  * Retrieve user emails using the Email API's Messages
  * @param  string $user  user email address
  * @param  int $count number of emails to request
  * @param  string $order order in which to query emails (desc or asc)
  * @return array Messages resposnse
 public function retrieve($user, $count = '10', $order = 'desc')
     $accessToken = $_SESSION['access_token'];
     // Build the API request paramaters
     $queryParams = '?$select=From,Subject,DateTimeReceived&$orderby=DateTimeReceived%20' . $order . '&$top=' . $count;
     // Build the API Base Url
     $url = Office365::$resourceBaseUrl . 'api/v' . Office365::$apiVersion . '/users/' . $user . '/Messages/';
     // Build the header object
     $headers = array('Authorization: Bearer ' . $accessToken, 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept:application/json');
     // generate a new API request and return the response as an array
     $request = new HttpPost($url . $queryParams);
     $responseObj = json_decode($request->getHttpResponse());
     return $responseObj;
  * Retrieve Access Token
  * @return array response from access token request
 public function retrieve()
     // parse token and get the tenant id. array key tid in response
     $parsedToken = $this->parse();
     $tenantId = $parsedToken['tid'];
     if ($tenantId) {
         // if we have a tenant id built the token url and generate the assertion
         $this->tokenUrl = $this->authorizationBaseUrl . '/' . $tenantId . '/oauth2/token';
         $assertion = new Assertion();
         $getAssertion = $assertion->get($this->tokenUrl);
         //build the post data array
         $queryParams = array('resource' => $this->resource, 'client_id' => Office365::getClientId(), 'client_assertion_type' => 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer', 'client_assertion' => $getAssertion, 'grant_type' => 'client_credentials', 'redirect_uri' => $this->redirectUri);
         //generate a new API request using the tokenUrl and post_form array
         $request = new HttpPost($this->tokenUrl);
         $responseObj = json_decode($request->getHttpResponse());
         return $responseObj;
  * Retrieve 30 days of upcoming calendar events using the Calendar API's CalendarView
  * @param  string $user user email address
  * @return array CalendarView response
 public function retrieve($user)
     $accessToken = $_SESSION['access_token'];
     // Set the start of our view window to midnight of today.
     $date = new \DateTime('now');
     $start = $date->setTime(0, 0, 0);
     $startUrl = self::encodeDateTime($start);
     // Add 30 days to the start date to get the end date.
     $end = $start->add(new \DateInterval("P30D"));
     $endUrl = self::encodeDateTime($end);
     // Build the API request paramaters
     $queryParams = "?" . "startDateTime=" . $startUrl . "&endDateTime=" . $endUrl . "&\$select=Subject,Start,End" . "&\$orderby=Start";
     // Build the API Base Url
     $url = Office365::$resourceBaseUrl . 'api/v' . Office365::$apiVersion . '/users/' . $user . '/CalendarView/';
     // Build the header object
     $headers = array('Authorization: Bearer ' . $accessToken, 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept:application/json');
     // generate a new API request and return the response as an array
     $request = new HttpPost($url . $queryParams);
     $responseObj = json_decode($request->getHttpResponse());
     return $responseObj;
Exemple #4

 *  learning-study에서 사용하는 redirect.. 파일 이동 필요합니다. :)
 *  redirect page로 forwading 될 때, 인증 코드(authorization code)를 가져온 후
 *  OAuth2 서버에 다시 요청을 하여 Access Token을 받습니다.
require 'learning-study/config.php';
require 'learning-study/HttpPost.class.php';
if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
    $code = $_GET['code'];
    $url = 'https://login.live.com/oauth20_token.srf';
    $params = ['code' => $code, 'client_id' => $oauth2_client_id, 'client_secret' => $oauth2_secret, 'redirect_uri' => $oauth2_redirect, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code'];
    // header('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');   // 예제에 나온 것이지만 이것을 설정하면 파일로 다운로드가 된다.
    $request = new HttpPost($url);
    $responseObj = json_decode($request->getHttpResponse());
    // echo 'OAuth2 server provided access token: ' . $responseObj->access_token;