Exemple #1
  * Check authentication. Different backends may handle
  * authentication in different ways. The base class implementation
  * checks for HTTP Authentication against the Horde auth setup.
  * @return boolean  Returns true if authentication is successful.
  *                  Should send appropriate "not authorized" headers
  *                  or other response codes/body if auth fails,
  *                  and take care of exiting.
 public function authorize()
     $this->_logger->debug('Horde_Rpc::authorize() starting');
     if (!$this->_requireAuthorization) {
         return true;
     // @TODO: inject this
     $auth = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Auth')->create();
     $serverVars = $this->_request->getServerVars();
     if (!empty($serverVars['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
         $user = $serverVars['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
         $pass = $serverVars['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
     } elseif (!empty($serverVars['Authorization'])) {
         $hash = str_replace('Basic ', '', $serverVars['Authorization']);
         $hash = base64_decode($hash);
         if (strpos($hash, ':') !== false) {
             list($user, $pass) = explode(':', $hash, 2);
     if (!isset($user) || !$auth->authenticate($user, array('password' => $pass))) {
         if ($this->_requestMissingAuthorization) {
             header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Horde RPC"');
         header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
         echo '401 Unauthorized';
     $this->_logger->debug('Horde_Rpc::authorize() exiting');
     return true;
Exemple #2
  * Logs the SQL query for debugging.
  * @param string $sql     SQL statement.
  * @param string $name    TODO
  * @param float $runtime  Runtime interval.
 protected function _logInfo($sql, $name, $runtime = null)
     if ($this->_logger) {
         $name = (empty($name) ? '' : $name) . (empty($runtime) ? '' : sprintf(" (%.4fs)", $runtime));
         $this->_logger->debug($this->_formatLogEntry($name, $sql));
Exemple #3
  * Update the history log for an object.
  * @param string $object  The object ID.
  * @param string $bid     The backend ID of the object.
  * @param boolean $force  Force update
 protected function _updateLog($object, $bid, $force = false)
     $last = $this->_history->getLatestEntry($object);
     if ($last === false) {
         // New, unknown object
         $this->_logger->debug(sprintf('[KOLAB_STORAGE] New object to log in Horde_History: %s, uid: %d', $object, $bid));
         $this->_history->log($object, array('action' => 'add', 'bid' => $bid), true);
     } else {
         // If the last action for this object was 'delete', we issue an 'add'.
         // Objects can vanish and re-appear using the same object uid.
         // (a foreign client is sending an update over a slow link)
         if ($last['action'] == 'delete') {
             $this->_logger->debug(sprintf('[KOLAB_STORAGE] Re-adding previously deleted object in Horde_History: %s, uid: %d', $object, $bid));
             $this->_history->log($object, array('action' => 'add', 'bid' => $bid), true);
         if (!isset($last['bid']) || $last['bid'] != $bid || $force) {
             $this->_logger->debug(sprintf('[KOLAB_STORAGE] Modifying object in Horde_History: %s, uid: %d, force: %d', $object, $bid, $force));
             $this->_history->log($object, array('action' => 'modify', 'bid' => $bid), true);
Exemple #4
  * Calls the specified normal REST API method.
  * @param string $method  Name of the Facebook method to invoke
  * @param array $params   A map of param names => param values
  * @return mixed  Result of method call
 public function callMethod($method, array $params = array())
     $this->_logger->debug(sprintf('Calling method %s with parameters %s', $method, print_r($params, true)));
     $request = new Horde_Service_Facebook_Request_Rest($this, $method, $params);
     return $request->run();
Exemple #5
  * Destructor.
  * Logs the counted events.
 public function __destruct()
     foreach ($this->_count as $method => $count) {
         $this->_logger->debug(sprintf('Horde_Kolab_Server: Method %s called %s times.', $method, $count));
Exemple #6
  * Log the missing scope.
  * @param Exception $e     The exception that occurred.
  * @param string    $scope The scope that was attempted to get.
  * @return NULL
 private function _logMissingScope(Exception $e, $scope)
     if ($this->_logger !== null) {
         $this->_logger->debug(sprintf(__CLASS__ . ': No preference information available for scope %s (%s).', $scope, $e->getMessage()));