function delask() { $id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id')); if (empty($id)) { $this->message('留言ID不能为空'); } $ids = is_array($id) ? join(',', $id) : $id; $adminuid = ICookie::get('adminuid'); $where = " id in({$ids})"; $this->mysql->delete(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'ask', $where); $this->success('操作成功'); }
public function singlelist() { $this->checkshoplogin(); $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); if ($shopid <= 0) { $this->message('获取失败'); } $pageinfo = new page(); $pageinfo->setpage(IReq::get('page')); $data['list'] = $this->mysql->getarr("SELECT * FROM " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop_single WHERE shop_id={$shopid} ORDER BY single_id DESC LIMIT " . $pageinfo->startnum() . ", " . $pageinfo->getsize() . " "); $shuliang = $this->mysql->counts("SELECT * FROM " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop_single WHERE shop_id={$shopid}"); $pageinfo->setnum($shuliang); $data['pagecontent'] = $pageinfo->getpagebar(); Mysite::$app->setdata($data); }
public function getMyCart() { $cartName = $this->getCartName(); if ($this->saveType == 'session') { $cartValue = ISession::get($cartName); } else { $cartValue = ICookie::get($cartName); } if ($cartValue == null) { return $this->cartExeStruct; } else { $cartValue = JSON::decode(str_replace(array('&', '$'), array('"', ','), $cartValue)); if (is_array($cartValue)) { return $this->cartFormat($cartValue); } else { return $this->cartExeStruct; } } }
function search_list() { $this->word = IFilter::act(IReq::get('word'), 'text'); $cat_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('cat'), 'int'); if (preg_match("|^[\\w\\s*-�*]+\$|", $this->word)) { //搜索关键字 $tb_sear = new IModel('search'); $search_info = $tb_sear->getObj('keyword = "' . $this->word . '"', 'id'); //如果是第一页,相应关键词的被搜索数量才加1 if ($search_info && intval(IReq::get('page')) < 2) { //禁止刷新+1 $allow_sep = "30"; $flag = false; $time = ICookie::get('step'); if (isset($time)) { if (time() - $time > $allow_sep) { ICookie::set('step', time()); $flag = true; } } else { ICookie::set('step', time()); $flag = true; } if ($flag) { $tb_sear->setData(array('num' => 'num + 1')); $tb_sear->update('id=' . $search_info['id'], 'num'); } } elseif (!$search_info) { //如果数据库中没有这个词的信息,则新添 $tb_sear->setData(array('keyword' => $this->word, 'num' => 1)); $tb_sear->add(); } } else { IError::show(403, '请输入正确的查询关键词'); } $this->cat_id = $cat_id; $this->redirect('search_list'); }
function goodsupload() { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('member/login'); if ($this->member['uid'] == 0 && $this->admin['uid'] == 0) { $this->message('未登陆', $link); } $type = IReq::get('type'); $goodsid = intval(IReq::get('goodsid')); $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); if ($shopid < 0) { echo '无权限操作'; exit; } if (is_array($_FILES) && isset($_FILES['imgFile'])) { $json = new Services_JSON(); $uploadpath = 'upload/shop/'; $filepath = '/upload/shop/'; $upload = new upload($uploadpath, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpge', 'doc', 'png')); //upload $file = $upload->getfile(); if ($upload->errno != 15 && $upload->errno != 0) { echo "<script>parent.uploaderror('" . json_encode($upload->errmsg()) . "');</script>"; } else { if ($goodsid > 0 && $shopid > 0) { $data['img'] = $filepath . $file[0]['saveName']; $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'goods', $data, "id='" . $goodsid . "' and shopid='" . $shopid . "'"); } echo "<script>parent.uploadsucess('" . $filepath . $file[0]['saveName'] . "');</script>"; } exit; } $imgurl = ''; if ($goodsid > 0 && $type == 'goods') { $temp = $this->mysql->select_one("select img from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "goods where id='" . $goodsid . "' and shopid='" . $shopid . "'"); $imgurl = $temp['img']; } Mysite::$app->setdata(array('type' => $type, 'goodsid' => $goodsid, 'imgurl' => $imgurl)); }
function platecart() { //购物车 $nowID = intval(ICookie::get('myaddress')); if (empty($nowID)) { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('wxsite/index'); $this->message('', $link); } $id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id')); $data['scoretocost'] = Mysite::$app->config['scoretocost']; // id card 优惠劵卡号 card_password 优惠劵密码 status 状态,0未使用,1已绑定,2已使用,3无效 creattime 制造时间 cost 优惠金额 limitcost 购物车限制金额下限 endtime 失效时间 uid 用户ID username 用户名 usetime 使用时间 name $data['juanlist'] = $this->mysql->getarr("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "juan where uid='" . $this->member['uid'] . "' and endtime > " . time() . " and status = 1 "); $data['shoptime'] = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shopfast as a left join " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop as b on a.shopid = where id='" . $id . "' "); $shopinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shopfast as a left join " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop as b on a.shopid = where shopid = " . $id . " "); // $data['shopinfo'] = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from ".Mysite::$app->config['tablepre']."shopfast as a left join ".Mysite::$app->config['tablepre']."shop as b on a.shopid = where a.shopid = '".$id."' "); $data['shopinfo'] = $shopinfo; //计算时间间隔 $morning_offer = $shopinfo['morning_offer'] ? $shopinfo['morning_offer'] : ""; $afternoon_offer = $shopinfo['afternoon_offer'] ? $shopinfo['afternoon_offer'] : ""; if ($morning_offer) { $morninginfo = explode("-", $morning_offer); } $data['morning'] = $morninginfo; if (isset($afternoon_offer)) { $afternooninfo = explode("-", $afternoon_offer); $data['afternoon'] = $afternooninfo; } else { $afternooninfo = ""; } $interval = $shopinfo['interval']; //送餐间隔时间 // $fulldate = IFilter::act(IReq::get('fulldate')); // $restime = $this->timecount($morninginfo, $afternooninfo, $interval, $fulldate);//通过timecount方法计算时间段 // $data['restime'] = $restime; if (!$morning_offer && !$afternoon_offer) { $support_time = $shopinfo['starttime']; } // if (empty($shopinfo)) { $shopinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shopmarket as a left join " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop as b on a.shopid = where shopid = " . $id . " "); } $nowtime = time(); $timelist = array(); $info = explode('|', $shopinfo['starttime']); $info = is_array($info) ? $info : array($info); $data['is_open'] = 0; $dototime = time() + $shopinfo['maketime'] * 60; foreach ($info as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $temptime = explode('-', $value); if (count($temptime) == 2) { //开始转换 $btime = strtotime($temptime[0] . ':00'); $etime = strtotime($temptime[1] . ':00'); $whtime = $btime; while ($whtime < $etime) { if ($whtime < $etime && $whtime >= $nowtime && $whtime > $dototime) { $timelist[] = date('H:i', $whtime); $data['is_open'] = 1; } $whtime += 900; } } } } if ($shopinfo['is_open'] == 0 || $shopinfo['is_pass'] == 0) { $data['is_open'] = 0; } $data['timelist'] = $timelist; $data['deaddress'] = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "address where userid = " . $this->member['uid'] . " and `default`=1 "); $checkareaid = $nowID; $dataareaids = array(); $areadata = array(); while ($checkareaid > 0) { $temp_check = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "area where id ='" . $checkareaid . "' order by id desc limit 0,50"); if (empty($temp_check)) { break; } if (in_array($checkareaid, $dataareaids)) { break; } $dataareaids[] = $checkareaid; $checkareaid = $temp_check['parent_id']; $areadata[] = $temp_check['name']; } $areadata = array_reverse($areadata); $data['areainfo'] = join('', $areadata); //$data['gustinfo'] = unserialize(ICookie::get('gustAddress')); if (isset($_COOKIE['gustAddress'])) { $data['gustinfo'] = unserialize($_COOKIE['gustAddress']); } else { $data['gustinfo'] = ""; } $now_time = time(); if ($now_time >= strtotime($shopinfo['asoftime'] . ":00")) { $now_time = strtotime("+1 day"); } $data['now_time'] = $now_time; Mysite::$app->setdata($data); }
function savelunadv() { $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); $imglist = IFilter::act(IReq::get('imglist')); $links = IUrl::creatUrl('shop/shoplunadv'); if (empty($imglist)) { $this->message('图片不能为空', $links); } $data['imglist'] = join(',', $imglist); $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'shop', $data, "id='" . $shopid . "'"); $this->success('操作成功', $links); }
function search_list() { $return = $this->goodsListFilter(); $this->show_type = $return['show_type']; $this->listImageWidth = $return['listImageWidth']; $this->listImageHeight = $return['listImageHeight']; $this->order = $return['order']; $this->orderArray = $return['orderArray']; $this->word = IFilter::act(IReq::get('word')); $cat_id = intval(IReq::get('cat')); if ($this->word != '' && $this->word != '%' && $this->word != '_') { if ($cat_id > 0) { $tb_goods = new IQuery('goods as go'); $tb_goods->join = "left join category_extend as ca on = ca.goods_id"; $tb_goods->where = " like '%{$this->word}%' and go.is_del = 0 and ca.category_id = {$cat_id}"; $tb_goods->fields = "count(*) as num"; $goodsNum = $tb_goods->find(); $this->findSum = $goodsNum[0]['num']; } else { $goodsObj = new IModel('goods'); $goodsNum = $goodsObj->getObj('name like "%' . $this->word . '%" and is_del=0', 'count(*) as num'); $this->findSum = $goodsNum['num']; } //搜索关键字 $tb_sear = new IModel('search'); $search_info = $tb_sear->getObj('keyword = "' . $this->word . '"', 'id'); //如果是第一页,相应关键词的被搜索数量才加1 if ($search_info && intval(IReq::get('page')) < 2) { //禁止刷新+1 $allow_sep = "30"; $flag = false; $time = ICookie::get('step'); if (isset($time)) { if (time() - $time > $allow_sep) { ICookie::set('step', time()); $flag = true; } } else { ICookie::set('step', time()); $flag = true; } if ($flag) { $tb_sear->setData(array('num' => 'num + 1')); $tb_sear->update('id=' . $search_info['id'], 'num'); } } elseif (!$search_info) { //如果数据库中没有这个词的信息,则新添 $tb_sear->setData(array('keyword' => $this->word, 'num' => 1)); $tb_sear->add(); } } else { IError::show(403, '请输入正确的查询关键词'); } $this->cat_id = $cat_id; $this->redirect('search_list'); }
/** * 列表展示 * @author * @date 2013-4-30 */ public function glist() { $word = IFilter::act(IReq::get('kw')); $ids = IFilter::act(IReq::get('ids'), 'string'); $arr_ids = $ids ? explode('_', $ids) : array(); $top_cid = isset($arr_ids[0]) ? intval($arr_ids[0]) : 0; $second_cid = isset($arr_ids[1]) ? intval($arr_ids[1]) : 0; $third_cid = isset($arr_ids[2]) ? intval($arr_ids[2]) : 0; $forth_cid = isset($arr_ids[3]) ? intval($arr_ids[3]) : 0; $bid = isset($arr_ids[4]) ? intval($arr_ids[4]) : 0; $prid = isset($arr_ids[5]) ? intval($arr_ids[5]) : 0; $prid = $prid > count($this->site_config['price_range']) - 1 ? count($this->site_config['price_range']) - 1 : $prid; $sort = isset($arr_ids[6]) ? intval($arr_ids[6]) : 0; $sort = $sort > count($this->sort_type_map) - 1 ? count($this->sort_type_map) - 1 : $sort; $page = isset($arr_ids[7]) ? intval($arr_ids[7]) : 0; $pagesize = $this->site_config['list_num']; $order_by = $this->sort_type_map[$sort] ? $this->sort_type_map[$sort] : "{$this->tablePre}goods.sort ASC"; $start = $page * $pagesize; $all_goods_list = array(); $total_num = array(); $goods_list = array(); $data = array(); $brands = array(); $subcat = array(); $cname = ''; $title = ''; $description = ''; $keywords = ''; if ($top_cid || $second_cid || $word) { $categoryObj = new IModel('category'); $where = "{$this->tablePre}goods.is_del=0"; $cids = ''; if ($third_cid) { $cids = Block::getCategroy($third_cid); } elseif ($second_cid) { $cids = Block::getCategroy($second_cid); } elseif ($top_cid) { $cids = Block::getCategroy($top_cid); } if ($cids) { $cids = substr($cids, 0, -1); $where .= " AND {$this->tablePre}category_extend.category_id IN ({$cids})"; } if ($word && $word != '%' && $word != '_') { $where .= " AND ( {$this->tablePre} LIKE '%{$word}%' OR {$this->tablePre}goods.sellernick\n LIKE '%{$word}%' ) "; // 记录搜索词频 //搜索关键字 $tb_sear = new IModel('search'); $search_info = $tb_sear->getObj('keyword = "' . $this->word . '"', 'id'); //如果是第一页,相应关键词的被搜索数量才加1 if ($search_info && $page < 2) { //禁止刷新+1 $allow_sep = "30"; $flag = false; $time = ICookie::get('step'); if (isset($time)) { if (time() - $time > $allow_sep) { ICookie::set('step', time()); $flag = true; } } else { ICookie::set('step', time()); $flag = true; } if ($flag) { $tb_sear->setData(array('num' => 'num + 1')); $tb_sear->update('id=' . $search_info['id'], 'num'); } } elseif (!$search_info) { //如果数据库中没有这个词的信息,则新添 $tb_sear->setData(array('keyword' => $this->word, 'num' => 1)); $tb_sear->add(); } } $all_where = $where; if ($bid > 0) { $where .= " AND {$this->tablePre}goods.brand_id={$bid}"; } if ($prid > 0) { $where .= " AND {$this->tablePre}goods.sell_price>=" . $this->site_config['price_range'][$prid - 1] . " AND {$this->tablePre}goods.sell_price<=" . $this->site_config['price_range'][$prid]; } // 取所有商品基本信息 $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT({$this->tablePre},{$this->tablePre}goods.brand_id,{$this->tablePre}category.parent_id,{$this->tablePre} as cname,{$this->tablePre} as cid FROM {$this->tablePre}goods\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->tablePre}category_extend ON {$this->tablePre}category_extend.goods_id={$this->tablePre}\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->tablePre}category ON {$this->tablePre}{$this->tablePre}category_extend.category_id\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE {$all_where}"; $all_goods_list = $categoryObj->query_sql($sql); // 取分页总数 $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT({$this->tablePre} FROM {$this->tablePre}goods\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->tablePre}category_extend ON {$this->tablePre}category_extend.goods_id={$this->tablePre}\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->tablePre}category ON {$this->tablePre}{$this->tablePre}category_extend.category_id\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE {$where}"; $total_num = $categoryObj->query_sql($sql); $fields = " DISTINCT({$this->tablePre},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$this->tablePre}category.parent_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$this->tablePre}goods.*,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$this->tablePre} as cid,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$this->tablePre} as bname "; if ($word && !$cids) { $fields .= ",{$this->tablePre} as cname"; } if (!$cids && $third_cid) { $where .= " AND {$this->tablePre}category_extend.category_id=({$third_cid})"; } // 获取商品列表 $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$this->tablePre}goods\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->tablePre}category_extend ON {$this->tablePre}category_extend.goods_id={$this->tablePre}\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->tablePre}brand ON {$this->tablePre}{$this->tablePre}goods.brand_id\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$this->tablePre}category ON {$this->tablePre}{$this->tablePre}category_extend.category_id\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE {$where}\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$order_by}\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$start},{$pagesize}"; $goods_list = $categoryObj->query_sql($sql); // 获取二级类的名称 if ($second_cid) { $sql = "SELECT id,name,title,keywords,descript \n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$this->tablePre}category \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id={$second_cid} \n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$this->tablePre}category.sort ASC"; $second_catinfo = $categoryObj->query_sql($sql); if (count($second_catinfo) > 0) { $cname = $second_catinfo[0]['name']; $title = $second_catinfo[0]['title'] ? '【' . $cname . '】' . $second_catinfo[0]['title'] : ''; $description = $second_catinfo[0]['descript']; $keywords = $second_catinfo[0]['keywords']; } // 获取3级类 $sql = "SELECT id,name FROM {$this->tablePre}category WHERE parent_id={$second_cid} ORDER BY {$this->tablePre}category.sort ASC"; $subcat = $categoryObj->query_sql($sql); } if (!$cids && count($all_goods_list) > 0) { $top_cids = array(); $top_cat_info = array(); $second_cids = array(); $second_cat_info = array(); $third_cids = array(); $third_cat_info = array(); // 取顶级类 foreach ($all_goods_list as $key => $item) { if ($item['parent_id'] == -1) { $top_cids[$item['cid']] = $item['cid']; $top_cat_info[$item['cid']] = array('name' => $item['cname'], 'id' => $item['cid']); } } foreach ($all_goods_list as $key => $item) { if (!$item['cid']) { continue; } // 取2级类 if (in_array($item['parent_id'], $top_cids)) { $second_cids[$item['cid']] = $item['cid']; $second_cat_info[$item['cid']] = array('name' => $item['cname'], 'id' => $item['cid']); } else { $third_cids[$item['cid']] = $item['cid']; $third_cat_info[$item['cid']] = array('name' => $item['cname'], 'id' => $item['cid']); } } if (count($third_cids) > 0) { $cids = implode(',', $third_cids); $subcat = $third_cat_info; } elseif (count($second_cids) > 0) { $cids = implode(',', $second_cids); $subcat = $second_cat_info; } elseif (count($top_cids) > 0) { $cids = implode(',', $top_cids); $subcat = $top_cat_info; } } $bids = array(); if (count($all_goods_list) > 0) { // 取品牌id foreach ($all_goods_list as $key => $item) { if ($item['brand_id']) { $bids[$item['brand_id']] = $item['brand_id']; } } } // 获取所有品牌 if (count($bids) > 0) { $bids_string = implode(',', $bids); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->tablePre}brand WHERE id IN({$bids_string}) ORDER BY {$this->tablePre}brand.sort ASC"; $brands = $categoryObj->query_sql($sql); } } $data['goods_list'] = $goods_list; $data['cname'] = $cname; $data['top_cid'] = $top_cid; $data['second_cid'] = $second_cid; $data['third_cid'] = $third_cid; $data['forth_cid'] = $forth_cid; $data['bid'] = $bid; $data['prid'] = $prid; $data['kw'] = $word; $data['sort'] = $sort; $data['brands'] = count($brands) > 0 ? $brands : ''; $data['price_range'] = count($this->site_config['price_range']) > 0 ? $this->site_config['price_range'] : ''; $data['subcat'] = count($subcat) > 0 ? $subcat : ''; $data['page'] = $page; $data['pagesize'] = $pagesize; $data['goodsNum'] = count($total_num); $data['title'] = $title ? $title : '【' . $cname . '】' . '商品列表-优加网('; $data['description'] = $description; $data['keywords'] = $keywords; $this->setRenderData($data); $this->redirect('glist'); }
function gotopay() { $orderid = intval(IReq::get('orderid')); if (empty($orderid)) { $this->error('订单获取失败'); } $userid = empty($this->member['uid']) ? 0 : $this->member['uid']; if ($userid == 0) { $neworderid = ICookie::get('orderid'); if ($orderid != $neworderid) { $this->error('订单无查看权限'); } } $orderinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "order where id=" . $orderid . " "); //获取主单 if (empty($orderinfo)) { $this->error('订单数据获取失败'); } if ($userid > 0) { if ($orderinfo['buyeruid'] != $userid) { $this->error('无查看权限'); } } if ($orderinfo['paytype'] == 'outpay') { $this->message('此订单是货到支付订单不可操作'); } if ($orderinfo['status'] > 2) { $this->message('此订单已发货或者其他状态不可操作'); } $paytypelist = array('open_acout'); $paylist = $this->mysql->getarr("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "paylist order by id asc limit 0,50"); if (is_array($paylist)) { foreach ($paylist as $key => $value) { $paytypelist[] = $value['loginname']; } } if (!in_array($orderinfo['paytype'], $paytypelist)) { $this->message('未定义的支付方式'); } if ($orderinfo['paystatus'] == 1) { $this->message('此订单已支付'); } $paytype = $orderinfo['paytype']; if ($orderinfo['paytype'] == "alipay") { $paytype = "alipay/html5"; } $paydir = hopedir . '/plug/pay/' . $paytype; if (!file_exists($paydir . '/pay.php')) { $this->message('支付方式文件不存在'); } $dopaydata = array('type' => 'order', 'upid' => $orderid, 'cost' => $orderinfo['allcost']); //支付数据 if ($orderinfo['paytype'] == "weixin") { //echo $paydir.'/wxsite/pay.php'; ///data/www/xshc/wmr//plug/pay/weixin/wxsite/pay.php include_once $paydir . '/wxsite/pay.php'; } else { include_once $paydir . '/pay.php'; } //调用方式 直接调用支付方式 }
public function run($setindex = '') { IUrl::beginUrl(); $controller = IUrl::getInfo('controller'); $action = IUrl::getInfo('action'); $Taction = empty($action) ? $this->defaultAction : $action; $info = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] : (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : ''); $sitekey = isset($this->config['sitekey']) ? $this->config['sitekey'] : ''; //if ($this->getkey() != $sitekey) { // echo 'error! 关注好资源'; // exit(); //} /* $hostcheck = array('', '', ''); if (!in_array($info, $hostcheck)) { echo 'error! 关注好资源'; exit(); }*/ if ($controller === NULL) { $controller = $this->defaultController; } $this->controller = $controller; $this->Taction = $Taction; if ($controller == 'site' && $Taction == 'index') { if (is_mobile_request()) { $this->controller = 'html5'; } } spl_autoload_register('Mysite::autoload'); $filePath = hopedir . '/lib/Smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php'; if (!class_exists('smarty')) { include_once $filePath; } if ($controller == 'adminpage') { $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->assign('siteurl', Mysite::$app->config['siteurl']); $smarty->cache_lifetime = 0; $smarty->caching = false; $smarty->template_dir = hopedir . '/templates/'; $smarty->compile_dir = hopedir . '/templates_c/adminpage'; $smarty->cache_dir = hopedir . '/smarty_cache'; $smarty->left_delimiter = '<{'; $smarty->right_delimiter = '}>'; $module = IUrl::getInfo('module'); $module = empty($module) ? 'index' : $module; $doaction = Mysite::$app->getAction() == 'index' ? 'system' : Mysite::$app->getAction(); $this->Taction = $doaction; $this->siteset(); if (!file_exists(hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '/adminmethod.php')) { } else { include hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '/adminmethod.php'; $method = new method(); $method->init(); if (method_exists($method, $module)) { call_user_func(array($method, $module)); } } $datas = $this->getdata(); if (is_array($datas)) { foreach ($datas as $key => $value) { $smarty->assign($key, $value); } } $nowID = ICookie::get('myaddress'); $lng = ICookie::get('lng'); $lat = ICookie::get('lat'); $mapname = ICookie::get('mapname'); $adminshopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); $smarty->assign('myaddress', $nowID); $smarty->assign('mapname', $mapname); $smarty->assign('adminshopid', $adminshopid); $smarty->assign('lng', $lng); $smarty->assign('lat', $lat); $smarty->assign('controlname', Mysite::$app->getController()); $smarty->assign('Taction', Mysite::$app->getAction()); $smarty->assign('urlshort', Mysite::$app->getController() . '/' . Mysite::$app->getAction()); $templtepach = hopedir . '/templates/adminpage/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '/' . $module . '.html'; if (file_exists($templtepach)) { } else { if (file_exists(hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '/adminpage/' . $module . '.html')) { $smarty->compile_dir = hopedir . '/templates_c/adminpage/' . Mysite::$app->getAction(); $templtepach = hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '/adminpage/' . $module . '.html'; } else { logwrite('模板不存在 '); $smarty->assign('msg', '模板文件不存在'); $smarty->assign('sitetitle', '错误提示'); $errorlink = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; $smarty->assign('errorlink', $errorlink); $templtepach = hopedir . '/templates/adminpage/public/error.html'; } } $smarty->assign('tmodule', $module); $smarty->assign('tempdir', 'adminpage'); $smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'ofunc', 'FUNC_function'); $smarty->registerPlugin('block', 'oblock', 'FUNC_block'); $smarty->display($templtepach); exit; } else { $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->assign('siteurl', Mysite::$app->config['siteurl']); $smarty->cache_lifetime = 0; $smarty->caching = false; $smarty->template_dir = hopedir . '/templates'; $smarty->compile_dir = hopedir . '/templates_c/' . Mysite::$app->config['sitetemp']; $smarty->cache_dir = hopedir . '/smarty_cache'; $smarty->left_delimiter = '<{'; $smarty->right_delimiter = '}>'; $this->siteset(); if (!file_exists(hopedir . 'module/' . Mysite::$app->getController() . '/method.php')) { $this->setController = 'site'; $this->setAction = 'error'; } else { include hopedir . 'module/' . Mysite::$app->getController() . '/method.php'; $method = new method(); $method->init(); if (method_exists($method, $Taction)) { call_user_func(array($method, $Taction)); } } $datas = $this->getdata(); if (is_array($datas)) { foreach ($datas as $key => $value) { $smarty->assign($key, $value); } } $nowID = ICookie::get('myaddress'); $lng = ICookie::get('lng'); $lat = ICookie::get('lat'); $mapname = ICookie::get('mapname'); $adminshopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); $smarty->assign('myaddress', $nowID); $smarty->assign('mapname', $mapname); $smarty->assign('adminshopid', $adminshopid); $smarty->assign('lng', $lng); $smarty->assign('lat', $lat); $smarty->assign('controlname', Mysite::$app->getController()); $smarty->assign('Taction', Mysite::$app->getAction()); $smarty->assign('urlshort', Mysite::$app->getController() . '/' . Mysite::$app->getAction()); $templtepach = hopedir . '/templates/' . Mysite::$app->config['sitetemp'] . '/' . Mysite::$app->getController() . '/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '.html'; if (file_exists($templtepach)) { } else { if (file_exists(hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getController() . '/template/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '.html')) { $smarty->compile_dir = hopedir . '/templates_c/system'; $templtepach = hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getController() . '/template/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '.html'; } else { logwrite('模板不存在 '); $smarty->assign('msg', '模板文件不存在'); $smarty->assign('sitetitle', '错误提示'); $errorlink = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; $smarty->assign('errorlink', $errorlink); $templtepach = hopedir . '/templates/' . Mysite::$app->config['sitetemp'] . '/public/error.html'; } } $smarty->assign('tempdir', Mysite::$app->config['sitetemp']); $smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'ofunc', 'FUNC_function'); $smarty->registerPlugin('block', 'oblock', 'FUNC_block'); $smarty->display($templtepach); } }
function getadmininfo() { $adminname = ICookie::get('adminname'); $adminpwd = ICookie::get('adminpwd'); $adminuid = ICookie::get('adminuid'); $userinfo = array(); if (!empty($adminuid)) { $userinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "admin where uid='" . $adminuid . "' and password = '******'"); $userinfo['group'] = $userinfo['groupid']; } if (empty($userinfo) || !isset($userinfo['uid'])) { $userinfo = array('uid' => 0, 'username' => 'guest', 'group' => '2'); } return $userinfo; }
function goodsstock() { $this->checkshoplogin(); $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); if ($shopid <= 0) { $this->message("请重新登陆"); } $gid = (int) IReq::get('gid'); $startdate = IReq::get('start_date'); $enddate = IReq::get('end_date'); //print_r($startdate);exit; $startdate = empty($startdate) ? date('Y-m-d') : $startdate; $enddate = empty($enddate) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+7 day")) : $enddate; if (!($sd = @strtotime($startdate))) { $this->message("开始日期格式不正确"); } if (!($ed = @strtotime($enddate))) { $this->message("结束日期格式不正确"); } $temp_list = []; do { $temp_list[date('Y-m-d', $sd)] = 0; } while (($sd += 86400) <= $ed); $info = $this->mysql->select_one("SELECT daycount FROM " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "goods WHERE id=" . $gid); $daycount = $info['daycount']; $daystock = $this->mysql->getarr("SELECT day, stock FROM " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "daystock WHERE goods_id={$gid} AND day BETWEEN {$sd} AND {$ed}"); $buynum_list = []; $stock_list = []; foreach ($daystock as $v) { $buynum_list[date('Y-m-d', $v['day'])] = $v['stock']; } $buynum_list = array_merge($temp_list, $buynum_list); //print_r($buynum_list);exit; foreach ($buynum_list as $k => $buy) { $stock_list[$k] = $daycount - $buy; } $data['stock_list'] = $stock_list; $data['start_date'] = $startdate; $data['end_date'] = $enddate; $data['gid'] = $gid; Mysite::$app->setdata($data); }
function savemapshoplocation() { $this->checkshoplogin(); $data['lng'] = IReq::get('lng'); $data['lat'] = IReq::get('lat'); $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); if (empty($data['lng'])) { $this->message('百度地图坐标不能为空'); } if (empty($data['lat'])) { $this->message('百度坐标不能为空'); } if (empty($shopid)) { $this->message('cookies失效,请重新登陆'); } $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'shop', $data, "id='" . $shopid . "'"); $this->success('操作成功'); }
public function sendwxmsg() { $this->checkshoplogin(); $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); if ($shopid <= 0) { $this->message('操作失败'); } $openid = trim(IReq::get('openid')); $content = trim(IReq::get('content')); if (empty($content)) { $this->message('发送内容不能为空'); } $wechat = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop_wechat where shopid={$shopid}"); if (empty($wechat)) { $this->message('未设置微信基本信息'); } $wx_s = new wx_s($wechat['token'], $wechat['appid'], $wechat['secret'], $shopid); if ($wx_s->sendmsg($content, $openid)) { $this->success('操作成功'); } else { $this->message($wx_s->err()); } }
/** * 生成订单 */ function cart3() { $accept_name = IFilter::act(IReq::get('accept_name')); $province = IFilter::act(IReq::get('province'), 'int'); $city = IFilter::act(IReq::get('city'), 'int'); $area = IFilter::act(IReq::get('area'), 'int'); $address = IFilter::act(IReq::get('address')); $mobile = IFilter::act(IReq::get('mobile')); $telphone = IFilter::act(IReq::get('telphone')); $zip = IFilter::act(IReq::get('zip')); $delivery_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('delivery_id'), 'int'); $accept_time = IFilter::act(IReq::get('accept_time')); $payment = IFilter::act(IReq::get('payment'), 'int'); $order_message = IFilter::act(IReq::get('message')); $ticket_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('ticket_id'), 'int'); $taxes = IFilter::act(IReq::get('taxes'), 'float'); $insured = IFilter::act(IReq::get('insured'), 'float'); $tax_title = IFilter::act(IReq::get('tax_title'), 'text'); $gid = IFilter::act(IReq::get('direct_gid'), 'int'); $num = IFilter::act(IReq::get('direct_num'), 'int'); $type = IFilter::act(IReq::get('direct_type')); //商品或者货品 $promo = IFilter::act(IReq::get('direct_promo')); $active_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('direct_active_id'), 'int'); $order_no = Order_Class::createOrderNum(); $order_type = 0; $dataArray = array(); //防止表单重复提交 if (IReq::get('timeKey') != null) { if (ISafe::get('timeKey') == IReq::get('timeKey')) { IError::show(403, '订单数据不能被重复提交'); exit; } else { ISafe::set('timeKey', IReq::get('timeKey')); } } if ($province == 0 || $city == 0 || $area == 0) { IError::show(403, '请填写收货地址的省市地区'); } if ($delivery_id == 0) { IError::show(403, '请选择配送方式'); } $user_id = $this->user['user_id'] == null ? 0 : $this->user['user_id']; //活动特殊处理 if ($promo != '' && $active_id != '') { //团购 if ($promo == 'groupon') { $hashId = $user_id ? $user_id : ICookie::get("regiment_{$active_id}"); //此团购还存在已经报名但是未付款的情况 if (regiment::hasJoined($active_id, $hashId) == true) { IError::show(403, '您已经参加过此次团购,请先完成支付'); exit; } //团购已经达到限定的人数 if (regiment::isFull($active_id) == true) { IError::show(403, '此团购的参加人数已满'); exit; } $order_type = 1; //团购开始报名 $joinUserId = $user_id ? $user_id : null; $resultData = regiment::join($active_id, $joinUserId); $is_success = ''; if ($resultData['flag'] == true) { $regimentRelationObj = new IModel('regiment_user_relation'); $regimentRelationObj->setData(array('order_no' => $order_no)); $is_success = $regimentRelationObj->update('id = ' . $resultData['relation_id']); } if ($is_success == '' || $resultData['flag'] == false) { $errorMsg = isset($resultData['data']) && $resultData['data'] != '' ? $resultData['data'] : '团购报名失败'; IError::show(403, $errorMsg); exit; } } else { if ($promo == 'time') { $order_type = 2; } } } //付款方式,判断是否为货到付款 $deliveryObj = new IModel('delivery'); $deliveryRow = $deliveryObj->getObj('id = ' . $delivery_id); if ($deliveryRow['type'] == 0 && $payment == 0) { IError::show(403, '请选择支付方式'); } else { if ($deliveryRow['type'] == 1) { $payment = 0; } } //计算费用 $countSumObj = new CountSum(); //直接购买商品方式 if ($type != '' && $gid != 0) { //计算$gid商品 $goodsResult = $countSumObj->direct_count($gid, $type, $num, $promo, $active_id); } else { //计算购物车中的商品价格$goodsResult $goodsResult = $countSumObj->cart_count(); //清空购物车 $cartObj = new Cart(); $cartObj->clear(); } //判断商品商品是否存在 if (empty($goodsResult['goodsList']) && empty($goodsResult['productList'])) { IError::show(403, '商品数据不存在'); exit; } //获取红包减免金额 if ($ticket_id != '') { $memberObj = new IModel('member'); $memberRow = $memberObj->getObj('user_id = ' . $user_id, 'prop,custom'); if (ISafe::get('ticket_' . $ticket_id) == $ticket_id || stripos(',' . trim($memberRow['prop'], ',') . ',', ',' . $ticket_id . ',') !== false) { $propObj = new IModel('prop'); $ticketRow = $propObj->getObj('id = ' . $ticket_id . ' and NOW() between start_time and end_time and type = 0 and is_close = 0 and is_userd = 0 and is_send = 1'); if (!empty($ticketRow)) { $dataArray['prop'] = $ticket_id; } //锁定红包状态 $propObj->setData(array('is_close' => 2)); $propObj->update('id = ' . $ticket_id); } } //货到付款的方式 if ($payment == 0) { $paymentName = '货到付款'; $paymentType = 0; } else { $paymentObj = new IModel('payment'); $paymentRow = $paymentObj->getObj('id = ' . $payment, 'type,name'); $paymentName = $paymentRow['name']; $paymentType = $paymentRow['type']; } //最终订单金额计算 $orderData = $countSumObj->countOrderFee($goodsResult['sum'], $goodsResult['final_sum'], $goodsResult['weight'], $province, $delivery_id, $payment, $goodsResult['freeFreight'], $insured, $taxes); //生成的订单数据 $dataArray = array('order_no' => $order_no, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'accept_name' => $accept_name, 'pay_type' => $payment, 'distribution' => $delivery_id, 'postcode' => $zip, 'telphone' => $telphone, 'province' => $province, 'city' => $city, 'area' => $area, 'address' => $address, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'create_time' => ITime::getDateTime(), 'postscript' => $order_message, 'accept_time' => $accept_time, 'exp' => $goodsResult['exp'], 'point' => $goodsResult['point'], 'type' => $order_type, 'prop' => isset($dataArray['prop']) ? $dataArray['prop'] : null, 'payable_amount' => $goodsResult['sum'], 'real_amount' => $goodsResult['final_sum'], 'payable_freight' => $orderData['deliveryOrigPrice'], 'real_freight' => $orderData['deliveryPrice'], 'pay_fee' => $orderData['paymentPrice'], 'invoice' => $taxes ? 1 : 0, 'invoice_title' => $tax_title, 'taxes' => $taxes, 'promotions' => $goodsResult['proReduce'] + $goodsResult['reduce'] + (isset($ticketRow['value']) ? $ticketRow['value'] : 0), 'order_amount' => $orderData['orderAmountPrice'] - (isset($ticketRow['value']) ? $ticketRow['value'] : 0), 'if_insured' => $insured ? 1 : 0, 'insured' => $insured); $dataArray['order_amount'] = $dataArray['order_amount'] <= 0 ? 0 : $dataArray['order_amount']; $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $orderObj->setData($dataArray); $this->order_id = $orderObj->add(); if ($this->order_id == false) { IError::show(403, '订单生成错误'); } /*将订单中的商品插入到order_goods表*/ $orderInstance = new Order_Class(); $orderInstance->insertOrderGoods($this->order_id, $goodsResult); //记录用户默认习惯的数据 if (!isset($memberRow['custom'])) { $memberObj = new IModel('member'); $memberRow = $memberObj->getObj('user_id = ' . $user_id, 'custom'); } $memberData = array('custom' => serialize(array('payment' => $payment, 'delivery' => $delivery_id))); $memberObj->setData($memberData); $memberObj->update('user_id = ' . $user_id); //收货地址的处理 if ($user_id) { $addressObj = new IModel('address'); //如果用户之前没有收货地址,那么会自动记录此次的地址信息并且为默认 $addressRow = $addressObj->getObj('user_id = ' . $user_id); if (empty($addressRow)) { $addressData = array('default' => '1', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'accept_name' => $accept_name, 'province' => $province, 'city' => $city, 'area' => $area, 'address' => $address, 'zip' => $zip, 'telphone' => $telphone, 'mobile' => $mobile); $addressObj->setData($addressData); $addressObj->add(); } else { //如果用户有收货地址,但是没有设置默认项,那么会自动设置此次地址信息为默认 $radio_address = intval(IReq::get('radio_address')); if ($radio_address != 0) { $addressDefRow = $addressObj->getObj('user_id = ' . $user_id . ' and `default` = 1'); if (empty($addressDefRow)) { $addressData = array('default' => 1); $addressObj->setData($addressData); $addressObj->update('user_id = ' . $user_id . ' and id = ' . $radio_address); } } } } //获取备货时间 $siteConfigObj = new Config("site_config"); $site_config = $siteConfigObj->getInfo(); $this->stockup_time = isset($site_config['stockup_time']) ? $site_config['stockup_time'] : 2; //数据渲染 $this->order_num = $dataArray['order_no']; $this->final_sum = $dataArray['order_amount']; $this->payment = $paymentName; $this->paymentType = $paymentType; $this->delivery = $deliveryRow['name']; $this->tax_title = $tax_title; $this->deliveryType = $deliveryRow['type']; //订单金额为0时,订单自动完成 if ($this->final_sum <= 0) { $order_id = Order_Class::updateOrderStatus($dataArray['order_no']); if ($order_id != '') { if ($user_id) { $this->redirect('/site/success/message/' . urlencode("订单确认成功,等待发货") . '/?callback=ucenter/order_detail/id/' . $order_id); } else { $this->redirect('/site/success/message/' . urlencode("订单确认成功,等待发货")); } } else { IError::show(403, '订单修改失败'); } } else { $this->setRenderData($dataArray); $this->redirect('cart3'); } }
function shoploginin() { $uname = IFilter::act(IReq::get('uname')); $pwd = IFilter::act(IReq::get('pwd')); if (empty($uname)) { $this->message('帐号不能为空'); } if (empty($pwd)) { $this->message('密码不能为空'); } if (Mysite::$app->config['allowedcode'] == 1) { $Captcha = IFilter::act(IReq::get('Captcha')); if ($Captcha != ICookie::get('Captcha')) { $this->message('验证码错误'); } } if (!$this->memberCls->login($uname, $pwd)) { $this->message($this->memberCls->ero()); } $checkuid = $this->memberCls->getuid(); $userinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop where is_pass=1 and uid=" . $checkuid . " "); if (empty($userinfo)) { $this->message('未开店或者店铺审核未通过'); } ICookie::set('adminshopid', $userinfo['id'], 86400); $this->success('操作成功'); }
function guestorderlist() { $this->setstatus(); $phone = IFilter::act(IReq::get('phone')); $link = IUrl::creatUrl('order/guestorder'); $Captcha = IFilter::act(IReq::get('Captcha')); $type = IFilter::act(IReq::get('type')); if (Mysite::$app->config['allowedcode'] == 1) { if ($Captcha != ICookie::get('Captcha')) { $this->message('验证码错误', $link); } } if (!IValidate::suremobi($phone)) { $this->message('请录入正确的手机号码'); } $data['phone'] = $phone; $data['Captcha'] = $Captcha; $data['where'] = ' buyerphone = \'' . $phone . '\''; $data['where'] .= empty($type) ? ' and shoptype=0' : ' and shoptype=1'; $data['type'] = $type; Mysite::$app->setdata($data); }
public function pscost($shopinfo, $goodsnum) { $backdata = array('pscost' => 0, 'pstype' => 0, 'canps' => 0); $sendtype = 0; //网站配送 if (isset($shopinfo['sendtype']) && $shopinfo['sendtype'] == 1) { $sendtype = 1; //店铺配送 $backdata['pstype'] = 1; } // 'psset' => 'a:5:{s:12:"locationtype";i:2;s:6:"pstype";i:1;s:8:"psvalue1";s:1:"3";s:8:"psvalue2";s:1:"6";s:8:"psvalue3";s:2:"10";}', $psinfo = Mysite::$app->config['psset']; if (empty($psinfo)) { return $backdata; //无配送设置则配送费为 0; } $siteps = unserialize($psinfo); $locationtype = $siteps['locationtype'] == 1 ? 1 : 2; //定位方式 if ($sendtype == 0) { //网站配送费计算规则; switch ($siteps['pstype']) { case '1': $backdata['pscost'] = empty($siteps['psvalue1']) ? 0 : $siteps['psvalue1']; $backdata['canps'] = 1; break; case '2': //根据不同区域设置不同配送费 $areaid = ICookie::get('myaddress'); if (!empty($areaid)) { if ($shopinfo['shoptype'] == 1) { $areainfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "areatomar where areaid = " . $areaid . " and shopid = 0"); } else { $areainfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "areatoadd where areaid = " . $areaid . " and shopid = 0"); } $backdata['pscost'] = isset($areainfo['cost']) ? $areainfo['cost'] : 0; $backdata['canps'] = 1; } else { $backdata['canps'] = 0; } break; case '3': //不计算 $backdata['pscost'] = 0; $backdata['canps'] = 1; break; case '4': //地图 if ($locationtype == 1) { $lat = ICookie::get('lat'); $lng = ICookie::get('lng'); $lat = empty($lat) ? 0 : $lat; $lng = empty($lng) ? 0 : $lng; $shoplat = isset($shopinfo['lat']) ? $shopinfo['lat'] : 0; $shoplng = isset($shopinfo['lng']) ? $shopinfo['lng'] : 0; $juli = $this->GetDistance($lat, $lng, $shoplat, $shoplng, 1); if ($juli < 1001) { $backdata['pscost'] = $siteps['psvalue1']; $backdata['canps'] = 1; } elseif ($juli < 3001) { $backdata['pscost'] = $siteps['psvalue2']; $backdata['canps'] = 1; } elseif ($juli < 6001) { $backdata['pscost'] = $siteps['psvalue3']; $backdata['canps'] = 1; } else { $backdata['pscost'] = 100; $backdata['canps'] = 0; } } else { $backdata['pscost'] = 0; $backdata['canps'] = 0; } break; case '5': //菜品计算 $tempstart = $siteps['psvalue1']; $stepcost = $goodsnum * $siteps['psvalue2']; $backdata['pscost'] = $tempstart + $stepcost - $siteps['psvalue2']; $backdata['pscost'] = 0; $backdata['canps'] = 1; break; default: //不在 所列举 范围内则为0; $backdata['pscost'] = 0; $backdata['canps'] = 0; break; } } elseif ($sendtype == 1) { //店铺配送费计算规则 if (empty($shopinfo['sendset'])) { //无店铺设置返回0; return $backdata; } $shopps = unserialize($shopinfo['sendset']); switch ($shopps['pstype']) { case '1': //同意配送费 $backdata['pscost'] = empty($shopps['psvalue1']) ? 0 : $shopps['psvalue1']; $backdata['canps'] = 1; break; case '2': //根据不同区域设置不同配送费 $areaid = ICookie::get('myaddress'); if (!empty($areaid)) { if ($shopinfo['shoptype'] == 1) { $areainfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "areatomar where areaid = " . $areaid . " and shopid = " . $shopinfo['id'] . ""); $backdata['pscost'] = isset($areainfo['cost']) ? $areainfo['cost'] : 0; $checkareainfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "areamarket where areaid = " . $areaid . " and shopid = " . $shopinfo['id'] . ""); } else { $areainfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "areatoadd where areaid = " . $areaid . " and shopid = " . $shopinfo['id'] . ""); $backdata['pscost'] = isset($areainfo['cost']) ? $areainfo['cost'] : 0; $checkareainfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "areashop where areaid = " . $areaid . " and shopid = " . $shopinfo['id'] . ""); } if (empty($checkareainfo)) { $backdata['canps'] = 0; } else { $backdata['canps'] = 1; } } else { $backdata['canps'] = 0; } break; case '3': //不计算 $backdata['pscost'] = 0; $backdata['canps'] = 1; break; case '4': //地图 if ($locationtype == 1) { $lat = ICookie::get('lat'); $lng = ICookie::get('lng'); $lat = empty($lat) ? 0 : $lat; $lng = empty($lng) ? 0 : $lng; $juli = $this->GetDistance($lat, $lng, $shopinfo['lat'], $shopinfo['lng'], 1); if ($juli < 1001) { $backdata['pscost'] = $shopps['psvalue1']; $backdata['canps'] = 1; } elseif ($juli < 3001) { $backdata['pscost'] = $shopps['psvalue2']; $backdata['canps'] = 1; } elseif ($juli < 6001) { $backdata['pscost'] = $shopps['psvalue3']; $backdata['canps'] = 1; } else { $backdata['canps'] = 0; $backdata['pscost'] = 100; } } else { $backdata['canps'] = 0; $backdata['pscost'] = 0; } break; case '5': //菜品计算 $tempstart = $shopps['psvalue1']; $stepcost = $goodsnum * $shopps['psvalue2']; $backdata['pscost'] = $tempstart + $stepcost - $shopps['psvalue2']; $backdata['canps'] = 1; break; default: //不在 所列举 范围内则为0; $backdata['pscost'] = 0; $backdata['canps'] = 0; break; } } return $backdata; }
function cart() { $data['sitetitle'] = '购物车'; $gooids = $_COOKIE["market_id"]; $market_count = $_COOKIE["market_count"]; if (empty($gooids)) { $this->message('购物车商品为空'); } $gidinfo = explode(',', $gooids); $gidconut = explode(',', $market_count); $tempids = array(); foreach ($gidinfo as $key => $value) { if (intval($value) > 0) { $tempids[$value] = $gidconut[$key]; } } $cartlist = array(); $goodsshu = 0; $query = join(',', array_keys($tempids)); if (!empty($query)) { $goodsinfo = $this->mysql->getarr("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "goods where id in(" . $query . ") and shopid =0"); foreach ($goodsinfo as $key => $value) { $value['buycount'] = $tempids[$value['id']]; $value['sum'] = $value['buycount'] * $value['cost']; $cartlist[] = $value; $goodsshu += $value['buycount']; } } $data['cartlist'] = $cartlist; //获取配送费 $checkps = $this->pscost(array('shopid' => 0), $goodsshu); if ($checkps['canps'] != 1) { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('site/guide'); $this->message('该店铺不在配送范围内', $link); } $data['pscost'] = $checkps['pscost']; $psinfo = unserialize(Mysite::$app->config['psset']); $data['areainfo'] = ''; $nowID = ICookie::get('myaddress'); $data['locationtype'] = $psinfo['locationtype']; if ($psinfo['locationtype'] == 1) { //百度地图 $data['areainfo'] = ICookie::get('mapname'); if (empty($data['areainfo'])) { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('site/guide'); $this->message('请先选择您所在区域在进行下单', $link); } } else { $data['areainfo'] = ICookie::get('mapname'); if (empty($nowID)) { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('site/guide'); $this->message('请先选择您所在区域在进行下单', $link); } } $data['myaddressslist'] = array(); $tempre = ''; if (!empty($nowID)) { $area_grade = Mysite::$app->config['area_grade']; $temp_areainfo = ''; if ($area_grade > 1) { $areainfocheck = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "area where id=" . $nowID . ""); if (!empty($areainfocheck)) { $areainfocheck1 = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "area where id=" . $areainfocheck['parent_id'] . ""); if (!empty($areainfocheck1)) { $temp_areainfo = $areainfocheck1['name']; if ($area_grade > 2) { $areainfocheck2 = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "area where id=" . $areainfocheck1['parent_id'] . ""); if (!empty($areainfocheck2)) { $temp_areainfo = $areainfocheck2['name'] . $temp_areainfo; } } } $tempre = $temp_areainfo . $tempre; } } if ($this->member['uid'] > 0) { $data['myaddressslist'] = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "address where areaid" . $area_grade . "=" . $nowID . ""); } } if (isset($data['myaddressslist']['address'])) { $data['areainfo'] = $tempre . $data['myaddressslist']['address']; } else { $data['areainfo'] = $tempre . $data['areainfo']; } //获取默认配送所有地址 $data['open_acout'] = Mysite::$app->config['open_acout']; $data['paylist'] = $this->mysql->getarr("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "paylist order by id desc "); // $data['starttime'] = Mysite::$app->config['marketstarttime']; $data['marketlong'] = Mysite::$app->config['marketlong']; $data['juanlist'] = array(); if (!empty($this->member['uid'])) { $data['juanlist'] = $this->mysql->getarr("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "juan where uid ='" . $this->member['uid'] . "' and status = 1 and endtime > " . time() . " order by id desc limit 0,20"); } Mysite::$app->setdata($data); }
function giftlog() { $backinfo = $this->checkappMem(); if (empty($backinfo['uid'])) { $this->message('nologin'); } else { if ($this->member['uid'] == 0) { ICookie::set('email', $backinfo['email'], 86400); ICookie::set('memberpwd', ICookie::get('apppwd'), 86400); ICookie::set('membername', $backinfo['username'], 86400); ICookie::set('uid', $backinfo['uid'], 86400); } } echo '获取礼品记录'; exit; }
$opid = $qc->get_openid(); $qc = new QC($acs, $opid); $arr = $qc->get_user_info(); if (empty($opid)) { $this->message($logintype . '登录接口获取信息失败noopid,请联系管理员'); } if (!is_array($arr)) { $this->message($logintype . '接口获取信息失败noinfo,请联系管理员'); } /**判断信息是否写到数据库中***/ //第三方登录表 结构:oauth id uid token openid type addtime //31天 *24 * 60 *60 26784400 $nowtime = time() - 26784400; $oauthinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "oauth where openid='" . $opid . "' and addtime > " . $nowtime . " and type = '" . $logintype . "' "); $link = IUrl::creatUrl('member/bandaout'); $uid = ICookie::get('uid'); if (empty($oauthinfo)) { $data['uid'] = $this->member['uid']; $data['token'] = $acs; $data['openid'] = $opid; $data['type'] = $logintype; $data['addtime'] = time(); $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'oauth', $data); if (!empty($this->member['uid'])) { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('member/base'); } else { ICookie::set('adlogintype', $logintype, 86400); ICookie::set('adtoken', $acs, 86400); ICookie::set('adopenid', $opid, 86400); ICookie::set('nickname', $opid, 86400); }
function changeshop() { $id = intval(IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'))); $link = IUrl::creatUrl('site/index/'); if ($id < 1) { $this->message('获取店铺ID失败', $link); } $grade = Mysite::$app->config['area_grade']; $temp_where = ''; $doarea = $this->mysql->getarr("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "area where parent_id in(select id from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "area where parent_id =0) "); if ($grade == 1) { $where = ' and areaid in(select id from ' . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'area where parent_id =0)'; } elseif ($grade == 2) { $where = ' and areaid in(select id from ' . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'area where parent_id in(select id from ' . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'area where parent_id =0)) '; } elseif ($grade == 3) { $where = ' and areaid in(select id from ' . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'area where parent_id in(select id from ' . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'area where parent_id in(select id from ' . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'area where parent_id =0))) '; } $checkinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "areatoadd where shopid=" . $id . " " . $where . ""); if (empty($checkinfo)) { $this->message('获取店铺区域信息失败', $link); } $arealist = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "area where id = " . $checkinfo['areaid'] . " order by orderid asc "); if (empty($arealist)) { $this->message('获取店铺区域信息失败', $link); } ICookie::set('lng', $arealist['lng'], 2592000); ICookie::set('lat', $arealist['lat'], 2592000); ICookie::set('mapname', $arealist['name'], 2592000); ICookie::set('myaddress', $checkinfo['areaid'], 2592000); $cookmalist = ICookie::get('cookmalist'); $cooklnglist = ICookie::get('cooklnglist'); $cooklatlist = ICookie::get('cooklatlist'); $check = explode(',', $cookmalist); if (!in_array($arealist['name'], $check)) { $cookmalist = empty($cookmalist) ? $arealist['name'] . ',' : $arealist['name'] . ',' . $cookmalist; $cooklatlist = empty($cooklatlist) ? $arealist['lat'] . ',' : $arealist['lat'] . ',' . $cooklatlist; $cooklnglist = empty($cooklnglist) ? $arealist['lng'] . ',' : $arealist['lng'] . ',' . $cooklnglist; ICookie::set('cookmalist', $cookmalist, 2592000); ICookie::set('cooklatlist', $cooklatlist, 2592000); ICookie::set('cooklnglist', $cooklnglist, 2592000); } $link = IUrl::creatUrl('shop/index/id/' . $id); $this->message('', $link); }
function ordertoday() { $firstareain = IReq::get('firstarea'); $secareain = IReq::get('secarea'); $statustype = intval(IReq::get('statustype')); $dno = IReq::get('dno'); $data['dno'] = $dno; $data['statustype'] = $statustype; $statustype = in_array($statustype, array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) ? $statustype : 0; $statustypearr = array('0' => '', '1' => ' and ord.status = 0 ', '2' => ' and ord.status = 1 ', '3' => ' and ord.status > 1 and ord.status < 4 ', '4' => ' and ord.is_reback in(1,2) '); ///statustype 1 待审核 //statustype 2 待发货 //statustype 3 已发货 //statustype 4 退款处理 $data['frinput'] = $firstareain; $this->setstatus(); $nowday = date('Y-m-d', time()); $where = ' where ord.posttime > ' . strtotime($nowday . ' 00:00:00') . ' and ord.posttime < ' . strtotime($nowday . ' 23:59:59'); //查询当天所有订单数据 // $where .= ' and ord.status = 0 '; if (!empty($firstareain)) { $where .= " and FIND_IN_SET('" . $firstareain . "',`areaids`)"; } $where .= $statustypearr[$statustype]; //$where .= ' and ord.status = 0 '; $where .= empty($dno) ? '' : ' and ord.dno =\'' . $dno . '\''; $orderlist = $this->mysql->getarr("select ord.*,mb.username as acountname from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "order as ord left join " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "member as mb on mb.uid = ord.buyeruid " . $where . " order by desc limit 0,1000"); $shuliang = $this->mysql->counts("select ord.*,mb.username as acountname from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "order as ord left join " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "member as mb on mb.uid = ord.buyeruid " . $where . " "); $data['list'] = array(); if ($orderlist) { foreach ($orderlist as $key => $value) { $value['detlist'] = $this->mysql->getarr("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "orderdet where order_id = " . $value['id'] . " order by id desc "); $value['maijiagoumaishu'] = 0; if ($value['buyeruid'] > 0) { $value['maijiagoumaishu'] = $this->mysql->counts("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "order where buyeruid='" . $value['buyeruid'] . "' and status = 3 order by id desc"); } $data['list'][] = $value; } } /*构造城市*/ $areainfo = $this->mysql->getarr("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "area order by orderid asc"); $this->getgodigui($areainfo, 0, 0); $data['arealist'] = $this->digui; $data['showdet'] = intval(IReq::get('showdet')); $data['playwave'] = ICookie::get('playwave'); //shoporderlist Mysite::$app->setdata($data); }
/** * 用户报名参加团购 * * 用户可以参加本次团购的条件: * 1.本次团购还没有满员 * 2.一小时二十五分钟内,用户在本次团购中没有未完成的交易 * * regiment_user_relation表中的is_over:0代表着还没有完成,1代表着已经完成交易了 * 如果用户没有登录便参加团购,会生成一个hash存在cookie里,名字为regiment_100,其中100是相应团购的id * 并将此hash保存在regiment_user_relation表的hash字段里。在用户付账需要登录的时候应该查询这个hash并更新相应的user_id * * @static */ public static function join($id, $user_id = null) { $id = intval($id); $now = time(); $regiment = self::getRegimentById($id); $time_limit = self::time_limit(); if ($regiment === false || 0 != $regiment['store_nums'] && $regiment['user_num'] >= $regiment['store_nums'] || strtotime($regiment['end_time']) < $now || strtotime($regiment['start_time']) > $now) { return array('flag' => 'msg', 'data' => '本次团购已过期或者人满'); } $tb = new IModel("regiment_user_relation"); $data = array('user_id' => "", 'hash' => "", 'regiment_id' => $id, 'join_time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $now), 'is_over' => 0); if ($user_id !== null) { $user_id = intval($user_id); $re = $tb->query("regiment_id={$id} AND user_id={$user_id} AND is_over=0"); $data['user_id'] = $user_id; } else { $hash = ICookie::get("regiment_{$id}"); if ($hash === null) { $hash = IHash::md5(serialize($_SERVER) . microtime(1)); ICookie::set("regiment_{$id}", $hash, $time = $time_limit * 60); } $re = $tb->query("regiment_id={$id} AND hash='{$hash}' AND is_over=0"); $data['hash'] = $hash; } if ($re) { $re = end($re); } if (count($re) == 0 || strtotime($re['join_time']) < $now - $time_limit * 60) { $tb->setData($data); //$relation_id是关系表的主键 if ($re) { $tb->update("id={$re['id']}"); $relation_id = $re['id']; } else { $relation_id = $tb->add(); } return array('flag' => true, 'data' => '参与成功', 'relation_id' => $relation_id); } else { return array('flag' => false, 'data' => '本次团购您存在未完成交易'); } }
?> <tr><td colspan="2"> <div class="prompt"><img src="<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("") . "views/" . $this->theme . "/skin/" . $this->skin . "/images/front/error_s.gif"; ?> " width="16" height="15" /><?php echo isset($this->message) ? $this->message : ""; ?> </div> </td></tr> <?php } ?> <tr><th>用户名/邮箱:</th><td><input class="gray" type="text" name="login_info" value="<?php echo ICookie::get('loginName'); ?> " pattern='required' alt='填写用户名或邮箱' /></td></tr> <tr><th>密码:</th><td><input class="gray" type="password" name="password" pattern='^\S{6,32}$' alt='填写密码' /></td></tr> <tr class="low"><td></td> <td> <label class="attr"><input class="radio" type="checkbox" name="remember" value='1' />记住登录名</label> <label class="attr"><a class="link pwd" href="<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("/simple/find_password"); ?> ">忘记密码</a></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="low"> <td></td> <td>
function cart3() { $accept_name = IFilter::act(IReq::get('accept_name')); $province = IFilter::act(IReq::get('province'), 'int'); $city = IFilter::act(IReq::get('city'), 'int'); $area = IFilter::act(IReq::get('area'), 'int'); $address = IFilter::act(IReq::get('address')); $mobile = IFilter::act(IReq::get('mobile')); $telphone = IFilter::act(IReq::get('telphone')); $zip = IFilter::act(IReq::get('zip')); $delivery_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('delivery_id'), 'int'); $accept_time_radio = IFilter::act(IReq::get('accept_time_radio'), 'int'); $accept_time = IFilter::act(IReq::get('accept_time')); $payment = IFilter::act(IReq::get('payment'), 'int'); $order_message = IFilter::act(IReq::get('message')); $ticket_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('ticket_id'), 'int'); $is_tax = IFilter::act(IReq::get('is_tax'), 'int'); $tax_title = IFilter::act(IReq::get('tax_title'), 'text'); $gid = intval(IReq::get('direct_gid')); $num = intval(IReq::get('direct_num')); $type = IFilter::act(IReq::get('direct_type')); //商品或者货品 $promo = IFilter::act(IReq::get('direct_promo')); $active_id = intval(IReq::get('direct_active_id')); $tourist = IReq::get('tourist'); //游客方式购物 $order_no = block::createOrderNum(); $order_type = 0; $is_protectPrice = IFilter::act(IReq::get('protect_price')); $dataArray = array(); //防止表单重复提交 if (IReq::get('timeKey') != null) { if (ISafe::get('timeKey') == IReq::get('timeKey')) { IError::show(403, '订单数据不能被重复提交'); exit; } else { ISafe::set('timeKey', IReq::get('timeKey')); } } if ($province == 0 || $city == 0 || $area == 0) { IError::show(403, '请填写收货地址的省市地区'); } if ($delivery_id == 0) { IError::show(403, '请选择配送方式'); } $user_id = $this->user['user_id'] == null ? 0 : $this->user['user_id']; //活动特殊处理 if ($promo != '' && $active_id != '') { //团购 if ($promo == 'groupon') { $hashId = $user_id ? $user_id : ICookie::get("regiment_{$active_id}"); //此团购还存在已经报名但是未付款的情况 if (regiment::hasJoined($active_id, $hashId) == true) { IError::show(403, '您已经参加过此次团购,请先完成支付'); exit; } //团购已经达到限定的人数 if (regiment::isFull($active_id) == true) { IError::show(403, '此团购的参加人数已满'); exit; } $order_type = 1; //团购开始报名 $joinUserId = $user_id ? $user_id : null; $resultData = regiment::join($active_id, $joinUserId); $is_success = ''; if ($resultData['flag'] == true) { $regimentRelationObj = new IModel('regiment_user_relation'); $regimentRelationObj->setData(array('order_no' => $order_no)); $is_success = $regimentRelationObj->update('id = ' . $resultData['relation_id']); } if ($is_success == '' || $resultData['flag'] == false) { $errorMsg = isset($resultData['data']) && $resultData['data'] != '' ? $resultData['data'] : '团购报名失败'; IError::show(403, $errorMsg); exit; } } else { if ($promo == 'time') { $order_type = 2; } } } //付款方式,判断是否为货到付款 $deliveryObj = new IModel('delivery'); $deliveryRow = $deliveryObj->getObj('id = ' . $delivery_id, 'type'); if ($deliveryRow['type'] == 0 && $payment == 0) { IError::show(403, '请选择支付方式'); } else { if ($deliveryRow['type'] == 1) { $payment = 0; } } $countSumObj = new CountSum(); //直接购买商品方式 if ($type != '' && $gid != 0) { //计算$gid商品 $goodsResult = $countSumObj->direct_count($gid, $type, $num, $promo, $active_id); } else { //计算购物车中的商品价格$goodsResult $goodsResult = $countSumObj->cart_count(); //清空购物车 $cartObj = new Cart(); $cartObj->clear(); } //判断商品商品是否存在 if (empty($goodsResult['goodsList']) && empty($goodsResult['productList'])) { IError::show(403, '商品数据不存在'); exit; } $sum_r = $goodsResult['sum']; $proReduce_r = $goodsResult['proReduce']; $reduce_r = $goodsResult['reduce']; $final_sum_r = $goodsResult['final_sum']; $freeFreight_r = $goodsResult['freeFreight']; $point_r = $goodsResult['point']; $exp_r = $goodsResult['exp']; //计算运费$deliveryPrice和保价$protect_price $deliveryList = Delivery::getDelivery($province, $goodsResult['weight'], $final_sum_r); $deliveryPrice = $deliveryList[$delivery_id]['price']; if ($is_protectPrice == null) { $protect_price = 0; $if_insured = 0; } else { $protect_price = $deliveryList[$delivery_id]['protect_price']; $if_insured = 1; } if ($freeFreight_r == true) { $deliveryPrice_r = 0; } else { $deliveryPrice_r = $deliveryPrice; } //获取红包减免金额 if ($ticket_id != '') { $memberObj = new IModel('member'); $memberRow = $memberObj->getObj('user_id = ' . $user_id, 'prop,custom'); if (ISafe::get('ticket_' . $ticket_id) == $ticket_id || stripos(',' . trim($memberRow['prop'], ',') . ',', ',' . $ticket_id . ',') !== false) { $propObj = new IModel('prop'); $ticketRow = $propObj->getObj('id = ' . $ticket_id . ' and NOW() between start_time and end_time and type = 0 and is_close = 0 and is_userd = 0 and is_send = 1'); if (!empty($ticketRow)) { $ticket_value = $ticketRow['value']; $reduce_r += $ticket_value; $final_sum_r -= $ticket_value; $dataArray['prop'] = $ticket_id; } //锁定红包状态 $propObj->setData(array('is_close' => 2)); $propObj->update('id = ' . $ticket_id); } } //获取税率$tax if ($is_tax == 1) { $siteConfigObj = new Config("site_config"); $site_config = $siteConfigObj->getInfo(); $tax_per = isset($site_config['tax']) ? $site_config['tax'] : 0; $tax = $final_sum_r * ($tax_per / 100); } else { $tax = 0; } //货到付款的方式 if ($payment == 0) { $paymentName = '货到付款'; $payment_fee = 0; $paymentType = 0; $paymentNote = ''; } else { //计算支付手续费 $paymentObj = new IModel('payment'); $paymentRow = $paymentObj->getObj('id = ' . $payment, 'type,poundage,poundage_type,name,note'); $paymentName = $paymentRow['name']; $paymentType = $paymentRow['type']; $paymentNote = $paymentRow['note']; if ($paymentRow['poundage_type'] == 1) { $payment_fee = ($final_sum_r + $tax + $deliveryPrice_r + $protect_price) * ($paymentRow['poundage'] / 100); } else { $payment_fee = $paymentRow['poundage']; } } //最终订单金额计算 $order_amount = $final_sum_r + $deliveryPrice_r + $payment_fee + $tax + $protect_price; $order_amount = $order_amount <= 0 ? 0 : round($order_amount, 2); //生成的订单数据 $dataArray = array('order_no' => $order_no, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'accept_name' => $accept_name, 'pay_type' => $payment, 'distribution' => $delivery_id, 'status' => 1, 'pay_status' => 0, 'distribution_status' => 0, 'postcode' => $zip, 'telphone' => $telphone, 'province' => $province, 'city' => $city, 'area' => $area, 'address' => $address, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'create_time' => ITime::getDateTime(), 'invoice' => $is_tax, 'postscript' => $order_message, 'invoice_title' => $tax_title, 'accept_time' => $accept_time, 'exp' => $exp_r, 'point' => $point_r, 'type' => $order_type, 'prop' => isset($dataArray['prop']) ? $dataArray['prop'] : null, 'payable_amount' => $goodsResult['sum'], 'real_amount' => $goodsResult['final_sum'], 'payable_freight' => $deliveryPrice, 'real_freight' => $deliveryPrice_r, 'pay_fee' => $payment_fee, 'taxes' => $tax, 'promotions' => $proReduce_r + $reduce_r, 'order_amount' => $order_amount, 'if_insured' => $if_insured, 'insured' => $protect_price); $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $orderObj->setData($dataArray); $this->order_id = $orderObj->add(); if ($this->order_id == false) { IError::show(403, '订单生成错误'); } /*将订单中的商品插入到order_goods表*/ $orderGoodsObj = new IModel('order_goods'); $goodsArray = array('order_id' => $this->order_id); $findType = array('goods' => 'goodsList', 'product' => 'productList'); foreach ($findType as $key => $list) { if (isset($goodsResult[$list]) && count($goodsResult[$list]) > 0) { foreach ($goodsResult[$list] as $k => $val) { //拼接商品名称和规格数据 $specArray = array('name' => $val['name'], 'value' => ''); if ($key == 'product') { $goodsArray['product_id'] = $val['id']; $goodsArray['goods_id'] = $val['goods_id']; $spec = block::show_spec($val['spec_array']); foreach ($spec as $skey => $svalue) { $specArray['value'] .= $skey . ':' . $svalue . ' , '; } } else { $goodsArray['goods_id'] = $val['id']; $goodsArray['product_id'] = 0; } $specArray = serialize($specArray); $goodsArray['goods_price'] = $val['sell_price']; $goodsArray['real_price'] = $val['sell_price'] - $val['reduce']; $goodsArray['goods_nums'] = $val['count']; $goodsArray['goods_weight'] = $val['weight']; $goodsArray['goods_array'] = $specArray; $orderGoodsObj->setData($goodsArray); $orderGoodsObj->add(); } } } //更改购买商品的库存数量 Block::updateStore($this->order_id, 'reduce'); //记录用户默认习惯的数据 if (!isset($memberRow['custom'])) { $memberObj = new IModel('member'); $memberRow = $memberObj->getObj('user_id = ' . $user_id, 'custom'); } $memberData = array('custom' => serialize(array('payment' => $payment, 'delivery' => $delivery_id))); $memberObj->setData($memberData); $memberObj->update('user_id = ' . $user_id); //收货地址的处理 if ($user_id) { $addressObj = new IModel('address'); //如果用户之前没有收货地址,那么会自动记录此次的地址信息并且为默认 $addressRow = $addressObj->getObj('user_id = ' . $user_id); if (empty($addressRow)) { $addressData = array('default' => '1', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'accept_name' => $accept_name, 'province' => $province, 'city' => $city, 'area' => $area, 'address' => $address, 'zip' => $zip, 'telphone' => $telphone, 'mobile' => $mobile); $addressObj->setData($addressData); $addressObj->add(); } else { //如果用户有收货地址,但是没有设置默认项,那么会自动设置此次地址信息为默认 $radio_address = intval(IReq::get('radio_address')); if ($radio_address != 0) { $addressDefRow = $addressObj->getObj('user_id = ' . $user_id . ' and `default` = 1'); if (empty($addressDefRow)) { $addressData = array('default' => 1); $addressObj->setData($addressData); $addressObj->update('user_id = ' . $user_id . ' and id = ' . $radio_address); } } } } //获取备货时间 $siteConfigObj = new Config("site_config"); $site_config = $siteConfigObj->getInfo(); $this->stockup_time = isset($site_config['stockup_time']) ? $site_config['stockup_time'] : 2; //数据渲染 $this->order_num = $dataArray['order_no']; $this->final_sum = $dataArray['order_amount']; $this->payment_fee = $payment_fee; $this->payment = $paymentName; $this->delivery = $deliveryList[$delivery_id]['name']; $this->tax_title = $tax_title; $this->deliveryType = $deliveryRow['type']; $this->paymentType = $paymentType; $this->paymentNote = $paymentNote; //订单金额为0时,订单自动完成 if ($this->final_sum <= 0) { $order_id = payment::updateOrder($dataArray['order_no']); if ($order_id != '') { if ($user_id) { $this->redirect('/site/success/message/' . urlencode("订单确认成功,等待发货") . '/?callback=ucenter/order_detail/id/' . $order_id); } else { $this->redirect('/site/success/message/' . urlencode("订单确认成功,等待发货")); } } else { IError::show(403, '订单修改失败'); } } else { $this->redirect('cart3'); } }