public function run() { Hymn_Client::out("Arguments:"); print_r($this->client->arguments->getArguments()); Hymn_Client::out("Options:"); print_r($this->client->arguments->getOptions()); }
public function run() { $fileName = Hymn_Client::$fileName; // Hymn_Client::out(); if (!file_exists("config/modules")) { return Hymn_Client::out("No modules installed"); } $index = new DirectoryIterator("config/modules"); $list = array(); foreach ($index as $entry) { if ($entry->isDir() || $entry->isDot()) { continue; } if (!preg_match("/\\.xml\$/", $entry->getFilename())) { continue; } $id = pathinfo($entry->getFilename(), PATHINFO_FILENAME); $module = Hymn_Module_Reader::load($entry->getPathname(), $id); // Hymn_Client::out( $id ); if ($module->config) { $list[$id] = array('config' => (object) array()); foreach ($module->config as $pair) { $list[$id]['config']->{$pair->key} = $pair->value; } } } $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($fileName)); $json->modules = $list; file_put_contents($fileName, json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); return Hymn_Client::out("Configuration dumped to " . $fileName); }
public function run() { if (self::test($this->client)) { return Hymn_Client::out("Database can be connected."); } return Hymn_Client::out("Database is NOT connected."); }
public function run() { $filename = Hymn_Client::$fileName; if (!file_exists($filename)) { throw new RuntimeException('File "' . $filename . '" is missing'); } $config = json_decode(file_get_contents($filename)); if (is_null($config)) { throw new RuntimeException('Configuration file "' . $filename . '" is not valid JSON'); } $key = $this->client->arguments->getArgument(0); if (!strlen(trim($key))) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('First argument "key" is missing'); } $parts = explode(".", $key); $module = array_shift($parts); if (!$parts) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid key - must be of syntax "Module_Name.(section.)key"'); } $configKey = join(".", $parts); if (!isset($config->modules->{$module}) || !isset($config->modules->{$module}->config)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('No configuration for module "' . $module . '" set'); } if (!isset($config->modules->{$module}->config->{$configKey})) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('No configuration value for key "' . $configKey . '" in module "' . $module . '" set'); } $current = $config->modules->{$module}->config->{$configKey}; Hymn_Client::out($current); }
public function run() { $config = $this->client->getConfig(); $library = new Hymn_Module_Library(); foreach ($config->sources as $sourceId => $source) { $active = !isset($source->active) || $source->active; $library->addShelf($sourceId, $source->path, $active); } $relation = new Hymn_Module_Graph($this->client, $library); $modules = array(); // prepare list of modules to update $listInstalled = $library->listInstalledModules($config->application->uri); // get list of installed modules if (!$listInstalled) { // application has no installed modules return Hymn_Client::out("No installed modules found"); } $outdatedModules = array(); // foreach ($listInstalled as $installedModule) { $source = $installedModule->installSource; $availableModule = $library->getModule($installedModule->id, $source, FALSE); if ($availableModule) { if (version_compare($availableModule->version, $installedModule->version, '>')) { $outdatedModules[$installedModule->id] = (object) array('id' => $installedModule->id, 'installed' => $installedModule->version, 'available' => $availableModule->version, 'source' => $installedModule->installSource); } } } foreach ($outdatedModules as $update) { $message = "- %s: %s -> %s"; $message = sprintf($message, $update->id, $update->installed, $update->available); Hymn_Client::out($message); } }
public function run() { Hymn_Client::out(); Hymn_Client::out("DevMode: Reflects parsed argument options"); $this->client->arguments->registerOption('test', '/^(-t|--test)=(\\S+)$/', '\\2'); $this->client->arguments->parse(); print_r($this->client->arguments->getOptions()); }
public function run() { $modules = (array) $this->client->getConfig()->modules; Hymn_Client::out(count($modules) . " modules required:"); foreach ($modules as $module) { Hymn_Client::out("- " . $module->id); } }
public function run() { $config = $this->client->getConfig(); $library = new Hymn_Module_Library(); $modules = $library->listInstalledModules($config->application->uri); ksort($modules); Hymn_Client::out(count($modules) . " modules installed:"); foreach ($modules as $module) { Hymn_Client::out("- " . $module->id . ' (' . $module->version . ')'); } }
public function run() { $urlHymn = ""; $pathFile = $this->getHymnFilePath(); if (!$pathFile) { throw new Exception("Hymn not found"); } Hymn_Client::out("Download: " . $urlHymn); $this->downloadFile($urlHymn, $pathFile); Hymn_Client::out("Saved to: " . $pathFile); passthru("hymn version"); }
public function run() { $key = $this->client->arguments->getArgument(0); if (!strlen(trim($key))) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing first argument "key" is missing'); } $editor = new Hymn_Tool_BaseConfigEditor("config/config.ini"); if (!$editor->hasProperty($key, FALSE)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Base config key "' . $key . '" is missing'); } $current = $editor->getProperty($key); Hymn_Client::out($current); clearstatcache(); }
public function run() { $config = $this->client->getConfig(); $library = new Hymn_Module_Library(); $sources = (array) $config->sources; foreach ($sources as $sourceId => $source) { $active = !isset($source->active) || $source->active; $library->addShelf($sourceId, $source->path, $active); } Hymn_Client::out(count($sources) . " module sources:"); foreach ($library->getShelves() as $shelf) { $status = $shelf->active ? '+' : '-'; Hymn_Client::out("- [" . $status . "] " . $shelf->id . " -> " . $shelf->path); } }
public function run() { $config = $this->client->getConfig(); $key = $this->client->arguments->getArgument(0); if (!isset($config->sources)) { $config->sources = (object) array(); } if (!isset($config->sources->{$key})) { Hymn_Client::out('Source with ID "' . $key . '" is not registered.'); return; } unset($config->sources->{$key}); $json = json_decode(file_get_contents(Hymn_Client::$fileName)); $json->sources = $config->sources; file_put_contents(Hymn_Client::$fileName, json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); }
public function run() { $config = $this->client->getConfig(); $moduleId = $this->client->arguments->getArgument(0); // $shelfId = $this->client->arguments->getArgument( 1 ); if ($moduleId) { $library = new Hymn_Module_Library(); foreach ($config->sources as $sourceId => $source) { $active = !isset($source->active) || $source->active; $library->addShelf($sourceId, $source->path, $active); } $modulesAvailable = $library->getModules(); $modulesInstalled = $library->listInstalledModules($config->application->uri); // get list of installed modules foreach ($modulesAvailable as $availableModule) { if ($moduleId !== $availableModule->id) { continue; } Hymn_Client::out('Module: ' . $availableModule->title); if ($availableModule->description) { Hymn_Client::out($availableModule->description); } Hymn_Client::out('Category: ' . $availableModule->category); Hymn_Client::out('Source: ' . $availableModule->sourceId); Hymn_Client::out('Version: ' . $availableModule->version); if (array_key_exists($moduleId, $modulesInstalled)) { $installedModule = $modulesInstalled[$moduleId]; Hymn_Client::out('Installed: ' . $installedModule->version); if (version_compare($availableModule->version, $installedModule->version, '>')) { $message = 'Update available: %s -> %s'; $message = sprintf($message, $installedModule->version, $availableModule->version); Hymn_Client::out($message); } } return; } Hymn_Client::out('Module ' . $moduleId . ' not available.'); } else { Hymn_Client::out("Application Settings:"); foreach ($config->application as $key => $value) { if (is_object($value)) { $value = json_encode($value, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } Hymn_Client::out("- " . $key . " => " . $value); } } }
public function help() { $class = preg_replace("/^Hymn_Command_/", "", get_class($this)); $command = strtolower(str_replace("_", "-", $class)); $fileName = "phar://hymn.phar/locales/en/help/" . $command . ".txt"; if (file_exists($fileName)) { Hymn_Client::out(file($fileName)); } else { Hymn_Client::out(); Hymn_Client::out("Outch! Help on this topic is not available yet. I am sorry :-/"); Hymn_Client::out(); Hymn_Client::out("But YOU can improve this situation :-)"); Hymn_Client::out("- get more information on:"); Hymn_Client::out("- make a fork or patch on:"); Hymn_Client::out(); } }
public function run() { $this->dry = $this->client->arguments->getOption('dry'); $this->force = $this->client->arguments->getOption('force'); $this->quiet = $this->client->arguments->getOption('quiet'); $this->verbose = $this->client->arguments->getOption('verbose'); if ($this->dry) { Hymn_Client::out("## DRY RUN: Simulated actions - no changes will take place."); } $config = $this->client->getConfig(); $library = new Hymn_Module_Library(); foreach ($config->sources as $sourceId => $source) { $active = !isset($source->active) || $source->active; $library->addShelf($sourceId, $source->path, $active); } $relation = new Hymn_Module_Graph($this->client, $library); $moduleId = trim($this->client->arguments->getArgument()); $listInstalled = $library->listInstalledModules($config->application->uri); $isInstalled = array_key_exists($moduleId, $listInstalled); if (!$moduleId) { Hymn_Client::out("No module id given"); } else { if (!$isInstalled) { Hymn_Client::out("Module '" . $moduleId . "' is not installed"); } else { $module = $listInstalled[$moduleId]; $neededBy = array(); foreach ($listInstalled as $installedModuleId => $installedModule) { if (in_array($moduleId, $installedModule->relations->needs)) { $neededBy[] = $installedModuleId; } } if ($neededBy && !$this->force) { $list = implode(', ', $neededBy); $msg = "Module '%s' is needed by %d other modules (%s)"; Hymn_Client::out(sprintf($msg, $module->id, count($neededBy), $list)); } else { $module->path = 'not_relevant/'; $installer = new Hymn_Module_Installer($this->client, $library, $this->quiet); $installer->uninstall($module, $this->verbose, $this->dry); } } } }
public function run() { $action = $this->client->arguments->getArgument(0); $className = "Hymn_Command_Default"; if (strlen($action)) { $command = ucwords(preg_replace("/-+/", " ", $action)); $className = "Hymn_Command_" . preg_replace("/ +/", "_", $command); if (!class_exists($className)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Command "' . $action . '" is not existing'); } $class = new ReflectionClass($className); $object = $class->newInstanceArgs(array($this->client)); call_user_func(array($object, 'help')); return; } $config = $this->client->getConfig(); $lines = file("phar://hymn.phar/locales/en/help/default.txt"); Hymn_Client::out($lines); return; }
public function run() { $filename = Hymn_Client::$fileName; if (!file_exists($filename)) { throw new RuntimeException('File "' . $filename . '" is missing'); } $config = json_decode(file_get_contents($filename)); if (is_null($config)) { throw new RuntimeException('Configuration file "' . $filename . '" is not valid JSON'); } $key = $this->client->arguments->getArgument(0); if (!strlen(trim($key))) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing first argument "key" is missing'); } $parts = explode(".", $key); if (count($parts) === 3) { if (!isset($config->{$parts[0]})) { $config->{$parts[0]} = (object) array(); } if (!isset($config->{$parts[0]}->{$parts[1]})) { $config->{$parts[0]}->{$parts[1]} = (object) array(); } if (!isset($config->{$parts[0]}->{$parts[1]}->{$parts[2]})) { $config->{$parts[0]}->{$parts[1]}->{$parts[2]} = NULL; } $current = $config->{$parts[0]}->{$parts[1]}->{$parts[2]}; } else { if (count($parts) === 2) { if (!isset($config->{$parts[0]})) { $config->{$parts[0]} = (object) array(); } if (!isset($config->{$parts[0]}->{$parts[1]})) { $config->{$parts[0]}->{$parts[1]} = NULL; } $current = $config->{$parts[0]}->{$parts[1]}; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid key - must be of syntax "path.(subpath.)key"'); } } Hymn_Client::out($current); }
public function run() { if (!Hymn_Command_Database_Test::test($this->client)) { return Hymn_Client::out("Database can NOT be connected."); } $force = $this->client->arguments->getOption('force'); $verbose = $this->client->arguments->getOption('verbose'); $quiet = $this->client->arguments->getOption('quiet'); $prefix = $this->client->getDatabaseConfiguration('prefix'); $dbc = $this->client->getDatabase(); $result = $dbc->query("SHOW TABLES" . ($prefix ? " LIKE '" . $prefix . "%'" : "")); $tables = $result->fetchAll(); if (!$tables) { if (!$quiet) { Hymn_Client::out("Database is empty"); } return; } if (!$force) { if ($quiet) { return Hymn_Client::out("Quiet mode needs force mode (-f|--force)"); } Hymn_Client::out("Database tables:"); foreach ($tables as $table) { Hymn_Client::out("- " . $table[0]); } $answer = Hymn_Client::getInput("Do you really want to drop these tables?", NULL, array("y", "n")); if ($answer !== "y") { return; } } foreach ($tables as $table) { if (!$quiet && $verbose) { Hymn_Client::out("- Drop table '" . $table[0] . "'"); } $dbc->query("DROP TABLE " . $table[0]); } if (!$quiet) { Hymn_Client::out("Database cleared"); } }
public function run() { $data = array(); Hymn_Client::out("Please enter application information:"); $title = Hymn_Client::getInput("- Application title", "My Project", NULL, FALSE); $uri = Hymn_Client::getInput("- Folder Path", getcwd() . '/', NULL, FALSE); $protocol = Hymn_Client::getInput("- HTTP Protocol", "http://", NULL, FALSE); $host = Hymn_Client::getInput("- HTTP Host", "", NULL, FALSE); $path = Hymn_Client::getInput("- HTTP Path", "/", NULL, FALSE); $data['application'] = (object) array('title' => $title, 'url' => $protocol . $host . "/" . ltrim($path, "/"), 'uri' => $uri); $data['library'] = (object) array(); $data['sources'] = (object) array(); $data['modules'] = (object) array(); Hymn_Client::out(""); Hymn_Client::out("Please enter database information:"); $data['database'] = (object) array('driver' => Hymn_Client::getInput("- PDO Driver", "mysql", NULL, FALSE), 'host' => Hymn_Client::getInput("- Host", "localhost", NULL, FALSE), 'port' => Hymn_Client::getInput("- Port", "3306", NULL, FALSE), 'username' => Hymn_Client::getInput("- Username", "my_db_user", NULL, FALSE), 'password' => Hymn_Client::getInput("- Password", "my_db_password", NULL, FALSE), 'name' => Hymn_Client::getInput("- Name", "my_db_name", NULL, FALSE), 'prefix' => Hymn_Client::getInput("- Table Prefix", NULL, NULL, FALSE)); Hymn_Client::out(""); Hymn_Client::out("Please enter system information:"); $data['system'] = (object) array('user' => Hymn_Client::getInput("- System User", get_current_user(), NULL, FALSE), 'group' => Hymn_Client::getInput("- System Group", "www-data", NULL, FALSE)); file_put_contents(Hymn_Client::$fileName, json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); Hymn_Client::out("Configuration file " . Hymn_Client::$fileName . " has been created."); }
public static function checkPhpClasses($path = "src", $recursive = TRUE, $verbose = FALSE, $level = 0) { $indent = str_repeat(". ", $level); if ($verbose) { Hymn_Client::out($indent . "Folder: " . $path); } $index = new DirectoryIterator($path); $valid = TRUE; foreach ($index as $entry) { if ($entry->isDot()) { continue; } if ($entry->isDir() && $recursive) { self::checkPhpClasses($entry->getPathname(), $recursive, $verbose, $level + 1); } else { if ($entry->isFile()) { if (!preg_match("/\\.php/", $entry->getFilename())) { continue; } if ($verbose) { Hymn_Client::out($indent . ". File: " . $entry->getPathname()); } $code = 0; $results = array(); $command = "php -l " . $entry->getPathname() . " 2>&1"; @exec($command, $results, $code); if ($code !== 0) { $valid = FALSE; $message = "Invalid PHP code has been found in " . $entry->getPathname() . "."; $message = isset($results[0]) ? $results[0] . "." : $message; Hymn_Client::out($message); } } } } if (!$valid) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid PHP code has been found. Please check syntax!"); } }
public function run() { $config = $this->client->getConfig(); if (!isset($config->sources)) { $config->sources = (object) array(); } $data = (object) array('key' => 'Local_Modules', 'type' => 'folder', 'path' => NULL, 'title' => NULL); $questions = array((object) array('key' => 'type', 'label' => "- Source type", 'options' => array("folder")), (object) array('key' => 'path', 'label' => "- Source path"), (object) array('key' => 'key', 'label' => "- Source ID"), (object) array('key' => 'title', 'label' => "- Source description")); $connectable = FALSE; do { foreach ($questions as $question) { // iterate questions $default = $data->{$question->key}; // shortcut default value $options = isset($question->options) ? $question->options : array(); // realize options $input = Hymn_Client::getInput($question->label, $default, $options, FALSE); // ask for value $data->{$question->key} = $input; // assign given value } if (isset($config->sources->{$data->key})) { Hymn_Client::out('Error: Source with ID "' . $data->key . '" is already registered.'); } else { if ($data->type === "folder" && !file_exists($data->path)) { Hymn_Client::out('Error: Path to module library source is not existing.'); } else { $connectable = TRUE; } } // note connectability for loop break } while (!$connectable); // repeat until connectable $data->title = $data->title ? $data->title : $data->key; $config->sources->{$data->key} = (object) array('active' => TRUE, 'title' => $data->title, 'type' => $data->type, 'path' => $data->path); $json = json_decode(file_get_contents(Hymn_Client::$fileName)); $json->sources = $config->sources; file_put_contents(Hymn_Client::$fileName, json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); }
public function run() { $config = $this->client->getConfig(); $library = new Hymn_Module_Library(); foreach ($config->sources as $sourceId => $source) { $active = !isset($source->active) || $source->active; $library->addShelf($sourceId, $source->path, $active); } $shelfId = $this->client->arguments->getArgument(0); if ($shelfId) { $modules = $library->getModules($shelfId); Hymn_Client::out(count($modules) . " modules available in module source '" . $shelfId . "':"); foreach ($modules as $moduleId => $module) { Hymn_Client::out("- " . $module->id); } } else { $modules = $library->getModules(); Hymn_Client::out(count($modules) . " modules available:"); foreach ($modules as $moduleId => $module) { Hymn_Client::out("- " . $module->id . ' (' . $module->version . ')'); } } }
public function run() { if (!(file_exists("config") && is_writable("config"))) { return Hymn_Client::out("Configuration folder is either not existing or not writable"); } $force = $this->client->arguments->getOption('force'); $verbose = $this->client->arguments->getOption('verbose'); $quiet = $this->client->arguments->getOption('quiet'); if (!$quiet && $verbose) { Hymn_Client::out("Loading all needed modules into graph…"); } $config = $this->client->getConfig(); $library = new Hymn_Module_Library(); foreach ($config->sources as $sourceId => $source) { $active = !isset($source->active) || $source->active; $library->addShelf($sourceId, $source->path); } $relation = new Hymn_Module_Graph($this->client, $library, $quiet); foreach ($config->modules as $moduleId => $module) { if (preg_match("/^@/", $moduleId)) { continue; } if (!isset($module->active) || $module->active) { $module = $library->getModule($moduleId); $installType = $this->client->getModuleInstallType($moduleId, $this->installType); $relation->addModule($module, $installType); } } $targetFileGraph = "config/modules.graph"; $targetFileImage = "config/modules.graph.png"; $graph = $relation->renderGraphFile($targetFileGraph, $verbose); // if( !$quiet ) // Hymn_Client::out( "Saved graph file to ".$targetFileGraph."." ); $image = $relation->renderGraphImage($graph, $targetFileImage, $verbose); // if( !$quiet ) // Hymn_Client::out( "Saved graph image to ".$targetFileImage."." ); }
public function run() { $this->dry = $this->client->arguments->getOption('dry'); $this->force = $this->client->arguments->getOption('force'); $this->quiet = $this->client->arguments->getOption('quiet'); $this->verbose = $this->client->arguments->getOption('verbose'); if ($this->dry) { Hymn_Client::out("## DRY RUN: Simulated actions - no changes will take place."); } $config = $this->client->getConfig(); $library = new Hymn_Module_Library(); foreach ($config->sources as $sourceId => $source) { $active = !isset($source->active) || $source->active; $library->addShelf($sourceId, $source->path, $active); } $relation = new Hymn_Module_Graph($this->client, $library); $moduleId = trim($this->client->arguments->getArgument()); if ($moduleId) { $module = $library->getModule($moduleId); if ($module) { $installType = $this->client->getModuleInstallType($moduleId, $this->installType); $relation->addModule($module, $installType); } } else { foreach ($config->modules as $moduleId => $module) { if (preg_match("/^@/", $moduleId)) { continue; } if (!isset($module->active) || $module->active) { $module = $library->getModule($moduleId); $installType = $this->client->getModuleInstallType($moduleId, $this->installType); $relation->addModule($module, $installType); } } } $installer = new Hymn_Module_Installer($this->client, $library, $this->quiet); $modules = $relation->getOrder(); foreach ($modules as $module) { $listInstalled = $library->listInstalledModules($config->application->uri); $isInstalled = array_key_exists($module->id, $listInstalled); $isCalledModule = $moduleId && $moduleId == $module->id; $isForced = $this->force && ($isCalledModule || !$moduleId); if ($isInstalled && !$isForced) { Hymn_Client::out("Module '" . $module->id . "' is already installed"); } else { Hymn_Client::out("Installing module '" . $module->id . "' ..."); $installType = $this->client->getModuleInstallType($module->id, $this->installType); $installer->install($module, $installType, $this->verbose, $this->dry); } } /* // todo: custom install mode: define SQL to import in hymn file if( isset( $config->database->import ) ){ foreach( $config->database->import as $import ){ if( file_exists( $import ) ) $installer->executeSql( file_get_contents( $import ) ); // broken on this point since extraction to Hymn_Module_SQL } }*/ }
public function renderGraphImage($graph = NULL, $targetFile = NULL, $verbose = FALSE) { Hymn_Client::out("Checking graphviz: ", FALSE); Hymn_Test::checkShellCommand("graphviz"); Hymn_Client::out("OK"); try { if (!$graph) { $graph = $this->renderGraphFile(NULL, $verbose); } $sourceFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'Hymn'); file_put_contents($sourceFile, $graph); // save temporary if ($targetFile) { @exec('dot -Tpng -o' . $targetFile . ' ' . $sourceFile); if (!$this->quiet) { Hymn_Client::out('Graph image saved to ' . $targetFile . '.'); } } else { exec('dot -Tpng -O ' . $sourceFile); unlink($sourceFile); $graphImage = file_get_contents($sourceFile . '.png'); @unlink($sourceFile); return $graphImage; } } catch (Exception $e) { Hymn_Client::out('Graph rendering failed: ' . $e->getMessage() . '.'); } }
/** * Reads module SQL scripts and executes install and update scripts. * @access public * @param object $installedModule Object of locally installed module * @param object $module Object of library module to update to * @param boolean $verbose Flag: be verbose * @param boolean $dry Flag: dry run mode - simulation only * @return void */ public function runModuleUpdateSql($installedModule, $module, $verbose, $dry = FALSE) { if (!isset($module->sql) || !count($module->sql)) { // module has no SQL scripts return; } // quit here $driver = $this->checkDriver(); // check database connection and get PDO driver $version = $installedModule->version; // start by version of currently installed module $scripts = array(); // prepare empty list for collected scripts foreach ($module->sql as $sql) { // iterate SQL scripts if ($sql->event == "update" && trim($sql->sql)) { // is an update script if ($sql->type === $driver || $sql->type == "*") { // database driver is matching or general if (version_compare($sql->version, $version, ">")) { // script version is prior to currently installed version $scripts[$sql->version] = $sql; // append script for execution } } } } uksort($scripts, 'version_compare'); // sort update scripts by version foreach ($scripts as $script) { // iterate found ordered update scripts if ($verbose && !$this->quiet) { // be verbose $msg = " … apply database script on %s at version %s"; // ... Hymn_Client::out(sprintf($msg, $script->event, $script->version)); // ... } if (!$dry) { // not a dry run $this->executeSql($script->sql); } // execute collected SQL script } }
public function run() { if (!Hymn_Command_Database_Test::test($this->client)) { return Hymn_Client::out("Database can NOT be connected."); } $arguments = $this->client->arguments; $fileName = $arguments->getArgument(0); if (!preg_match("/[a-z0-9]/i", $fileName)) { // arguments has not valid value $fileName = 'config/sql/'; } // set default path if (substr($fileName, -1) == "/") { // given argument is a path $fileName = $fileName . "dump_" . date("Y-m-d_H:i:s") . ".sql"; } // generate stamped file name if (dirname($fileName)) { // path is not existing exec("mkdir -p " . dirname($fileName)); } // create path $dbc = $this->client->getDatabase(); $username = $this->client->getDatabaseConfiguration('username'); $password = $this->client->getDatabaseConfiguration('password'); $name = $this->client->getDatabaseConfiguration('name'); $prefix = $this->client->getDatabaseConfiguration('prefix'); if ($this->prefix = $arguments->hasOption('prefix')) { $this->prefixPlaceholder = $arguments->getOption('prefix'); } $tables = array(); if ($prefix) { foreach ($dbc->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $prefix . "%'") as $table) { $tables[] = $table[0]; } } $tables = join(' ', $tables); $command = "mysqldump -u%s -p%s %s %s > %s"; $command = sprintf($command, $username, $password, $name, $tables, $fileName); exec($command); /* -- REPLACE PREFIX -- */ $regExp = "@(EXISTS|FROM|INTO|TABLE|TABLES|for table)( `)(" . $prefix . ")(.+)(`)@U"; // build regular expression $callback = array($this, '_callbackReplacePrefix'); // create replace callback $contents = explode("\n", file_get_contents($fileName)); // read raw dump file foreach ($contents as $nr => $content) { // iterate lines $contents[$nr] = preg_replace_callback($regExp, $callback, $content); } // replace prefix by placeholder file_put_contents($fileName, implode("\n", $contents)); // save final dump file return Hymn_Client::out("Database dumped to " . $fileName); }
public function run() { Hymn_Client::out(Hymn_Client::$version); // Hymn_Client::out( "Working in: " . getCwd() ); // Hymn_Client::out( "Hymn Path: " . __DIR__ ); }
public function run() { $this->dry = $this->client->arguments->getOption('dry'); $this->force = $this->client->arguments->getOption('force'); $this->quiet = $this->client->arguments->getOption('quiet'); $this->verbose = $this->client->arguments->getOption('verbose'); if ($this->dry) { Hymn_Client::out("## DRY RUN: Simulated actions - no changes will take place."); } // $start = microtime( TRUE ); $config = $this->client->getConfig(); $library = new Hymn_Module_Library(); foreach ($config->sources as $sourceId => $source) { $active = !isset($source->active) || $source->active; $library->addShelf($sourceId, $source->path, $active); } $relation = new Hymn_Module_Graph($this->client, $library); $modules = array(); // prepare list of modules to update $moduleId = trim($this->client->arguments->getArgument()); // is there a specific module ID is given $listInstalled = $library->listInstalledModules($config->application->uri); // get list of installed modules if (!$listInstalled) { // application has no installed modules return Hymn_Client::out("No installed modules found"); } $outdatedModules = array(); // foreach ($listInstalled as $installedModule) { $source = $installedModule->installSource; $availableModule = $library->getModule($installedModule->id, $source, FALSE); if ($availableModule) { if (version_compare($availableModule->version, $installedModule->version, '>')) { $outdatedModules[$installedModule->id] = (object) array('id' => $installedModule->id, 'installed' => $installedModule->version, 'available' => $availableModule->version, 'source' => $installedModule->installSource); } } } if ($moduleId) { if (!array_key_exists($moduleId, $listInstalled)) { return Hymn_Client::out("Module '" . $moduleId . "' is not installed and cannot be updated"); } if (!array_key_exists($moduleId, $outdatedModules)) { return Hymn_Client::out("Module '" . $moduleId . "' is not outdated and cannot be updated"); } $outdatedModules = array($moduleId => $outdatedModules[$moduleId]); } foreach ($outdatedModules as $update) { $module = $library->getModule($update->id); $installType = $this->client->getModuleInstallType($module->id, $this->installType); /* $relation->addModule( $module, $installType ); */ $message = "Updating module '%s' (%s -> %s) ..."; $message = sprintf($message, $module->id, $update->installed, $update->available); Hymn_Client::out($message); $installer = new Hymn_Module_Installer($this->client, $library, $this->quiet); $installer->update($module, $installType, $this->verbose, $this->dry); } }
/** * Removed installed files of module. * @access public * @param object $module Module object * @param boolean $verbose Flag: be verbose * @param boolean $dry Flag: dry run mode - simulation only * @return void * @throws RuntimeException if target file is not readable * @throws RuntimeException if target file is not writable */ public function removeFiles($module, $verbose = FALSE, $dry = FALSE) { $fileMap = $this->prepareModuleFileMap($module); // get list of installed module files foreach ($fileMap as $source => $target) { // iterate file list if (!is_readable($target)) { // if installed file is not readable throw new RuntimeException('Target file ' . $target . ' is not readable'); } // throw exception if (!is_writable($target)) { // if installed file is not writable throw new RuntimeException('Target file ' . $target . ' is not removable'); } // throw exception if (!$dry) { // not a dry run @unlink($target); // remove installed file } if ($verbose && !$this->quiet) { // be verbose Hymn_Client::out(' … removed file ' . $target); } // print note about removed file } }