function prepDisplayString($str = '')
    if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})( [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?$/', $str, $amatch)) {
        $str = "{$amatch['3']}.{$amatch['2']}.{$amatch['1']}";
    } else {
        if (strpos($str, '<') !== FALSE) {
            $htt = new Html2Text($str, XOX_NLS_MAX_STRLEN);
            $str = $htt->convert();
        if (strlen($str) > XOX_NLS_MAX_STRLEN) {
            $str = substr($str, 0, XOX_NLS_MAX_STRLEN - 3) . '...';
    return $str;
 function convertNL2Text($html, $type)
     global $encoding;
     $text = $html;
     if ($type == "html" || $type == "text/html") {
         #$text=str_replace("<br>","\n", $text);
         $htmlToText = new Html2Text($html, 80);
         //class has apache license, may be in conflict with gpl???
         #$text=htmlspecialchars_decode($text);//php5 only
         $text = $htmlToText->convert();
         $text = preg_replace('~<[^>]+>~', '', $text);
         // remove any HTML tags that are still left
     return $text;
 function setNewsletter($newsletter_id, $issue_id = 0)
     $this->error = '';
     $this->c_newsletter = new cNewsletter($newsletter_id);
     $ai = $this->c_newsletter->getIssues();
     if (count($ai) < 1) {
         $this->error = 'No Valid Newsletter Issues Set';
         return false;
     $this->c_issue = $ai[0];
     foreach ($ai as $is) {
         if ($is->id == $issue_id) {
             $this->c_issue = $is;
     /*if (!isset($ai[$issue_id])) {
     				$this->error='No Valid Newsletter Issue Set';
     				return false;
     			$this->c_issue = $ai[$issue_id];*/
     $ac = $this->c_issue->getContents();
     #foreach($ac as $content) $content->debug();
     $mainvars = array();
     // add mail replacement variables
     foreach ($this->mailvars as $var) {
         $mainvars[$var] = '{$' . $var . '}';
     // add date and unsubscription url
     $mainvars['DATE'] = date('d.m.Y');
     // TODO: get correct unsubscribe url (config or database?)
     $mainvars['UNSUBSCRIBE_URL'] = '';
     // check if text template is used
     if ($this->text_template) {
         // create converter class
         $html = new Html2Text($this->c_issue->introduction, 80);
         // issue title and introduction in text style
         $this->text_template->setVar('TITLE', $this->c_issue->title);
         $this->text_template->setVar('INTRODUCTION', trim($html->convert()));
         // copy content
         $content_count = 1;
         foreach ($ac as $content) {
             // text content
             $this->text_template->setVar('TITLE', $content->title, $content->flags, $content_count);
             $html->iHtmlText = $content->body;
             $this->text_template->setVar('BODY', trim($html->convert()), $content->flags, $content_count);
             $this->text_template->setVar('URL', (empty($content->url) ? '' : "-> " . $content->url) . "\n\n", $content->flags, $content_count);
     // check if html template is used
     if ($this->html_template) {
         // issue title and introduction in html style
         $this->html_template->setVar('TITLE', $this->c_issue->title);
         $this->html_template->setVar('INTRODUCTION', $this->c_issue->introduction);
         // copy content
         $content_count = 1;
         foreach ($ac as $content) {
             // html content
             $this->html_template->setVar('TITLE', $content->title, $content->flags, $content_count);
             $this->html_template->setVar('BODY', $content->body, $content->flags, $content_count);
             $this->html_template->setVar('URL', (empty($content->url) ? '' : '<a href="' . $content->url) . '">&gt;&gt;&gt;</a>', $content->flags, $content_count);
     return true;
Exemple #4
         // => html
         foreach ($show_val as $key => $data) {
             if (!$data) {
                 $data = "N/A";
             $emailInfo['et_subject'] = str_replace("[" . $key . "]", $data, $emailInfo['et_subject']);
             $emailInfo['et_htmlformat'] = str_replace("[" . $key . "]", $data, $emailInfo['et_htmlformat']);
         $emailInfo['et_from'] = $fromaddress;
         // =>
         $emailInfo['et_from_title'] = $fromaddress;
         // => Etelegate Sales
         $emailInfo['et_htmlformat'] = stripslashes($emailInfo['et_htmlformat']);
         $Html2Text = new Html2Text($emailInfo['et_htmlformat'], 900000);
         // 900 columns maximum
         $emailInfo['et_textformat'] = $Html2Text->convert();
         $emailInfo['et_textformat'] = str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", $emailInfo['et_textformat']);
         $emailInfo['et_to'] = $to_id;
         // =>
         $emailInfo['full_name'] = $to_id;
         // => Etelegate Merchant )
         if (!send_email_data($emailInfo, $attachments)) {
             $mails_sentid .= "'" . $to_id . "' could not be sent. No mail sent to {$company_name}.<br>";
         } else {
             $mails_sentid .= $to_id . "<br>";
     } else {
         $mails_sentid .= "'" . $to_id . "' is unsubscribed. No mail sent to {$company_name}.<br>";
 public function getSmartyTpl()
     $currentUser = $this->getCurrentUser();
     $rules = $this->getRules();
     $smarty = $this->getSmartyVar();
     if ($currentUser->getRole($this->getCurrentLesson()) == 'professor' || $currentUser->getRole($this->getCurrentLesson()) == 'student') {
         $currentLesson = $this->getCurrentLesson();
         $currentLessonID = $currentLesson->lesson['id'];
         if (!isset($_SESSION['module_journal_dimension']) || count($_GET) == 2 && $_GET['ctg'] == 'module' && $_GET['op'] == 'module_journal' || count($_GET) == 3 && $_GET['ctg'] == 'module' && $_GET['op'] == 'module_journal' && $_GET['new_lesson_id'] == $currentLessonID) {
             $_SESSION['module_journal_dimension'] = 'small';
         if (!isset($_SESSION['module_journal_entries_from']) || count($_GET) == 2 && $_GET['ctg'] == 'module' && $_GET['op'] == 'module_journal' || count($_GET) == 3 && $_GET['ctg'] == 'module' && $_GET['op'] == 'module_journal' && $_GET['new_lesson_id'] == $currentLessonID) {
             $_SESSION['module_journal_entries_from'] = '-1';
         if (isset($_SESSION['module_journal_scroll_position'])) {
             $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_SCROLL_POSITION", $_SESSION['module_journal_scroll_position']);
         $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_DIMENSIONS", $_SESSION['module_journal_dimension']);
         $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_FROM", $_SESSION['module_journal_entries_from']);
         $entries = $this->getEntries($currentUser->user['login'], $_SESSION['module_journal_entries_from']);
         global $popup;
         isset($popup) && $popup == 1 ? $popup_ = '&popup=1' : ($popup_ = '');
     $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_BASEURL", $this->moduleBaseUrl);
     $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_BASELINK", $this->moduleBaseLink);
     if (isset($_GET['edit_allow_export']) && $_GET['edit_allow_export'] == '1' && isset($_GET['allow'])) {
         try {
             $object = eF_getTableData("module_journal_settings", "id", "name='export'");
             eF_updateTableData("module_journal_settings", array("value" => $_GET['allow']), "id=" . $object[0]['id']);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (isset($_GET['edit_professor_preview']) && $_GET['edit_professor_preview'] == '1' && isset($_GET['preview'])) {
         try {
             $object = eF_getTableData("module_journal_settings", "id", "name='preview'");
             eF_updateTableData("module_journal_settings", array("value" => $_GET['preview']), "id=" . $object[0]['id']);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (isset($_GET['dimension']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['dimension'], 'string')) {
         $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_DIMENSIONS", $_GET['dimension']);
         $_SESSION['module_journal_dimension'] = $_GET['dimension'];
     if (isset($_GET['entries_from'])) {
         $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_FROM", $_GET['entries_from']);
         $_SESSION['module_journal_entries_from'] = $_GET['entries_from'];
     if (isset($_GET['delete_rule']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['delete_rule'], 'id') && in_array($_GET['delete_rule'], array_keys($rules))) {
         try {
             eF_deleteTableData("module_journal_rules", "id=" . $_GET['delete_rule']);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (isset($_GET['deactivate_rule']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['deactivate_rule'], 'id') && in_array($_GET['deactivate_rule'], array_keys($rules))) {
         eF_updateTableData("module_journal_rules", array('active' => 0), "id=" . $_GET['deactivate_rule']);
     if (isset($_GET['activate_rule']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['activate_rule'], 'id') && in_array($_GET['activate_rule'], array_keys($rules))) {
         eF_updateTableData("module_journal_rules", array('active' => 1), "id=" . $_GET['activate_rule']);
     if (isset($_GET['delete_entry']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['delete_entry'], 'id') && in_array($_GET['delete_entry'], array_keys($entries))) {
         $object = eF_getTableData("module_journal_entries", "users_LOGIN", "id=" . $_GET['delete_entry']);
         if ($object[0]['users_LOGIN'] != $_SESSION['s_login']) {
             eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . urlencode(_JOURNAL_NOACCESS) . $popup_);
         eF_deleteTableData("module_journal_entries", "id=" . $_GET['delete_entry']);
     if (isset($_GET['saveas']) && $_GET['saveas'] == 'pdf') {
         $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
         $pdf->setHeaderFont(array('Freeserif', 'I', 11));
         $pdf->setFooterFont(array('Freeserif', '', 8));
         $pdf->setHeaderData('', '', '', _JOURNAL_NAME);
         $pdf->SetFont('Freeserif', '', 10);
         $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $entry['entry_date_formatted'], 0, 1, L, 0);
             $pdf->writeHTML('<br/>', true, false, true, false, '');
             $pdf->writeHTML($entry['entry_body'], true, false, true, false, '');
             $pdf->writeHTML('<div style="height: 5px;"></div>', true, false, true, false, '');
             $pdf->writeHTML('<hr>', true, false, true, false, '');
         $fileNamePdf = "journal.pdf";
         header("Content-type: application/pdf");
         header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $fileNamePdf);
         echo $pdf->Output('', 'S');
     if (isset($_GET['saveas']) && $_GET['saveas'] == 'doc') {
         include dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/";
         $entriesHTML = '';
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             $entriesHTML .= $entry['entry_date_formatted'];
             $entriesHTML .= $entry['entry_body'];
             $entriesHTML .= '<hr><br/>';
         $htmltodoc = new HTML_TO_DOC();
         $htmltodoc->createDoc($entriesHTML, "journal", true);
     if (isset($_GET['saveas']) && $_GET['saveas'] == 'txt') {
         include dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/";
         header('Content-Type: text/plain');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="journal.txt"');
         $entriesHTML = '';
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             $entriesHTML .= $entry['entry_date_formatted'];
             $entriesHTML .= $entry['entry_body'];
             $entriesHTML .= '<p></p>';
             $entriesHTML .= '_______________________________________________________';
             $entriesHTML .= '<p></p>';
         $htmlToText = new Html2Text($entriesHTML, 100);
         $entriesHTMLtext = $htmlToText->convert();
         echo $entriesHTMLtext;
     if (isset($_GET['check_students_journals']) && $_GET['check_students_journals'] == '1') {
         $professorJournalLessons = $this->getProfessorJournalLessons($currentUser);
         $journalLessonsStudents = $this->getJournalLessonsStudents($professorJournalLessons);
         $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_STUDENTS", $journalLessonsStudents);
     if (isset($_GET['preview_journal']) && $_GET['preview_journal'] == '1' && isset($_GET['student']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['student'], 'login')) {
         $userLogin = $_GET['student'];
         $professorJournalLessons = $this->getProfessorJournalLessons($currentUser);
         $studentEntries = $this->getStudentEntries($userLogin, $professorJournalLessons);
         $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_STUDENT_ENTRIES", $studentEntries);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['autosave']) && $_REQUEST['autosave'] == "1" && isset($_REQUEST['entry_body']) && isset($_REQUEST['edit_entry'])) {
         if ($_REQUEST['edit_entry'] != "-1") {
             if (eF_checkParameter($_GET['edit_entry'], 'id')) {
                 $object = eF_getTableData("module_journal_entries", "lessons_ID", "id=" . $_GET['edit_entry']);
                 $fields = array("entry_body" => $_REQUEST['entry_body'], "entry_date" => date('Y') . '-' . date('m') . '-' . date('d') . ' ' . date('H') . ':' . date('i') . ':' . date('s'), "lessons_ID" => $object[0]['lessons_ID'], "users_LOGIN" => $currentUser->user['login']);
                 eF_updateTableData("module_journal_entries", $fields, "id=" . $_REQUEST['edit_entry']);
         } else {
             $fields = array("entry_body" => $_REQUEST['entry_body'], "entry_date" => date('Y') . '-' . date('m') . '-' . date('d') . ' ' . date('H') . ':' . date('i') . ':' . date('s'), "lessons_ID" => $currentLessonID, "users_LOGIN" => $currentUser->user['login']);
             $id = eF_insertTableData("module_journal_entries", $fields);
             if ($id) {
                 if (isset($_SESSION['module_journal_autosave_entry'])) {
                     $_SESSION['module_journal_autosave_entry'] = $id;
                 } else {
                     $_SESSION['module_journal_autosave_entry'] = $id;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['show_right']) && $_REQUEST['show_right'] == "1" && isset($_REQUEST['entry_body']) && $_REQUEST['entry_body'] != "" && isset($_REQUEST['edit']) && isset($_REQUEST['edit_entry'])) {
         if (isset($_SESSION['module_journal_show_right_entry'])) {
         $_SESSION['module_journal_show_right_entry'] = $_REQUEST['entry_body'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['hide_right']) && $_REQUEST['hide_right'] == "1" && isset($_REQUEST['entry_body']) && $_REQUEST['entry_body'] != "" && isset($_REQUEST['edit']) && isset($_REQUEST['edit_entry'])) {
         if (isset($_SESSION['module_journal_hide_right_entry'])) {
         $_SESSION['module_journal_hide_right_entry'] = $_REQUEST['entry_body'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['hide_left']) && $_REQUEST['hide_left'] == "1" && isset($_REQUEST['entry_body']) && $_REQUEST['entry_body'] != "" && isset($_REQUEST['edit']) && isset($_REQUEST['edit_entry'])) {
         if (isset($_SESSION['module_journal_hide_left_entry'])) {
         $_SESSION['module_journal_hide_left_entry'] = $_REQUEST['entry_body'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_position']) && eF_checkParameter($_REQUEST['scroll_position'], 'id')) {
         $_SESSION['module_journal_scroll_position'] = $_REQUEST['scroll_position'];
     if (isset($_GET['add_rule']) || isset($_GET['edit_rule']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['edit_rule'], 'id') && in_array($_GET['edit_rule'], array_keys($rules))) {
         if ($_SESSION['s_type'] != "administrator") {
             eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . urlencode(_JOURNAL_NOACCESS));
         isset($_GET['add_rule']) ? $postTarget = "&add_rule=1" : ($postTarget = "&edit_rule=" . $_GET['edit_rule']);
         global $load_editor;
         $load_editor = true;
         $form = new HTML_QuickForm("add_edit_rule_form", "post", $this->moduleBaseUrl . $postTarget, "", null, true);
         $form->addElement('text', 'title', _TITLE, 'class="inputText" style="width:498px;"');
         $form->addRule('title', _THEFIELD . ' "' . _TITLE . '" ' . _ISMANDATORY, 'required', null, 'client');
         $form->addElement('textarea', 'description', _DESCRIPTION, 'class="inputContentTextarea simpleEditor" style="width:500px;height:20em;"');
         $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', _SUBMIT, 'class="flatButton"');
         if (isset($_GET['edit_rule'])) {
             $editRule = $rules[$_GET['edit_rule']];
         if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
             $values = $form->exportValues();
             $fields = array("title" => $values['title'], "description" => $values['description']);
             if ($values['description'] == '') {
                 $message = _JOURNAL_EMPTY_RULE_DESCRIPTION;
                 if (isset($_GET['add_rule'])) {
                     eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . $message . "&message_type=failure&add_rule=1");
                 } else {
                     eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . $message . "&message_type=failure&edit_rule=" . $_GET['edit_rule']);
             if (isset($_GET['add_rule'])) {
                 if (eF_insertTableData("module_journal_rules", $fields)) {
                     $message = _JOURNAL_RULE_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED;
                     eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . $message . "&message_type=success");
                 } else {
                     $message = _JOURNAL_RULE_ADD_PROBLEM;
                     eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . $message . "&message_type=failure");
             } else {
                 if (eF_updateTableData("module_journal_rules", $fields, "id=" . $_GET['edit_rule'])) {
                     $message = _JOURNAL_RULE_SUCCESSFULLY_EDITED;
                     eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . $message . "&message_type=success");
                 } else {
                     $message = _JOURNAL_RULE_EDIT_PROBLEM;
                     eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . $message . "&message_type=failure");
         $renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty($smarty);
         $smarty->assign('T_JOURNAL_ADD_EDIT_RULE_FORM', $renderer->toArray());
     } else {
         $rules = $this->getRules();
         $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_RULES", $rules);
         $object = eF_getTableData("module_journal_settings", "value", "name='export'");
         $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_ALLOW_EXPORT", $object[0]['value']);
         $object = eF_getTableData("module_journal_settings", "value", "name='preview'");
         $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_ALLOW_PROFESSOR_PREVIEW", $object[0]['value']);
         if ($currentUser->getRole($this->getCurrentLesson()) == 'professor' || $currentUser->getRole($this->getCurrentLesson()) == 'student') {
             $activeRules = $this->getRules(true);
             $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_ACTIVE_RULES", $activeRules);
             $entries = $this->getEntries($currentUser->user['login'], $_SESSION['module_journal_entries_from']);
             $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_ENTRIES", $entries);
             $journalLessons = $this->getJournalLessons($currentUser->user['login']);
             $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_LESSONS", $journalLessons);
             /*					*/
             global $load_editor;
             $load_editor = true;
             if (isset($_GET['edit_entry']) && $_GET['edit_entry'] != '-1') {
                 $postTarget = "&edit_entry=" . $_GET['edit_entry'];
             } else {
                 $postTarget = "&add_entry=1";
             if (isset($_GET['hide_right']) && $_GET['hide_right'] == '1') {
                 $editorStyle = array('small' => 'width:588px; height:320px;', 'medium' => 'width:673px; height:375px;', 'large' => 'width:759px; height:430px;');
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                 $editorStyle = array('small' => 'width:300px; height:320px;', 'medium' => 'width:344px; height:375px;', 'large' => 'width:388px; height:430px;');
             $form = new HTML_QuickForm("add_edit_entry_form", "post", $this->moduleBaseUrl . $postTarget, "", null, true);
             $form->addElement('textarea', 'entry_body', _DESCRIPTION, 'class="inputContentTextarea simpleEditor" style="' . $editorStyle[$_SESSION['module_journal_dimension']] . '"');
             if (isset($_GET['edit_entry']) && $_GET['edit_entry'] != '-1') {
                 $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', _UPDATE . ' ' . _JOURNAL_ENTRY, 'class="flatButton"');
             } else {
                 $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', _SAVE . ' ' . _JOURNAL_ENTRY, 'class="flatButton"');
             if (isset($_GET['edit_entry']) && $_GET['edit_entry'] != '-1') {
                 $editEntry = $entries[$_GET['edit_entry']];
                 if (!in_array($_GET['edit_entry'], array_keys($entries))) {
                     eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . urlencode(_JOURNAL_NOACCESS) . $popup_);
                 $object = eF_getTableData("module_journal_entries", "lessons_ID, users_LOGIN, entry_date", "id=" . $_GET['edit_entry']);
                 if ($object[0]['users_LOGIN'] != $_SESSION['s_login']) {
                     eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . urlencode(_JOURNAL_NOACCESS) . $popup_);
             if (isset($_GET['show_left']) && $_GET['show_left'] == '1' && isset($_GET['edit']) && isset($_GET['edit_entry'])) {
                 if (isset($_SESSION['module_journal_hide_left_entry'])) {
                     $form->setDefaults(array("entry_body" => $_SESSION['module_journal_hide_left_entry']));
             if (isset($_GET['show_right']) && $_GET['show_right'] == '1' && isset($_GET['edit']) && isset($_GET['edit_entry'])) {
                 if (isset($_SESSION['module_journal_show_right_entry'])) {
                     $form->setDefaults(array("entry_body" => $_SESSION['module_journal_show_right_entry']));
             if (isset($_GET['hide_right']) && $_GET['hide_right'] == '1' && isset($_GET['edit']) && isset($_GET['edit_entry'])) {
                 if (isset($_SESSION['module_journal_hide_right_entry'])) {
                     $form->setDefaults(array("entry_body" => $_SESSION['module_journal_hide_right_entry']));
             if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
                 $values = $form->exportValues();
                 isset($_GET['add_entry']) ? $lessonID = $currentLessonID : ($lessonID = $object[0]['lessons_ID']);
                 if (isset($_GET['add_entry'])) {
                     $date = date('Y') . '-' . date('m') . '-' . date('d') . ' ' . date('H') . ':' . date('i') . ':' . date('s');
                 } else {
                     $date = $object[0]['entry_date'];
                 $fields = array("entry_body" => $values['entry_body'], "entry_date" => $date, "lessons_ID" => $lessonID, "users_LOGIN" => $currentUser->user['login']);
                 if ($values['entry_body'] == '') {
                     $message = _JOURNAL_EMPTY_ENTRY_BODY;
                     eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . $message . "&message_type=failure" . $popup_);
                 if (isset($_GET['add_entry'])) {
                     if (eF_insertTableData("module_journal_entries", $fields)) {
                         if (isset($_SESSION['module_journal_autosave_entry'])) {
                         $message = _JOURNAL_ENTRY_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED;
                         eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . $message . "&message_type=success" . $popup_);
                     } else {
                         $message = _JOURNAL_ENTRY_ADD_PROBLEM;
                         eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . $message . "&message_type=failure" . $popup_);
                 } else {
                     if (eF_updateTableData("module_journal_entries", $fields, "id=" . $_GET['edit_entry'])) {
                         $message = _JOURNAL_ENTRY_SUCCESSFULLY_EDITED;
                         eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . $message . "&message_type=success" . $popup_);
                     } else {
                         $message = _JOURNAL_ENTRY_EDIT_PROBLEM;
                         eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . $message . "&message_type=failure" . $popup_);
             $renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty($smarty);
             $smarty->assign('T_JOURNAL_ADD_ENTRY_FORM', $renderer->toArray());
             if ($currentUser->getRole($this->getCurrentLesson()) == 'professor') {
                 $popupInfo[] = array('text' => _JOURNAL_POPUP_INFO, 'image' => $this->moduleBaseLink . 'images/info.png', 'href' => $this->moduleBaseUrl . '&popup_info=1&popup=1', 'onClick' => "eF_js_showDivPopup(event, '" . _JOURNAL_POPUP_INFO . "', 2)", 'target' => 'POPUP_FRAME', 'id' => 'popup_info');
                 $smarty->assign("T_JOURNAL_POPUP_INFO", $popupInfo);
     if ($currentUser->getType() == 'administrator') {
         return $this->moduleBaseDir . "module_journal_admin.tpl";
     } else {
         if ($currentUser->getRole($this->getCurrentLesson()) == 'professor' || $currentUser->getRole($this->getCurrentLesson()) == 'student') {
             if (isset($_GET['hide_left']) && $_GET['hide_left'] == '1') {
                 return $this->moduleBaseDir . "module_journal_user_right.tpl";
             if (isset($_GET['hide_right']) && $_GET['hide_right'] == '1') {
                 return $this->moduleBaseDir . "module_journal_user_left.tpl";
             return $this->moduleBaseDir . "module_journal_user.tpl";
Exemple #6
  * Email sending wrapper
 public static function send_email($to, $subject, $html, $plain = null, $headers = array())
     //Validate arguments
     $html = str_replace(array('\\n\\r', '\\r\\n', '\\n', '\\r'), '<br/>', $html);
     if (empty($to) || empty($subject) || (empty($html) && empty($plain) || !is_array($headers))) {
         error_log("attempted to send an empty or misconfigured message");
         return false;
     $nameAndAddressRegex = '/(.*)<(.*)>/';
     $toIncludesNameAndAddress = preg_match($nameAndAddressRegex, $to, $toDetails);
     if ($toIncludesNameAndAddress) {
         $toName = $toDetails[1];
         $toAddress = $toDetails[2];
     } else {
         $toName = $to;
         $toAddress = $to;
     // If no 'From' address specified, use default
     if (empty($headers['From'])) {
         $fromName = DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME;
         $fromAddress = DEFAULT_SENDER;
     } else {
         $fromIncludesNameAndAddress = preg_match($nameAndAddressRegex, $headers['From'], $fromDetails);
         if ($fromIncludesNameAndAddress) {
             $fromName = str_replace('"', '', $fromDetails[1]);
             $fromAddress = str_replace(' ', '-', $fromDetails[2]);
         } else {
             $fromName = $headers['From'];
             $fromAddress = str_replace(' ', '-', $headers['From']);
     if (!empty($html)) {
         if (empty($plain)) {
             $h2t = new Html2Text(html_entity_decode($html, ENT_QUOTES), 75);
             $plain = $h2t->convert();
     } else {
         if (empty($plain)) {
             // if both HTML & Plain bodies are empty, don't send mail
             return false;
     $curl = new CURLHandler();
     $postArray = array('from' => $fromAddress, 'fromname' => $fromName, 'to' => $toAddress, 'toname' => $toName, 'subject' => $subject, 'html' => $html, 'text' => $plain, 'api_user' => SENDGRID_API_USER, 'api_key' => SENDGRID_API_KEY);
     if (!empty($headers['Reply-To'])) {
         $replyToIncludesNameAndAddress = preg_match($nameAndAddressRegex, $headers['Reply-To'], $replyToDetails);
         if ($replyToIncludesNameAndAddress) {
             $postArray['replyto'] = str_replace(' ', '-', $replyToDetails[2]);
         } else {
             $postArray['replyto'] = $headers['Reply-To'];
     // check for copy, using bcc since cc is not present in Sendgrid api
     if (!empty($headers['Cc'])) {
         $ccIncludesNameAndAddress = preg_match($nameAndAddressRegex, $headers['Cc'], $ccDetails);
         if ($ccIncludesNameAndAddress) {
             $postArray['bcc'] = str_replace(' ', '-', $ccDetails[2]);
         } else {
             $postArray['bcc'] = $headers['Cc'];
     try {
         $result = json_decode(CURLHandler::Post(SENDGRID_API_URL, $postArray));
         if ($result->message == 'error') {
             throw new Exception(implode('; ', $result->errors));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         error_log("[ERROR] Unable to send message through SendGrid API - Exception: " . $e->getMessage());
         return false;
     return true;
$custom_id_sql_orderby = "";
$custom_id_sql_where = "";
if ($et_custom_id) {
    $custom_id_sql_orderby = "(`et_custom_id` = '{$et_custom_id}') DESC, ";
    $custom_id_sql_where = "and (`et_custom_id` = '{$et_custom_id}' OR `et_custom_id` is null)";
$lang_sql = "(`et_language` = '{$et_language}') DESC";
$sql = "select * from `cs_email_templates` where et_name = '{$et_name}' {$custom_id_sql_where} order by {$custom_id_sql_orderby} {$lang_sql} Limit 1";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<BR>");
if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
    $emailInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    if ($_POST['Submit'] == 'Generate PlainText') {
        $asciiText = new Html2Text($emailInfo['et_htmlformat'], 900);
        // 900 columns maximum
        $emailInfo['et_textformat'] = $asciiText->convert();
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td height="22" align="left" valign="top" width="1%" background="../images/menucenterbg.gif" nowrap><img border="0" SRC="<?php 
    echo $tmpl_dir;
/images/menutopleft.gif" width="8" height="22"></td>
            <td height="22" align="center" valign="middle" width="50%" background="../images/menucenterbg.gif" ><span class="whitehd">Edit Email Templates </span></td>
            <td height="22" align="left" valign="top" width="3%" nowrap><img border="0" SRC="<?php 
    echo $tmpl_dir;
/images/menutopcurve.gif" width="49" height="22"></td>
            <td height="22" align="left" valign="top" width="45%" background="../images/menutoprightbg.gif" ><img alt="" SRC="<?php 

// Example: html2text
// Converts HTML to formatted ASCII text.
// Run with: php < ex_html2text.php
include "";
$htmlText = "Html2text is a tool that allows you to<br>" . "convert HTML to text.<p>" . "Does it work?";
$htmlToText = new Html2Text($htmlText, 15);
$text = $htmlToText->convert();
echo "Conversion follows:\r\n";
echo "-------------------\r\n";
echo $text;
Exemple #9
 function _convert($aHtmlText, $aMaxColumns)
     $html2text = new Html2Text($aHtmlText, $aMaxColumns);
     return $html2text->convert();
 $tickets_thread = findTicketThread(&$emailInfo, $tickets_users_username);
 if ($tickets_thread['tickets_id']) {
     $log .= " Found Thread '" . $tickets_thread['tickets_reference'] . "'\n";
     $send_auto_response = 1;
 } else {
     $log .= " No Thread Found.\n";
 $content = $imap->get_message($emailId);
 $message = new DecodeMessage();
 $emailInfo = array_merge($message->ResultInfo(), $emailInfo);
 if ($emailInfo['type'] == 'text/html') {
     $asciiText = new Html2Text($emailInfo['body'], 70);
     // 900 columns maximum
     $emailInfo['body'] = $asciiText->convert();
 $new_ticket = createNewTicket(&$emailInfo, $tickets_users_username, $tickets_thread, $account['category']);
 if ($new_ticket['tickets_id']) {
     $log .= " Created New Ticket '{$new_ticket}' on thread '" . $new_ticket['tickets_reference'] . "'\n";
 if (!$new_ticket['tickets_reference']) {
     dieLog("Invalid Reference ID", "Invalid Reference ID");
 if ($send_auto_response) {
     $data = array();
     $data['ticket_id'] = $new_ticket['tickets_reference'];
     $data['subject'] = $emailInfo['Subject'];
     $data['category'] = $category;
     $data['full_name'] = $emailInfo['FromEmail'];
     $data['email'] = $emailInfo['FromEmail'];