
                 $_updates = $this->fetchUserTimeline($user['id'], $memberData['tc_last_sid_import'], true);
                 /* Got any? */
                 if (count($_updates)) {
                     $update = array_shift($_updates);
                     if (is_array($update) and isset($update['text'])) {
                         /* Load status class */
                         if (!$this->registry->isClassLoaded('memberStatus')) {
                             $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/member/status.php', 'memberStatus');
                             $this->registry->setClass('memberStatus', new $classToLoad(ipsRegistry::instance()));
                         /* Set Author */
                         /* Convert if need be */
                         if (IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET != 'UTF-8') {
                             $update['text'] = IPSText::utf8ToEntities($update['text']);
                         /* Set Content */
                         /* Set as imported */
                         /* Set creator */
                         /* Can we reply? */
                         if ($this->registry->getClass('memberStatus')->canCreate()) {
                             $exProfile['tc_last_sid_import'] = $update['id'];
             /* Allowed profile customization? */
             if ($bwOptions['tc_s_bgimg'] and ($user['profile_background_image_url'] or $user['profile_background_color']) and ($this->memberData['gbw_allow_customization'] and !$this->memberData['bw_disable_customization'])) {
                 /* remove bg images */
                 $exProfile['pp_customization'] = serialize(array('bg_url' => $user['profile_background_image_url'], 'type' => $user['profile_background_image_url'] ? 'url' : 'color', 'bg_color' => IPSText::alphanumericalClean($user['profile_background_color']), 'bg_tile' => intval($user['profile_background_tile'])));
             /* Update member */
             IPSMember::save($memberData['member_id'], array('core' => array('tc_lastsync' => time()), 'extendedProfile' => $exProfile));
             /* merge and return */
             $memberData['tc_lastsync'] = time();
             $memberData = array_merge($memberData, $exProfile);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return $memberData;
  * Redirect to Twitter
  * Exciting, isn't it.
  * @access	private
  * @param	string		Plug in
 public function share($title, $url)
     $title = IPSText::convertCharsets($title, IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, 'utf-8');
     $url = "http://bobrdobr.ru/addext.html?url=" . urlencode($url) . '&title=' . urlencode($title);
  * Return HTML content
  * @param	string		HTML to output
  * @param	boolean		Force returned output to UTF-8
  * @return	@e void
 public function returnHtml($string, $returnAsUtf8 = false)
     if ($string) {
     /* Always return as UTF-8 */
     if ($returnAsUtf8) {
         $string = IPSText::convertCharsets($string, IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, "UTF-8");
     @header("Content-type: text/html;charset=" . IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
     print $string;
Exemple #20
  * Build a RSS import query
  * @access	public
  * @param	mixed	False on error/no entries, or an array of imported entries
 public function build($data)
     /* Reset stuff */
     $this->_imported = array();
     $this->__usedGuids = array();
     $this->__pointer = 0;
     $this->__map = array();
     $this->errors = array();
     /* Prep vars */
     $final_guids = array();
     $final_items = array();
     if (isset($data['title'])) {
         $this->_titleMatch = $data['title'];
     if (isset($data['content'])) {
         $this->_contentMatch = $data['content'];
     if (isset($data['limit'])) {
         $this->_limit = intval($data['limit']);
     /* Ensure we got stuff */
     if (!$this->_limit) {
         $this->_limit = 50;
     /* Loop through the channels */
     foreach ($this->_rssClass->rss_channels as $channel_id => $channel_data) {
         if (is_array($this->_rssClass->rss_items[$channel_id]) and count($this->_rssClass->rss_items[$channel_id])) {
             /* Loop through the items in this channel */
             foreach ($this->_rssClass->rss_items[$channel_id] as $item_data) {
                 /* Item Data */
                 $item_data['content'] = $item_data['content'] ? $item_data['content'] : $item_data['description'];
                 $item_data['guid'] = md5($this->_key . ($item_data['guid'] ? $item_data['guid'] : preg_replace("#\\s|\r|\n#is", "", $item_data['title'] . $item_data['link'] . $item_data['description'])));
                 $item_data['unixdate'] = intval($item_data['unixdate']) ? intval($item_data['unixdate']) : time();
                 /*  Convert char set? */
                 if ($this->_rssClass->orig_doc_type != $this->_rssClass->doc_type) {
                     $item_data['title'] = IPSText::convertCharsets($item_data['title'], "UTF-8", IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
                     $item_data['content'] = IPSText::convertCharsets($item_data['content'], "UTF-8", IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
                 /* Dates */
                 if ($item_data['unixdate'] < 1 or $item_data['unixdate'] > time()) {
                     $item_data['unixdate'] = time();
                 /* Error check */
                 if (!$item_data['title'] or !$item_data['content']) {
                     $this->errors[] = $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->words['_rssimportnotoc'];
                 /* Content check? */
                 if ($this->_contentMatch) {
                     if (!stristr($item_data['content'], $this->_contentMatch)) {
                 /* Title check? */
                 if ($this->_titleMatch) {
                     if (!stristr($item_data['title'], $this->_titleMatch)) {
                 /* Add to array */
                 $items[$item_data['guid']] = $item_data;
                 $check_guids[] = $item_data['guid'];
     /* Check GUIDs */
     if (!count($check_guids)) {
         $rss_error[] = $this->lang->words['im_noitems'];
         return false;
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'rss_guid', 'from' => 'core_rss_imported', 'where' => "rss_foreign_key='" . $this->_key . "' AND rss_guid IN ('" . implode("','", $check_guids) . "')"));
     $i = $this->DB->execute();
     while ($guid = $this->DB->fetch($i)) {
         $final_guids[$guid['rss_guid']] = $guid['rss_guid'];
     /* Compare GUIDs */
     $item_count = 0;
     foreach ($items as $guid => $data) {
         if (in_array($guid, $final_guids)) {
         } else {
             /* Make sure each item has a unique date */
             $final_items[$data['unixdate'] . '.' . $item_count] = $data;
     /* Sort Array */
     /* Pick off last X */
     $count = 1;
     $tmp_final_items = $final_items;
     $final_items = array();
     foreach ($tmp_final_items as $date => $data) {
         $this->_imported[$date] = $data;
         if ($count >= $this->_limit) {
     /* now sort it oldest first */
     /* add in map */
     foreach ($this->_imported as $date => $data) {
         $this->__map[$count - 1] = $date;
Exemple #21
  * Redirect to Twitter
  * Exciting, isn't it.
  * @access	private
  * @param	string		Plug in
 public function share($title, $url)
     $title = IPSText::convertCharsets($title, IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, 'utf-8');
     $url = "http://reddit.com/submit?url=" . urlencode($url) . "&title=" . urlencode($title);
  * Log in and create a brand new forum account
  * @access	public
  * @return	mixed		On success, an array containing a message and redirect URL
  * NO_FACEBOOK_USER_LOGGED_IN		System cannot detect a logged in facebook user
  * NO_FB_EMAIL						Could not locate a facebook proxy email
  * CREATION_FAIL					Account creation failed
  * ALREADY_LINKED_MEMBER			The facebook UID is already linked to another IPB account
 public function loginWithNewAccount()
     $loggedInUser = $this->FB()->get_loggedin_user();
     if (!$loggedInUser) {
         throw new Exception('NO_FACEBOOK_USER_LOGGED_IN');
     /* Ensure that there is not already a linked account */
     /* Now get the linked user */
     $_member = IPSMember::load($loggedInUser, 'all', 'fb_uid');
     if ($_member['member_id']) {
         throw new Exception('ALREADY_LINKED_MEMBER');
     /* Now fetch more data */
     $_fbData = $this->API()->users_getInfo($loggedInUser, array('name', 'proxied_email', 'timezone', 'pic', 'pic_square', 'pic_square_with_logo', 'about_me'));
     $fbData = $_fbData[0];
     if (!$fbData['proxied_email']) {
         throw new Exception('NO_FB_EMAIL');
     /* Generate BW options */
     foreach (array('fbc_s_pic', 'fbc_s_avatar', 'fbc_s_status', 'fbc_s_aboutme') as $field) {
         $toSave[$field] = 1;
     $fb_bwoptions = IPSBWOptions::freeze($toSave, 'facebook');
     /* Generate FB hash */
     $hash = $this->generateEmailHash($fbData['proxied_email']);
     $memberData = IPSMember::create(array('core' => array('name' => IPSText::convertCharsets($fbData['name'], 'utf-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET), 'members_display_name' => IPSText::convertCharsets($fbData['name'], 'utf-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET), 'members_created_remote' => 1, 'member_group_id' => $this->settings['fbc_mgid'] ? $this->settings['fbc_mgid'] : $this->settings['member_group'], 'email' => $fbData['proxied_email'], 'time_offset' => $fbData['timezone'], 'fb_uid' => $loggedInUser, 'fb_emailhash' => $hash), 'extendedProfile' => array('pp_about_me' => IPSText::convertCharsets($fbData['about_me'], 'utf-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET), 'fb_photo' => $fbData['pic'], 'fb_photo_thumb' => $fbData['pic_square_with_logo'], 'fb_bwoptions' => $fb_bwoptions, 'avatar_location' => $fbData['pic_square'], 'avatar_type' => 'facebook')), TRUE);
     if (!$memberData['member_id']) {
         throw new Exception('CREATION_FAIL');
     /* Register with Facebook */
     try {
         $reg = $this->API()->connect_registerUsers(json_encode(array(array('email_hash' => $hash, 'account_id' => $memberData['member_id']))));
     } catch (Exception $error) {
         //print $error->getMessage(); exit();
     // Update Stats
     $cache = $this->cache->getCache('stats');
     if ($memberData['members_display_name'] and $memberData['member_id']) {
         $cache['last_mem_name'] = $memberData['members_display_name'];
         $cache['last_mem_id'] = $memberData['member_id'];
     $cache['mem_count'] += 1;
     $this->cache->setCache('stats', $cache, array('array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 0));
     // New registration emails
     if ($this->settings['new_reg_notify']) {
         $this->lang->loadLanguageFile(array('public_register'), 'core');
         $date = $this->registry->class_localization->getDate(time(), 'LONG', 1);
         IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage(array('DATE' => $date, 'MEMBER_NAME' => $memberData['members_display_name']));
         IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = $this->lang->words['new_registration_email1'] . $this->settings['board_name'];
         IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to = $this->settings['email_in'];
     /* Here, so log us in!! */
     return $this->_login()->loginWithoutCheckingCredentials($memberData['member_id'], TRUE);
Exemple #23
  * Rebuild the RSS Stream cache
  * @param	mixed	$rss_import_id	ID of the stream to import
  * @param	bool	$return			Set to true to return true/false
  * @param	bool	$id_is_array	Set to true if the first paramter is an array of ids
  * @return	mixed
 public function rssImportRebuildCache($rss_import_id, $return = true, $id_is_array = false)
     /* INIT */
     $errors = array();
     $affected_forum_ids = array();
     $rss_error = array();
     $rss_import_ids = array();
     $items_imported = 0;
     /* Check the ID */
     if (!$rss_import_id) {
         $rss_import_id = $this->request['rss_import_id'] == 'all' ? 'all' : intval($this->request['rss_import_id']);
     /* No ID Found */
     if (!$rss_import_id) {
         $this->registry->output->global_error = $this->lang->words['im_noid'];
     /* Create an array of ids */
     if ($id_is_array == 1) {
         $rss_import_ids = explode(",", $rss_import_id);
     /* Load the classes we need */
     if (!$this->classes_loaded) {
         /* Get the RSS Class */
         if (!is_object($this->class_rss)) {
             $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classRss.php', 'classRss');
             $this->class_rss = new $classToLoad();
             $this->class_rss->rss_max_show = 100;
         /* Get the post class */
         require_once IPSLib::getAppDir('forums') . '/sources/classes/post/classPost.php';
         $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPSLib::getAppDir('forums') . '/sources/classes/post/classPostForms.php', 'classPostForms', 'forums');
         $this->post = new $classToLoad($this->registry);
         /* Load the mod libarry */
         if (!$this->func_mod) {
             $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPSLib::getAppDir('forums') . '/sources/classes/moderate.php', 'moderatorLibrary', 'forums');
             $this->func_mod = new $classToLoad($this->registry);
         $this->classes_loaded = 1;
     /* INIT Forums */
     if (!is_array($this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id) or !count($this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id)) {
     /* Sort out which IDs to load.. */
     if ($rss_import_id == 'all') {
         $where = 'rss_import_enabled=1';
         // Update only enabled ones!
     } elseif ($id_is_array == 1) {
         $where = 'rss_import_id IN (' . implode(',', $rss_import_ids) . ')';
     } else {
         $where = 'rss_import_id=' . $rss_import_id;
     /* Query the RSS imports */
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'rss_import', 'where' => $where));
     $outer = $this->DB->execute();
     /* Loop through and build cache */
     while ($row = $this->DB->fetch($outer)) {
         /* Skip non-existent forums - bad stuff happens */
         if (empty($this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id[$row['rss_import_forum_id']])) {
         /* Allowing badwords? */
         IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->bypass_badwords = $row['rss_import_allow_html'];
         /* Set this import's doctype */
         $this->class_rss->doc_type = strtoupper(IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
         /* Set this import's authentication */
         $this->class_rss->auth_req = $row['rss_import_auth'];
         $this->class_rss->auth_user = $row['rss_import_auth_user'];
         $this->class_rss->auth_pass = $row['rss_import_auth_pass'];
         /* Clear RSS object's error cache first */
         $this->class_rss->errors = array();
         $this->class_rss->rss_items = array();
         /* Reset the rss count as this is a new feed */
         $this->class_rss->rss_count = 0;
         $this->class_rss->rss_max_show = $row['rss_import_pergo'];
         /* Parse RSS */
         /* Check for errors */
         if (is_array($this->class_rss->errors) and count($this->class_rss->errors)) {
             $rss_error = array_merge($rss_error, $this->class_rss->errors);
         if (!is_array($this->class_rss->rss_channels) or !count($this->class_rss->rss_channels)) {
             $rss_error[] = sprintf($this->lang->words['im_noopen'], $row['rss_import_url']);
         /* Update last check time */
         $this->DB->update('rss_import', array('rss_import_last_import' => IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW), 'rss_import_id=' . $row['rss_import_id']);
         /* Apparently so: Parse feeds and check for already imported GUIDs */
         $final_items = array();
         $items = array();
         $check_guids = array();
         $final_guids = array();
         $count = 0;
         if (!is_array($this->class_rss->rss_items) or !count($this->class_rss->rss_items)) {
             $rss_error[] = $row['rss_import_url'] . $this->lang->words['im_noimport'];
         /* Loop through the channels */
         foreach ($this->class_rss->rss_channels as $channel_id => $channel_data) {
             if (is_array($this->class_rss->rss_items[$channel_id]) and count($this->class_rss->rss_items[$channel_id])) {
                 /* Loop through the items in this channel */
                 foreach ($this->class_rss->rss_items[$channel_id] as $item_data) {
                     /* Item Data */
                     $item_data['content'] = $item_data['content'] ? $item_data['content'] : $item_data['description'];
                     $item_data['guid'] = md5($row['rss_import_id'] . ($item_data['guid'] ? $item_data['guid'] : preg_replace('#\\s|\\r|\\n#is', "", $item_data['title'] . $item_data['link'] . $item_data['description'])));
                     $item_data['unixdate'] = intval($item_data['unixdate']) ? intval($item_data['unixdate']) : IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW;
                     /*  If feed charset doesn't match original, we converted to utf-8 and need to convert back now */
                     if ($this->class_rss->doc_type != $this->class_rss->orig_doc_type) {
                         $item_data['title'] = IPSText::convertCharsets($item_data['title'], "UTF-8", IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
                         $item_data['content'] = IPSText::convertCharsets($item_data['content'], "UTF-8", IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
                     /* Error check */
                     if (!$item_data['title'] or !$item_data['content']) {
                         $rss_error[] = sprintf($this->lang->words['im_notitle'], $item_data['title']);
                     /* Dates */
                     if ($item_data['unixdate'] < 1) {
                         $item_data['unixdate'] = IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW;
                     } else {
                         if ($item_data['unixdate'] > IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW) {
                             $item_data['unixdate'] = IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW;
                     /* Add to array */
                     $items[$item_data['guid']] = $item_data;
                     $check_guids[] = $item_data['guid'];
         /* Check GUIDs */
         if (!count($check_guids)) {
             $rss_error[] = $this->lang->words['im_noitems'];
         $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'rss_imported', 'where' => "rss_imported_guid IN ('" . implode("','", $check_guids) . "')"));
         while ($guid = $this->DB->fetch()) {
             $final_guids[$guid['rss_imported_guid']] = $guid['rss_imported_guid'];
         /* Compare GUIDs */
         $item_count = 0;
         foreach ($items as $guid => $data) {
             if (in_array($guid, $final_guids)) {
             } else {
                 /* Make sure each item has a unique date */
                 $final_items[$data['unixdate'] . $item_count] = $data;
         /* Sort Array */
         /* Pick off last X */
         $count = 1;
         $tmp_final_items = $final_items;
         $final_items = array();
         foreach ($tmp_final_items as $date => $data) {
             $final_items[$date] = $data;
             if ($count >= $row['rss_import_pergo']) {
         /* Anything left? */
         if (!count($final_items)) {
         /* Figure out MID */
         $member = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => 'member_id, name, members_display_name, ip_address', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => "member_id={$row['rss_import_mid']}"));
         if (!$member['member_id']) {
         /* Set member in post class */
         /* Make 'dem posts */
         $affected_forum_ids[] = $row['rss_import_forum_id'];
         /* Get editor */
         $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite');
         $editor = new $classToLoad();
         /* Force RTE */
         foreach ($final_items as $topic_item) {
             /* Fix &amp; */
             $topic_item['title'] = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $topic_item['title']);
             $topic_item['title'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), ' ', $topic_item['title']);
             $topic_item['title'] = str_replace(array("<br />", "<br>"), ' ', $topic_item['title']);
             $topic_item['title'] = trim($topic_item['title']);
             $topic_item['title'] = strip_tags($topic_item['title']);
             $topic_item['title'] = IPSText::parseCleanValue($topic_item['title']);
             /* Fix up &amp;reg; */
             $topic_item['title'] = str_replace('&amp;reg;', '&reg;', $topic_item['title']);
             if ($row['rss_import_topic_pre']) {
                 $topic_item['title'] = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', str_replace('&amp;nbsp;', '&nbsp;', $row['rss_import_topic_pre'])) . ' ' . $topic_item['title'];
             $this->post->setTopicTitle(IPSText::mbsubstr($topic_item['title'], 0, $this->settings['topic_title_max_len']));
             $this->post->setPublished($row['rss_import_topic_hide'] ? false : true);
             /* Clean up.. */
             $topic_item['content'] = preg_replace("#<br />(\r)?\n#is", "<br />", $topic_item['content']);
             if (!$row['rss_import_allow_html']) {
                 $topic_item['content'] = stripslashes($topic_item['content']);
                 $post_content = $editor->process($topic_item['content']);
             } else {
                 $post_content = stripslashes($topic_item['content']);
             /* Add in Show link... */
             if ($row['rss_import_showlink'] and $topic_item['link']) {
                 $the_link = str_replace('{url}', trim($topic_item['link']), $row['rss_import_showlink']);
                 $the_link = "<br /><br />" . stripslashes($the_link);
                 $post_content .= $the_link;
             /* Make sure HTML mode is enabled correctly */
             $this->request['post_htmlstatus'] = 1;
             /* Prevent invalid img extensions from breaking */
             $_hack = $this->settings['img_ext'];
             $_zack = $this->settings['max_quotes_per_post'];
             $this->settings['img_ext'] = null;
             $this->settings['max_quotes_per_post'] = 500;
             $tmpForum = $this->post->getForumData();
             $tmpAuthor = $this->post->getAuthor();
             $this->post->setForumData(array_merge($tmpForum, array('use_html' => 1)));
             $this->post->setAuthor(array_merge($tmpAuthor, array('g_dohtml' => 1)));
             /* Insert */
             try {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
             /* Reset */
             $this->settings['img_ext'] = $_hack;
             $this->settings['max_quotes_per_post'] = $_zack;
             $this->request['post_htmlstatus'] = 0;
             if (!$row['rss_import_topic_open']) {
                 if (!$this->modLibrary) {
                     $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPSLib::getAppDir('forums') . '/sources/classes/moderate.php', 'moderatorLibrary', 'forums');
                     $this->modLibrary = new $classToLoad($this->registry);
             /* Insert GUID match */
             $this->DB->insert('rss_imported', array('rss_imported_impid' => $row['rss_import_id'], 'rss_imported_guid' => $topic_item['guid'], 'rss_imported_tid' => $this->post->getTopicData('tid')));
     /* Uncomment when testing imports */
     //$this->DB->delete( 'rss_imported', '1=1');
     /* Recount Stats */
     if (count($affected_forum_ids)) {
         foreach ($affected_forum_ids as $fid) {
         $this->cache->rebuildCache('stats', 'global');
     /* Return */
     if ($return) {
         $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['im_recached'];
         if (count($rss_error)) {
             $this->registry->output->global_message .= "<br />" . implode("<br />", $rss_error);
     } else {
         return TRUE;
  * Extract: Parse RSS document from URL
  * @param	string		URI
  * @return	@e boolean
 public function parseFeedFromUrl($feed_location)
     // Load file management class
     require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . '/classFileManagement.php';
     $this->classFileManagement = new classFileManagement();
     $this->classFileManagement->use_sockets = $this->use_sockets;
     $this->classFileManagement->auth_req = $this->auth_req;
     $this->classFileManagement->auth_user = $this->auth_user;
     $this->classFileManagement->auth_pass = $this->auth_pass;
     $this->classFileManagement->userAgent = $this->userAgent;
     // Reset arrays
     $this->rss_items = array();
     $this->rss_channels = array();
     // Get data
     $data = $this->classFileManagement->getFileContents($feed_location);
     if (count($this->classFileManagement->errors)) {
         $this->errors = $this->classFileManagement->errors;
         return FALSE;
     $_foundIn = '';
     if (preg_match("#encoding=[\"'](\\S+?)[\"']#si", $data, $matches)) {
         $this->orig_doc_type = strtoupper($matches[1]);
         $_foundIn = 'encoding';
     if (!$this->orig_doc_type and preg_match("#charset=(\\S+?)#si", $data, $matches)) {
         $this->orig_doc_type = strtoupper($matches[1]);
         $_foundIn = 'charset';
     // If feed charset isn't supportd by XML lib,
     // convert to UTF-8
     // Edit - ALWAYS use utf-8.  A wide html entity (&#8216;) is
     // valid in iso-8859-1 output because it is an entity, however
     // the XML library tries to convert all entities to their appropriate
     // character which corrupts it.
     // @link	http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-33588-rss-import-character-issue
     // @link	http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.xml-set-character-data-handler.php#35065
     $supported_encodings = array("UTF-8");
     $charset = ($this->orig_doc_type and in_array($this->orig_doc_type, $supported_encodings)) ? $this->orig_doc_type : "UTF-8";
     if ($this->convert_charset and $data) {
         if ($charset != $this->orig_doc_type) {
             $data = IPSText::convertCharsets($data, $this->orig_doc_type, $charset);
             # Replace any char-set= data
             if ($_foundIn == 'encoding') {
                 $data = preg_replace("#encoding=[\"'](\\S+?)[\"']#si", "encoding=\"" . $charset . "\"", $data);
             } else {
                 $data = preg_replace("#charset=(\\S+?)#si", "charset=" . $charset, $data);
     /* Parse */
     $this->_parse($data, $charset);
     return TRUE;
  * Redirect to Google
  * Exciting, isn't it.
  * @param	string		Plug in
 public function share($title, $url)
     $title = IPSText::convertCharsets($title, IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, 'utf-8');
     $url = "http://www.google.com/sharer.php?u=" . urlencode($url);
Exemple #26
  * Callback function for array_walk_recursive to convert each entry
  * @param	mixed		Value
  * @param	string		Array key
  * @return	void
 public static function arrayWalkCallbackConvert(&$value, $key)
     if (is_string($value)) {
         $value = IPSText::convertCharsets($value, IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, "UTF-8");
  * Import files from disk
  * @param	string		Directory to look in
  * @param	int			Language ID to import into
  * @param	array 		[Only import these files]
  * @param	boolean		[Perform character set translation from UTF-8]
  * @return	array		List of files successfully imported
 private function _importFromDisk($mainDir, $langId, $onlyTheseFiles = array(), $convertCharSet = false)
     /* INIT */
     $imported = array();
     $lang_entries = array();
     $js_entries = array();
     $counts = array();
     /* Start looping */
     if (is_dir($mainDir)) {
         $dh = opendir($mainDir);
         /* Ensure it has a trailing slash */
         if (substr($mainDir, -1) != '/') {
             $mainDir .= '/';
         while ($f = readdir($dh)) {
             if ($f[0] == '.' || $f == 'index.html') {
             /* Skipping? */
             if (is_array($onlyTheseFiles) and count($onlyTheseFiles) and !in_array($f, $onlyTheseFiles)) {
             if (preg_match('#^\\S+?_\\S+?\\.php$#', $f)) {
                 // INIT
                 $updated = 0;
                 $inserted = 0;
                 $app = preg_replace('#^([^_]+?)_(\\S+?)\\.php$#', "\\1", $f);
                 $word_pack = preg_replace('#^([^_]+?)_(\\S+?)\\.php$#', "\\2", $f);
                 $lang = array();
                 $db_lang = array();
                 $counts[$f] = array();
                 if (!is_file($mainDir . $f)) {
                 /* Require the file */
                 require $mainDir . $f;
                 // Loop
                 foreach ($lang as $k => $v) {
                     // Build db array
                     $db_array = array('lang_id' => $langId, 'word_app' => $app, 'word_pack' => $word_pack, 'word_key' => $k, 'word_custom' => IPSText::convertCharsets($v, 'UTF-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET), 'word_js' => 0);
                     // If cached, get from cache
                     if ($lang_entries[$langId][$db_array['word_app']][$db_array['word_pack']]) {
                         $lang_entry = $lang_entries[$langId][$db_array['word_app']][$db_array['word_pack']][$db_array['word_key']];
                     } else {
                         $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_lang_words', 'where' => "lang_id={$langId} AND word_app='{$db_array['word_app']}' AND word_pack='{$db_array['word_pack']}'"));
                         while ($r = $this->DB->fetch()) {
                             $lang_entries[$r['lang_id']][$r['word_app']][$r['word_pack']][$r['word_key']] = $r;
                         if ($lang_entries[$langId][$db_array['word_app']][$db_array['word_pack']][$db_array['word_key']]) {
                             $lang_entry = $lang_entries[$langId][$db_array['word_app']][$db_array['word_pack']][$db_array['word_key']];
                     /* Finish off */
                     $db_array['word_default'] = $lang_entries[$langId][$db_array['word_app']][$db_array['word_pack']][$db_array['word_key']]['word_default'];
                     $db_array['word_default_version'] = $lang_entries[$langId][$db_array['word_app']][$db_array['word_pack']][$db_array['word_key']]['word_default_version'];
                     $db_array['word_custom_version'] = IPB_LONG_VERSION;
                     // If there is no new custom lang bit to insert
                     // don't delete what is already there.
                     if (!$db_array['word_custom']) {
                     // Lang bit already exists, update
                     if ($lang_entry['word_id']) {
                         // Don't update default version
                         $this->DB->update('core_sys_lang_words', $db_array, "word_id={$lang_entry['word_id']}");
                     } else {
                         if (!$lang_entry['word_id']) {
                             $this->DB->insert('core_sys_lang_words', $db_array);
             } else {
                 if (preg_match('/(\\.js)$/', $f)) {
                     $_js_word_pack = '';
                     if ($f == 'ipb.lang.js') {
                         $_js_word_pack = 'public_js';
                     } else {
                         if ($f == 'acp.lang.js') {
                             $_js_word_pack = 'admin_js';
                     // If not cached, get it
                     if (!$js_entries[$langId][$_js_word_pack]) {
                         $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_lang_words', 'where' => "lang_id={$langId} AND word_pack='{$_js_word_pack}'"));
                         while ($r = $this->DB->fetch()) {
                             $js_entries[$r['word_pack']][$r['word_key']] = $r;
                     // Delete current words for this app and word pack
                     $this->DB->delete('core_sys_lang_words', 'lang_id=' . $langId . " AND word_app='core' AND word_pack='" . $_js_word_pack . "'");
                     // Get each line
                     $js_file = file($mainDir . $f);
                     // Loop through lines and import
                     foreach ($js_file as $r) {
                         // preg_match what we want
                         preg_match('#ipb\\.lang\\[\'(.+?)\'\\](.+?)= ["\'](.+?)["\'];#', $r, $matches);
                         // Valid?
                         if ($matches[1] && $matches[3]) {
                             $insert = array('lang_id' => $langId, 'word_app' => 'core', 'word_pack' => $_js_word_pack, 'word_key' => $matches[1], 'word_custom' => IPSText::convertCharsets($matches[3], 'UTF-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET), 'word_js' => 1, 'word_default' => $js_entries[$_js_word_pack][$matches[1]]['word_default'], 'word_default_version' => $js_entries[$_js_word_pack][$matches[1]]['word_default_version'], 'word_custom_version' => IPB_LONG_VERSION);
                             $this->DB->insert('core_sys_lang_words', $insert);
     return $counts;
Exemple #28
  * Parse a "part"
  * @param	stdClass	As returned by mailMime_decode
 protected function _parsePart($part)
     /* Some clients use uppercase, but we check by lowercase */
     $part->ctype_primary = strtolower($part->ctype_primary);
     $part->ctype_secondary = strtolower($part->ctype_secondary);
     /* Make sure .txt files get attached as .txt files */
     if ($part->ctype_primary == 'text' and $part->disposition == 'attachment') {
         $part->ctype_primary = 'unknown';
         $part->ctype_secondary = 'unknown';
     /* What is this? */
     switch ($part->ctype_primary) {
         /* Multipart - means there's more than one part to this part */
         case 'multipart':
             // "Alternative" means there's more than one way to interpret this part, usually means we have plain text and HTML varients
             if ($part->ctype_secondary == 'alternative') {
                 // First, check if we have html and plaintext
                 if (!$this->alternative) {
                     $haveHtml = false;
                     $havePlain = false;
                     foreach ($part->parts as $p) {
                         if ($p->ctype_primary == 'text') {
                             if ($p->ctype_secondary == 'html') {
                                 $haveHtml = true;
                             } elseif ($p->ctype_secondary == 'plain') {
                                 $havePlain = true;
                 // This means we need to decide which of the parts we prefer
                 $preferredPart = array_shift($part->parts);
                 foreach ($part->parts as $p) {
                     if ($this->_isBetter($preferredPart, $p)) {
                         $preferredPart = $p;
                 // What did we choose?
                 if (!$this->alternative and $haveHtml and $havePlain) {
                     if ($preferredPart->ctype_secondary == 'html') {
                         $this->alternative = 'h';
                     } elseif ($preferredPart->ctype_secondary == 'html') {
                         $this->alternative = 'p';
                 return $this->_parsePart($preferredPart);
             // Otherwise, parse all parts
             foreach ($part->parts as $p) {
             /* Text */
         /* Text */
         case 'text':
             $body = $part->body;
             $this->original_message .= $body;
             // Add <br /> tags
             if ($part->ctype_secondary != 'html') {
                 $body = nl2br($body);
             // Convert the charset if necessary
             if (isset($part->ctype_parameters['charset']) and $part->ctype_parameters['charset'] != IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET) {
                 // Sometimes the charset will be "xx-ascii" which isn't what we want
                 if (strpos($part->ctype_parameters['charset'], 'ascii') !== FALSE) {
                     //$part->ctype_parameters['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
                 // Convert
                 $body = IPSText::convertCharsets($body, $part->ctype_parameters['charset'], IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
                 $part->ctype_parameters['charset'] = IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET;
             // Parse > style quotes
             $quoteLevel = 0;
             $quotableLine = '';
             foreach (explode("<br />", $body) as $k => $line) {
                 $line = trim($line);
                 // We only need to check for opening/closing quotes if this line actually has content
                 if ($line) {
                     // If this line starts with less >s than we're expecting, add a close quote tag
                     // Note we strip whitespace when doing this check as sometimes you'll get ">>>" and other times "> > >"
                     if (substr(str_replace(' ', '', $line), 0, $quoteLevel) != str_repeat('>', $quoteLevel)) {
                         $line = substr($line, $quoteLevel);
                         $line .= '[/quote]<br />';
                     } else {
                         // Strip out the >s that we're expecting
                         // Note this has to use the regex as sometimes you'll get ">>>" and other times "> > >"
                         $line = trim(preg_replace('/^(>\\s?){' . $quoteLevel . '}/', '', $line));
                         // If, after stripping the expected number of >s, the line still starts with a >, then open a quote tag
                         if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '>') {
                             $line = substr($line, 1);
                             // If we have content to add into the tag, do that, otherwise, a blank quote is fine
                             if ($quotableLine) {
                                 $this->message = substr($this->message, 0, strrpos($this->message, $quotableLine));
                                 $this->message .= "[quote collapse='1' name='" . str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), ' ', $quotableLine) . "']";
                             } else {
                                 $this->message .= "[quote collapse='1']";
                     // Save the content of this line so that if a quote starts on the next line, we can put it in the header of that quote
                     // Only do this if the line ends with a colon (i.e. "On x, y wrote:") and it doesn't contain any quote tags we've added
                     $quotableLine = '';
                     if (substr($line, -1) == ':' and strpos($line, '[') === FALSE) {
                         $quotableLine = $line;
                 $this->message .= $line . '<br />';
             if ($quoteLevel) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $quoteLevel; $i++) {
                     $this->message .= '[/quote]';
             // Parse HTML block quotes
             /* Loop */
             preg_match_all('/<blockquote.+?>/s', $this->message, $matches);
             while (!empty($matches) and !empty($matches[0])) {
                 $m = $matches[0][0];
                 // Get all the content before the quote
                 $stripped = substr($this->message, 0, strpos($this->message, $m));
                 // Knock off any breaks or closed divs after it
                 $stripped = trim(str_replace('</div>', '', $stripped));
                 $stripped = preg_replace('/((<br(\\s*\\/)?>|&nbsp)*$)/s', '', $stripped);
                 // Now scan back until we hit some other html
                 $pos = strrpos($stripped, '>') + 1;
                 $stripped = trim(substr($stripped, $pos));
                 // If it's an acceptable header, use it
                 if (substr($stripped, -1, 1) == ':') {
                     // Chop it out
                     $this->message = substr_replace($this->message, '', strpos($this->message, $stripped), strlen($stripped));
                     // We have to encode the header so future tags don't replace it
                     $stripped = '{{QUOTE-ENCODE:' . base64_encode($stripped) . '}}';
                     // Replace the blockquote
                     $this->message = substr_replace($this->message, "[quote collapse='1' name='{$stripped}']", strpos($this->message, $m), strlen($m));
                 } else {
                     // Replace the blockquote
                     $this->message = substr_replace($this->message, "[quote collapse='1']", strpos($this->message, $m), strlen($m));
                 // Do the scan again
                 preg_match_all('/<blockquote.+?>/s', $this->message, $matches);
             /* Decode the quote headers we made */
             $this->message = preg_replace_callback('/{{QUOTE-ENCODE:(.+?)}}/', create_function('$m', 'return str_replace( array( "\\r", "\\n" ), " ", base64_decode( $m[1] ) );'), $this->message);
             /* Add in closing [/quote] tags */
             $this->message = preg_replace('/<\\/blockquote>/', '[/quote]', $this->message);
             /* Check we haven't ended up with any blank quotes */
             preg_match_all('/\\[quote.+?\\](.+?)\\[\\/quote\\]/s', $this->message, $matches);
             foreach ($matches[0] as $k => $m) {
                 if (!trim(strip_tags($matches[1][$k]))) {
                     $this->message = str_replace($m, '', $this->message);
             // Quote out "Forwarded Message"
             if (preg_match('/-{10,}\\s+(.+?)\\s-{10,}/', $this->message, $matches)) {
                 $this->message = str_replace($matches[0], "[quote collapse='1']", $this->message);
                 $this->message .= '[/quote]';
             // Look for common quote encapsulation methods
             if (strpos($this->message, 'OLK_SRC_BODY_SECTION') !== false) {
                 if (preg_match('/<span id=["\']OLK_SRC_BODY_SECTION[\'"]>/ims', $this->message, $matches)) {
                     $this->message = str_replace($matches[0], "[quote collapse='1']{$matches[0]}", $this->message);
                     if (strpos($this->message, '</body>') !== false) {
                         $this->message = str_replace('</body>', "[/quote]</body>", $this->message);
                     } else {
                         $this->message .= '[/quote]';
             if (strpos($this->message, 'MsoNormal') !== false) {
                 if (preg_match('/<div style=["\'].+?border-top:.+?[\'"]>.*?<p class=["\']MsoNormal["\']>(.+)<\\/div>/ims', $this->message, $matches)) {
                     $this->message = str_replace($matches[0], "[quote collapse='1']{$matches[0]}[/quote]", $this->message);
             // This code does work, however:
             // --Differing email clients have differing formats, so it's not reliable
             // --There can be cases where you have [quote collapse='1' name='On date, at time, so and so wrote:'] already, which results in [quote name='[quote ...]'], breaking the parsing
             /*if( preg_match( '/\bon\s+?.+?,\s*?at.+?,\s*?' . $this->settings['board_name'] . '.+?' . $this->settings['email_out'] . '.+?wrote:/ims', $this->message, $matches ) )
             					// If there's an opening <div> right after this, go there instead
             					// but only if we're not going to strip quotes (otherwise we get a stray "blah blah said:" line)
             					if( strpos( $this->message, "<div>", strpos( $this->message, $matches[0] ) ) !== false )
             						$matches[0]	= substr( $this->message, strpos( $this->message, $matches[0] ), strpos( $this->message, "<div>", strpos( $this->message, $matches[0] ) ) - strpos( $this->message, $matches[0] ) + 5 );
             						$this->message	= str_replace( $matches[0], "{$matches[0]}[quote collapse='1']", $this->message );
             						$this->message	= preg_replace( "/<\/div>\s*?<\/body>/", "[/quote]</div></body>", $this->message );
             						$this->message = str_replace( $matches[0], "{$matches[0]}[quote collapse='1']", $this->message );
             						if( strpos( $this->message, '</body>' ) !== false )
             							$this->message = str_replace( '</body>', "[/quote]</body>", $this->message );
             							$this->message .= '[/quote]';
             /* Are we missing any closing tags? */
             $_opening = substr_count($this->message, '[quote ');
             $_closing = substr_count($this->message, '[/quote]');
             if ($_opening > $_closing) {
                 for ($i = $_opening; $i < $_closing; $i++) {
                     $this->message .= '[/quote]';
             // Parse the quote tag
             //$this->message	= preg_replace( "/\[quote collapse='(.*?)'\]/ims", "<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-collapsed='\\1'>", $this->message );
             //$this->message	= str_replace( "[/quote]", "</blockquote>", $this->message );
             /* Parse BBCode */
             IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parse_html = 0;
             IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parse_nl2br = 1;
             IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parse_smilies = 1;
             IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parse_bbcode = 1;
             IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parsing_section = 'support';
             $this->message = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parseSingleBbcodes($this->message, 'display', 'quote');
             /* Attachments */
         /* Attachments */
             if ($part->ctype_primary == '_text') {
                 $part->ctype_primary = 'text';
             $mime = "{$part->ctype_primary}/{$part->ctype_secondary}";
             $name = $part->ctype_parameters['name'] ? $part->ctype_parameters['name'] : $part->d_parameters['filename'];
             $name_parts = explode('.', $name);
             $ext = array_pop($name_parts);
             $content = "{ATTACHMENT WITH EXTENSION: {$ext}}";
             if (isset($this->types[$ext]) and $this->types[$ext]['atype_post']) {
                 /* Create the file */
                 $masked_name = md5(uniqid('email')) . "-{$name}";
                 while (is_file($this->settings['upload_dir'] . "/{$masked_name}")) {
                     $masked_name = md5(uniqid('email') . microtime()) . "-{$name}";
                 file_put_contents($this->settings['upload_dir'] . "/{$masked_name}", $part->body);
                 /* Store attachment data */
                 $this->attachments[$this->akey] = array('attach_ext' => $ext, 'attach_file' => $name, 'attach_location' => $masked_name, 'attach_is_image' => $part->ctype_primary == 'image' ? 1 : 0, 'attach_date' => time(), 'attach_filesize' => $part->d_parameters['size']);
                 $content = "{ATTACHMENT:{$this->akey}}";
             $addedContent = FALSE;
             if (isset($part->disposition) and $part->disposition == 'inline') {
                 $contentId = trim($part->headers['content-id'], '<>');
                 if (strpos($this->message, $contentId) !== FALSE) {
                     switch ($part->ctype_primary) {
                         case 'image':
                             $this->message = preg_replace("/<img.+?src=['\"]cid:{$contentId}['\"].*?>/", $content, $this->message);
                             $addedContent = TRUE;
             if (!$addedContent) {
                 $this->message .= $content;
Exemple #29
  * Completes the connection
  * @access	public
  * @return	redirect
 public function finishLogin()
     /* From reg flag */
     if ($_REQUEST['code']) {
         /* Reset api to ensure user is not logged in */
         /* Ensure URL is correct */
         $_urlExtra = '';
         if ($_REQUEST['key']) {
             $_urlExtra .= '&key=' . $_REQUEST['key'];
         if ($_REQUEST['reg']) {
             $_urlExtra .= '&reg=1';
         /* Update callback url */
         $this->_api->setVariable('authorize_callback_uri', VKONTAKTE_CALLBACK . $_urlExtra);
         /* Generate oAuth token */
         $rToken = $this->_api->getAccessToken();
         if (is_string($rToken)) {
             try {
                 $oAuthSession = $this->_api->getSession();
                 $r = $this->_api->api('getProfiles', 'GET', array('uids' => $oAuthSession['user_id'], 'fields' => 'uid,first_name,last_name,nickname,photo,photo_medium,photo_big,timezone,sex,nickname,activity'));
                 $_userData = array_pop($r['response']);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
             /* A little gymnastics */
             $this->_userData = $_userData;
             $this->_userData['photo'] = $_userData['photo_big'];
             /* Got a member linked already? */
             $_member = IPSMember::load($_userData['uid'], 'all', 'vk_uid');
             if ($_member['member_id']) {
                 $memberData = $_member;
                 /* Ensure user's row is up to date */
                 IPSMember::save($memberData['member_id'], array('core' => array('vk_token' => $rToken)));
                 /* Here, so log us in!! */
                 /* changed by denchu 26/12/12 */
                 $r = $this->_login()->loginWithoutCheckingCredentials($memberData['member_id'], TRUE);
                 if (is_array($r)) {
                     if (isset($r[1])) {
                         $this->registry->getClass('output')->redirectScreen($r[0], $r[1]);
                     } else {
                 } elseif (!$r) {
                     throw new Exception('LINKED_MEMBER_LOGIN_FAIL');
                 } else {
             } else {
                 /* No? Create a new member */
                 foreach (array('vc_s_pic', 'vc_s_status') as $field) {
                     $toSave[$field] = 1;
                 $vk_bwoptions = IPSBWOptions::freeze($toSave, 'vkontakte');
                 $safeName = IPSText::convertCharsets($_userData['first_name'] . ' ' . $_userData['last_name'], 'utf-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
                 $displayName = $this->settings['fb_realname'] == 'enforced' ? $safeName : '';
                 //$displayName  = ( ! $this->settings['auth_allow_dnames'] ) ? $safeName : FALSE;
                 /* Make sure usernames are safe */
                 if ($this->settings['username_characters']) {
                     $check_against = preg_quote($this->settings['username_characters'], "/");
                     $check_against = str_replace('\\-', '-', $check_against);
                     $safeName = preg_replace('/[^' . $check_against . ']+/i', '', $safeName);
                 if (IPSText::mbstrlen($safeName) > $this->settings['max_user_name_length']) {
                     $safeName = mb_substr(IPSText::convertCharsets($_userData['last_name'], 'utf-8', IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET), 0, $this->settings['max_user_name_length'], 'UTF-8');
                 /* Check ban filters? */
                 if (IPSMember::isBanned('name', $safeName)) {
                     $this->registry->output->showError('you_are_banned', 1090003);
                 /* From reg, so create new account properly */
                 $toSave = array('core' => array('name' => $safeName, 'members_display_name' => $displayName, 'members_created_remote' => 1, 'member_group_id' => $this->settings['vk_mgid'] ? $this->settings['vk_mgid'] : $this->settings['member_group'], 'email' => '', 'vk_uid' => $_userData['uid'], 'time_offset' => $_userData['timezone'], 'vk_token' => $rToken), 'extendedProfile' => array('vk_bwoptions' => $vk_bwoptions));
                 $memberData = IPSMember::create($toSave, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
                 if (!$memberData['member_id']) {
                     throw new Exception('CREATION_FAIL');
                 /* Sync up photo */
                 $pmember = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'members_partial', 'where' => "partial_member_id=" . $memberData['member_id']));
                 if ($pmember['partial_member_id']) {
                     $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect($this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=core&module=global&section=register&do=complete_login&mid=' . $memberData['member_id'] . '&key=' . $pmember['partial_date']);
                 } else {
                     /* Already got a display name */
                     if ($displayName) {
                         /* Here, so log us in!! */
                         /* changed by denchu 26/12/12*/
                         $r = $this->_login()->loginWithoutCheckingCredentials($memberData['member_id'], TRUE);
                         IPSLib::runMemberSync('onCompleteAccount', $memberData);
                         if ($this->settings['new_reg_notify']) {
                             $this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile(array('public_register'), 'core');
                             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage(array('DATE' => $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->getDate(time(), 'LONG', 1), 'LOG_IN_NAME' => $safeFBName, 'EMAIL' => $_userData['email'], 'IP' => $this->member->ip_address, 'DISPLAY_NAME' => $displayName));
                             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = sprintf($this->lang->words['new_registration_email'], $this->settings['board_name']);
                             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to = $this->settings['email_in'];
                         if (is_array($r)) {
                             if (isset($r[1])) {
                                 $this->registry->getClass('output')->redirectScreen($r[0], $r[1]);
                             } else {
                         } elseif (!$r) {
                             throw new Exception('LINKED_MEMBER_LOGIN_FAIL');
                         } else {
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception('CREATION_FAIL');
         } else {
             throw new Exception('CREATION_FAIL');
Exemple #30
  * Send Bulk Mail via Mandrill
 protected function _mailSendMandrill()
     // Load it
     $id = intval($this->request['id']);
     $mail = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'bulk_mail', 'where' => 'mail_id=' . $id));
     if (!$mail['mail_id'] or !$mail['mail_subject'] or !$mail['mail_content']) {
         $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['b_nosend'];
     $opts = unserialize($mail['mail_opts']);
     // Work out which vars we've actually used
     $usedVars = array('unsubscribe');
     foreach (array_keys($this->_getVariableInformation($this->memberData)) as $k) {
         if (strpos($mail['mail_content'], '{' . $k . '}') !== FALSE) {
             $usedVars[] = $k;
     // Build the JSON document
     $pergo = 2000;
     $recipientsTo = array();
     $recipientsMerge = array();
     /* Start with a basic query */
     $queryData = array('select' => 'm.*', 'from' => array('members' => 'm'), 'order' => 'm.member_id', 'limit' => array($this->request['st'], $pergo));
     /* Add in filters */
     $done = 0;
     $complete = FALSE;
     $_queryData = $this->_buildMembersQuery($opts['filters']);
     $queryData['add_join'] = $_queryData['add_join'];
     $queryData['where'] = implode(' AND ', $_queryData['where']);
     /* Write the file */
     $e = $this->DB->execute();
     if (!$this->DB->getTotalRows($e)) {
         $complete = TRUE;
     while ($r = $this->DB->fetch($e)) {
         /* Skip any invalid emails - the chars presented here are allowed via RFC (note that _ and - are already allowed in alphanumericClean and don't need to be specified) */
         if (!$r['email'] or !$r['members_display_name'] or !IPSText::checkEmailAddress($r['email']) or $r['email'] != IPSText::alphanumericalClean($r['email'], '@.+!#$%&\'*/=?^`{|}~ ')) {
         $recipientsTo[] = array('email' => $r['email'], 'name' => $r['members_display_name']);
         $vars = array();
         foreach ($this->_getVariableInformation($r, 1) as $k => $v) {
             if (in_array($k, $usedVars)) {
                 $vars[] = array('name' => $k, 'content' => $v);
         if (!empty($vars)) {
             $recipientsMerge[] = array('rcpt' => $r['email'], 'vars' => $vars);
     // Build Content
     /* Sort out member vars */
     $content = $mail['mail_content'];
     foreach ($this->_getVariableInformation($this->memberData) as $k => $v) {
         $content = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', '*|' . $k . '|*', $content);
     /* Sort out global vars */
     $globalMergeVars = array();
     foreach ($this->_getVariableInformation(NULL, 2) as $k => $v) {
         if (in_array($k, $usedVars)) {
             $globalMergeVars[] = array('name' => $k, 'content' => $v);
     /* Get the full content */
     IPSText::getTextClass('email')->unsubscribe = true;
     if ($opts['mail_html_on']) {
         IPSText::getTextClass('email')->setHtmlTemplate(str_replace("\n", "", $content));
     } else {
         if ($this->settings['email_use_html']) {
         } else {
             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->setPlainTextTemplate($content, true);
     if ($opts['mail_html_on'] or $this->settings['email_use_html']) {
         IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage(array('UNSUBSCRIBE' => '*|unsubscribe|*'), true, true);
         $content = IPSText::getTextClass('email')->getHtmlContent();
     } else {
         IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage(array('UNSUBSCRIBE' => '*|unsubscribe|*'));
         $content = nl2br(IPSText::getTextClass('email')->getPlainTextContent());
     // Send to Mandrill
     if (IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET != "UTF-8") {
         $mail['mail_subject'] = IPSText::convertCharsets($mail['mail_subject'], IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, "UTF-8");
     require_once IPSLib::getAppDir('members') . '/sources/classes/mandrill.php';
     $mandrill = new Mandrill();
     $response = $mandrill->messages_send(array('message' => array('html' => $content, 'subject' => $mail['mail_subject'], 'from_email' => $this->settings['email_out'], 'from_name' => $this->settings['board_name'], 'to' => $recipientsTo, 'auto_text' => true, 'url_strip_qs' => false, 'preserve_recipients' => false, 'merge' => true, 'global_merge_vars' => $globalMergeVars, 'merge_vars' => $recipientsMerge, 'tags' => array_merge(array('ips'), array_filter($opts['mandrill_tags'], create_function('$v', 'return (bool) $v;')))), 'async' => true));
     if (isset($response->status) and $response->status == 'error') {
     // Save
     $this->DB->update('bulk_mail', array('mail_active' => 0, 'mail_updated' => time(), 'mail_sentto' => $mail['mail_sentto'] + count($recipientsTo)), 'mail_id=' . $mail['mail_id']);
     if ($complete !== TRUE) {
         $url = "{$this->settings['base_url']}app=members&module=bulkmail&section=bulkmail&do=mail_send_mandrill&id={$id}&countmembers={$this->request['countmembers']}&st=" . ($this->request['st'] + $pergo);
         if (!$this->request['st']) {
             $this->registry->getClass('output')->html_main .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->global_template->global_frame_wrapper();
         } else {
             $percentage = 100 / $this->request['countmembers'] * $this->request['st'];
             $percentage = floor($percentage);
             $this->registry->output->multipleRedirectHit($url, "Processing ({$percentage}% complete)");
     } else {