Exemple #1
 function Import($name, $id, $key, $flags)
     $output = "";
     // Skip bad keys
     if ($flags & KB_APIKEY_BADAUTH || $flags & KB_APIKEY_EXPIRED || $flags & KB_APIKEY_BADCORP) {
         // skip bad keys
     // also skip legacy keys now
     if ($flags & KB_APIKEY_LEGACY) {
     // reduces strain on DB
     if (function_exists("set_time_limit") && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
     $lastdatakillid = 1;
     $currentdatakillid = 0;
     $logsource = "New XML";
     // Load new XML
     $output = "<i>Downloading latest XML file for {$name}</i><br><br>";
     $accts = new API_Account();
     $characters = $accts->fetch($id, $key);
     $posted = array();
     $skipped = array();
     foreach ($characters as $char) {
         $output .= "Processing " . $char['characterName'] . "<br><br>";
         $currentkill = 0;
         $lastkill = -1;
         while ($lastkill != $currentkill) {
             $lastkill = $currentkill;
             $args = array("characterID" => $char['characterID']);
             if ($lastkill) {
                 $args["beforeKillID"] = $lastkill;
             if ($flags & KB_APIKEY_CORP) {
                 $killLog = $this->CallAPI("corp", "KillLog", $args, $id, $key);
             } else {
                 if ($flags & KB_APIKEY_CHAR) {
                     $killLog = $this->CallAPI("char", "KillLog", $args, $id, $key);
                 } else {
                     $output .= "<div class='block-header2'>Key does not have access to KillLog</div>";
             if ($this->getError() === null) {
                 // Get oldest kill
                 $currentkill = 0;
                 $sxe = simplexml_load_string($this->pheal->xml);
                 foreach ($sxe->result->rowset->row as $row) {
                     if ($currentkill < (int) $row['killID']) {
                         $currentkill = (int) $row['killID'];
             if ($this->getError() !== null) {
                 if ($this->getError() == 120 && $this->pheal->xml) {
                     // Check if we just need to skip back a few kills
                     // i.e. first page of kills is already fetched.
                     $pos = strpos($this->pheal->xml, "Expected beforeKillID [");
                     if ($pos) {
                         $pos += 23;
                         $pos2 = strpos($this->pheal->xml, "]", $pos);
                         $currentkill = (int) substr($this->pheal->xml, $pos, $pos2 - $pos);
                 } else {
                     if (!$posted && !$skipped) {
                         // Something went wrong and no kills were found.
                         $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
                         $logtype = "Cron Job";
                         $qry->execute("insert into kb3_apilog\tvalues( '" . KB_SITE . "', '" . addslashes($name) . "'," . "0, " . "0, " . "0, " . "0, " . "0, '" . "Error','" . "Cron Job','" . $this->getError() . "', " . "UTC_TIMESTAMP() )");
                         $output .= "<div class='block-header2'>" . $this->getMessage() . "</div>";
                     } else {
                         // We found kills!
                         $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
                         $logtype = "Cron Job";
                         $qry->execute("insert into kb3_apilog values( '" . KB_SITE . "', '" . addslashes($name) . "'," . count($posted) . "," . "0 ," . count($skipped) . "," . "0 ," . (count($posted) + count($skipped)) . ",'" . "New XML','" . "Cron Job','" . ($this->getError() == 119 ? 0 : $this->getError()) . "', " . "UTC_TIMESTAMP() )");
             $feedfetch = new IDFeed();
             $posted = array_merge($posted, $feedfetch->getPosted());
             $skipped = array_merge($skipped, $feedfetch->getSkipped());
             $output .= "<div class='block-header2'>" . count($posted) . " kill" . (count($posted) == 1 ? "" : "s") . " posted, " . count($skipped) . " skipped from feed: " . $id . ".<br></div>";
             if (count($posted)) {
                 $output .= "<div class='block-header2'>Posted</div>\n";
                 foreach ($posted as $killid) {
                     $output .= "<div><a href='" . edkURI::page('kill_detail', $killid[2], 'kll_id') . "'>Kill " . $killid[0] . "</a></div>";
     return $output;
Exemple #2
 * @param boolean $trusted Depreciated.
function getIDFeed($id, $url, $trusted, $lastkill)
    // Just in case, check for empty urls.
    if (empty($url)) {
        return '';
    $qry2 = new DBQuery();
    $feedfetch = new IDFeed();
    if (!$lastkill) {
        $feedfetch->setStartDate(time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
    } else {
        $feedfetch->setStartKill($lastkill + 1, true);
    if ($feedfetch->read($url) !== false) {
        $posted = count($feedfetch->getPosted());
        $skipped = count($feedfetch->getSkipped());
        $duplicate = count($feedfetch->getDuplicate());
        if (strrpos(strtolower($url), 'zkillboard')) {
            $newKillID = $feedfetch->getLastReturned();
        } else {
            $newKillID = $feedfetch->getLastInternalReturned();
        if ($newKillID > $lastkill) {
            $qry2->execute("UPDATE kb3_feeds SET feed_lastkill=" . intval($newKillID) . ", feed_updated=NOW()\n\t\t\t\tWHERE feed_kbsite = '" . KB_SITE . "' AND feed_id = {$id}");
        printlog($posted . " kills were posted, " . $duplicate . " duplicate kills and " . $skipped . " were skipped.");
        printlog("Last kill ID returned was {$newKillID}");
        if ($feedfetch->getParseMessages()) {
            foreach ($feedfetch->getParseMessages() as $msg) {
    } else {
        if (!$val['lastkill']) {
            printlog("Start time = " . date('YmdHi', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7));
        } else {
            if ($val['apikills']) {
                printlog("Start kill = " . $val['lastkill']);
        printlog("Error reading feed: " . $feedfetch->errormsg());
    printlog("Fetch url: " . $feedfetch->getFullURL());