
use Hub\Client\Exception\NotFoundException;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../common.php';
$hubClient = new \Hub\Client\V3\HubV3Client($usernameV3, $passwordV3, $url);
$providerClient = new \Hub\Client\Provider\ProviderClient($usernameV1, $passwordV1);
if (count($argv) != 3) {
    echo "Please pass the resource key and accountname as 2 arguments\n";
$key = $argv[1];
$grantee = $argv[2];
echo "Removing share for resource [{$key}] for @{$grantee}\n";
$hubClient->removeShare($key, $grantee);
$shares = $hubClient->getShares($key);
echo "Shares: " . count($shares) . "\n";
foreach ($shares as $share) {
    echo "  @" . $share->getName() . " <" . $share->getDisplayName() . "> [" . $share->getPermission() . "]\n";
Exemple #2

use Hub\Client\Exception\NotFoundException;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../common.php';
$hubClient = new \Hub\Client\V3\HubV3Client($usernameV3, $passwordV3, $url);
$providerClient = new \Hub\Client\Provider\ProviderClient($usernameV1, $passwordV1);
if (count($argv) != 2) {
    echo "Please pass the resource key as the first argument\n";
$key = $argv[1];
echo "Fetching resource by key {$key}\n";
$resource = $hubClient->getResource($key);
echo "Resource: {$key}\n";
foreach ($resource->getProperties() as $property) {
    echo "   " . $property->getName() . '=' . $property->getValue() . "\n";
$shares = $hubClient->getShares($key);
echo "Shares: " . count($shares) . "\n";
foreach ($shares as $share) {
    echo "  @" . $share->getName() . " <" . $share->getDisplayName() . "> [" . $share->getPermission() . "]\n";
$source = $hubClient->getSource($key);
echo "Source: " . $source->getUrl() . " [" . $source->getApi() . "]\n";
if ($source->getJwt()) {
    echo "JWT: " . $source->getJwt() . "\n";
$data = $providerClient->getResourceData($resource, $source);
echo $data;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../common.php';
$client = new \Hub\Client\V3\HubV3Client($usernameV3, $passwordV3, $url);
$filename = __DIR__ . '/templates/register.xml';
$resource = loadRegisterXml($filename);
$key = $client->register($resource);
exit("Registered key: {$key}\n");

use Hub\Client\Exception\NotFoundException;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../common.php';
$hubClient = new \Hub\Client\V3\HubV3Client($usernameV3, $passwordV3, $url);
$providerClient = new \Hub\Client\Provider\ProviderClient($usernameV1, $passwordV1);
$filters = array();
if (count($argv) > 1) {
    $arguments = $argv;
    $cmd = array_shift($arguments);
    // shifts the first item cmd from the array
    foreach ($arguments as $property) {
        $part = explode("=", $property);
        if (count($part) != 2) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Filter `{$property}` invalid. Expecting filters in key=value format");
        $key = $part[0];
        $value = $part[1];
        $filters[$key] = $value;
        echo "Adding filter: {$key}={$value}\n";
try {
    $resources = $hubClient->findResources($filters);
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
    exit("\nNo results found...\n");
foreach ($resources as $resource) {
    echo "Resource [" . $resource->getType() . "]\n";
    foreach ($resource->getProperties() as $property) {

use Hub\Client\Exception\NotFoundException;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../common.php';
$hubClient = new \Hub\Client\V3\HubV3Client($usernameV3, $passwordV3, $url);
$providerClient = new \Hub\Client\Provider\ProviderClient($usernameV1, $passwordV1);
if (count($argv) != 4) {
    echo "Please pass the resource key, accountname and permission as 3 arguments\n";
$key = $argv[1];
$grantee = $argv[2];
$permission = $argv[3];
echo "Adding share for resource [{$key}] for @{$grantee} with permission [{$permission}]\n";
$hubClient->addShare($key, $grantee, $permission);
$shares = $hubClient->getShares($key);
echo "Shares: " . count($shares) . "\n";
foreach ($shares as $share) {
    echo "  @" . $share->getName() . " <" . $share->getDisplayName() . "> [" . $share->getPermission() . "]\n";