// create a list of paras
for ($divChild = 0; $divChild < 25; $divChild++) {
    $newPara = new HtmlElement("p", NULL, NULL, "This is " . chr(ord("a") + $divChild) . " paragraph text");
    $newPara->addElement(new HtmlElement("a", array("name" => "pName" . $tagNameIDs['p'])));
$lastIndexedParaCount = $tagNameIDs['p'];
// create a set of divs where each div has a para
$nestedDiv = new HtmlElement("div", array("class" => "nestedDiv", "name" => "nestedDiv"));
$nestedPara = new HtmlElement("p", NULL, NULL, "nested para text");
for ($nestedDivCount = 0; $nestedDivCount < 15; $nestedDivCount++) {
    $newDiv = $nestedDiv->cloneMe();
    $nestedDiv = $newDiv;
// create a set of hrefs to the paras
$linkDiv = new HtmlElement("div", array("class" => "linkDiv", "name" => "linkdivname"));
$ul = new HtmlElement("ul");
// 1 less link than there are paras off by one error
for ($hrefCount = 0; $hrefCount < $lastIndexedParaCount; $hrefCount++) {
    $ul->addElement(new HtmlElement("li", NULL, array(new HtmlElement('a', array("href" => "#pName" . $hrefCount), NULL, "jump to para " . $hrefCount))));
$mainDiv->addElement(new HtmlElement("div", array("class" => "this has multiple values", "name" => "multiValues"), array(new HtmlElement("pre", NULL, NULL, "within div of multiple class styles"))));
print "\n";