Exemple #1
function update_db($global_info, $scan)
    $db = new ossim_db();
    $conn = $db->connect();
    $array_os = array("win" => "1", "linux" => "2", "cisco" => "3", "freebsd" => "5", "netbsd" => "6", "openbsd" => "7", "hp-ux" => "8", "solaris" => "9", "macos" => "10", "plan9" => "11", "sco" => "12", "aix" => "13", "unix" => "14");
    $ips = $global_info["ips"];
    $sensors = $global_info["sboxs"];
    $nagios = $global_info['nagios'];
    // load protocol ids
    $protocol_ids = array();
    if ($protocol_list = Protocol::get_list($conn)) {
        foreach ($protocol_list as $protocol_data) {
            $protocol_ids[$protocol_data->get_name()] = $protocol_data->get_id();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $ips; $i++) {
        $ip = $global_info["ip_{$i}"];
        if (!empty($ip)) {
            $hosts[] = $ip;
            $os = $scan[$ip]["os"];
            $os_id = 0;
            foreach ($array_os as $k => $v) {
                if (preg_match("/{$k}/i", $os)) {
                    $os_id = $v;
            if (Host::in_host($conn, $ip)) {
                echo "* " . gettext("Updating") . " {$ip}..<br/>";
                Host::update($conn, $ip, gethostbyaddr($ip), $global_info["asset"], $global_info["threshold_c"], $global_info["threshold_a"], $global_info["rrd_profile"], 0, 0, $global_info["nat"], $sensors, $global_info["descr"], $scan["{$ip}"]["os"], $scan["{$ip}"]["mac"], $scan["{$ip}"]["mac_vendor"]);
                Host_scan::delete($conn, $ip, 3001);
                //if (isset($global_info["nessus"])) { Host_scan::insert($conn, $ip, 3001, 0); }
            } else {
                echo "<span style='color='blue'>\n";
                echo "* " . gettext("Inserting") . " {$ip}..<br/>\n";
                echo "</span>\n";
                Host::insert($conn, $ip, gethostbyaddr($ip), $global_info["asset"], $global_info["threshold_c"], $global_info["threshold_a"], $global_info["rrd_profile"], 0, 0, $global_info["nat"], $sensors, $global_info["descr"], $scan[$ip]["os"], $scan[$ip]["mac"], $scan[$ip]["mac_vendor"]);
                // if (isset($global_info["nessus"])) { Host_scan::insert($conn, $ip, 3001, 0); }
            if ($os_id != 0) {
                Host_plugin_sid::delete($conn, $ip, 5001);
                Host_plugin_sid::insert($conn, $ip, 5001, $os_id);
            if (!empty($nagios)) {
                if (!Host_scan::in_host_scan($conn, $ip, 2007)) {
                    Host_scan::insert($conn, $ip, 2007, "", $ip, $sensors, "");
            } else {
                if (Host_scan::in_host_scan($conn, $ip, 2007)) {
                    Host_scan::delete($conn, $ip, 2007);
            /* Services */
            Host_plugin_sid::delete($conn, $ip, 5002);
            foreach ($scan[$ip]["services"] as $port_proto => $service) {
                $service["proto"] = $protocol_ids[strtolower(trim($service["proto"]))];
                Host_services::insert($conn, $ip, $service["port"], strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"], $service["proto"], $service["service"], $service["service"], $service["version"], 1);
                Host_plugin_sid::insert($conn, $ip, 5002, $service["port"]);
    // Insert group name
    $groupname = $global_info["groupname"];
    if (!empty($groupname) && !empty($hosts)) {
        $exists_hosts = count(Host_group::get_list($conn, " AND g.name='{$groupname}'")) > 0;
        if ($exists_hosts) {
            echo "<br/>" . _("The group name already exists") . "<br/>";
        } else {
            Host_group::insert($conn, $groupname, $global_info["threshold_c"], $global_info["threshold_a"], $global_info["rrd_profile"], $sensors, $hosts, $global_info["descr"]);
        //if (isset($global_info["nessus"])) { Host_group_scan::insert($conn, $groupname, 3001, 0); }
        if (!empty($nagios)) {
            Host_group_scan::insert($conn, $groupname, 2007, 0);
Exemple #2
require_once 'classes/Security.inc';
$insert = POST('insert');
$host_ip = POST('host_ip');
$plugin_id = POST('plugin_id');
ossim_valid($insert, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("insert"));
ossim_valid($host_ip, OSS_IP_ADDR, 'illegal:' . _("host IP"));
ossim_valid($plugin_id, OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal:' . _("Plugin Id"));
if (ossim_error()) {
require_once 'ossim_db.inc';
require_once 'classes/Host_scan.inc';
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
Host_scan::insert($conn, $host_ip, $plugin_id, 0);
    <p> <?php 
echo gettext("Host scan configuration succesfully inserted");
    <p><a href="hostscan.php"> <?php 
echo gettext("Back");


Exemple #3
    $db = new ossim_db();
    $conn = $db->connect();
    Host::update($conn, $ip, $hostname, $asset, $threshold_c, $threshold_a, $rrd_profile, $alert, $persistence, $nat, $sensors, $descr, $os, $mac, $mac_vendor, $latitude, "{$longitude};{$zoom}", $fqdns, $icon);
    if ($hostname != $old_hostname) {
        $query = "UPDATE risk_indicators SET type_name=? WHERE type='host' AND type_name=?";
        $params = array($hostname, $hostname_old);
        $conn->Execute($query, $params);
    Host_scan::delete($conn, $ip, 3001);
    Host_scan::delete($conn, $ip, 2007);
    //if (!empty($nessus)) Host_scan::insert($conn, $ip, 3001);
    Host_scan::delete($conn, $ip, 3001);
    if (!empty($nagios)) {
        if (!Host_scan::in_host_scan($conn, $ip, 2007)) {
            Host_scan::insert($conn, $ip, 2007, "", $hostname, $sensors, $sensors);
    } else {
        if (Host_scan::in_host_scan($conn, $ip, 2007)) {
            Host_scan::delete($conn, $ip, 2007);
if (isset($_SESSION['_host'])) {
if (($_SESSION["menu_sopc"] == "Hosts" || $_SESSION["menu_sopc"] == "Assets") && POST('withoutmenu') != "1") {