Exemple #1
     * Handles CONTEXT_TAG.
    private function contextTag()
        $matches = $this->match('~
			(?P<end>/?>)(?P<tagnewline>[\\ \\t]*(?=\\r|\\n))?|  ##  end of HTML tag
			' . $this->macroRe . '|          ##  curly tag
			\\s*(?P<attr>[^\\s/>={]+)(?:\\s*=\\s*(?P<value>["\']|[^\\s/>{]+))? ## begin of HTML attribute
        if (!$matches || !empty($matches['macro'])) {
            // EOF or {macro}
        } elseif (!empty($matches['end'])) {
            // end of HTML tag />
            $tag = end($this->tags);
            $isEmpty = !$tag->closing && ($matches['end'][0] === '/' || isset(Html::$emptyElements[strtolower($tag->name)]));
            if ($tag->isMacro || !empty($tag->attrs)) {
                if ($tag->isMacro) {
                    $code = $this->handler->tagMacro(substr($tag->name, strlen(self::HTML_PREFIX)), $tag->attrs, $tag->closing);
                    if ($code === NULL) {
                        throw new InvalidStateException("Unknown tag-macro <{$tag->name}> on line {$this->line}.");
                    if ($isEmpty) {
                        $code .= $this->handler->tagMacro(substr($tag->name, strlen(self::HTML_PREFIX)), $tag->attrs, TRUE);
                } else {
                    $code = substr($this->output, $tag->pos) . $matches[0] . (isset($matches['tagnewline']) ? "\n" : '');
                    $code = $this->handler->attrsMacro($code, $tag->attrs, $tag->closing);
                    if ($code === NULL) {
                        throw new InvalidStateException("Unknown macro-attribute " . self::HTML_PREFIX . implode(' or ' . self::HTML_PREFIX, array_keys($tag->attrs)) . " on line {$this->line}.");
                    if ($isEmpty) {
                        $code = $this->handler->attrsMacro($code, $tag->attrs, TRUE);
                $this->output = substr_replace($this->output, $code, $tag->pos);
                $matches[0] = '';
                // remove from output
            if ($isEmpty) {
                $tag->closing = TRUE;
            if (!$tag->closing && (strcasecmp($tag->name, 'script') === 0 || strcasecmp($tag->name, 'style') === 0)) {
                $this->context = self::CONTEXT_CDATA;
                $this->escape = strcasecmp($tag->name, 'style') ? 'TemplateHelpers::escapeJs' : 'TemplateHelpers::escapeCss';
            } else {
                $this->context = self::CONTEXT_TEXT;
                $this->escape = 'TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml';
                if ($tag->closing) {
        } else {
            // HTML attribute
            $name = $matches['attr'];
            $value = empty($matches['value']) ? TRUE : $matches['value'];
            // special attribute?
            if ($isSpecial = String::startsWith($name, self::HTML_PREFIX)) {
                $name = substr($name, strlen(self::HTML_PREFIX));
            $tag = end($this->tags);
            if ($isSpecial || $tag->isMacro) {
                if ($value === '"' || $value === "'") {
                    if ($matches = $this->match('~(.*?)' . $value . '~xsi')) {
                        // overwrites $matches
                        $value = $matches[1];
                $tag->attrs[$name] = $value;
                $matches[0] = '';
                // remove from output
            } elseif ($value === '"' || $value === "'") {
                // attribute = "'
                $this->context = self::CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE;
                $this->quote = $value;
                $this->escape = strncasecmp($name, 'on', 2) ? strcasecmp($name, 'style') ? 'TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml' : 'TemplateHelpers::escapeHtmlCss' : 'TemplateHelpers::escapeHtmlJs';
        return $matches;