function form_get($p_url) { $r = HtmlInput::button_action(_("Modèle d'opérations"), ' $(\'modele_op_div\').style.display=\'block\';$(\'lk_modele_op_tab\').focus();'); $r .= '<div id="modele_op_div" class="noprint">'; $r .= HtmlInput::title_box(_("Modèle d'opérations"), 'modele_op_div', 'hide'); $hid = new IHidden(); $r .= $hid->input("action", "use_opd"); $r .= $hid->input("jrn_type", $this->get("ledger_type")); $r .= $this->show_button($p_url); $r .= '</div>'; return $r; }
if ($F('input_password') == "") { alert('<?php echo _('Le mot de passe ne peut être vide'); ?> '); $('input_password').setStyle({border:"red solid 2px"}); return false; } return true; } </script> </div> <?php echo '<p>'; echo HtmlInput::button_action(_("Ajout utilisateur"), "\$('create_user').show();", "cu"); echo '</p>'; // Show all the existing user on 7 columns $repo = new Dossier(0); /******************************************************/ // Detail of a user /******************************************************/ $compteur = 0; $header = new Sort_Table(); $url = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?action=" . $_REQUEST['action']; $header->add(_("Login"), $url, " order by use_login asc", "order by use_login desc", "la", "ld"); $header->add(_("Nom"), $url, " order by use_name asc,use_first_name asc", "order by use_name desc,use_first_name desc", "na", "nd"); $header->add(_('Dossier'), $url, ' order by ag_dossier asc', 'order by ag_dossier desc', 'da', 'dd'); $header->add(_("Actif"), $url, " order by use_active asc", "order by use_active desc", "aa", "ad"); $ord = isset($_REQUEST['ord']) ? $_REQUEST['ord'] : 'la'; $sql = $header->get_sql_order($ord);
echo $url; ?> </p> <p> <?php echo _('ordre apparition'), " ", $row['p_order']; ?> <p> <?php echo _('Default'), " : ", $row['pm_default'] == 1 ? _('Oui') : _('Non'); ?> </p> </td> <?php } ?> <td> <?php echo HtmlInput::button_action("+", sprintf("add_menu({dossier:%d,p_id:%d,type:'%s',p_level:%d,dep:0})", Dossier::id(), $this->p_id, 'me', 0), "xx", 'smallbutton'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div id='sub_menu_div'> <table id="menu_table" class="result"> </table> </div>
/** * \brief Default page header for each page * * \param p_theme default theme * \param $p_script * \param $p_script2 another js script * Must be called only once * \return none */ function html_page_start($p_theme = "", $p_script = "", $p_script2 = "") { // check not called twiced static $already_call = 0; if ($already_call == 1) { return; } $already_call = 1; $cn = new Database(); if ($p_theme != "") { $Res = $cn->exec_sql("select the_filestyle from theme\n where the_name='" . $p_theme . "'"); if (Database::num_row($Res) == 0) { $style = "style-classic.css"; } else { $s = Database::fetch_array($Res, 0); $style = $s['the_filestyle']; } } else { $style = "style-classic.css"; } // end if $title = "NOALYSS"; if (isset($_REQUEST['ac'])) { if (strpos($_REQUEST['ac'], '/') != 0) { $m = explode('/', $_REQUEST['ac']); $title = $m[count($m) - 1] . " " . $title; } else { $title = $_REQUEST['ac'] . " " . $title; } } $is_msie = is_msie(); if ($is_msie == 0) { echo '<!doctype html>'; printf("\n"); echo '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">'; printf("\n"); } else { echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 FINAL//EN" >'; printf("\n"); } echo "<HTML>"; if ($p_script2 != "") { $p_script2 = '<script src="' . $p_script2 . '?version=' . SVNINFO . '" type="text/javascript"></script>'; } $style = trim($style); echo "<HEAD>"; if ($is_msie == 1) { echo ' <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=edge"/>'; } echo "\n <TITLE>{$title}</TITLE>\n\t<link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/ico\" href=\"favicon.ico\" />\n <META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n <LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $style . "?version=" . SVNINFO . "\" media=\"screen\"/>\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"./style-print.css?version=" . SVNINFO . "\" media=\"print\"/>" . $p_script2 . "\n "; echo '<script language="javascript" src="js/calendar.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/lang/calendar-en.js"></script> <script language="javascript" src="js/calendar-setup.js"></script> <LINK REL="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./calendar-blue.css" media="screen"> '; echo load_all_script(); echo ' </HEAD> '; echo "<BODY {$p_script}>"; echo '<div id="info_div"></div>'; echo '<div id="error_div">' . HtmlInput::title_box(_("Erreur"), 'error_div', 'hide') . '<div id="error_content_div">' . '</div>' . '<p style="text-align:center">' . HtmlInput::button_action('Valider', '$(\'error_div\').style.visibility=\'hidden\';$(\'error_content_div\').innerHTML=\'\';') . '</p>' . '</div>'; // language if (isset($_SESSION['g_lang'])) { set_language(); } }
static function button_action_add() { $dossier = Dossier::id(); $js = HtmlInput::button_action(_('Nouvel événement'), 'action_add(' . $dossier . ')', 'xx', 'smallbutton'); return $js; }
?> <?php echo $sg_type[$i]; ?> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php if ($p_readonly == false) { echo HtmlInput::button_action(_('Ajouter une ligne'), 'stock_add_row();', "xx", 'smallbutton'); } if ($p_readonly == false) { echo HtmlInput::submit('save', _('Sauver')); } if ($p_readonly == false) { echo HtmlInput::hidden('row', $nb); } if ($p_readonly == false) { echo HtmlInput::button("reprise_show", _('Reprise inventaire'), " onclick=\"\$('reprise_inventaire_div').show();\""); } ?> </form> </div> <div class="inner_box" id="reprise_inventaire_div" style="display:none"> <form method="get">
$input_from->type = ALL; $input_from->cn = $cn; $input_from->filter_year = true; $input_from->user = $g_user; echo _('Depuis') . ' :' . $input_from->input(); // filter on the current year $to = HtmlInput::default_value_get("to_periode", ""); $input_to = new IPeriod("to_periode", $to, $exercice); $input_to->show_start_date = false; $input_to->filter_year = true; $input_to->type = ALL; $input_to->cn = $cn; $input_to->user = $g_user; echo " " . _('jusque') . ' :' . $input_to->input(); echo '<br>'; echo HtmlInput::button_action(_('Avancé'), " if (\$('balance_advanced_div').style.display=='none') { \$('balance_advanced_div').show();} else { \$('balance_advanced_div').hide();}"); //------------------------------------------------- echo '<div id="balance_advanced_div" style="display:none">'; /* add a all ledger choice */ echo _('Filtre') . " "; $rad = new IRadio(); $array_ledger = $g_user->get_ledger('ALL', 3); $array = get_array_column($array_ledger, 'jrn_def_id'); $selected = isset($_GET['r_jrn']) ? $_GET['r_jrn'] : null; $select_cat = isset($_GET['r_cat']) ? $_GET['r_cat'] : null; $array_cat = Acc_Ledger::array_cat(); echo '<ul style="list-style-type:none">'; if (!isset($_GET['p_filter']) || $_GET['p_filter'] == 0) { $rad->selected = 't'; } else { $rad->selected = false;