function validate()
     // make sure that the user is uploading a file
     $this->_files = HttpVars::getFiles();
     $this->_templateId = $this->_request->getValue("templateId");
     $this->_subFolderId = $this->_request->getValue("subFolderId");
     // check if there's any file to upload
     if (count($this->_files) != 1) {
         if (empty($this->_subFolderId)) {
             $this->_view = new PluginBlogTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo, $this->_templateId);
         } else {
             $this->_view = new PluginBlogTemplateSubFolderListView($this->_blogInfo, $this->_templateId, $this->_subFolderId);
         $this->_view->setErrorMessage($this->_locale - tr("error_must_upload_file"));
         return false;
     if (!$this->isValidExtension($this->_files['resourceFile']['name'])) {
         if (empty($this->_subFolderId)) {
             $this->_view = new PluginBlogTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo, $this->_templateId);
         } else {
             $this->_view = new PluginBlogTemplateSubFolderListView($this->_blogInfo, $this->_templateId, $this->_subFolderId);
         return false;
     return true;
  * Loads the current locale. It works so that it tries to fetch the parameter "lang" from the
  * request. If it's not available, then it will try to look for it in the session. If it is not
  * there either, it will try to guess the most prefered language according to what the User Agent 
  * included in the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE string sent with the request. If none matches available 
  * languages we have to use the value of "default_locale" and display the default language.
  * @private
  * @return Returns a reference to a Locale object
 function &_loadLocale()
     $requestLocale =& $this->_request->getValue("lang");
     $localeCode = "";
     $serverVars =& HttpVars::getServer();
     // check if there's something in the request...
     // if not, check the session or at least try to
     // guess the apropriate languege from the http_accept_lnaguage string
     if ($requestLocale) {
         // check if it's a valid one
         if (Locales::isValidLocale($requestLocale)) {
             $localeCode = $requestLocale;
     } else {
         $sessionLocale =& SessionManager::getSessionValue("summaryLang");
         if ($sessionLocale) {
             $localeCode = $sessionLocale;
         } elseif ($this->_config->getValue("use_http_accept_language_detection", HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_DETECTION) == 1) {
             $localeCode =& $this->_matchHttpAcceptLanguages($serverVars['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
     // check if the locale code is correct
     // and as a valid resort, use the default one if the locale ist not valid or 'false'
     if ($localeCode === false || !Locales::isValidLocale($localeCode)) {
         $localeCode = $this->_config->getValue("default_locale");
     // now put whatever locale value back to the session
     SessionManager::setSessionValue("summaryLang", $localeCode);
     // load the correct locale
     $locale =& Locales::getLocale($localeCode);
     return $locale;
 function ResourceServerAction($actionInfo, $request)
     $this->Action($actionInfo, $request);
     // keep the session for later use
     $session = HttpVars::getSession();
     $this->_session = $session['SessionInfo'];
     $this->_config =& Config::getConfig();
  * Carries out the specified action
 function perform()
     // fetch the information coming from the resource
     $this->_description = Textfilter::filterAllHTML($this->_request->getValue("resourceDescription"));
     $this->_albumId = $this->_request->getValue("albumId");
     $this->_resource = $this->_request->getValue("resourceFile");
     // check if there is any file uploaded
     $files = HttpVars::getFiles();
     // we probably need to rearrange the $files array a bit better...
     $this->_files = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if ($file["error"] == 0 && $file["size"] > 0 && $file["name"] != "") {
             $this->_files[] = $file;
     // let the gallery library do its work...
     $resources = new GalleryResources();
     $this->_view = new AdminResourcesListView($this->_blogInfo, array("albumId" => $this->_albumId));
     $successMessage = "";
     $errorMessage = "";
     foreach ($this->_files as $file) {
         // create a new FileUpload object based on the file
         $upload = new FileUpload($file);
         // add the resource to the db
         $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_PRE_RESOURCE_ADD, array("upload" => &$upload));
         $res = $resources->addResource($this->_blogInfo->getId(), $this->_albumId, $this->_description, $upload);
         // check if everything went fine and if not, show an error message
         if ($res > 0) {
             $successMessage .= $this->_locale->pr("resource_added_ok", $file["name"]) . "<br/>";
             // try to fetch the resource so that we can send it in the event
             $resource = $resources->getResource($res, $this->_blogInfo->getId());
             $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_POST_RESOURCE_ADD, array("resource" => &$resource));
         } else {
                 $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->pr("error_resource_forbidden_extension", $file["name"]) . "<br/>";
             } elseif ($res == GALLERY_ERROR_RESOURCE_TOO_BIG) {
                 $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->pr("error_resource_too_big", $file["name"]) . "<br/>";
             } elseif ($res == GALLERY_ERROR_UPLOADS_NOT_ENABLED) {
                 $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->tr("error_uploads_disabled") . "<br/>";
             } elseif ($res == GALLERY_ERROR_QUOTA_EXCEEDED) {
                 $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->tr("error_quota_exceeded") . "<br/>";
             } else {
                 $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->pr("error_adding_resource", $file["name"]) . "<br/>";
     // clear the cache no matter what happened... we should only clear it if there was at least one
     // file uploaded but this way is not that bad after all...
     CacheControl::resetBlogCache($this->_blogInfo->getId(), false);
     if ($successMessage != "") {
     if ($errorMessage != "") {
     return true;
  * @private
 function _getDestination()
     $dest = HttpVars::getRequestValue("dest");
     $val = new IntegerValidator();
     if (!$val->validate($dest) || $dest < 1 || $dest > 3) {
         $dest = 1;
     return $dest;
  * installs an uploaded template
 function _performUploadTemplate()
     // handle the uploaded file
     $files = HttpVars::getFiles();
     $uploads = new FileUploads($files);
     if (count($files) == 0 || $files["templateFile"]["name"] == "") {
         $this->_view = new AdminTemplatedView($this->_blogInfo, "newglobaltemplate");
         $this->_view->setValue("templateFolder", TemplateSetStorage::getBaseTemplateFolder());
         return false;
     $config =& Config::getConfig();
     $tmpFolder = $config->getValue('temp_folder');
     // move it to the temporary folder
     $result = $uploads->process($tmpFolder);
     // and from there, unpack it
     $upload = new FileUpload($files['templateFile']);
     $templateSandbox = new TemplateSandbox();
     $valid = $templateSandbox->checkTemplateSet($upload->getFileName(), $tmpFolder . '/');
     if ($valid < 0) {
         $this->_view = new AdminSiteTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo);
         return false;
     // the template was ok, so then we can proceed and move it to the main
     // template folder, add it to our array of templates
     // :KLUDGE:
     // maybe we should simply move the files rather than unpacking the whole
     // thing again, but this indeed makes things easier! ;)
     $unpacker = new Unpacker();
     $templateFolder = $config->getValue('template_folder');
     $fileToUnpack = $tmpFolder . '/' . $upload->getFileName();
     if (!$unpacker->unpack($fileToUnpack, $templateFolder)) {
         $this->_view = new AdminSiteTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo);
         $tf = new Textfilter();
         $this->_view->setErrorMessage($this->_locale->pr('error_installing_template', $tf->filterAllHtml($upload->getFileName())));
         return false;
     // if the template set was installed ok in the template folder, we can record
     // it as a valid set
     $ts = new TemplateSetStorage();
     $fileParts = explode(".", $upload->getFileName());
     $templateName = $fileParts[0];
     $this->_view = new AdminSiteTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo);
     $this->_view->setSuccessMessage($this->_locale->pr('template_installed_ok', $templateName));
     return true;
 function perform()
     // get the search terms that have already been validated...
     $this->_searchTerms = $this->_request->getValue("searchTerms");
     // check if the search feature is disabled in this site...
     $config =& Config::getConfig();
     if (!$config->getValue("search_engine_enabled")) {
         $this->_view = new ErrorView($this->_blogInfo, "error_search_engine_disabled");
         return false;
     // create the view and make sure that it hasn't been cached
     $this->_view = new BlogTemplatedView($this->_blogInfo, VIEW_SEARCH_TEMPLATE, array("searchTerms" => $this->_searchTerms));
     if ($this->_view->isCached()) {
         return true;
     $searchEngine = new SearchEngine();
     $searchResults = $searchEngine->search($this->_blogInfo->getId(), $this->_searchTerms);
     // MARKWU: I add the searchterms variable for smarty/plog template
     $searchTerms = $searchEngine->getAdaptSearchTerms($this->_searchTerms);
     // if no search results, return an error message
     if (count($searchResults) == 0) {
         $this->_view = new ErrorView($this->_blogInfo, "error_no_search_results");
         return true;
     // if only one search result, we can see it straight away
     if (count($searchResults) == 1) {
         // we have to refill the $_REQUEST array, since the next action
         // is going to need some of the parameters
         $request =& HttpVars::getRequest();
         $searchResult = array_pop($searchResults);
         $article = $searchResult->getArticle();
         $request["articleId"] = $article->getId();
         $request["blogId"] = $this->_blogInfo->getId();
         // since there is only one article, we can use the ViewArticleAction action
         // to display that article, instead of copy-pasting the code and doing it here.
         // You just have to love MVC and OOP :)
         return Controller::setForwardAction("ViewArticle");
     // or else, show a list with all the posts that match the requested
     // search terms
     $this->_view->setValue("searchresults", $searchResults);
     // MARKWU: Now, I can use the searchterms to get the keyword
     $this->_view->setValue("searchterms", $searchTerms);
     // MARKWU:
     $config =& Config::getConfig();
     $urlmode = $config->getValue("request_format_mode");
     $this->_view->setValue("urlmode", $urlmode);
     return true;
  * Validate if everything is correct
 function validate()
     // first of all, check if we have a valid blog id
     $this->_blogId = $this->_request->getValue("blogId");
     if ($this->_blogId == "" || $this->_blogId < 0) {
         // check if the user really belongs to one or more blogs and if not, quit
         $users = new Users();
         $userBlogs = $users->getUsersBlogs($this->_userInfo->getId(), BLOG_STATUS_ACTIVE);
         if (count($userBlogs) == 0) {
             $this->_view = new AdminSimpleErrorView();
             $this->_view->setValue("message", $this->_locale->tr("error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"));
             return false;
         // if everything went fine, then we can continue...
         $this->_view = new AdminDashboardView($this->_userInfo, $userBlogs);
         return false;
     // load the blog
     $blogs = new Blogs();
     $this->_blogInfo = $blogs->getBlogInfo($this->_blogId);
     // check if the blog really exists
     if (!$this->_blogInfo) {
         $this->_view = new AdminSimpleErrorView();
         $this->_view->setValue("message", $this->_locale->tr("error_incorrect_blog_id"));
         return false;
     // if so, check that it is active
     if ($this->_blogInfo->getStatus() != BLOG_STATUS_ACTIVE) {
         $this->_view = new AdminSimpleErrorView();
         $this->_view->setValue("message", $this->_locale->tr("error_incorrect_blog_id"));
         return false;
     // if the blog identifier is valid, now we should now check if the user belongs
     // to that blog so that we know for sure that nobody has tried to forge the
     // parameter in the meantime
     $userPermissions = new UserPermissions();
     $blogUserPermissions = $userPermissions->getUserPermissions($this->_userInfo->getId(), $this->_blogInfo->getId());
     if (!$blogUserPermissions) {
         $this->_view = new AdminSimpleErrorView();
         $this->_view->setValue("message", $this->_locale->tr("error_no_permissions"));
         return false;
     // if all correct, we can now set the blogInfo object in the session for later
     // use
     $this->_session->setValue("blogInfo", $this->_blogInfo);
     $session = HttpVars::getSession();
     $session["SessionInfo"] = $this->_session;
     return true;
  * retrieves the current status from the request
  * @private
  * @return nothing
 function getStatusFromRequest()
     $status = HttpVars::getRequestValue("status");
     // validate the value
     $val = new IntegerValidator();
     if (!$val->validate($status)) {
         $status = UserStatus::getDefaultStatus();
     // if the value validated, check if it is a valid status
     if (!UserStatus::isValidStatus($status)) {
         $status = UserStatus::getDefaultStatus();
     return $status;
 function sessionInfoAvailable()
     $session = HttpVars::getSession();
     if (isset($session["SessionInfo"])) {
         $sessionInfo = $session["SessionInfo"];
         $this->_blogInfo = $sessionInfo->getValue("blogInfo");
         $this->_userInfo = $sessionInfo->getValue("userInfo");
         if ($this->_blogInfo == "" || $this->_userInfo == "") {
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     } else {
         return false;
 function perform()
     // check if the password is correct
     $secretItems = new SecretItems();
     // if not, show another error
     if (!$secretItems->authenticateItem($this->_articleId, $this->_password)) {
         $this->_view = new ErrorView($this->_blogInfo, "Sorry, better luck next time!");
         return false;
     // but if correct, put the information in the session and try again
     $session = HttpVars::getSession();
     $sessionKey = "article_" . $this->_articleId;
     $session["{$sessionKey}"] = "OK";
     return true;
  * returns true if a given url is using a subdomain or not. It works by comparing
  * the url with "base_url" from the plog_config table. If they match, then the incoming
  * url is *not* using subdomains. Otherwise, it will return true
  * @param url If null, use $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]
  * @return true if the given url is subdomained or not
  * @static
 function isSubdomainUrl($url = null)
     // prepare the url
     if ($url == null) {
         $server = HttpVars::getServer();
         $urlObject = new Url("http://" . $server["HTTP_HOST"]);
     } else {
         $urlObject = new Url($url);
     // and now get the base_url
     $config =& Config::getConfig();
     $baseUrlObject = new Url($config->getValue("base_url"));
     // and finally check if whether they match or not
     if ($urlObject->getHost() == $baseUrlObject->getHost()) {
         $isSubdomain = false;
     } else {
         $isSubdomain = true;
     // return it...
     return $isSubdomain;
  * Carries out the specified action
 function perform()
     $this->_view = new AdminDefaultView();
     // remove all the information from the session
     $session = HttpVars::getSession();
     $session["SessionInfo"] = null;
     $session = array();
     // and pass the locale to the template
     $config =& Config::getConfig();
     $locale =& Locales::getLocale($config->getValue("default_locale"));
     $url =& $this->_blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator();
     $blogTitle = $this->_blogInfo->getBlog();
     $logoutMessage = $this->_locale->tr("logout_message") . "<br/>" . $locale->pr("logout_message_2", $url->blogLink(), $blogTitle);
     // better to return true if everything fine
     return true;
  * Checks the given email address
 function validate($value)
     if (empty($value)) {
         return true;
     list($userName, $domain) = explode("@", $value);
     $connectAddress = $domain;
     if (!Dns::checkdnsrr($domain, "A")) {
         return false;
     if (Dns::checkdnsrr($domain, "MX") && Dns::getmxrr($domain, $mxHosts)) {
         $connectAddress = $mxHosts[0];
     if ($connect = fsockopen($connectAddress, 25)) {
         $out = fgets($connect, 1024);
         if (ereg("^220", $out)) {
             $server =& HttpVars::getServer();
             fputs($connect, "HELO " . $server["HTTP_HOST"] . "\r\n");
             $out = fgets($connect, 1024);
             fputs($connect, "MAIL FROM: <" . $value . ">\r\n");
             $from = fgets($connect, 1024);
             fputs($connect, "RCPT TO: <" . $value . ">\r\n");
             $to = fgets($connect, 1024);
             fputs($connect, "QUIT\r\n");
             if (!ereg("^250", $from) || !ereg("^250", $to)) {
                 return false;
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
 function _performUploadLocale()
     // since we are here, the file name was validated to be ok, so we can
     // continue with the operation
     $files = HttpVars::getFiles();
     $uploads = new FileUploads($files);
     $this->_view = new AdminSiteLocalesListView($this->_blogInfo);
     // we can first of all move the file to the destionation folder
     $result = $uploads->process($this->_config->getValue("locale_folder"));
     // the only thing that can happen is that the file was not correctly saved
     if ($result[0]->getError() != 0) {
         return false;
     // and once it's there, we can do as if we were adding a locale code
     $upload = new FileUpload($files["localeFile"]);
     $res = preg_match(REGEXP_VALID_LOCALE, $upload->getFileName(), $matches);
     $localeCode = $matches[1];
     // add the file to the list of locales
     $locales = new Locales();
     $this->_view->setSuccessMessage($this->_locale->pr("locale_added_ok", $localeCode));
     return true;
  * Saves the session data
  * @private
 function saveSession()
     $this->_session->setValue("blogInfo", $this->_blogInfo);
     $this->_session->setValue("userInfo", $this->_userInfo);
     //$_SESSION["SessionInfo"] = $this->_session;
     $session = HttpVars::getSession();
     $session["SessionInfo"] = $this->_session;
Exemple #17
//ini_set('memory_limit', "16M");
if (!defined("PLOG_CLASS_PATH")) {
    define("PLOG_CLASS_PATH", dirname(__FILE__) . "/");
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/controller/blogcontroller.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/net/http/session/sessionmanager.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/dao/userinfo.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/dao/bloginfo.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/plugin/pluginmanager.class.php";
// just to make php use &amp; as the separator when adding the PHPSESSID
// variable to our requests
ini_set("arg_seperator.output", "&amp;");
ini_set("magic_quotes_runtime", 0);
// a security check, or else people might forget to remove the wizard.php script
if (File::isReadable("wizard.php")) {
    print "<span style=\"color:red\">The wizard.php script has to be removed after the installation process.</span><br/><br/>\n               Please remove it first to continue.";
// initialize the session
$controller = new BlogController();
// load the plugins, this needs to be done *before* we call the
// Controller::process() method, as some of the plugins _might_
// add new actions to the controller
$pluginManager =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
// give control to the, ehem, controller :)
$controller->process(HttpVars::getRequest(), "op");
    return true;
 * whoa believe it or not, in pLog you can also find php code that is not within a class! :-)
 * perhaps the code below should be cleaned up and put into a TrackbackServer class or something
 * like that but since it works the way it is, we'll leave it like it is!
// prepare everything...
$config =& Config::getConfig();
// get the post and get parameters
trackbackLog("** Request received");
$params = new Properties(HttpVars::getRequest());
// check that they are correct and quit if they're not
if ($params->getValue("id") == "" || $params->getValue("id") <= 0) {
    $result = errorResponse("Incorrect or missing id parameter.");
    print $result;
    trackbackLog("Sending error response: {$result}");
    trackbackLog("** End");
if ($params->getValue("url") == "") {
    $result = errorResponse("The url parameter must be present.");
    print $result;
    trackbackLog("Sending error response: {$result}");
    trackbackLog("** End");
Exemple #19
if (!defined("PLOG_CLASS_PATH")) {
    define("PLOG_CLASS_PATH", dirname(__FILE__) . "/");
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/config/config.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/net/http/httpvars.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/net/customurlhandler.class.php";
// get the configuration data
$config =& Config::getConfig();
// in order to maintain compatilibity with previous version, and the alternative
// format of search-engine friendly urls
if ($config->getValue("request_format_mode") == SEARCH_ENGINE_FRIENDLY_MODE) {
    include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "error.php";
$server = HttpVars::getServer();
$requestParser = new CustomUrlHandler();
$vars = $requestParser->getVars();
$params = $requestParser->getParams();
$includeFile = $requestParser->getIncludeFile();
// fill in the request with the parameters we need
$vars["op"] = "op";
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
    if (is_array($params) && array_key_exists($key, $params) && $params["{$key}"] != "") {
        HttpVars::setRequestValue($vars["{$key}"], $params["{$key}"]);
// and transfer execution to the main script
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . $includeFile;
Exemple #20
 * To get this to work, we need a provider which allows to use
 * .htaccess files in their accounts and at the same time, allows
 * to have ErrorDocument directives in the .htaccess file.
 * This should be the content of the file:
 * ErrorDocument 401 /plog/error.php
 * ErrorDocument 403 /plog/error.php
 * ErrorDocument 404 /plog/error.php
 * If pLog is running somewhere else other than /plog/, then that
 * should be changed since an absolute URL is required.
$config =& Config::getConfig();
if ($config->getValue("request_format_mode") == SEARCH_ENGINE_FRIENDLY_MODE) {
    $server = HttpVars::getServer();
    $request = HttpVars::getRequest();
    $parts = split("/", $server["REQUEST_URI"]);
    $userParam = $parts[count($parts) - 1];
    if (is_numeric($userParam)) {
        $request["blogId"] = $userParam;
    } else {
        $request["blogUserName"] = $userParam;
    $scriptName = $config->getValue("script_name", DEFAULT_SCRIPT_NAME);
    include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . $scriptName;
} else {
    include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "blog.php";
  * sets a value in the session
  * @param key the key assigned to this vlaue
  * @param value The value assigned
  * @return always true
 function setSessionValue($key, $value)
     // switch that informs whether the session manager has already been initialized or not
     global $__sessionManagerInitialized;
     // check if the session manager has already been initialized
     if (!$__sessionManagerInitialized) {
         throw new Exception("SessionManager::init() must be called before SessionManager::getSessionValue()");
     // get the session and SessionInfo object
     $session = HttpVars::getSession();
     $sessionInfo = $session["SessionInfo"];
     // set the value and save it to the session
     $sessionInfo->setValue($key, $value);
     $session["SessionInfo"] = $sessionInfo;
     return true;
  * gets the current page from the HTTP request
  * @return the page number from the request
  * @static
 function getCurrentPageFromRequest()
     // get the value from the request
     $page = HttpVars::getRequestValue(VIEW_DEFAULT_PAGE_PARAMETER);
     // but first of all, validate it
     $val = new IntegerValidator();
     if (!$val->validate($page)) {
         $page = VIEW_DEFAULT_START_PAGE;
     return $page;
  * Processess the HTTP request sent by the client
  * @param httpRequest HTTP request sent by the client
 function process($httpRequest)
     // get the name of the action
     $request = new Request($httpRequest);
     $i = 0;
     $performed = false;
     while (!$performed) {
         // get the value of this varilable, every loop
         global $_plogController_forwardAction;
         global $_plogController_previousAction;
         // jondaley: 08/29/2005, what are these here for??
         // perhaps the global statements should be moved
         // inside the elseif loop below?
         if ($i == 0) {
             // if this is the first iteration, then we have to take this path...
             // since we will use the http request to determine which action to
             // use next
             $actionName = $request->getValue($this->_actionParam);
             $actionClass = $this->_getActionClassName($request->getValue($this->_actionParam));
         } elseif (!empty($_plogController_forwardAction)) {
             // if we're forwarding the current execution flow to another action, then
             // we'll go this way
             $actionName = $_plogController_forwardAction;
             $actionClass = $this->_getActionClassName($_plogController_forwardAction);
             $httpRequest = HttpVars::getRequest();
             $_plogController_forwardAction = null;
         } else {
             // if there's nothing else to do, finish
             $performed = true;
         if (!$performed) {
             // load the class if it hasn't been loaded yet
             $actionInfo = new ActionInfo($this->_actionParam, $actionName);
             $actionObject = new $actionClass($actionInfo, $httpRequest);
             // we can use the validate method to check the values of the form variables. If validate()
             // returns 'true', then we call the 'perform' method. If not, then we won't :)
             if ($actionObject->validate()) {
                 if ($actionObject->perform()) {
                 } else {
     // once the operation has been carried out, fetch and send the view
     // to the client
     $view = $actionObject->getView();
     // this is not good...
     if (empty($view)) {
         $e = new Exception('The view is empty after calling the perform method.');
         throw $e;
     } else {
  * Carries out the action
 function perform()
     // need to check the ip of the client
     $clientIp = Client::getIp();
     // fetch the same article again so that we can have all the comments from
     // the database, plus this last one
     $articles = new Articles();
     $article = $articles->getBlogArticle($this->_articleId, $this->_blogInfo->getId());
     // check if the user wanted to receive comments for this article
     // or not...
     if ($article->getCommentsEnabled() == false) {
         $this->_view = new ErrorView($this->_blogInfo);
         $this->_view->setValue("message", "Comments have been disabled for this article.");
         return false;
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_POST_LOADED, array("article" => &$article));
     // we have already checked all the data, so we are sure that everything's in place
     $comments = new ArticleComments();
     $comment = new UserComment($this->_articleId, $this->_parentId, $this->_commentTopic, $this->_commentText, null, $this->_userName, $this->_userEmail, $this->_userUrl, $clientIp);
     // check if there is already a comment with the same text, topic and made from the same
     // IP already in the database because if so, then we will not add the comment that
     // the user is trying to add (a reload button mistake, perhaps?)
     if (!$comments->getIdenticalComment($this->_commentTopic, $this->_commentText, $this->_articleId, $this->_parentId, $this->_userName, $this->_userEmail, $this->_userUrl, $clientIp)) {
         // fire an event
         $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_PRE_COMMENT_ADD, array("comment" => &$comment));
         if (!$comments->addComment($comment)) {
             // show an error message if problems
             $this->_view = new ErrorView($this->_blogInfo);
             $this->_view->setValue("message", "error_adding_comment");
             return false;
     // finally, check if there was any user who wanted to be notified of new comments
     // to this post...
     $notifier = new ArticleNotifications();
     $notifier->notifyUsers($article->getId(), $this->_blogInfo);
     // fire the post event...
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_POST_COMMENT_ADD, array("comment" => &$comment));
     // clear caches. This should be done in a more granular way, because right now
     // we're either removing *all* of them or none. I guess we should only remove the
     // cache whose identifier corresponds with the blog and article that we just removed,
     // but let's leave it as it is for the time being...
     // clean up the request, there's a parameter called 'userName' also used by
     // ViewArticleAction but that doesn't have the same meaning so we better remove it
     // before it's too late! We also need to add a new request commentUserName to replace
     // original userName, in case developer need it in filter or event plugin.
     $request = HttpVars::getRequest();
     $request["commentUserName"] = $request["userName"];
     $request["userName"] = "";
     // forward the action to ViewArticleAction
     return BlogController::setForwardAction("ViewArticle");
 function filter()
     // get some info
     $blogInfo = $this->_pipelineRequest->getBlogInfo();
     $request = $this->_pipelineRequest->getHttpRequest();
     $session = HttpVars::getSession();
     // get the article id from the request, since if it is available, then we know
     // that we have to ask for the password before we can let users watch it
     $articleId = $request->getValue("articleId");
     // If we use custom url mode, the article id is not available, we need to use
     // - articleName
     // - userId
     // - categoryId
     // - date
     // and $articles->getBlogArticleByTitle() to find the value
     if ($articleId == "") {
         $articleName = $request->getValue("articleName");
         $categoryId = $request->getValue("postCategoryId", -1);
         $categoryName = $request->getValue("postCategoryName");
         $userId = $request->getValue("userId", -1);
         $userName = $request->getValue("userName");
         $date = $request->getValue("Date", -1);
         // If userName available, use it to find userId
         if ($userName) {
             $users =& new Users();
             $user = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername($userName);
             if (!$user) {
                 $result = new PipelineResult(true);
                 return $result;
             // if there was a user, use his/her id
             $userId = $user->getId();
         // If categoryName available, use it to find categoryId
         if ($categoryName) {
             $categories =& new ArticleCategories();
             $category = $categories->getCategoryByName($categoryName, $blogInfo->getId());
             if (!$category) {
                 $result = new PipelineResult(true);
                 return $result;
             // if there was a user, use his/her id
             $categoryId = $category->getId();
         // fetch the article
         // the article identifier can be either its internal id number or its mangled topic
         $articles =& new Articles();
         $article = $articles->getBlogArticleByTitle($articleName, $blogInfo->getId(), false, $date, $categoryId, $userId, POST_STATUS_PUBLISHED);
         if ($article) {
             $articleId = $article->getId();
         } else {
             $result = new PipelineResult(true);
             return $result;
     // check if the article should be protected or not
     $secretItems = new SecretItems();
     if ($secretItems->articleIsSecret($articleId)) {
         // if so, first check if the password does not already exist in the session
         $itemPassword = $request->getValue("itemPassword");
         // do we already have this information in the session?
         $sessionKey = "article_" . $articleId . "_auth";
         if ($session["{$sessionKey}"] != "") {
             // check if the information is correct
             if ($secretItems->authenticateItemHash($articleId, $session["{$sessionKey}"])) {
                 // if all correct, go ahead!
                 $result = new PipelineResult(true);
                 return $result;
         // if not, check if we are authenticating now...
         if ($itemPassword != "") {
             // authenticate using the given password
             if (!$secretItems->authenticateItem($articleId, $itemPassword)) {
                 $result = new PipelineResult(false, 500, "Better luck next time!");
             } else {
                 // if the user authenticated correctly, then put the information in the session
                 _debug("authenticated correctly!");
                 $session = HttpVars::getSession();
                 $session["{$sessionKey}"] = md5($itemPassword);
                 $result = new PipelineResult(true);
         } else {
             $ts = new TemplateService();
             $t = $ts->PluginTemplate("secret", "passwordform");
             $t->assign("locale", $blogInfo->getLocale());
             $t->assign("params", $request->getAsArray());
             $t->assign("articleId", $articleId);
             $t->assign("url", RequestGenerator::getRequestGenerator($blogInfo));
             $message = $t->fetch();
             $result = new PipelineResult(false, 500, $message);
         return $result;
     // if everything went fine, we can say so by returning
     // a positive PipelineResult object
     $result = new PipelineResult(true);
     return $result;
  * Returns the base URL of the script
  * @return A string containing the base URL of the script
  * @static
 function getBaseUrl()
     $serverVars = HttpVars::getServer();
     if (!isset($serverVars['HTTPS']) || strtolower($serverVars['HTTPS']) != 'on') {
         $protocol = 'http://';
     } else {
         $protocol = 'https://';
     $host = $serverVars["HTTP_HOST"];
     $scriptUrl = $serverVars["PHP_SELF"];
     return $protocol . $host . $scriptUrl;
 function _performUploadTemplate()
     // get the temporary folder
     $config =& Config::getConfig();
     $tmpFolder = $config->getValue("temp_folder");
     // move it to the temporary folder
     $files = HttpVars::getFiles();
     if (count($files) == 0 || $files["templateFile"]["name"] == "") {
         $this->_view = new AdminTemplatedView($this->_blogInfo, "newblogtemplate");
         $this->_view->setValue("templateFolder", TemplateSetStorage::getBlogBaseTemplateFolder($this->_blogInfo->getId()));
         return false;
     $uploads = new FileUploads($files);
     $result = $uploads->process($tmpFolder);
     if ($result < 0) {
         $this->_view = new AdminBlogTemplateSetsListView($this->_blogInfo);
         return false;
     $upload = new FileUpload($files["templateFile"]);
     // and make it go through the template sandbox to check if
     // we're dealing with a 'healthy' file
     $templateSandbox = new TemplateSandbox();
     $valid = $templateSandbox->checkTemplateSet($upload->getFileName(), $tmpFolder . "/");
     if ($valid < 0) {
         $this->_view = new AdminBlogTemplateSetsListView($this->_blogInfo);
         return false;
     // :KLUDGE:
     // maybe we should simply move the files rather than unpacking the whole
     // thing again, but this indeed makes things easier! ;)
     // since it is a local template, the path has to be $template_folder/blog_x/$templateName
     $ts = new TemplateSetStorage();
     $blogTemplateFolder = $ts->createBlogTemplateFolder($this->_blogInfo->getId());
     // it should be there now... we can continue
     $destFolder = $blogTemplateFolder . "/";
     $unpacker = new Unpacker();
     if (!$unpacker->unpack($tmpFolder . "/" . $upload->getFileName(), $destFolder)) {
         $this->_view = new AdminBlogTemplateSetsListView($this->_blogInfo);
         // remove the file before returning!
         File::delete($tmpFolder . "/" . $upload->getFileName());
         return false;
     // if the template set was installed ok in the template folder, we can record
     // it as a valid set
     $fileParts = explode(".", $upload->getFileName());
     $templateName = $fileParts[0];
     $ts->addTemplate($templateName, $this->_blogInfo->getId());
     // remove the file
     File::delete($tmpFolder . "/" . $upload->getFileName());
     $this->_view = new AdminBlogTemplateSetsListView($this->_blogInfo);
     $this->_view->setSuccessMessage($this->_locale->pr("template_installed_ok", $templateName));
     return true;
  * Carries out the specified action
 function perform()
     // get the parameters, which have already been validated
     $this->_userName = Textfilter::filterAllHTML($this->_request->getValue("userName"));
     $this->_userPassword = $this->_request->getValue("userPassword");
     $this->_op = Textfilter::filterAllHTML($this->_request->getValue("op"));
     // create a plugin manager
     $pm =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
     // try to authenticate the user
     $users = new Users();
     if (!$users->authenticateUser($this->_userName, $this->_userPassword)) {
         $this->_view = new AdminDefaultView();
         $pm->notifyEvent(EVENT_LOGIN_FAILURE, array("user" => $this->_userName));
         return false;
     // if the user is correct, get and put his or her information in the session
     $userInfo = $users->getUserInfo($this->_userName, $this->_userPassword);
     if (!$userInfo) {
         $this->_view = new AdminDefaultView();
         $pm->notifyEvent(EVENT_LOGIN_FAILURE, array("user" => $this->_userName));
         return false;
     $pm->notifyEvent(EVENT_USER_LOADED, array("user" => &$userInfo, "from" => "Login"));
     //$sessionInfo = $_SESSION["SessionInfo"];
     $session = HttpVars::getSession();
     $sessionInfo = $session["SessionInfo"];
     $sessionInfo->setValue("userInfo", $userInfo);
     $session["SessionInfo"] = $sessionInfo;
     // get the list of blogs to which the user belongs
     $userBlogs = $users->getUsersBlogs($userInfo->getId(), BLOG_STATUS_ACTIVE);
     // but if he or she does not belong to any yet, we quit
     if (empty($userBlogs)) {
         $this->_view = new AdminDefaultView();
         return false;
     $pm->notifyEvent(EVENT_BLOGS_LOADED, array("blogs" => &$userBlogs, "from" => "Login"));
     // check if we are skipping the dashboard
     if ($this->_config->getValue("skip_dashboard")) {
         // get the first blog that came
         $this->_blogInfo = end($userBlogs);
         // set it in the session
         $session = HttpVars::getSession();
         $session["SessionInfo"]->setValue("blogInfo", $this->_blogInfo);
         // and then continue...
     } else {
         $this->_view = new AdminDashboardView($userInfo, $userBlogs);
     // better to return true if everything's fine
     return true;
  * Saves the information from the session
 function saveSession()
     //$_SESSION['SessionInfo'] = $this->_session;
     $session = HttpVars::getSession();
     $session['SessionInfo'] = $this->_session;
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/data/timestamp.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/net/http/httpvars.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/dao/articles.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/data/timestamp.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/config/config.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/gallery/dao/galleryresources.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/gallery/dao/galleryalbums.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "plugins/moblog/class/log/mobloglogger.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "plugins/moblog/class/moblog/moblogrequest.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "plugins/moblog/class/moblog/moblogresponse.class.php";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "plugins/moblog/class/moblog/";
include_once PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "class/template/cachecontrol.class.php";
// initialize the logging system
MoblogLogger::log("-- Initialized");
// get the request
$request = HttpVars::getRequest();
$message = $request["message"];
if ($message == "") {
    MoblogLogger::log("There was no message!");
// check if we need to remove any quotes..
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    $message = stripslashes($message);
MoblogLogger::log("-- message --");
MoblogLogger::log("-- end --");
// parse the message
$request = new MoblogRequest($request);
// let's see what we get...