public function getReasonPhrase() { if ($this->reason_phrase) { return $this->reason_phrase; } return Http::getStatus($this->code); }
} } if (strlen($tmp_lang) != 2) { echo "No language defined in WSP lang folder (" . realpath($lang_folder) . ")\n"; exit; } if (!rename('install.htaccess', '.htaccess')) { echo "The apache user has no right to rename the file install.htaccess to .htaccess. Please give the rights on this file to finalize the installation.\n"; exit; } else { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../class/utils/HTTP.class.php"; $http = new Http(); $http->execute(BASE_URL . $tmp_lang . "/"); $http_error = $http->getError(); $http_result = $http->getResult(); if ($http->getStatus() >= 400) { rename('.htaccess', 'install.htaccess'); echo "Please change your configuration to be compatible with <a href='' target='_blank'>WebSite-PHP</a>:<br/>- Webserver needs to support \"<b>AllowOverride <font color='red'>All</font></b>\" for your website directory!<br/><Directory /your_directory><br/> AllowOverride all<br/></Directory><br/>Edit the configuration file httpd.conf of your apache server. In this file you need to find the tag \"Directory\" concerning website folder (i.e.: www) and set the property AllowOverride with the parameter \"All\" as explained before.<br/><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br/><br/>\n"; echo "<b>If you want to use <font color='red'>Alias</font></b> with WebSite-PHP you need to uncomment and configure the line with \"RewriteBase /myAliasName/\" in the file install.htaccess of the framework.<br/><br/>\n"; echo "If all the previous elements are already configured, then your apache server is configure correctly. But may be, do you have an <b>PHP error</b> (ie: memory_limit).<br/>Please, open your php_error.log file and check if there are no error at the time of your last page refresh. And if you find an erreur, correct it; probably in the configuration file php.ini.<br/>"; exit; } } } if (!defined('FORCE_SERVER_NAME') || FORCE_SERVER_NAME == "") { $array_server_name = explode('.', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); } else { $array_server_name = explode('.', FORCE_SERVER_NAME); } if (sizeof($array_server_name) > 1) { if ($array_server_name[0] != "www" && $array_server_name[0] != "127") {