error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
// IMAP support on PHP is not a standard feature...
if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
    echo "\nFATAL_ERROR: imap_open not found!\n\n";
    echo "Please ensure that your installation of PHP has IMAP support\n\n";
    echo "This can be done in several ways, apt-get, yum, brew, etc.\n\n";
    echo "Please see your network administrator, O.S. Dcumentation,\n a Qualified Professional for details. :)\n\n";
_args($argc, $argv);
echo "\nS: ";
$S = new IMAP($_ENV['src']);
echo "\nT: ";
$T = new IMAP($_ENV['tgt']);
$src_path_list = $S->listPath();
foreach ($src_path_list as $path) {
    echo "S: {$path['name']} = {$path['attribute']}\n";
    // Skip Logic Below
    if (_path_skip($path)) {
        echo "S: Skip\n";
    // Source Path
    $src_path_stat = $S->pathStat();
    // print_r($src_path_stat);
    if (empty($src_path_stat['mail_count'])) {
        echo "S: Skip {$src_path_stat['mail_count']} messages\n";